chimmiechanga's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in chimmiechanga's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, December 4th, 2003
    11:14 pm
    Stupid shit
    So i'm at work. SCENE: I have just delt with a woman who took about an hour of my time bitching about the products and what was wrong with the store and bitching at me because she thinks im moving her piles of clothes which she is to senile to remember anything about. One second she is nice to me the next she turns into a crazy old bitch. I am nothing but nice and patient with her even though she makes me feel like hurting myself. She along with a string of customers who want everything and anything they can get from you while giving you the least amount of curtisy possible,have all occupied my last few hours of work.
    Now enter these 2 customers, a mother and daughter. I am being polite and nice to them throughout the whole transaction. I offer boxes and gift receipts and I stand patiently waiting as they bitch about weather or not to buy the outfits they picked out. The mother tries to use a cupon that was good about a week ago and I tell her it is not valid anymore. I explain the current promotion that is going on but they decline to particapate in it. Keep in mind I am the only person working in my department and I have to tend to every customer that needs something all at the same time and answer the phone when it rings. But still im am nothing but nice to them. So they buy their stuff and leave. About 2 minutes later they come back and have decided that they want to return what they just bought and buy something new as well as rebuy part of what they are now making me return even though there is no reason to return all of the items if they still want to keep half of them. So I go ahead and return all the items. Then in the register there is an option that comes up which says "would the guest like to buy items" I hit yes. Why? Because they are going to rebuy have the items they just returned and some new ones. I go ahead and re ring everything that they want and end the transaction. I give them the bill that says they have been refunded $29 on their credit card. Which is the difference in prices of the items that they switched. The mother then proceeds to take the receipt and say "what is this? this is not what we asked you to do" I explain to her that it is the difference and it was all done on the same transaction.She gets pissed off and tells me that I have to redue it on seperate transactions. I continue to explain to her that it is the same thing just on one bill instead of 2. But then I tell them I can redue it if thats what they really want. All of a sudden she starts to tell me that i am giving her an attitude. I ask her how i am doing that. She then says the whole time ive been telling them they cant do this or that(obviously refering to the expired cupons and the promotion resetrictions that I informed them of) and i'm not doing anything they asked. So I tell them I will change it for them but I need to know exactly how they want it done. Then the daughter starts telling me that she doesnt understand and that it seems to her that i've been giving them attitude eversince they came in. The mother accuses me of doing just whats easiest for me and tells me that i'm just standing around and have nothing better to do. By this time i'm in complete shock. I have no idea why these people are telling me I have an attitude when they are the ones getting pissed at me for because they are too stupid to understand receipts! I've been pushed about as far as I can be pushed and I hate confrontation and am the last person on earth to ever get an "attitude" with people especially complete strangers in a work environment where the "customer is always right" and I know I could get into trouble for it. But instead of getting mad at them I get really emotional from all the stress of a one bad customer after another and now people personally attacking me for things I havent done. Also by this time i'm so confused about all the different transactions that i'm not quite sure how to fix it. I'm on the verge of tears and my hands start to shake as I type on the keyboard. So I call a manager. A manager comes and sorts things out but then the fucking bitch customers have the nerve to tell the manager that I got an "attitude" with them and didnt do what they asked. All I can do is stand there because if I were to say no I didn't! It would look really unprofessional and no one would believe me. This manager who is not mine but one that I see every so often can probably see that i'm about to burst into tears and it doesnt help the fact that every time I say something my voice quivers. So ofcourse I feel like a complete ass in front of her. I want to tell her what really happened but I can't because I know if I try, I will burst into tears like a complete idiot.She must have thought that I was an idiot to cry over a problem with a customer. So now I will feel like an ass everytime I see her. That's probably the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that I just let these people walk all over me instead of standing up for myself and I let them get to me as much as I did. But I couldn't even help it. All the stress and shock just turned into tears even though I tried to hold it back as much as I could. I don't deal well with people telling me that I have been mean in some way because thats not at all how I am. I'm not even mean to people who are mean to me. I rarely fight with people and have never caused anyone to not like me. So when someone makes me out to be that kind of a person it effects me in a bad way and its almost like im speechless and i dont know what to do. So by the time all this was over it was at least 5 mins past the time I was supposed to leave. So I clock out because I know if I dont get out of there i'll burst into tears in front of a coworker or customer and make an even bigger ass out of myself. Ofcourse though on my way out 2 people start to ask me questions. One of them is a woman who wants to someone to get a coat for her. I tell her that someone will be right with her knowing that another employee will be there soon, I go get my stuff to leave and she then comes after me as i'm leaving and starts to tell me how rude I am because I told her someone would come help her and I knew that no one would come and left her standing there. Again someone basically accusing me of being a bitch, when i'm already am down another kick comes my way. So I look up and see one of my coworkers has come back from break and i point to her and politely tell the woman that there is a worker right there that can help her and then get the hell out of there. So after all this stupid rambling I guess the main thing that I want to say is that I feel like a dumb fuck for crying and for not being able to just handle the situation with more pride.This has happened basically in all of the jobs i've had. One defining moment where a customer makes me cry.I would think by now that i'd be able to handle it but I guess I still cant. What the hell is wrong with me I can't handle confrentation at all. I hope nobody read all this crap I just needed to vent.

    Current Mood: distressed

    (9 attempts | seduce me)

    Friday, September 26th, 2003
    12:04 am
    My little brother has his first gf. WEIRD. It's finally fall. YAY! Scrapbooking is hard. BLAH. I'm feelin a bit pukish. BLAH. I really don't like Instant messenger profile and away messege PDA. Enough is Enough!

    Current Mood: distressed

    (seduce me)

    Monday, August 11th, 2003
    12:58 am
    Ok so I was at my friends house last night with one of our other friends. We were all sitting around just talking and the subject of getting married came up. No one is getting married anytime soon but you know how girls are we like to plan these things in advance. ANYWAYS my one friend was asking us all who we would have as brides maids. (ok heres a little info to make this less confusing...I have 3 friends from high school that I am closest with, we hang out and see eachother the most, it is like "our little group of 4")I was with 2 of them, the 3rd was not present. Ok back to the story. She said that she would have the 2 of us as brides maids and then named some cousins and such. I basically replied with the same thing for me. This is all just very hypothetical and just for fun mind you. Ok so then my other friend then said the names of the other 2 friends (discluding me) and some cousins. Then she told me that it would depend on if her and I were still good friends when she got married then she might consider me. But I was definately invited to the wedding! My other friend who was there was like how could you say that! That's so mean! And she replied that she was just being honest. I said I didn't take offense to it and I understood, basically cause it was kind of uncomfortable that she said that to me and I wanted the discussion to be over.
    Ok so sum this up and make my point! I understand that maybe she feels closer to the other two then me or whatever and I don't have a problem with that but to just say it to my face like basically indirectly "I like you least out of the 3" really made me feel kinda shitty. I mean its not like shes getting married tomorrow we were just goofing around naming people off. I probably won't have all of them as brides maids either but I was just including everyone for the sake of the moment! Anyways it made me feel pretty shitty once I got to thinking about it and thats all I have to say I guess.

    Current Mood: gloomy

    (seduce me)

    Wednesday, July 16th, 2003
    10:19 pm
    We live in a sick world
    Just when I thought the world couldn't get anymore twisted and corrupt, something new pops up! I have heard on several news programs of a new thing that you can do in Las Vegas. For only a few THOUSAND dollars you can go hunt naked women with a paint ball gun! Excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK!? I just saw a clip of men actually doing this on the news. There was a naked woman laying in the sand pretending to be dead because she had been shot. Apparently she strayed from her herd and there was no hope. So the hunter man dressed in his camoflage and gun in hand comes up to her and grabs her by the hair and lifts her limp body to examine his prey.
    Ok first of all. The women who participate in this are need of some serious mental help and need to stop because personally it makes me sick and as a woman I take ofense to it.Their actions reflect poorly on all females. Second the men who hunt them are sick fucks and need to be thrown in jail for being complete perverted assholes who find this shit entertaining.They then should be raped in the ass by their fellow inmates.Their actions reflect poorly on all males. Third WOMEN ARE NOT ANIMALS AND SHOULD NOT BE HUNTED NAKED WITH PAINT BALL GUNS! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SICK FUCKS IN THE WORLD WHY?!? I don't care if they are all consenting adults, people who do this kind of stuff aren't worth shit and should be thrown in cages together. That's all I have to say.

    Current Mood: angry

    (3 attempts | seduce me)

    Sunday, July 6th, 2003
    5:50 pm
    Christina Ricci
    You're Christina Ricci. Beautiful.

    What sexy girl are you
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Yay! I love her! I've also been told by a few people that I resemble her, but i'm not sure. Maybe I did more so when I was a wee bit younger.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Dog Panting

    (seduce me)

    Sunday, June 22nd, 2003
    1:45 pm
    It's my birthday! Yay for me! Happye birthday to me! Hmmmmm Where is everyone? Where is my birthday party? No one loves me!

    Current Mood: crazy
    Current Music: The birthday song!

    (3 attempts | seduce me)

    Wednesday, June 18th, 2003
    1:44 pm
    Damnit I wanted to be the evil british baby!

    Which Family Guy Character are you? Take the Quiz!

    Current Mood: discontent

    (5 attempts | seduce me)

    1:12 pm
    Hmm I seem very compatible
    evilinthenameof 102%
    wshfulthinkng 95%
    How compatible with me are YOU?

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: My dog panting

    (2 attempts | seduce me)

    Sunday, June 15th, 2003
    10:12 pm
    Hello? Do I still exist?
    I'm posting something on my journal! I wonder if my journal is still alive? I left it to die, malnurished and dehydrated. Poor journal I am sorry. I will take care of you and find things to write in you even though I have no life.

    Current Mood: worried
    Current Music: The TV in the other room

    (7 attempts | seduce me)

    Sunday, February 2nd, 2003
    5:37 pm
    SO TRUE!
    Hell yea I am! You're jealous Andy aren't you? This goes just perfectly with my journal and everyone knows that I loves me gummies!

    discover what candy you are @

    Current Mood: ecstatic

    (9 attempts | seduce me)

    Monday, December 16th, 2002
    11:07 pm
    This entry is dedicated to Andy. I found them you little snot! HAHAHHAHAHHAHA No longer can you deprive me of the joy and tastiness of chocolate covered gummie bears! MMMMMMMMMM They were good! And I have another box for later! The first Blockbuster I went to did not have any, and I thought to myself hmmmm perhaps I guessed the wrong place. But I perservered and had faith in myself and decided to try another blockbuster. And there to my amazement they were, sitting right next to the twizzlers. (Actually I don't remember what was next to them, but I have to make this more descriptive) Oh happy day the mystery has been solved! Kiss it Andy Kiss it!

    PS Like my new picture? BWHAHAHHAHAHHA

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Current Music: the sound of me chewing gummies mmmmm

    (11 attempts | seduce me)

    Saturday, December 7th, 2002
    3:07 am
    I am addicted to the Disney channel show Lizzy Mguire. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's because I wish I could be as cute, fashionable, and pulled together when I was 14. I want to be just like Lizzy! Or maybe it's because I miss the days when my biggest concerns were what celebrity heart throb I was in love with or what was for dinner. Blah life becomes so complicated so fast. The semester is over except for finals next week, woo freakin hoo. The concept of finals is absolutely ludacris. Yes lets give large cummulative tests for every class in a span of 3 days when no one gives a shit and can't shove anymore shit into their brain if their life depended on it. ALSO lets make it worth far too much of their grade, therefore we can ensure their failure. FABULOUS! For Christmas I want a digetal camera. You hear that Santa???? I've been a good girl this year. What else is new? I swear maybe i'm too good for my own good if that makes any sense. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Current Mood: indifferent
    Current Music: Avril Lavigne "I'm with you"

    (13 attempts | seduce me)

    Monday, November 25th, 2002
    1:39 am
    Winter wonderland
    I was walking in the cold thinking about all my worries when the snowflakes started to hit my face and I knew that I was gonna be ok. In a few weeks i'll be cursing the snow but tonight it's beautiful.

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Shania Twain "When you kiss me"

    (seduce me)

    Monday, November 18th, 2002
    2:20 am
    Take my quiz!
    Take my Quiz on!

    Current Mood: awake

    (9 attempts | seduce me)

    Sunday, November 10th, 2002
    4:43 pm
    my life is falling apart...

    Current Mood: numb

    (4 attempts | seduce me)

    Tuesday, November 5th, 2002
    2:24 pm
    I had a dream last night that it was second semester and it was the first day of classes. I was walking around trying to find my biology class but I couldn't find it and I was already late! That was basically the whole dream. So then I wake up cause the phone rings and it's 12:45 pm. I have my psych class at 1! Turns out that I set my alarm but I forgot to turn it on! DOH! So I missed it for the first time. If we had a quiz i'm gonna be pissed! Anyways the whole point of this story is that I dreamed about not getting to class and I woke up and couldnt get to class either. How ironic huh? Spoooooooooooooooooky

    Current Mood: distressed
    Current Music: Christina Aguilera "I'm ok"

    (4 attempts | seduce me)

    Sunday, November 3rd, 2002
    5:46 pm
    Why are people so freakin weird!? It seems like the majority of people that I meet have some sort of weird annoying freak side to them. At first they appear fairly normal and then you get to know them better and all this other stuff that you never saw before comes out of them! That would be ok if it was good stuff but its not! Where are all the "normal" people? People have so many issues!! I think half the world needs to buy a subscription.

    Current Mood: pessimistic
    Current Music: "Impossible" Christina Aguilera

    (14 attempts | seduce me)

    Monday, October 28th, 2002
    10:29 am
    Bad Emily Bad!
    I slept through my 9 am class this morning! I've been doing so good I haven't missed one yet until today! GRRRRRRRRR It has a stupid attendence policy too. We are only allowed one absence all semester before our grade starts going down. I hate that! There should not be attendence policys! This is college we pay to go here it should be our decision whether or not we go to class!

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: The Calling "Could it be any harder"

    (10 attempts | seduce me)

    Friday, October 25th, 2002
    3:15 am
    My tummy hurts ooowwweeeee oh the pain!

    Current Mood: uncomfortable
    Current Music: typing

    (seduce me)

    3:12 am
    a href="">weed
    what fucked version of hello kittie are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    But I don't even do drugs...

    Current Mood: worried
    Current Music: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    (6 attempts | seduce me)

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