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Thursday, June 27th, 2002

Subject:What's a Palestine?
Time:12:13 am.
On September 11th a friend and I were going to another friend's apartment, still shocked by the day's events. We exited her car and approached the apartments, and observed a group of kids playing outside. One of them taunted another, "You're a Palestine!"

"What's a Palestine?" the child asked.

"It's somebody from Pakistan" another child interrupted.
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Wednesday, June 26th, 2002

Subject:One nation under Vishnu
Time:7:40 pm.
Idiots 1.

Idiots 2.

I can't believe these bunch of demicorpses are bickering about whether or not an imaginary friend ought to be referenced in an inane pledge to the foremost sponsor of state terrorism on the planet.

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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002

Time:2:41 am.
Go to Prepare to be shocked and/or amused if you know anything about or even remotely sympathize with anarchism. Maybe the powers that be got together and had a discussion and decided that the best way to undermine the anarchist movement would not be to jail, assassinate, or deport those involved, but rather to misinform, romanticize, and profit. Maybe it was made by the same people who made State of Emergency for the Playstation 2 or who manufacture the circle-a patches for Hot Topic.

Be sure to check out 'N Sync's new hit single, "General Strike."
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Saturday, June 1st, 2002

Subject:disco inferno
Time:5:32 pm.
know how the nazis burned books? we ought to burn disco records.
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Thursday, May 30th, 2002

Subject:dead men don't pull triggers
Time:3:36 am.
if you like nirvana, read this.
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Wednesday, May 29th, 2002

Subject:i like the original title
Time:12:25 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:primal scream - xtrmntr (album).

PRIMAL SCREAM have made a dramatic u-turn and re-recorded ‘BOMB THE PENTAGON’ in the wake of September 11, NME.COM can reveal.

The track, now called ‘Rise’, has totally different lyrics and features on the band’s forthcoming album - originally titled ‘Evil Heat’ but now without a name after the band changed their minds. It’s released on July 29.

In its original form, the song, a bitter attack on US foreign policy, was premiered live just before the September 11 tragedy when terrorist hijackers crashed planes into both the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. The band had previously been extremely vocal on this subject - their 1999 single 'Swastika Eyes', being an attack on US Secretary Of State Madeleine Albright.

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Monday, May 20th, 2002

Subject:defense (thump thump) defense
Time:7:24 pm.
Mood: aggravated.
Music:bjork - vespertine (album).
for the past several weeks, upon entry of my place of employment, i have been confronted with the words "let's go kings!" emblazoned on a garish purple banner flanked by a bright orange basketball. is this necessary? i don't disrespect sports, but professional sports irritate me to no end. if i had a child involved in some youth sport and they performed exceptionally, while their achievements would hardly be necessary or relevant to success in life, it would be a success of some sort and a personal victory, and i would be happy for them. the kings, on the other hand, have nothing to do with me. they don't represent any community; they're bought and sold. how many of them grew up in sacramento? how many of them care where they play? how many of them care whether it's the citizens of sacramento, dallas, or pittsburgh that cheer them to victory? how many of them care about anything other than their wallets? while their success already yields little to no revenue for the community, some degenerates want another stadium built. will this somehow act as a catalyst, improving their performance? or is the floor beneath the seats in arco arena a bit too sticky?


my father, being a salesman, touches a lot of bases. every time i come downstairs he's at the kitchen table at his laptop, on the phone touching bases, arranging to touch bases, or hoping to touch bases. i wonder how many bases he's touched in the course of his career.
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Sunday, May 19th, 2002

Subject:no disintegrations
Time:1:39 am.
Music:and you will know us by the trail of dead.

i forgot this thing existed. i might as well make use of it.

i'm lowercase now because i hate capitalism.

on friday i was driving around placerville and i went to the theaters to check episode 2 times and a man had evidently decided not to go and gave me his ticket for free; i saw the movie and enjoyed it quite a bit. it was light years (kill me) beyond episode 1, one thing in particular that i liked was the brief shot of anakin casting a shadow resembling darth vader's figure while he and padme spoke offscreen. the dark overtones set it apart, it was in many ways like the empire strikes back, with the romance, the dark overtones, jango fett, and a certain someone's severed arm (that's not a spoiler unless you haven't seen return of the jedi, in which case i will point out that it was made 20 odd years ago and you shouldn't have seen episode 2 without first having seen the original trilogy).

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Friday, July 13th, 2001

Subject:a non-stop action-packed roller coaster thrill ride
Time:1:12 am.
Mood: confused.
Music:the clash - stay free (song).
i went and saw kiss of the dragon, and wow, that was a non-stop action-packed roller-coaster hyphenated thrill-ride of a motion picture! in all seriousness though it was pretty good, there were some very creative deaths. i really enjoy seeing bad people die.
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Wednesday, July 11th, 2001

Subject:i censor myself
Time:1:48 am.
Mood: chipper.
Music:nas - illmatic (album).
yes. online journal. first entry. i deleted it and replaced it with this message.
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LiveJournal for orphan factory.

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