Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "indie music". 41 matches: Meetup! Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Indie Music Fans Meetup Day! (more info) Interested users The following users are also interested in indie music. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 858 matches:
118 - S.
5moredead - ((fill in the blank))
83rockstar83 - . x . angela . x .
9randomthoughts - Kate
abinka - Megan
abombstar - Cellar Door
abrokenstarr - Laura
absolute_zero - Ashes in the Sky
acapuccina - Little Star
ackiknow - Allen Kypling's "The Life Of Riley"
aconsciousflow - my love is bigger than your love
aerach - aerach
aerobicide - the girl with the arab strap
afterthefall - After the Fall
agwiv - A. G.
aimeej - aimee j
ajarsenic - that loveable fuckup
akiko_hiroguchi - akiko
alcoholandirony - Sing My Imperfect Offering
aleeny_linguini - Arlene Cootes
alexiblue - AlexiBlue
alexxthegreat - alexx
aliasincubus - Heather
alice_pinafore - alice
alienstookvi - Vi Nimrod
all26star - Tiffany
allenjaphy - Miranda
allthefish - Airam
allthefishies - mi
ally447 - Bang. Bang. You're dead
allymc - Unraveled
almariel - she is all made of stars
amanda42 - amanda
amberavalon - Autumn'sBard
ambitioushope - my little pink heart
ambryo - Amber
ambush - somebody's sidekick
americant - courey+cat+astrophe
aminorthreat - sXe Jorge sXe
amisplacedphile - ripped
amnesioteque - Amnesioteque
amour021 - Dennis
amphugger - caroline
anavrinenigma - wax poetic
andeersenn - Hans Andeersenn(Сергей Гарин)
angeloflove - she breathes fire...
angelrose_999 - Marina
anitamusing - Write, Nate, Write
annabellisimo - japannabel
annoyingpixie - see-through faded, super jaded
anothererratum - erratum
anothernobody - Patrick
another_angle - this is just another girl
aphex695 - lurch
aphoenixrain - aphoenixrain
apterousbird - |Apterous||Bird|
arashinoumi - d o Rk t r e s s
ariall - ariall
arielblue - Anne
armenhayden - False Martyr
armydillo007 - cubedweller
asexual_amoeba - Let the axe do the talking
asherah - here I am locking horns with the stallion
ashofphoenix - Factory Workers Unite
askalice - Whiterabbit
astridica - astrid
asuka_ - Cary*~
atarisafari - Joslin
athaena - Melanie
autodestruct - This is all just an elaborate joke
avantgeek - dexter s. fishpaw
avocado - kate
awakedinosaur - Jordan
awkward_android - failure is only the first step
azuratide - Sara
a_broken_chord - siolent
barbsie - Barbara
basketowords - Shanna
basyl - kait
baydomain - bd
becky_malone - Rebecca Sarah Malone
belladonnalin - if i could tell you, i would let you know
bellaporco - Danielle
betterthannever - nate
bigby2k - The Daywalker
bingodoggy - Guildenstern
binkytravis - binkytravis
bitchy_mcwhiney - Complex Individual
bitter_buffalo - scribble me beautiful
bixee - Pslightly Psycho
black_cat - bare foot girl
blasphemytrick - the cruelty of conceptual artwork
bleachededen - Eden
bleedingscars - Trinket
blissdream - Michael
blueeyedjeremy - jerm
blutoastur - ::goodbread, here and now::
boadiccea - boadiccea
bobalouie - Nigga what? I'm a hustlin bitch!
bohor - Bohor
bollix - Astrid Turmeric
bomp - stefanie
bonchan - Bonchan
boredtolife - Scrim-shaw
botledfizywater - Daniella Expert Ring Master of The Flea Circus
brainbrand - roberto mofongo
brando1727 - ..:***The Gimp and his Pimpstick***::..
brdgt - Brdgt
brennakat55 - Jessica
briannab - Brianna B.
brickpollitt - Brick Pollitt
brigid_rising - Melissa
britomart - Britomart
bubblesppg03 - bLnd pUnK pRinCeSs
bubookittyfuck - Sarah
built2spill - Built to Spill
bunniesonfire - Zuagi
bupython - BUPython
burkean - The Obscure
burningeyes - burningeyes
burningrainbow - bluejay
buzzzcut - Tamster
cajunchick - Annabelle
calebcocteau - satan rejected my soul
calicokat - . standing on the edge of morning .
cameraman23 - Paul
campy - she's drawing on her pants
camp_actor - Camp Actor
captainblur - ThePete
captainmari - one more potential lover
capt_sensible - Captain Sensible
caramelxmas - jac riotpirate
casanova20 - Casey
casket4mytears - Beyond My Means
cea - Cea Adarion
celestialfire - One Hit Wonder
cerealbox - pam
cfro - biscuit
chaerie - Tonya with an "o"
chamonix - /shutter/to/think/
cheap_purfume - Nicole
cheap_thoughts - i hate to conform, but i do anyway
cherrybomb07 - Wheeze
cherrybruises - marcy
chicagoguy - mr. chicago in dc
chicananerd - claudia sometimes
chillthatbends - in a bath of glitter
chinabones - Robin
chipichipi - Deborah
chopstix - ChopSTiX
christmasinjuly - Marjaneh (Marjahuh?!?)
chrisuk - Smogtastic
chrysis - Chrysis
ciannait - The Divine Institute of Metaphysical Research
cibomatto - Jerry Sam
circleofharmony - circle of harmony
citpeks - Laura Janiga
clax257 - The Girl Who Lived
clonedsheep - Katie
clothdoll - Alicia
cojiro - the silent cucco
coldembraced - Lia
coldreplicant - bienne
coldsorecream - Dark Memorabilia
commandercomet - Erica
confusion423 - k
conner - Conner's Colloquies
contessa_munch - Mimi
core6irl4christ - Sarah "Shellz"
coronary_thief - gameboi69
cosmicray - Cosmic Ray
cosmic_debris - Cosmic Debris...The Universal Leftover
cosmic_kitty33 - the 3D Imax of my mind
cranialouch - aaron - slave to the creeping women of bamu rambi
crayzlikeafox - Sarah Spork Launcher
crazykimchee - dulcinea
cris - Cris
crystalphobia - crystalphobia
curbsideprophet - [ Fawkes ]
curlyanne - Anya
dahliachewswell - willa ahlschwede
dahvi - jackie
daintymorsels - she's just a girl
dairy_fairy - grace
danyaya - Danielle
darkangel54 - Sandhya the Dark Angel
daymented - Daymented
deanarae - D
deceaseandsee - Deceaseandsee
deifiedsoul - .:.Brown Sugah.:.
deinos - David's Mood Swing
delirium9 - Hello, Operator...?
delispam - Nick
demidyke - emmerson
demon_angel - ╚↨zz T\-|ë Z×mb↨ë Ovër ╚×rd
desideratak97 - desiderataK97
designated - lindsay
desilentio - the seducer
diggityd - * x for you to notice me x
digniselfabuse - Paul
dirtypancake - Kevin
distraction - Vodka Shots and Carrot Cake
distractiongirl - V
divafairy - Heart of Midnight
divakimmy - divakimmy
divamarci - Marci
divatreasure - Kennedy
donniedarko79 - donnie darko
dreaming_lies - dreaming lies
dreauboy - dreauboy
drjb64 - Stephanie
drownedangel - Ananke
drowningjuliet - ambiguities are all we have
durty_undies - black on the inside
dustedone - Dusted
earlapricot - earlapricot
eastcoast55 - Loco
easyalchemy - Easy Alchemy
easytoplease - matt vollmer
ebarnetteb - Eliza
eionva - eionva
electricpygmy - Butch, just Butch
electricspider - Darko
elementcursive - Kyle
elfinspacecadet - sara
elfpowergirl - wendy starr
eli71199 - eli
elocina - Nicole
elsmurfoz - Adamballs
elttobretaw - I'm a Gulch!
elutriation - Laura Loveless
emiline - the tofu pirate
emmerick - That one kid down the street
emofan - She always wears blue
emollient - beth
emotech - Stabone
endlesspaul - EndlessPaul
eos_gdi - Eos
eponis - Sinope
ernieo - ErnieO
erodedxdynamite - Zach Cherry
escapereality - escapefromreality
esg_poetry - space poetry
esoji - josie
ethics - Ethan
evlskwrl - Reverend Evil Squirrel
excomitate - The King of Spain
exjordanhigh - shawn bradford
expatwannabee - Not emo, but searching for someone to cry with...
expresstrain - krissi
ezabeaslade - Ezabea Slade
ezmerelda - Ezmerelda
e_lunchboxhands - Eulalie Lunchboxhands
faeryfire69 - Katie
fagboyblue - J
faithdelfino - .:K.i.l.l..M.e..S.w.i.f.t.l.y:.
fakeplsticdeath - the sound of her wings
fakesunshine - Kevster
fallenangeluk - I'm *BRITISH* not *EUROPEAN*
familycat - familycat
femmexfatale - Fierce*Flawless
fertilityhollis - F. Hollis
fire_sermon - Amanda
fixed_stars - bobbie
flc - fun lvn crmnl
flipflannigan - I got a tractor in my balls
flyingover - Alexa
flying_giraffe - Mr. Giraffe
folkypunk - folkypunk
followerofyoda - Pinky
followmearound - Alvy Singer
foofaraw - Daniel B.
foreversmilin - Nikki
forgetsleep - Stella Pride
fortunefighter - Kate
fourstargirl - There's a star in the night sky
frannyglass126 - Amanda
freakyfrench - Anna
friskygyro - Alexa
fteangel - Jenn
fushiamelflower - Mel
gardron - Gareth Ardron
garrettpalm - Garrett Palm
geecat - Maxwell Futura
geekluv - geekluv
geekyjason - jason
geraldlikesit - Gerald
gibbernaut - DCLXVI
girlinthemoon - Shana
girlonthewing - Girl on the Wing
girl_from_mars - (¯`·.¸¸.-> Emma <-.¸¸.·´¯)
givemeabreak - Wishing For The Sun
glitteryem - Emma-Leigh
glitter_disgust - Robbi
godam - big electric baby jesus
godsmegaphone - gwyn
goldfishgirl - Oopsy Daisy
gooner - Mister Sifter
grapefruitzzz - grapefruit
greatwhitelibra - Cliff Babylon
greenfiary - hott XXX michael
green_limousine - once temptation's girl
greg_kitten - Greg
greycolours - Grey
gringageek - Bullet with Butterfly Wings
grizzly - James Tierney
grrlinabox - ~*queen of the fuckin universe*~
grrlquake - beautiful disaster
guitari2600 - Nate
hackabout_jones - Elphalba-Wicked Witch of the West
haggis - Haggis/Linothel/Kittychan
hangupfast - jess
hat_shaped_hat - machine is bored with love
heartoutlines - amii
heartshaped - Out Of Gas
heironymus - hieronymus
hellblazer06 - hellblazer
hellface - right right
heresyc - Chrissy
hewhorambles - Ramblin' Dan
highdrama - KATIE
highersoul - Raggedy Anarchist
hijosu - Albert
himgrrla3 - my pain is laughable
hjartad - Kia
holagato - Kat
hominidj - hominidj
hoobumeesh - Meesh
hopelesssavage - alex oni
hulmerist - Peter the writer
hyadra - Libby Marie (The Coolest Hobbit)
iamkane - Erin Gardner
iasonas - iasonas
icehealer - Daniel
idbegoodforu - .don't cry over spilled blood
igo2shows - Kelly
ihate_billgates - IHate_BillGates
ihaveglasses - jessica a's
ikkleangelrissy - Ikkle Angel Girl
imnotnormal - Seán
implodingmess - mandolin
imtryingtolive - Constant Strugggle
inblue - Blue
indiegirl - *She needs a little Sparkle*
indiegirl38 - indiegirl
indienerd - Kelly with a !!!
indiewriter - Tyler
industrialcutie - industrialcutie
infiniteblue - Blue
inoyoudonotcare - just brian....
insanedingoguy - Nickski
intothevast - Beaner
inuyasha4 - Caitlin
in_the_starlite - Non Ma Vie
irishacon - la sanchez
isarnah - Arienette
isola10 - Liz
isollae - Jennifer
isom - Another Century Of Fakers
iwtb - iwtb
i_was_god - JPK
j4 - Janet
jaixom - Thespus
jamm3r - JaMm3r
japanesefirefly - rhymes with girl
jarel - J
jegemasi - JeGeMaSi
jeneration - Boi Friday
jennryan - jenn ryan
jesscat - jesscat
jessie3388 - thelastkoalabear
jillikins - Nudist
jmichiko - jacob
joeladyboy - Joe Ladyboy
joeytcomplex - Chad/joey t
joe_grim - Joe
johnnyg - johnnyg
jordanb - Jordan
joshmurray - Joshua Michael Murray the Fourth
jrisingsun - Jessica
jsmusic - Johnny
jtgotsjets - JT
jujubaba - mr fancy pants
julietk - Juliet
justlikemercury - angela
juxtap0sed - Just Barely, Just Maybe, Just Jane
j_ro - jordan
karmadream - lynnex is optional
kashiegurl - Saartje
katelynrogerson - Katelyn
katiera - Katiera
kauket - Kauket
kazablanca - kazablanca
kazoob - Kelly
ke2thousand - kevin
keendreams - lift yr. skinny fists
kerowin - coming up roses
keymyek - keymyek
kharmahappens - kharma
kidindie - Davedave
kidvicous - tR!St@N
killercarz - Bruce Wayne
kill_entropy - rottenrottenrottenrottenrotten
kimyoochillin - a very bad addiction
kobashi - Special K
kogejen - Buena Girl
kozelste157 - Steve
kukiblu3ang3l - Pre-sweetened tonight
labelxmexemo - Pirate Captain Sebastian
lamoureaux - Elaine Lamoureaux
lariss - Rissa-She who MIGHT know
lasciviousl - I suppose that you're going to stay all night...
later_days - a permanent imagination
latona - Latona
lauracy - Laura K.
lazysunbather - Edel
la_bocagrande - BocaGrande
la_petite_chat - Chat!
leebeanie - L. J. Bean
lellie01 - Lellie
lesinct - angelina
lethe333 - lethe 'hallowe'en gurl' bastykat
leuwam - ~*Leuwam*~
levainquer - David
lezah - Bloody Moon Cat
libbymarie - I Poke Hobbits With Sticks
librangoddess - a pixie of sorts
lifeinwords - lifeinwords
lilac - pressing your heart against this window
lilithium - lilithium [Mal]
lindsaymv - Lindsay
lisabelle - head full of thunder
litldstrbd - Litldstrbd
lividquills - iridia
livingcolours - Amber
llama404 - Heidi
llyrian - Llyrian
lolaogeisha - Lolita
losingambition - tawnie
loveandpoison - Love and Poison
lowkeyd - lowkeyd
lucid_dioxide - Sullen Girl
luffbucket - Moe Lester
luna537 - Meagan
lunadebella - pixie
lunastorm - Failed Pornstar
lustdust - fighting with fervor
luvmedew - Diana
luxvitae - Shelly
lyrajane - Lyra Jane
lyrica - Lyrica
madamecello - Nicole
made_in_england - made in england
madmantra - mad mantra
maevefemme - Stargazer
maliastar - Malia
malley - Malley
mangledfairy - April Perea
mango0 - that girl thinks she's queen of the neighborhood!
mariner42 - Mariner the Raccoon
marlobean - marlobean
marmot_lover - Terri
matt_e - matt
maybeismile - OneSidedLoveAffair
maybe_saturday - teenage angst brigade
meanmoppet - MeanMoppet
medicatedreview - Medicated Lungs Review
meechka_85 - Michelle
megasaurus - meghan
melankholi - Erik
melissa52677 - Melissa
melo_music - melissa
mercury_solace - Alex
mermaid_ - all the tears your heart can't save
metalpunkuk - MetalpunkUK
michaelfoster - Michael Foster
michaelgore - pixelpusher
midnight_sprite - Hannah
mikefemgoth - Mikefemgoth
mildewwink - Trent is peculiar-er
mintcream - asleep on a train
mintyminx - MintyMinx
mirabilis - Kimmio
mishmelle - open your eyes
missangelgirl - Angelgirl Parker
misschelsealynn - chelsea lynn caraco
missguydid - Michelle
miss_corinne - Corinne Pritchard
miss_kacie - miss kacie
mistresspoetisa - MistressPoetisa
mistressrapture - Sachi
mmaestro - Gareth
modrocker - morbidkatie
moeser - Simone
mokmoof - Drew
moldynoodles - Adam
monpetitoiseau - little man tate
monstar - Ms. Anthrope
moogus - ***Moog
moonbeam3 - Melanie
moondrop - victoria
moonmusic - Moon
moonpix7 - Little Red Corvette
moonprincess25 - Renee
moonstruck4rjl - Moonstruck
morphinelips - Jeremy Smith
mostfabulousmod - Gee Barbara
motank - another dead tree
moviemusic - joshua ryan
mozmalan - Megalomania is a good thing
msomega - Ms. Omega
muffinwoman - Nicki
murderthenight - Alix
mutilateherface - That Girl
mykehines - Myke Hines
mylilepiphany - Mr. Pickles
mymittensonfire - eurotrash
mynewhero - redd
nachopunk - Daniel B.
nearnorth - Crystal
neenja - nina
neiloney - Neil
nellishness - a bohemian storm is brewing
nezumi_jthm - mr. crazysilly, slave of the assmaster
nhs_boy - nhs_boy
nickname - NickName
nightonfire - velouria
nikasnotes - Auhni
ninja_prep - Heather
nion - nion
nisuchmi - Chris
nivia - massless particles, showing through...(hidehide!!)
nonsequiter - DELicious
noradarno - timothy
nosygit - Rebecca Bartholomew
notaprettygrrl2 - punkassbitch
nothingleft - give this girl infinity
notwaving - El
nowhere_road - Caitlin
nycgirl - twenty seven
octoberman - Octoberman
octoberrayne - strange little girl
ohnonotagain - Nicole
oh_relax - jack
onebrighteye - Mego
onemanaudience - one man audience
onepinksock - Brooke
open - Dave
ourlastserenade - The Straightedge Kid
outlandish - Zac Owen
outofmydepth - music box superhero
overratedartist - Ariennette
overtall_ed - Musings, Diatribes and all things Banal
overused - it'd be cool if we never met
ovie - Al
oxrandyyxo - Chris
paarsley - Rob
pacovampyre - PacoVampyre
paintbrush - [[the art stole my heart]]
paintedreality - Becca
palace_sister - pushkin
papasfritas - Siddhartha Gautama
parfaire - parfaire
paskiainen - rather foolish one
paulbeard - a balding bloke in a blue bathrobe
peagles - Paul
peeenisface - molotovs for all of us
penguintime - JK
peterthomas - 5khertz
pheardapowah - Paolo
phlebas - Phlebas
phoebek - Zebra Machine
photogrphygrl - ms complicated
picniclightning - infinite idiot
piefunkle - Laura is my favourite crayon
piehole - piehole
pigeondoir - you're such a wanker
pinaywut -
pinkcannibal - >!<BaRbIe>!<
pinkpotato - pinkpotato
pink_bananas - Josie!
plaidskirtsrule - Paul Gersky
play_the_game - Caitlin
plugin_baby - if only you knew
pocketbookangel - Pocketbook Angel
pocketbookannie - annie
poisonlily - killed by fck
poohkenstein - Hey Hey Helen(e)
poopins - Jeff the God of Biscuits
poseurbunny - lurve the cricket
positivity_uk - Sarah
postmodrnsleaze - The Indie Snob
pr0sth - pr0sthetic
preciousburdan - Wendy X
prettyposer - pretty poser
princessphia - SophieDoll
priyadarshini - Priyadarshini
problemperson - the cause of everything wrong
prosy - my heart will not fear
proteinjello - Protein Jellonator
pubdweller - Pubdweller
pucca_girl - diamond girl
puck_is_me - Puck
punkette77 - \\ indie ophelia //
punkrawks11 - Anthony
puppet_zilla - cassie-banane
pupucksgrl - Becky
purejane - Jane
pyro_dino - Seren
p_e_p_p_e_r - Bergen
queemo - Rachel
quickwit - shehangsbrightly
quiet_faerie - awakening
radiosonnet - radiosonnet
raekenzi - raekenzi
raincoast - raincoast
raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
rascalpup - Rascal
rave - BloodSweat&Tears
reddyraja - The Darlin' of the Discotheque
redfire - dee
redpop - melindy
redtears - Edible Cake-Flavored Shiny!
reefus - reefus
reggiesaidso - what won't kill you eats gas....
rellen - rellen
restlesschld - ...Kate, the one and only
retrodiva68 - retrodiva
reverendmonk - I am Jack
rob_m - The shape of punk to come
rocketgirl - Nicole
rocksee - Roxxy
roguekitty - dingo
rojo - rojo
romeo_montague - Romeo
rorschachkittie - Stephanie Adriana
rovaela - A small blue seahorse
rubber1ducky - Tiki girl
rubylashes - liz
rubypython - Shadowcat
russ658 - dirtynumbangelboy
ryuexdeath - Jedi Penguins
r_cket - skies are grey
sabresgurl61 - Daniness
sagima - Andrew
sallycinnamon - the future mrs.I.Brown
samlowry - Sam Lowry
sarahiles - MissIles
sarsenet - sarsenet
sassifrass13 - Ellen Sandford
saveyourflowers - I'm sending the rain away
scottramsey - Sweaty Mex
scottreed - Scott Reed
scottypotty - scott
scrubma - Kelly
sdcosmo - Shaunee
seahorses - her mystery not of high heels and eyeshadow
secretlife81 - Amanda
secretlytimid - staring from the corner of my eye
secretsmile - christine
secretvampyre - coz
selfreferential - Lesley
senornacho - jack bivouac
seratonein - Tastes Like Burning
serge - Serge Fontera
shakespearessis - Verity!-Erin
shewhodaydreams - Dove
shigolch - Robert Glen Fogarty
shininglight - SHINING LIGHT
shinxy - Elliot
shirl_manson - Shirley Manson
shivagirl - stefani
shizzaroni - ×.s.a.m.a.n.t.h.a.×
shortypoet - Shorty
shouty - Shaun
sighinsilence - a little something
sillylovesong - elsh
silverscreengem - Jenai
sirifinn - Sirius Finn
sirlemonjello - lemoncholy in verse
situastar - aggyk
skadforlife - Berserker
skahottsan - スコット (Scott)
skeletalremains - ...scream.until.its.gone...
skunkymunkey - ♥ Eri ♥
slattery - Andrew Slattery
slowdazzle - nasty tricksy hobbitses
smallthings - C
smorgasbord - Spencie Smorg
snboard851 - Ashley
solobrus - Erik
somechicksings - arjuna
somethingpretty - Daisy
sometimes_nate - Abs0lute Le@ther
sonja_unwound - Sonja Anneli
sonoranbear - Kevin Jackson
soopafresh - SoopaFresh
sortafairietale - something in the way
souldoll - souldoll
sovietcanuck - Spy Hunter
sparklehorse7 - miguel
sparkleydrop - sparky
sparklyteacosie - the carpet coat girl
spaze - Aspasia
spidersinsideme - kuruijini
spikeydrew - mélabús
spockrockgrl - gnome de petit
sprite9034 - MissAnthropy
spunkyafshorty - SpunkyAFShorty
ssfrumps - Hoochie Mama
stacyinthecity - Stacy in the City
stalwart - c-dawg
stammig - Stammig
standupjackjohn - I -- I believe you have my stapler
stantron - stantron
starcatcher70 - Anna
starkidd - Megan
statethatiamin - Ross
statto - you little punks think you own this town
steelworker - STEELWORKER
stevieb - Stephen Ball
steviejay - Steven Kelly
stinkycretingrl - stinkycretingurl
storme - Storme Winfield
stormyangel - Falling Angel
strangeloop - lady goodman
strangelove - Orangejoolius
styloroc44 - Va-Gina
subwaymike - DynaMike
sullyspark - Su-Lauren
sunchylde - Brandon
superkt - .katie.
supersteva - ruling the world thru bunny power
superultraindie - polygamy is an ugly fad......
superwise - starvixen
sushifine - sushi FINE
susieqih - ...all my dreams would still be dreams...
swedishfrogs - if Mandy Patinkin was a horse
sweet_destinyxx - Tash
syna - Syna
synesthes1a - .·:*Shattered by Blue Light*:·.
taia - Carla Regina
taketheblame - antisocial
takomak - Ian
tamtamx23x - add girl
tankytanky16 - sarah tanky
tanlight - MoreUnlikeMyself
tashared - tasha red
tauni - Tauni Cheree Malmgren
technosapian - TechnoSapian
teffymae - teffy
teganrain - Evan
teh_harlequin - Kid Gruesome
tessieb - ::open fire + on my knees::
theages - The grand psuedo-intellectuallist
thecesspit - The Cesspit
thee_epitome - NO WAR!
theneoncalm - The Neon Calm
thenightbefore - betwixt the sheets
thestarwarsguy - Emopaul's
the_empty_girl - Lindsey
the_rumour_dorm - three floors of fact and fiction
throughtheflame - corinne
thrubeincool - the world has made emotion obsolete
tiani - .·:*Porceline Solstice*:·.
tidalsquall - Scott
tillytollo - perhaps i am a miscreation
timewilltell14 - Rach
tinboxsiren - Skye
tinyfish33 - bend sarcastic
toastysoul - ?!+\T0@$tY $o@L 0f Th3 D@mN3D?!+'
tobias_rzenick - Toby
tonihopper - Toni Hopper
toongirl - Grand Retour
tooseyboy - Grady
tootie23 - Tooties advice for the lovelorn
torijwatson - Tori
totallygirlstar - jesse
tracerboom - Sarah
translucentia - *^* this*beautiful*mess*^*
trebek - Matt
tremblement - jade
triciasg179 - Tricia Leong
tristemort - novi
trivial - allison jayne
trollmusic - The Troll King
tuff_n_fluff - Call 1-800- I dont care about shit....
twinstar1979 - Twinstar**
twodimensions - two dimensional
twohourdrives - Flo
twosixzerotwo - twosixzerotwo
twoswimy - Lauren
umavaruna - Empress of the World!
unatunaboy - Casey
uncleremus - Marky
understandme - Understand Me
unicraze - Winged x♥x Alexa
unique_star - You were right about the stars
untitled42 - Jeremy
ursusmaritimus - Chaz
vanrees1 - Just call me "Dick"
veilchemy - Veilchemy
velcrocat - you're gonna make it girl
velvetorchid - Velvet
venus00713 - venus00713
verredo - Emilie
vickimfox - Vicki Fox Productions
vincanni - Vince no touban nisshi
viragot - .evolving through pain.
vonnibelle - Looking Glass Girl
wallflowergirl - consistent failure
wappytea - brakhot
waxapple - waxapple
weemotionalrock - =michelle=
weetziebatt - Amanda
welfy - E is for Erin who fell in a pond
wes_bentley - Wesley
whatitistoburn - Some Random Guy
whipsmart - WhipSmart
whitey_wes - Old Skool Gamer
whodatblu - R.K.
wishnik - Random Thoughts From a Random Girl
wontonenigma - Greg
wrapped - around your finger: mikahsue
xaerials - barbie doll crotch
xander - xander
xantha - jess jess
xanthia666 - Xanthia Maxwell
xanthine - Markus
xaznpersuaznx - Kate Robinson
xebrabird - frequently labyrinthine
xgeekx - still fighting it
xk8tx - Katie Rohrer
xmellon_colliex - daxia
xmovingeastx - do you know who you are?
xthegoodfightx - Joe Snow
xvelocityxgirlx - Velocity Girl
xxkristenxx - Kristen
xxmichaelaxx - You brought me here, now take me home.
xx_savedali_xx - A Descent Into the Maelstrom
xylocaine - queer toastie
x_angela_x - . x . angela . x .
yetanotherangel - yetanotherangel
yobadself - Devin Bowie
yolatengo - becca
youcannotmend - you cannot mend this broken heart
youguessit - youguessit
yourejustababy - Lazyline
yrstreetisdark - likestobeleftalone
yukaribabe - mars and raye
yumegabby - Elysian
zalary - lost in between
zinnea - Zee
zqueenofdenialz - Little Star
_barbie - &: ♥ charlie's barbie
_bellezza_ - Wallflower Girl
_moonchild_ - ~*MoonChild*~
_mordecai_ - Muhammad Imar Bruce Lee