So you want to make some quizzes.
Good for you.
You've come to the right place.
Making quizzes with Quizilla is pretty easy -- that is, after all, why it was made. No Javascript required, and you don't have to sign up with something like GeoCities to host your images (until, that is, they turn off your account for bandwidth usage).
But enough of this chatter, let's get to work. (all links open in a new window)
Step One
To start out, you'll want to use the Visual Editor/Wizard we call 'Quizard'. Quizard is an intelligent point-and-click way to build the questions and answers. So, let's open up Quizard.
First you'll see entries for Title, author and email. The title is whatever you want to call your quiz, like "What species of woolly marmoset are you?" or whatever you're planning. The author will be filled in automatically for you, though you can change it. The email box is left open so you can keep your privacy if you'd prefer. If you change any of these, you need to click any one of the "update" buttons to "lock in" the changes.
Step Two
Let's add a question or two, shall we? Quizzes are not very fun without questions. In the "new question" box, type in the text of the question you want to ask, like "Do you have a tail?". One you're typed something in there, press "Update" again -- updating the display after you've entered new question text will bring up a "new answer" box under then question.
Now we have a place to put an answer, too. So let's populate this questions with some answers because answers make questions much more worthwhile. Since "do you have a tail" is a yes/no questions, lets do that; add 'Yes.' in the "new answer box, and then click update. After that, you'll have another "new answer" box below the one just added, type in "No." there and click update again.
Now we need more questions, too. So let's add another question, a real multiple choice question, "Your Species is.." and click update. In the New Answer box below that new question add "Human", click "Update", and in the box that comes up next add "Marmoset".
Step Three
Now we need to have some results to go with those questions. Of course, these can be anything you want, but let's keep it simple: In the "New Result" text box, type "Wow, you're a marmoset, go you." and click update. Then, as soon as the page comes back, add another result in the purple section that says "You're not a marmoset. What a shock." and do the Update again.
Step Four
Now we get to bind the answers to their results. This is really easy. Go look at the 'questions' section of the page, and more specifically the answers. On the right side of the screen on the answer lines you'll see a pull-down menu on each of them. Those boxes link to each of the results below. To make an answer selection "count toward" a particular result, you choose that result from the pull-down list. Be default the answers point to the first Result but you're probably going to want to change some of them. Then, after you've mapped those answers to the results, go ahead and click update again.
Just a hint, you're probably going to want to map "No" on the first question to "You're not a ma..." and map "Human" on the second question to the same.
Step Five
We're almost done. We get to see the product of our work now -- at the bottom of the form is a "Preview" button. When you click it, a new window will pop up with a working copy of your quiz up to the last time you clicked 'Update'. You can fill this quiz out and even submit it with the "Go!" button to see if your results are pointing to the options you want.
Let's take a quick break here to talk bout how this all works so you understand it better. Each answer of every question has a "weighing" toward a result (the options in the drop down list). Depending on what result those answers are mapped to, selecting the different answers will cause a different result to be displayed at the end. Which result "wins" is simple: whichever one gets the largest amount of votes, aka the largest number of answers selected that map to it. Whichever result has the most is the winning result, and if the case of a tie, one of the winners is chosen randomly.
Step Six
You know what? We're basically done. GO ahead and scroll down to the bottom of the form and click the "Save and Publish" button. After a few moments you'll be at your quiz list with, guess what, the quiz you just made listed in that list. Now anyone on the world can go do and take that quiz!
Can't remember that list? Click the "Details" button by that quiz to go to a page that give information bout that quiz along with a line that says "Link (to give out) -- this is the link to give out to people to take your quiz! Easy!
Step Seven (Extra Credit)
If you're feeling artistic, you can (and I recommend) you make descriptive images for your quiz. If you add images, you also get the benefit of letting your users have a section of HTML code they can paste into their web pages to show of their results.
But first, you need to get those images only our server. Fortunately, we have an easy way to do that. So, you make your images and upload them. Upload one different image for each result of a particular quiz results, then go to your quiz list, click the "Details" button on the quiz we just made, and on the next screen click "Load into Editor" in the lower left side.
Now we're back in the editor. Scroll down to where the results are and you'll notice, in each result instance, is a drop-down menu next to the word "Image:" and the text "(no image)" in the box. If you click that box you'll see a list of image filenames of the images you've just uploaded. What you do is select the image filename of the image that goes with each result. Once done with both results, click either "update" or "save and publish".
Now, then the quiz it taken, the result page will also have an image with it and a section of HTML code that uses can use to paste into their web pages should they want to show ff their results.
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