Last Updated Tue Mar 26 15:59:42 PDT 2002
Files in this Archive
- 20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html
- EFF Action ALERT: Congress Calls For
Public Participation on Digital Music Issues - Submit Comments Opposing
Technology Mandates. Both the House and the Senate have called for
comments on the future of digital music. Today, Senator Hollings introduced
the alarming Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act
(CBDTPA), which will give a cartel of Hollywood plutocrats the power to
stall new digital media technologies, prescribing which user-hostile
features are mandatory and which innovative features are forbidden. This
is YOUR chance to voice your opposition to laws that make all digital
media technology mandatory or forbidden. (Mar. 22, 2002)
- 20020321_s2048_cbdtpa_bill.pdf
- Full official text of bill S. 2048,
Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act (CBDTPA),
(introduced version of draft Security Systems Standards and Certification
Act [SSSCA]), introduced by Sen. Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D-SC).
The bill would allow Hollywood to mandate digital media technology
limitations that would effectively gut the public's fair use rights.
(Mar. 2002) [PDF version, includes text layer]
- 20020322_eff_aol-intel_critique.html
- EFF Position on Joint AOL-Time
Warner/Intel Pro-DRM Statement: A Step in the Wrong Direction. Recently,
Intel Corporation has issued two very different statements about the
dangers to innovation and fair use posed by copyright owners' attempts
to get Congress to put the power of federal law behind digital rights
management schemes. In estimony before the Senate Commerce Committee,
Intel Executive Vice President Leslie Vadasz courageously spoke out
against Congress making copy controls mandatory in all new technologies.
By contrast a joint statement by Intel and AOL-Time Warner envisions a
world in which corporate negotiations decide consumers' rights, and
government outlaws devices falling outside a "consensus" imposed by
Hollywood. EFF calls on Intel to hold fast to Vadasz's vision. (Mar. 22,
- 20020312_house_jud_sssca_rfc.pdf
- House Judiciary Committee request for
comments on digital copyright and the Security Systems Standards and
Certification Act (SSSCA). Apr. 8, 2002 deadline. (Mar. 12, 2002)
[PDF version; perserves appearance of original, text layer may reveal
scanning errors; 332KB]
- 20020308_eff_sssca_alert.html
- Electronic Frontier Foundation Action
ALERT: Oppose SSSCA; Support Intel's Bravery - A Bad Law and a
Sneaky Process. At a recent hearing Intel co-founder Leslie Vadasz was
the lone industry voice against Hollywood control over the future of
digital media, and for consumer and business freedom. EFF encourages our
members to thank Intel and show your support for their resistance to the
MPAA/RIAA intellectual property land-grab (Mar. 8, 2002)
- 20020308_eff_sssca_pr.html
- Electronic Frontier Foundation Media
Release: EFF Applauds Intel's Stand - Urges Consumers to Express Concern
over Copyright Abuses San Francisco - Encouraged by industry testimony
in defense of consumer rights under digital copyright law, the EFF today
urged consumers to support Intel's stand against overly restrictive
digital rights management legislation. At hearings called by Senator
Fritz Hollings last week, Intel Executive Vice President Leslie Vadasz
expressed concern over legislative proposals that would give Hollywood a
veto on the design of new technologies in order to "secure" copyrighted
material. Vadasz was the only technology industry representative to
speak up on behalf of the public interest and consumer and business
freedom. (Mar. 8, 2002)
- 20020228_intel_hollings_letter.html
- Leslie Vadasz, Intel Exec. VP,
Letter to Sen. Hollings, Regarding SSSCA and Hollywood Attempts to
Control Technology (Feb. 28, 2002)
- 20020227_eff_pr.html
- Electronic Frontier Foundation Media Advisory:
Senate Hearings This Week on Dramatic New Digital Controls - SSSCA
Hearing, Thu. Feb. 28, 2002. The US Senate Commerce Committee will hold hearings
on draft legislation, the Security Systems Standards and Certification Act
(SSSCA). Sponsored by U.S. Senator Fritz Hollings (D-SC) and Ted Stevens
(R-AK), SSSCA would require government mandated copy prevention technology
in future digital devices that would give Hollywood control over how
consumers can use digital content. Senate hearings had originally been
scheduled for Oct. 25, 2001, but were indefinitely postponed after much
public opposition to the proposed legislation. (Feb. 27, 2002)
- 20020227_comp_elec_hollywood_letter.html
- Computer & electronics industry
letter to Hollywood seeking private-sector copy-prevention "solution" in
lieu of SSSCA (Feb. 27, 2002)
- 20010926_usacm_hollings_letter.html
- USACM letter to Sen. Ernest
Hollings on his SSSCA: Association for Computing Machinery takes issue
with new copyright bill, Security Systems Standards and Certification
Act (Sep. 26, 2001)
- sssca_bill_draft.html
- Draft full text of the Security Systems Standards
and Certification Act (SSSCA)
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