NYFA has developed a guide to developing a technology plan through a series of workshops and consultations over several years as part of a past program, Knowledge in Technology. The guide we provide here contains a step-by-step guide to developing a plan, as well as a number of sample plans written by the organizations with which we worked. Click here to explore this guide in NYFA's Spiderschool.
In addition, we have developed a guide to Building Arts Audiences and Communities on the Web. This guide takes you through the steps to developing a Web site -- and a Web strategy. A basic HTML Primer is also included.
For information on NYFA grants to New York State organizations for technology planning, see TechTAP.
Major funding for The Knowledge in Technology Program was provided by the Nathan Cummings Foundation, with additional funding from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The program was also made possible in part with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency; additional public funding was received from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. Past support was also received from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.