Sarah's Journal
5 most recent entries

Date:2002-08-18 22:49
Mood: sad
Music:John Mayer "Midnight"

Hello, hello. This was the last day. The last day of my freedom... Now I have to go spend nine more months in the vast wastelands of school. And God do I hate it. All in all, today was nice though. I got up earlier than yesterday so I would be able to get to sleep at a decent time tonight. Then I just hung around until my family and I went out to dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday. It was nice. It really was.

In a way, I'm kind of excited to go back to school. But not really. Mostly, I want to see the new underclassmen and just horse around with them for awhile. I'm not too excited about sitting in class and learning. I also want to see a couple of my friends and just chew the fat with them for awhile. I really don't want to do much else though. But since I have to I might as well make the best of it. Which is what I hope to do this year. I hope it all works out that way. I don't know if it will, but I hope it does. I really do.

Okay, I think I'm going to end this now and start calming down and getting ready for bed. I have to get up at the crack of dawn in the morning and I don't like yawning and being sleepy all the time. Wish me luck on the whole school thing. I need it. Later.

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Date:2002-08-18 00:53
Mood: mellow
Music:Kelly Osbourne "Papa Don't Preach"

Today was a day of absolute nothing. Just the way I wanted it, if you want to know the truth. Actually, I didn't really WANT to wake up at 1 this afternoon. It just happened. You miss a lot of things when you sleep that late. You really do. The day was nice all the same though. I spent it just sitting around, watching some TV, reading a little... Wishing that I didn't have to go to school Monday.

I hate school with a passion. I can never seem to concentrate on anything there. And it's all so damn boring. Some days I yawn so much that my jaw gets sore. I'm serious. And people wonder why kids never want to go to school. If they made is somewhat interesting I think more kids would enjoy going. That's just what I think though. I know I would like going to school more if I was interested. Teachers try so hard sometimes though. They really do. You can tell when they're really trying. And the worst is when they're trying to make it interesting, but it's still as boring as a bastard. Then you start feeling sorry for them.

I also really hate routine. How boring. And I think that a school day is about as routine as you get. I try really hard in my classes though. But most of the time I catch my mind wandering off. I really can't stand it when it does that. I really can't. I wish I could pay attention and get things done and all. But it never seems to work out that way for me. I'll slack off during some classes and then I'm scrambling like a madman to study for tests and do projects and all. But this year I'm going to do much better. I'm not going to let my mind wander as much as it used to. I don't think I can take another year of that.

Anyway... It's getting kind of late and I need to at least try to get some sleep. I want to wake up earlier tomorrow so I'll be able to sleep tomorrow night, since I have to get up earlier that a bastard on Monday morning. Nothing like the first day of school I guess. Until later.

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Date:2002-08-17 02:33
Mood: restless
Music:John Mayer "Why Did You Mess With Forever?"

Yeah, I know. I've already written today. And I should be in bed but I just couldn't fall asleep for some crazy reason. Everytime I want my mind to be still and just settle down, it decides to wander all over the damn place. I'm sitting here with my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. I really hate that feeling. I hate it now especially because I know I'll be feeling the heavy eyelids for the next nine months. Considering the fact that I NEVER get enough sleep during the school year anyway. I feel like going downstairs and watching a little TV, but I know if I do, I'll wake up my parents and my dad will go off like a madman. Plus, I doubt there is anything good on anyway. There never is at this time of the morning. This is one of the last nights I'll get to stay up this late until next summer. I guess tomorrow night is the official last one. Sometimes my mind will wander for hours, like tonight, and I won't get to sleep until about 3 or so. I really can't stand that. When the alarm goes off after a night like that, I feel like I'm practically peeling myself off the bed. And the rest of the day I feel like I'm floating through some crazy dream... It's this really detached feeling. And I usually have some sort of big test or project due on days like that. I never do things at a convenient time. Never. I'm serious.

I feel like reading something. Actually, what I really want to do is take a shower. But I know the running water will wake my folks up. All you have to do is cough somewhere in Siberia and the both of them wake up. My parents can be really nervous people. I think I'm going to go start reading some book and maybe I'll get to sleep sometime later. Who knows?

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Date:2002-08-16 23:52
Mood: calm
Music:Elivs "Jail House Rock"

Greetings. Today was a nice day. I had to be at school for a Bio study session from 2:30 to 4:30 and right after that, I had to some little pizza party deal for all the new freshman. Very big deal... To them at least. Then I went out to dinner and bowling with some of my friends. I had a really great time doing that. Even though we argued for about 90 years over what to do. Everyone wanted to go see some damn movie. I hate the movies. I avoid them like the plague. Then someone had the bright idea to go rollerskating. I guess they don't know the kind of people who hang out at the roller rink on Friday nights... It was the last time we'd get to do something before school started and all. It was kind of sad in a way.

On my way to school this afternoon I had to stop and buy a 2 liter for the pizza party. When I got to the store, there was this lady standing outside the place with this gun in her hand. And she was smoking this long, skinny little cigarette. When I got to the door, she took a step towards me and I thought she was going to hold me up or rob me so I sort of made a fist behind my back. But she backed off before anything happened. You better believe that I got into that store damn fast. I was all disoriented and all when I got in there and I was shaking like a bastard. I couldn't even find the damn drinks. When I got up to the counter and paid for the damn thing I made sure to put all my change away before I walked outside in case that lady was still out there. She wasn't though. I was kind of disappointed about that though. I wonder what she was doing with that gun at the store? She was probably waiting on her husband or something so she could shoot him and all.

I don't want to go back to school at all. Some people are all excited about it. They can't wait to see their friends and all. I can see my friends just fine outside of school. Oh the funniest thing happened yesterday. The queen of the phonies got braces. The junior in high school who is all drop-jawed over make up and designer clothes has got a mouth full of metal. That just kills me. And she gets all defensive when you mention anything about having had braces or anything else that has vague connotations to braces. What a phony. You'd just have to meet her. She'd kill you.

I'm pretty tired if you want to know the truth. So I think I'm going to hit the sack. Later.

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Date:2002-08-15 19:28
Mood: tired
Music:Jonny Lang "Lie to Me"

I just got back from school. Mr. Irvin got mad at all of us because we were talking during the Biology study session so everyone had to stay late. Orientation was okay. No really big rule changes. Except for the fact that we have to keep our lockers from last year. Mr. Phony himself decided that it would be easier on us all if we just kept the same locker from year to year. What a load of bull. What he really means is that it will be easier on him because he won't have to worry about getting all of the locks changed during the summer.

It was so damn hard to concentrate during the study session this afternoon. My mind kept wondering all over the damn place. I think everyone was having a hard time settling down. It's hard to come in from the summer and be expected to sit quietly and learn. People need a few days to re-adjust. And the fact that it was colder than a bastard in the classroom didn't help matters any. One of my friends had the bright idea of going out to lunch before school. By the time I fought traffic to get to the restaurant and fought it back uptown to school, I was pretty damn exhausted. But lunch was nice. It really was.

I think I'm going to go get some dinner. I'm pretty hungry, considering the fact that I haven't eaten since 11 this morning. Good bye.

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