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Space Monkey aka Terrence (space__monkey) wrote,
@ 2002-09-26 16:31:00

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    Igby goes down

    I saw Igby goes down yesterday. It was an excellent film. It and had very witty writing and excellent acting. It was very funny but mostly in the snigger because I'm smart enough to get that joke way. My only complaint is with the direction. Many of the transitions felt rushed and didn't give one enough time to appreciate the moment. I saw a few reviewers claim that IGD was quite disturbing but I wasn't disturbed at all. But that's likely due to my slightly morbid tastes.

    I loved Clair Daines performance as Sookie Sapperstien the adopted child of a Jewish theologian and a professor of metaphysical poetry.

    "I feel this great, great... pressure coming down on me. It's just constantly coming down on me. It's crushing me."

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