sjw54's Journal

Thursday, August 7, 2003


D/C the bitch babe

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Sunday, August 3, 2003

2:50PM - ...said the girl...

You're While My Guitar Gently Weeps. You're very
deep, and most of the time you're depressed.
You just do what you can and try to get by...

Of The Many Great Ones, Which Beatles Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Sunday, July 27, 2003


Out for now
much love,

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Sunday, July 20, 2003


*cough cough*

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Friday, July 11, 2003


Ever purposely refrain from wearing seatbelts, because if there is a "tradegy" least it was an accident...some sort of closure.

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Thursday, July 3, 2003


That's a lot Mrs. Scott.
Ain't that tough Mrs. Mcgruff.
Sad old deal Mrs. Mc Neil.
Try to win Mrs. King.

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Sunday, June 29, 2003

1:16PM - Journal of a girl denied coffee...

You know, I never thought it really did that much for me. I tell you, the ginger twist sorta floats my boat, but coffee is a hurricane to take the boat out no matter what.

I just had Taster's Choice decaffinated coffee...that will do me right...and you know, no matter what, I'm going to have to find a way, what do you say.

I'm so sorry for not being able to have conversations yesterday with Nicola, or Kelly, my cracked being.

I ventured out to Bull Bay this morning with mom, nice little eye opening outing...gots to have those...and boy, do I love my mom.

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Friday, June 27, 2003


It's really something special when a boy tells you he's praying for you...such is the case.

Darned Murphy and his dumb law. The lack of coffee, because of the experiment going about really gets me knocked. I just typed that "kwocked" and I thought about how cute it would be to pronounce it like that *shrugs*

I saw Marc on his way to Hillel today. I wonder about that. It was early, he was in the front seat...and I can't quite describe everything else.

So much for school.

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Thursday, June 26, 2003


So all "studying" exams are over. I don't really know what to make of this summer I have comming up *shrugs*...maybe I'll see the good in it.

I'm talking about Dayne's sleeping habits at the moment. He claims that if you add it all up, he only gets 8 hours or so...I can't help but think that my automatic reaction to any question "Where's Dayne?" is normally answered "Sleeping". *shrugs*

Maybe I'll start sleeping in the study...I remember times with late night Craig Kilborn.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2003

6:22PM - Saw ya the jacket, true style my friend

hello hello, What's the national anthem for Cuba?
"Row your boat" *cymbal crash in this cheesy comedy club*

Today was actually pretty good. I don't really know what to make of that dose of accounts. The people left the second exam so early...I don't know if they gave up on it, or they found it super easy. *shrugs*

I had a pretty telling talk talk with Auntie Debbie Debbie. Love her.

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Monday, June 23, 2003


Yes dad, whatever you say bud.

I don't quite know where that came from. Today was a day of firsts...the (first thing I woke up to), (the first time that ever happened), (the first time I was ever told that)...well maybe not that last one...but this was the first time in a long time.

I don't know...something should be done to keep the decency around here.

Gosh, in other news...I listened to radiohead's new album so much this morning...I just can't explain.

Also, there were nuns in the theatre at Bruce Almighty.

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Sunday, June 22, 2003


I went with dad to Hellshire area this morning. It's just nice to venture out, when nothing is going on otherwise.

Last night...hey, I don't know.

I want to try for that movie today if anything. Spazz a bit in flick.

I got over to mobile and bought exactly what I wanted...wasn't it just great? Radiohead really just gets it matter what.

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Saturday, June 21, 2003


Sometimes you can't help but ask the question..."What does that have to do with anything?" Maybe it's my misunderstanding of some people's paradigms, or the fault in mine, but then again...who is to determine what is faulty and what is genuine.

I am going to try for a movie today...a couple of them should be more than entertaining, so I'd definetedly go for that shibitz.

I have not talked to some people for the longest's not so much to say I want to talk to them...but I'm so missing them, that I treasure the moments when it's just their presence...not necessarily anything said. Ironically, that's the meaning of a true relationship to me.


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Friday, June 20, 2003

7:12PM - I've got my fair share of mathy math math

Plus...I almost walked into a lady's burgundy lancer thinking it was my gran. *shrugs* that's that.

I went over there and looked through lots of pictures...sorting and compiling and whatnot. That's always a treat. I thought about some stuff today...I think about garbage stuff...maybe everyone should be thinking garbage stuff, and the (opposite?) "treasure" stuff is only chocolate covered coins. Who knows? Maybe there is gold buried under a dump heap?

It's auntie debbie's birthday...I don't know if she's 34 or 44, maybe 54...whatever

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Thursday, June 19, 2003

6:13PM - I love, simple dimple as that...

So, the chem was pretty manageable. I think Sister Helen Rose is off her crackers...she said that the bio papers weren't awful. Nowwwww...I don't know about you, but that's a hard one to believe. Maybe they are marking super super easy or something.

When mom picked me up, tara and shelly...get this...I went to the Suzie's. That place is pretty awesome. It was so neat. Next time though, I need to get a bigger cup of coffee.

What was that POP??!! onomonopia *spelling*

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Wednesday, June 18, 2003


ABBA boys say "Your so hot, teasing me..." Yeah, you better listen.

Kimberly was right...the 2 weeks of exams fly by fast.

Yesterday, I got one thing of a bear hug...I tell you, it was rough. That's the reaction you get. Mind you, we all did pretty bad on the Biology, but it was kinda cancelled out by a great Spanish paper (?!?!) :)

I sure hope the markers are in the mood to read a book when they find my paper in front of them...all twined up and whatnot. I wrote quite a bit.

I was hot to my toes me.

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Monday, June 16, 2003


Things at school went pretty well today. I think I must have some claustraphobic feelings, because sitting in that room for 2 1/2 hours for the first of three exams...was killer. Maybe it was because I didn't find the work either challenging or intriguing...but it was like I wanted to run out of the room in a fury. Maybe it was because I felt the need to write 2 times as much as everyone else.

I just had green tea. I think that's nice nice nice. You know I'm not going to go straight greenified in place of my coffee. This new appreciation room beside the Nescafe machine...for a Herbal Tea dispenser. That would be just it pal.

They give us cord/twine to tie up our exams...I'm not sure if I should think of this as primitive, or classic. *shrugs* benefit of the doubt...I was fascinated though.

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Sunday, June 15, 2003


I learnt about Hedwig's angry inch last night...wasn't I astounded.

How that dvd even made it to homophobic Jamaica is a wonder to me. That's the sort of movie you watch with someone you've known for more than your lifetime. You get the drift.

At the moment...I'm watching something that can only be described as "cute". I tactfully omit the name of the movie.

I did a decent amount of studying yesterday
I dreamt about tennis and a tennis-playing boy...and we got married...during a match(!)

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Saturday, June 14, 2003


Concious effort.

Last night was rainy and was pretty nice. Mom is sweet in her own way.

Today is dad's birthday...tomorrow is Father's Day...lucky guns.
I should know my stuff for exams right about now...Acids, Bases and Salts might pose a problem...darned shame that I study REDOX and that's taken off the exam.

Hey of the brightest people I know is the neice of Sister Catherine...that's a cute little family...certainly!

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Friday, June 13, 2003


So you say.

Today, I did two exams...I think they were okay, more than anything, I believe I surprised myself with how easy I found them.

It's raining again...I love it...maybe it will rain to tomorrow, and the day after and the day after and so forth.

Mom looked into the travel grant that's that. I have not seen some people in the longest time...been missing them. Ohhh. Age of Empires...oh how I love you.

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