The Institute for Cultural Democracy

The Institute for Cultural Democracy

The Institute for Cultural Democracy (ICD) is a nonprofit organization established in 1987 to help promote public education and understanding of cultural policy and cultural development practice. Its incorporated purposes are as follows:

  1. to provide instruction in the theory and practice of community arts and other forms of cultural development work;

  2. to compile information on community arts work, cultural policies and related topics for use by researchers and the general public;

  3. to publish working papers journals and other materials for scholars and the general public interested in the arts and cultural policy; and

  4. to sponsor conferences, lectures and other special events focusing on aspects of culture and cultural policy.

Since its incorporation, ICD has maintained extensive archives on cultural policies and development programs around the world. Webster's World of Cultural Democracy was launched in 1995 as the Institute's primary public program, when the Institute took on responsibility for publishing the final results of a national demonstration project in community arts work, the Mendocino People's Portrait (MPP).

WWCD Project Finances

Underwriting to launch Webster's World was derived from generous grants to the Mendocino People's Portrait, principally from the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the James Irvine Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. Materials written by Don Adams and Arlene Goldbard for the MPP's final publication form the core of Webster's World.

Initial funding from the Mendocino People's Portrait project ran out in September 1995, and Webster's World is currently being operated on a voluntary basis, thanks to professional time contributed by the cultural development consulting firm of Adams & Goldbard while project fundraising continues. Internet access is being provided by Adams & Goldbard in cooperation with Pacific Internet, a local commercial Internet node located in Ukiah, California.

Funding is currently being sought to underwrite the operation of Webster's World. Tax-deductible contributions may be directed to the Institute at the address below. Send e-mail if you would like to receive additional information about the Institute prior to making a charitable contribution, or if you have suggestions of potential donors.

WWCD Project Goals

Webster 's World was conceived and undertaken by The Institute for Cultural Democracy in 1995 with five main goals in mind:

  1. to present a diverse public with a comprehensive picture of the cultural landscape, in the United States and internationally, enabling people to better understand how culture works and how we all affect it through the actions we take and policies we establish;

  2. to provide easy public access to the work of cultural activists, policymakers, and theoreticians;

  3. to encourage and facilitate cooperative and productive working relations among the diverse entities having some interest in cultural issues, through focused communication and networking;

  4. to maintain an overview that helps people develop points of consensus and articulate values to guide cultural development work in communities throughout the United States; and

  5. to accomplish these aims within a facilitated environment which invites broad participation and yet incorporates protection against domination by irrelevant or hostile interests.

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Webster's World of Cultural Democracy
The World Wide Web center of The Institute for Cultural Democracy Adams, WWCD Project Director)
P.O. Box 30061, Seattle, WA 98103-2061 U.S.A.

© copyright The Institute for Cultural Democracy 1995, 1998
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