WWCD Project Personnel
Webster's World Personnel
Acting as Project Director for Webster's World of Cultural Democracy is Don Adams, a founding Board member of The Institute for Cultural Democracy and a cultural activist and student of cultural policy since 1971.
Since 1978, Adams has worked with Arlene Goldbard as a partner in Adams & Goldbard, consulting with cultural groups and agencies in program, policy and organizational development and speaking and writing widely on a range of cultural topics. (See Adams & Goldbard's resume for additional information.)
As Project Director, Adams is responsible for all the content of Webster's World, for responding to your queries and suggestions, and for facilitating discussions in Webster's World of Cultural Issues.
Indispensable to the Webster's World enterprise are our Project Advisors, leaders in their own cultural fields. While not responsible for the content you find here, they each play vital roles in suggesting new areas to develop, spotting problems, pointing out gaps and suggesting revisions and additions. The current group of Project Advisors includes the following:
- Ted Berger, New York Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY
- Rick Bolton, University of California/Santa Barbara, CA
- Helen Brunner, Art Resources International, Washington, DC
- Dudley Cocke, Roadside Theatre/Appalshop, Whitesburg, KY
- Dee Davis, Appalshop, Whitesburg, KY
- Kathie deNobriga, Alternate ROOTS, Atlanta, GA
- Paul DiMaggio, Princeton University, NJ
- Steve Durland, Art in the Public Interest, Saxapahaw, NC
- Arlene Goldbard, writer and consultant, Seattle, WA
- Stephen Gong, University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
- George Gundrey, consultant, San Francisco, CA
- Beverly Harvey, Jubilee Arts, Smethwick, England
- Pat Hunt, Mendocino County Library, Ukiah, CA
- Joan Jeffri, Columbia University, New York, NY
- Ken Larsen, cultural planning consultant, Sacramento, CA
- Liz Lerman, The Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, Washington, DC
- Ruby Lerner, Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers, New York, NY
- Lucy Lippard, writer, Galisteo, NM and Georgetown, ME
- George Lipsitz, University of California/San Diego, La Jolla, CA
- Julian Low, National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture, Oakland, CA
- Robert Lynch and
Tom Roberts, National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies, Washington, DC
- Catherine Babcock Magruder, Ukiah Players Theatre, Ukiah, CA
- David Mendoza, arts activit, Seattle, WA
- Doug Paterson, theater artist, University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Susan Perlstein, Elders Share the Arts, Brooklyn, NY
- Randy Ross, Independent Tribal Tele-community Consultant, American Indian Telecommunications, Rapid City, SD
- Patrick Scott, consultant, Los Angeles, CA
- Gail Silva, Film Arts Foundation, San Francisco, CA
- Benjamin Stanley and Tony Stanley, Trilby Multimedia, Birmingham, England
- John Kuo Wei Tchen, historian and director, Asian/American Center, Queens College/CUNY, Flushing, NY
- Holbrook Teter, mental health consultant, Healdsburg, CA
- Kathleen Tyner, Strategies for Media Literacy, San Francisco, CA
- Marc Weiss, P.O.V./The American Documentary, New York, NY
- Beulah White, writer, teacher and organizer, Georgetown, SC
- James Yee, Independent Television Service, San Francisco, CA
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Webster's World of Cultural Democracy
The World Wide Web center of The Institute for Cultural Democracy
icd@wwcd.org(Don Adams, WWCD Project Director)
P.O. Box 30061, Seattle, WA 98103-2061 U.S.A.
© copyright The Institute for Cultural Democracy 1995, 1998
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