Mozilla 1.2 - Get It While It's Hot!
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 has just released Mozilla 1.2. New to this version (since 1.1) are Type Ahead Find, toolbars as text/icons/both, support for GTK themes on Linux and native style for HTML form controls on Windows XP, multiple tabs as startpage, Link Prefetching, filter after the fact and filter logging in Mail, the ability to sync your addressbook to a Palm device on MS Windows, and much, much more.

Builds are now starting to show up on the ftp servers, and the release notes have been posted. Be sure to check out the updating roadmap, as noted earlier this week.

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Re: showing ALT as tooltip
submitted by jilles
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 08:03:46 AM

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Well it's not working in the version I installed. Alt attributes as tooltips are used on thousands of sites. In the absence of a title attribute and a doctype, they should be displayed for compatibility reasons.

As for the poll, 'nobody' is probably defined as mozilla developers, not users. There's a conflict between following w3c standards and being able to display most websites. The alt tooltip issue is one of these things where the w3c standard is widely ignored (to the point where it is very hard to find websites that provide title attributes instead of alt attributes). Most html authoring tools I know don't even offer a GUI for defining title attributes.

I'm one of those idiot users that actually uses mozilla to browse the web. I find it highly annoying that I have to tweak my browser to display sites as they were intended be displayed by their designers. Standards compliance is a nice ideal but most sites I visit are not standards compliant. Therefore some flexibility with respect to interpreting non standard HTML is required.

If a site has HTML 4.01 (or higher) as a doc type, don't display the alt attribute as a tooltip because the site is explicitly claiming to comply with a standard. If there is no doctype, displaying the alt attribute as a tooltip very likely is the intended behavior since the developer did not bother complying to any standard; most browsers (including all versions of internet explorer, opera, netscape 4x and earlier) do display alt tags as tooltips and the only reason a developer that does not care for standards would bother to add an alt attribute is to get the frickin tooltip to display.

Like it or not, most sites don't validate as any form of HTML defined by the w3c. Treating them as if they do is probably a very stupid tactic if your intention is to display what the site designer had in mind.
Displaying what the site designer had in mind by bzbarsky (profile) Wed, Nov 27, 2002
Re: What about quirks mode? by thomanski Wed, Nov 27, 2002
Re: Re: What about quirks mode? by bzbarsky (profile) Wed, Nov 27, 2002
because mainstream browsers display tooltips by jilles Thu, Nov 28, 2002
Re: because mainstream browsers display tooltips by asa (profile) Thu, Nov 28, 2002
no you're wrong by jilles Fri, Nov 29, 2002
Re: Re: showing ALT as tooltip by asa (profile) Thu, Nov 28, 2002
Why do we need TITLE for IMG? by ccapeng Thu, Nov 28, 2002
Re: Why do we need TITLE for IMG? by jgraham Thu, Nov 28, 2002

Thanks to this thread
submitted by ecarlson (user profile)
Thursday November 28th, 2002 11:05:23 PM

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Thanks to this thread, I found out why my ALT tags weren't showing up as tooltips in Mozilla, when they worked fine in IE. Kind of sucks to have to add TITLE tags too, but I added TITLE tags to my main web page, and now it works. Now I have to update all my sub pages.

- Eric, (LINK)

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