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The Good Reverend Mischa

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badminton [Mar. 9th, 2004|06:29 pm]
[music |streaming]

Had our first game today, apparently it WAS a home game. Against Richmond High. 100% Asian, except for the coach who was an old white dude talking on his celly the whole time. Our team hella lost nearly every game. We play 3 games up to 15. Pat and I weren't so good, but I think we did alright considering we had less than ONE DAY of practice together. We won the first, lost the second, and lost the third 15-11. Games are every Tuesday and Thursday, thursday is a home game, so come cheer us on!

More work, and Patty and I will be the best ever.

17 outta 50 on my math test! yeeeeahhh. 60 outta 67 on bio! Graham and I totally proved miller wrong about short stories. That's about it.

From the nmap (security software) mailing list:

< voice="low, breathy "> "Hi there. I'm a lonesome little system
   with a fast processor and and a high-bandwidth connection, running unsecured
   Red Hat just naked, right out of the box... not even a firewall
   between you and me, big boy... I'm just lying here with my ports wide
   open waiting for *you*, baby, oooh... I want you to probe me... use
   me...  spew packets *all over* me..." 
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[Mar. 6th, 2004|07:45 pm]
[music |Piste 8]

Been hard at work this weekend. Graham and I been working on the basement (the new Jack's Garage.. someday).
Saw passion of the christ with patrizzle. Compared to graham's basement, that movie is like "The 6 homosexual elves in happy fairy fun land" by disney.
Went to the richmond dump twice today. Fun times.
Working on teachtron with captain cody's help, because I suck at CSS.

Mischa Spiegelmock: I was thinking of you as Cody, the fascist nazi CSS man, seperating the impure attributes from their parent tags without any concern for their cries
Cody Rose: dude i hella am
Mischa Spiegelmock: they'll never see their parents again! they're all locked up in dbstyle to be worked to death!
Cody Rose: bitches
Mischa Spiegelmock: being used for your cruel CSS expairments

Sailin' on the high seas with Captain Heimler and Admiral Tierney.

Mad propz to my main man patrick, for getting me outta doubles with Noah. Now the Badminton Thugz are number one doubles. We've never practiced or played together yet. Our first game is tuesday, against richmond. It'll be special!

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Crash and burn [Feb. 27th, 2004|05:43 pm]
Went to my dad's to pick up my stuff, happiland had a kernel panic (generic "Linux Hates You BIG TIME" error type thing), rebooted it, blank screen. Computer won't turn on. Fiddled with hard drive and other components, nuthin'. I'm at my moms, so I dunno when it'll be fixed. If it can be fixed. So uh, yah, enjoy.
Mr. Kogure is now a sadist. It sucks.
Time for some SC with Squinty.
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[Feb. 26th, 2004|07:26 pm]
[music |Euphoria (Firefly)-Delerium-Karma]

"Mel Gibson has taken the most important and profoundly spiritual moment in the history of the Christian faith and turned it into an action movie."

Got my first referral today! It was awesome! I threw an eraser at Daniel Stern. Our "koombyah my lord" idealistic young substitute/student teacher had just had a talk with me trying to make me feel bad for not caring about English class. She sent me to OCS! I laughed my ass off and left Graham all alone to endure her.
OCS for 15 minutes, with Mr. Fike, awesome. Checked out my new spanish book ms hurka hooked me up with so I could get hella ahead.

No, I'm hella serious. I'm seeing that movie, it looks so awesome. Our Lord And Savior getting his ass clocked for like 2 hours.

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[Feb. 23rd, 2004|08:07 pm]
Life been pretty slow and boring lately. I've just been kinda coasting along, and not doing much. Especially in school. Someone give me something to do.

Badminton practice has started. Pat and I gonna tell Coach we got hoop dreams. I got me a steal racket, because I ain't no pussy who needs some wack-ass carbon graphite crap or whatever. I'd use IRON if they made it. Because I'm xhardcorex.

Greg and Mischa have something awesome cooking. Just you wait.

Bio videos are in need of doing.

Stoopid UNIX tricks )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2004|12:42 pm]
Mannnnnnnnnn computers can totally suck it.
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[Feb. 18th, 2004|06:49 pm]
[music |The National Anthem-Radiohead-Kid A]

I love playing starcraft, especially with your teacher day before a test.

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[Feb. 13th, 2004|02:33 pm]
[music |Buck Buck-Dan The Automator-A Much Better Tomorrow]

Last night, I must say, was quite a triumph of whiteness. Basically just hella video games went down at Cody's.
On Perfect Dark, we all perfected our whiteness skills, and were left wondering just who won the most whiteness points. Patrick certainly is a prime candidate for deploying a sentry gun in our base and then hiding in our base to pick us off with the farsight. I'm not entirely sure it gets any whiter. Of course, throwing not one but two remote mines on Cody was fun. Played from 8:45-5:45.
Daily Planet, page 19, third paragraph from the bottom. Happiland's in the paper, sorta. And Andy and Ram Dass and Rachel Rudy.

Mr. Joe... Uh...

Went to a man-bashing book reading

One game of Perfect Dark is most certainly not enough

Probably filming bio videos Monday. Yey!

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[Feb. 11th, 2004|09:33 pm]
[music |Commissaire Maigret Theme-Various Artists-Musette From Paris]

Woke up today, at 5:30. I decided this morning, from now on, if the sun ain't up, I ain't up. I was not pleased about it, but badminton tryouts were at 6:30. Met Pat at Starbucks for caffine beforehand. Then it was off to the gym for badminton. It was a little odd, it seemed too dark. Oh, coach couldn't find the light switch. So we played in the dark for a while, then everyone (30-odd people I think) all stood around to watch coach and I play Patrick and Koji. We helllsa killed them, and that was it. As pat said, he didn't so much seperate the wheat from the chaff as grind the wheat and the chaff together. Everyone who showed up made the team making us wonder why we had to get up at 5:30.
Tried to sleep in bio and kinda failed. Was so tired at the end of the day. Wanna get my Diablo on but graham's being hella white.
Thinking bio video filming Monday with Dr. Conger. Maybe hair dying this weekend. Either green or yellow I think.
And happy birthday to my man Jack. Today ms. hurka was like "Well if I can't depend on 4th period (mine) then what CAN I depend on!?" and I was like "Certainly not 1st, now that Jack's gone." and she was like "Yah..." and I was like "Can I take his place?" and she was like "nobody can take Jack's place. And you can't go into spanish 8."

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[Feb. 9th, 2004|12:02 am]
[music |Track 18-Eminem-The Marshall Mathers LP]

I would just like to say I think I just downloaded some of the funniest pictures I've ever taken off of my camera. Maybe I can get them up tonight, I'm not very tired. Hi-larious!
You can go ahead and see 'em before they're captioned. Anyone wanna caption them for me?

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[Feb. 8th, 2004|09:14 pm]
[music |Nature's kingdom-Delerium-Poem]

Sometimes there are some who wonder why Linux isn't the main desktop OS yet. Let me give my current take:
I wanted something besides ugly-ass text only mode on my Gentoo linux box (AKA happiland). After many attempts at emerging gnome and KDE and seeing nothing but mysterious failure, I submitted a bug to Gentoo. There were many follow-up things and shit, and today they finally gave me something helpful (and confusing). It's not like I had a weird configuration or anything. It should be a fine and normal system. Anyway, I finally got the rest of gnome to begin emerging after a lot of weird-ass work and crap that no one should have to deal with just to get it to COMPILE.
Most of the day, gnome has been emerging/compiling. In the time it's finished 21/71 packages (about 8 hours) (and I don't think it's even gotten to the juicy big parts yet) I could have installed Mac OS X or Windows XP 3 or 4 times in their entirety and had a nice pretty interface to go with it. There is of course no guarentee it will even compile without error. But christ, this is absurd. I just want to play starcraft or diablow2 with my friends but now even THOSE aren't working.
I hate computers! I'm not even joking.

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[Feb. 8th, 2004|01:39 pm]
anyone got an n64 they wanna lend mischa?
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Why humans rule the Earth [Feb. 5th, 2004|11:36 pm]
[music |Minstrel Boy-Hans Zimmer-Black Hawk Down]

Thank you dominic:
The most amazing thing I've seen in a long time. Watch it.

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[Feb. 4th, 2004|10:18 pm]
[music |Eternal Odyssey-Delerium-Chimera]

I got my scanner working yippie yey
Screw Bradley Johnson!!!
I got a note today...
In other news, blizzard can SUCK IT.

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[Feb. 4th, 2004|08:28 pm]
[music |The Prophet - Cj Bolland-Paul Oakenfold]

AIM IM with Aaron Glimme
6:21 PM
Mischa Spiegelmock: you play diablo 2 LoD at all?
Aaron Glimme: I played a bit when it came out but not since then
Mischa Spiegelmock: well when you're ready for SC holla
Aaron Glimme: OK, let me install it and practice a bit and then we'll see. .
Mischa Spiegelmock: alright
Mischa Spiegelmock: mr sapp has become addicted to it, thanks to graham
Mischa Spiegelmock: he gave it to him a week ago, and he's done nothing but play it since
Aaron Glimme: Oh, not that might be interesting, Glimme vs. Sapp
Aaron Glimme: not->now
Mischa Spiegelmock: humm
Mischa Spiegelmock: well if you haven't played ina long time, it might be pretty even; joe isn't too good
Aaron Glimme: or AP Chem v AP Bio
Mischa Spiegelmock: from what Ih ear
6:25 PM
Mischa Spiegelmock: ooh
Mischa Spiegelmock: that would be a cool match
Mischa Spiegelmock: too bad delp isn't into SC
Aaron Glimme: true
Mischa Spiegelmock: are we talking game like tonight or when?
Aaron Glimme: no, give me at least a week
Mischa Spiegelmock: fine
Mischa Spiegelmock: we all haevn't played in years either
Mischa Spiegelmock: we just started up again after finals
Aaron Glimme: OK then I have a chance

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[Feb. 1st, 2004|08:49 pm]
joe is red/green colorblind:;=graham/January;=graham/January

My idea
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[Feb. 1st, 2004|08:25 pm]
Claire invited me over to watch the soOperbowl with her. I never really followed football or really understood it, but thanks to her I now do. And I understand something else. How do you spell "Panthers?" "F-A-I-L-U-R-E."
Played badminton for like, 2 and a half hours. No net and in the rain on slippery grass. Hella awesome. Rode bike over hills, stoopid hills. Good afternoon.
Tonight, what to dooo
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[Jan. 31st, 2004|06:34 pm]
Pat came over, went to Carmen's birthday party, played frisbee, came home, ate bacon sandwiches (mmmmmmmmm) then watched the Hudsucker Proxy. Tonight? Probably starcraft, maybe other.
Sure beats yesterday, which I am declaring as a wack-ass day. January 30th, 2004, was a highly wack day. Maybe more on that later.
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[Jan. 30th, 2004|10:48 pm]
not every night you walk outside and see Tha Fuzz and like 300 people outside...
John and Bob's 18th birthday party...
The police had something to say...
I wandered around in my bathrobe and socks for a while finding a few people I know. It was pretty interesting...
Ah well, time for some starcraft!
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[Jan. 26th, 2004|10:42 pm]
Someone print that out for me (printers don't work around here) and I'll show Ms Herndon/Morrison.

And this:
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