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[16 Sep 2002|09:33am]
[ mood | excited ]

No Doubt and Garbage... HERE I COME!!!!

4 whacks| smack some sense into me

[11 Sep 2002|12:30am]
i checked in mark goodman tonight... one of the original MTV ... um, how do you spell it? VJs? Veejays?


he has gray hair.

my life is weird
smack some sense into me

irony can suck it [05 Aug 2002|02:59am]
[ mood | silly ]

Ever since my boyfriend moved in, I never get to see him.

how the hell does that work?
*okay, I know WHY, but it sucks*

I've been working so much, then I have Monday and Tuesday off, and he's going to the station all day Monday and has a job interview on Tuesday and my English teacher would shit bricks if she saw this sentence.


i don't know what it is, but it seems like every time I'm working I have to bust ass. As in, FART. You know? it's the worst... holding that little blast of toxic gas in for hours on end, when all the while it's trying its damndest to peek it's way out and you do everything in your power to keep it in AND keep a straight face while you're doing it. Then you think, "Oh, hell... no one's around, I'll let just a tiny bit out over in the corner and walk away from it really fast..."

At this point, one of two things happens:
1) You blow ass and seemingly get off scott-free, then someone IMMEDIATELY shows up out of nowhere and walks over into the biohazard Level 5 zone, blowing your big plan...
2) A "little bit" of your fart turns out to be a LOT bit and you blow an o-ring out, releasing not only a horrible stink that would put a dog fart to shame, but blasting off a noise so loud that you want to whither up and die on the spot rather than have to face any one of the several horrified onlookers.

yeah, it pretty much sucks.

in other news... I'm going to bed! You can fart there all you want, and as long as you keep the covers tightly sealed around your body, you don't even have to smell 'em!

~~this message brought to you by The Foundation for You Know You Do It, Too, So Don't Act Like It's Never Happened To You Before, and the letter "Q"~~

smack some sense into me

strange soapbox [27 Jul 2002|12:59am]
[ mood | devious ]

I'm in that mood where I just want to say everything that's on my mind, even if it pisses people off.

Or perhaps, especially because it does.

I'm in a cynical mood today. I'm convinced that some people are just nasty and are a waste of human flesh. Maybe it's my job. No, I'm sure it's my job. But I'm seeing some ugly people, and I'm not talking about physical looks.

But it's not JUST in my job. I've had them in my life, as we all have. Some are always that way, and some become that way. Some treat you badly for seemingly no reason at all.

I'm lucky to have people in my life that aren't like that. Especially one in particular.

So, I know I'm blessed. What boggles the mind is, how did things work out the way they did? A complete 180. Things are great for me, it's just a strange thing that it's so different now.


spelling lesson of the week: t-r-i-c-k-y


smack some sense into me

[20 Jul 2002|03:13am]
dumb )
smack some sense into me

[17 Jul 2002|11:53pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

just in case you're wondering...

waking up at 4 a.m. is not fun.

it is NOT good times.

and I'll be doing it again in about 4 hours.


smack some sense into me

[13 Jul 2002|02:05am]
[ mood | amused ]

Look at me... I suck!!


some comments from KT )

6 whacks| smack some sense into me

wahoo! [10 Jul 2002|11:29pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

I bought a digital camera at Target 15 minutes before they closed. How cooooooool is this toy?! Fun fun fun ahead!

progress report:
I've put the little strap thingy on. Okay, actually I had to have Scott do it cuz I couldn't get it.

that's all. maybe by next week I'll have the batteries in it and MAYBE even take a picture! I'll keep everyone updated as I know you'll be on the edge of your sleep--I mean, SEAT.

smack some sense into me

hrmm [09 Jul 2002|09:15pm]
[ mood | what? ]
[ music | Real World ]

i've discovered that the paper shredder scares me. seriously, like, a lot.
it's VERY bad times.

and I think I'm going to sign up for a credit card now.

gotta go kiss my future goodbye. see you later!

smack some sense into me

enough is enough [28 Jun 2002|02:04am]
[ mood | AMERICAN ]

I'm sick of all this garbage. Get it together, people.

~stands up~

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

now was that so bad? I mean, HONESTLY...

friggin' whiny hippie shit. get over yourselves.

2 whacks| smack some sense into me

? [10 Jun 2002|02:00am]
what's up with you people?

specifically, you and you getting to meet a couple of "Where are they now?" alumni. How crazy is that?!


that's it. nothin' doin'.
1 whack| smack some sense into me

the home alone song [08 Jun 2002|10:55pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | SNL ]


home alone on a Saturday night
while most people are watching the fiiiiiiight
it ain't no fun
don't know who won
maybe I should fly a kite

got no place to go
got nuthin' to do
just sittin' in my room
lookin' like a foo'

this song sucks, I think I'll end it
you can make fun of it, I won't be offended
so roses are red and barney is purple,
outta things to say, and nothing rhymes with purple

smack some sense into me

MAN [07 Jun 2002|01:48am]
[ mood | frustrated ]

I know I've complained about this before, but


Dude, I know you said that someone said he had perfect pitch, but whoever said that LIED. Or, just didn't know what they were talking about.

That guy actually needs that damn note-bending thing that I hate with a passion. Then I wouldn't have to grind my teeth so much when he sings. ewwwwww

whew! I feel better.

and I know some of y'all are fans of this guy, and that's fine. But just because a lot of people like something, doesn't mean it's good.

I may be bitching big-time here, but this shit drives me NUTS!

and the kids in the audience! Holy God. All they did was nod their heads. I think I saw a couple of them actually take naps during a couple of songs and no one noticed. Every girl had shorter hair than every guy. Girls: bleached and/or spiked short hair, non-prescription eyeglasses, rugby shirts. Guys: dirty and/or shaggy long hair. Too funny. WE'RE SO TORTURED! SING TO US, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL MAN, SIIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!

emo. what's this world coming to?

--end rant--
back to normal. Thank you.

smack some sense into me

OUCH! [04 Jun 2002|06:14pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

I had to take out my earring (in the cartilage of my left ear) today for work. I officially took the hoop out on Sunday night (had to use pliers... ew), and I think I did some damage to my ear while I was at it. I cheated and put a tiny little stud in it's place. But it started hurting today and I just took it out.

My dad just looked at it and said it was infected, so he went on some sort of Manson-like rampage and started jabbing my ear with a needle. He made it bleed more. Thanks, dad.

I hope it doesn't get all big and puss--- um, how does one spell that??? Puss-filled... there we go. I was trying to write "puhh-seeeee", but YOU KNOW.

anyway, that sucked. Thumbs DOWN!

smack some sense into me

this must be shared [02 Jun 2002|09:21pm]
[ mood | ewwww! ]

OKAY, this is GREAT:

So, tonight the youth group all went to Eatza Pizza to celebrate the end of the school year. It was $5 a person and you can eat all the pizza you want. Our youth group leader sent out flyers a few days earlier saying, "Eatza Pizza... pizza party! Pizza 'til you puke!" etc. So, weeeeee, good times.

Anyway, one of the girls in the youth group is... uh... a little "larger" than the others, and she had 4 plates of LITERALLY overflowing food. It was absolutely piled on there. Quite disgusting.

Whatever whatever... we watch the Lakers/Kings game *poo on the Lakers winning*, and we're all eating and stuff. Then someone yells, "TIA JUST PUKED!"

Everyone kind of just sat there for a while trying to figure out if it was true or not. No Tia in sight. No one wanted to go check on her in the bathroom, so I finally decided to go. One of the ladies working there cleaned up the puke that was out by the floor *poor chick*. I guess Tia was on her way to get MORE food, puked in her hands and ran to the bathroom, spilling all the way. So I go and open the little doors that lead to the bathroom and there is a trail of pizza barf chunks all the way to the ladies room. I turn right around and go, "I can NOT do this."

Well, no one checked on her. I came back to the table and Scott goes, "Well, I guess Tia won." So funny!

Then I see Scott's little niece (she's 3) run toward the bathroom. I guess she was going to wash her hands or something. So I take off running after her, run through the little doors and scoop her up right before she walks in one of the puke puddles. GROSS. I take her in and help her wash her hands. So disgusting: puke everywhere.

After that I sit for a while and 2 MORE PEOPLE go running to the bathroom to blow chunks. Totally disgusting. They puked just because they were thinking about Tia puking.

So, I guess it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Next time it'll be "Pizza 'til you're full."

The funniest/grossest thing ever!!!!! wee!!

6 whacks| smack some sense into me

SA-WEEEET! [24 May 2002|04:53pm]
[ mood | amused ]

My new user pic:

I'm so pretty!

1 whack| smack some sense into me

This needs to be shared [08 May 2002|12:07am]
[ mood | amused ]

An email from a friend (Crusty Chickeneyes):

Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to break up the day. Here is your dose... Follow the instructions to find your new name.

The following in an excerpt from a children's book, "Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants", by Dave Pilkey: The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names... you gotta try it! )

2 whacks| smack some sense into me

and: [06 May 2002|12:27pm]
[ mood | retarded ]

enough of this non-friends-only posting.

back to my normal self!

3 whacks| smack some sense into me

PRAISE GOD [06 May 2002|11:53am]
[ mood | relieved ]

Our car was found!!!!!

The police found it somewhere around 51st Ave. and Thomas in some apartment complex. The police had it towed and they're going to have a mechanic from our insurance take a look at it. They said there were some "foreign fingerprints" on the car, whatever that means ... so maybe the Germans stole our car or something.

That's about all I know... but THANK GOD!

2 whacks| smack some sense into me

unbelievable [04 May 2002|03:53am]
[ mood | infuriated ]

first a dryer sheet in my sleeve, then my car gets stolen.

what's next?

6 whacks| smack some sense into me

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