Serioth's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Serioth's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, August 26th, 2002
    10:18 pm
    Busy Busy Busy
    I have an extremely busy week ahead.

    I have work tomorrow and then I don't show up again until next Tuesday!!! YeeeHaaawww!!

    I have my softball Championship Game tomorrow right after work! We are 13-0 regular season plus we won our single playoff game so far!! I would love to top this whole softball season off with a championship.

    Then we are heading out to hopefully celebrate (or console ourselves). THEN I will go home shower, change and go to Haven. I hope H shows. She might. She might.

    Wednesday I have my acupuncture session with C. I get the keys to my new apartment!!! And I will get the phone and electric switched.

    Thursday is my jimmy Buffett tailgate party and concert. Falci and I can trade leis for kisses from the gals again.

    Friday is finish packing then Fantasy Football draft. Saturday is my moving day, RR's game and RR's party.

    Sunday is a picnic at my cousin's and two B-day parties on Monday.


    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Jimmy Buffett - One Particular Harbor
    Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
    9:10 pm
    On to the Championship Game!!
    Today was our semi-final game in softball. We went UNDEFEATED in the regular season!! A Perfect 13-0!!!!

    The team we played in the playoffs was the last seed that made it. They were a new team that made the playoffs.

    To make a long story short....we kicked their ASSES!!!! We won 21-10. I went 4 for 6 with two stolen hits from great plays by their SS. I played SS and was without an error.

    Now we play in the championship game on Tuesday at 5:15. I will be late to Haven, especially if we win the championship!!! What a rush!

    Current Mood: jubilant
    Current Music: Gorillaz - 19-2000
    7:43 pm
    Jam tomorrow, Jam yesterday, but never Jam today!

    i am extremely intelligent and very wise. i think logically and rhetorically in order to get problems solved. if i'm not mad now, i'm getting very close.

    how mad are you?

    this quiz was made by piksy

    Current Mood: naughty
    Current Music: Queen - I'm Going Slightly Mad
    7:40 pm
    I Wish!

    If I lived in Middle-Earth, it would be in:
    Lothlorien or Rivendell

    You prefer the tranquilty and peacefulness of nature and enjoy the milder seasons of the year. While you know it is necessary to keep in contact with other living beings, most of the time you enjoy the seclusion of an aesthetically pleasing, woodland environment.

    8:33 am
    H called me last night to explain her situation.

    I understand why she did what she did and agree with her decision to end things FOR NOW on a relationship basis. We will remain close friends and are looking to the future as a possibility(?) together. My options are remaining open, though.

    The skinny of the situation is that she has to get her life in order. She has a health situation that she needs to handle before she wants to let me in. I respect that. I told her Iw ould go through it all with her but she would have none of that. I think it might make things more difficult for her if we were involved. So for now we will remain apart but friends. She is aware that I will always be there for her at least as a friend.

    She is devastated right now. She was hoping I would be a complete jerk to make it easy to let me go, but that didn't happen. She is still happier that I understand though. She was very relieved once she finally got a chance to talk to me. She was nervous about my reaction. I made her feel at ease.

    All is better.

    Current Mood: relieved
    Current Music: Delerium - Silence
    Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
    7:56 am
    1:10 am
    Reflections and Tool
    The first part of this week was tough. Sunday I was dumped. It is probably for the best, but it still hurt at the time. I am over it.

    Monday I was in a daze at work and just went through the motions. Crashed early Monday night.

    Tuesday I had a half day. Stressed a bit about a project I had worked on. I felt queasy most of the day. Went to the cemetaries across the street from my apartment. The back cemetary is the one from my church. I walked around for a while and visited my grandparents on my dad's side and my other grandfather. I asked for some help and guidance. I was feeling lost and alone.

    Went to pick up Kiten for Tool. She was in a rough space. I treated her and RR to lunch at Friendly's. We chatted for a while. They are so cool. I am always happy when I am with them. They make me smile.

    Trip down to Tool was quick and fun. Kiten and I talked. I felt better than I had for days.

    Tool was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! Great visuals, tight music, and an entrancing show. I entered a better space. I felt the tension leave.

    Afterwards we grabbed a soda at a bar across the street while the garages let out. Smooth sailing home from there. More talking. More Tool.

    When I finally got home, I had and emailed from a very close friend of mine. I wrote to her when I was upset Sunday. I spilled my entire life space out to her. The relationship situation was just the thing that broke the floodgates open. Just knowing she was there made everything all right. When she followed up it was good.

    I am ready for my future.

    Current Mood: thankful
    Current Music: Tool - Reflections
    Sunday, August 18th, 2002
    7:10 am
    Yes, it is true. I have been dumped. Oh well. I guess it will be for the best. I didn't even get a phone call. Just an email.

    It still sucks though.

    Maybe I will post it later.

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Current Music: Queensryche - I Don't Believe in Love
    Saturday, August 17th, 2002
    12:21 pm
    Today was disappointing.

    Church Bazaar was ok I guess. Food was good. Kept busy by running the poker table.

    Gaming sucked. No H tonight as planned. The reason was absolutely valid and right but I am still bummed about not seeing her.

    A comment from a friend about H hit me wrong, though I know it was not meant that way. Don't know what I want to do tomorrow. I will definitely be working the bazaar again for a little while. I made some tentative plans with H to meet some friends of mine, but I am not sure how that is going to go (or if).

    I think I will just go to bed.

    Current Mood: melancholy
    Current Music: Tool - Parabola
    Friday, August 16th, 2002
    3:42 am
    Tool Tix for Tonight!!!!
    Due to circumstances beyond our control I have either ONE or TWO extra Tool tix for tonight in Boston!!

    The one ticket is for someone who wants to head out with me.
    If it comes down to it and two people want it I MAY be willing to sell the two since I will be going next Tuesday as well.

    Tix are $45 each (just under cost)

    Please contact me ASAP at
    Thursday, August 15th, 2002
    6:08 pm
    TOOL Tix for tonight!!!
    Due to circumstances beyond our control I have either ONE or TWO extra Tool tix for tonight in Boston!!

    The one ticket is for someone who wants to head out with me.
    If it comes down to it and two people want it I MAY be willing to sell the two since I will be going next Tuesday as well.

    Tix are $45 each (just under cost)

    Please contact me ASAP at
    Sunday, August 11th, 2002
    9:09 am
    Today was perfect. I am happy, happier than I can ever remember being.

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: Rhapsody - Siouxsie and the Banshees
    Friday, August 9th, 2002
    12:30 pm
    The One?
    I am feeling better now. My allergies are still acting up on me. My apartment is almost all clean. I just nee to take care of a few clothes and my cd's.

    I received a call from H today. She was free so we talked for awhile before I asked her to go out today. We decided to go for a walk in the park and talk. I picked her up at her friend's house and we went to Buttery Brook in SH. We walked for a few minutes and then sat to talk. We talked about everything under the sun and moon it seemed. We talked about family, friends, dreams, pranks, and desires. We were completing each others sentences. I cannot believe how much we have in common. She is amazing and she is so into me (and vice versa). We chatted about relationships and what we wanted out of them.

    After about two hours of this, we got up and walked for a bit more before heading out for a soda. We then made plans for her to call tonight and for me to cook her dinner on Sunday.

    She called and we talked again for two more hours. We do not seem to be at any loss for words. It seems too good to be true. We are going to take it one step at a time though it seems like we are racing towards each other.

    Current Mood: enthralled
    Current Music: Delerium - Silence
    Thursday, August 8th, 2002
    10:24 pm
    Of Allergies and Anime
    After running myself ragged for weeks, it has finally caught up with me. I am home today feeling like crap. Plus I have to clean my apartment for tomorrow so my landlord can show it to potential clients since I am moving. So I think today will be a slow healing cleaning kind of day.

    Yesterday at work all of a sudden I had a major sneezing fit which has now seemed to degenerate into a sinus infection. Had an interview which I believe I have nailed. Not sure if I want the position though if I do get it. I do have one more interview to go if I make it to finals.

    Then I went to Kiten's for dinner and anime. We hung out with RR while we wait for Muninwig and M. We ended up going to the Northampton brewery for dinner. It was really good though I was starting to feel pretty run down. The food was delicious. I decided to buy the dinner for the four of us.

    Afterwards we stopped at blockbuster for anime. We picked up two discs of Bezerk. Now mind you I have never really gotten into anime and outside of Akira, G-force, Starblazers and Robotech, I have not seen very much else. I really liked the movies. I thought the story was very cool, but it was the characters that I liked. Of course my sense of propriety took a bit of a hit with the major laws of physics being broken (I am not talking about the action but more like when the hero easily let his massive heavy sword lie on his shoulder with the heavy blade sticking way out behind him!) The villains were cool, but I liked the merc group he was a part of. I was quite impressed with the animation and even the dialog.

    I know it may have seemed like I was bored to the others, but I was really feeling horrible and just struggled to keep it together. I know I dozed off for a while on the sofa at the end of the first movie. (I have been doing 3-31/2 hrs of sleep per day lately).

    I think I might start watching anime, now. However, I still have no real interest in those very stoopid/silly shows like Dragonball Z or Pokemon. I am more interested in the serious stories.

    I had a good time with the four of us. We had some great discussions and enjoyed some awesome jokes/gags.

    Well I am feeling a bit better now, but I will take it easy anyways (and pack).

    Current Mood: crappy
    Current Music: nothing
    Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
    7:35 am
    Major Accident
    There was a major accident in Noho today by Kiten and RR's homes. I missed it by 5 seconds. I had just pulled up to Kiten's driveway when the accident occurred. RR was right there in her truck when the motorcyclist went flying over her hood. The car smashed the plant-basin on the median and missed the back of her truck. RR was ok though. I leaped down the embankment to the scene (I did not know RR was involved yet) while Kiten called 911.

    The motorcyclist was being tended to so I went to check on the driver of the car. The driver was very shaken up and ignored my recommendation to just sit still. He was 92 years old I found out later and in deep shock. He got out of his smashed car and was trying to check it out when I pulled him out of traffic. Someone escorted him to the side while park rangers and I directed traffic (other rangers and an off-duty officer were tending to the cyclist who was very seriously hurt).

    Maybe two minutes later, a fire engine and two cop cars showed up. That is when I noticed RR was involved. I asked her if she was ok. She is one hell of a trooper let me tell you. She was calm cool and collected. The ambulance was maybe 45 seconds behind. Another park ranger gave me a radio so we could direct the traffic. It seemed to take forever for the rescue team to move the motorcyclist. Kiten checked on RR again to make sure she was ok.

    They finally moved both the motorcyclist and the elderly man into ambulances. Then the tow trucks arrived and cleared the scene. I directed traffic for about 50 minutes until relieved by a ranger (everything was cleared at that point so the cops took over control of traffic).

    I cannot say enough for how well RR reacted to the situation. She kept it together during the critical part of the situation. She seemed pretty shaken afterwards and I know Kiten was too, but when it counted RR was on the ball.

    Maybe RR will give an account in her LJ. She was right there on the scene. Thank God she was ok though and untouched.

    Current Mood: relieved
    Current Music: Enya - Storms of Africa
    Monday, August 5th, 2002
    11:05 am
    Damn we're good...
    Softball today was quite exhilirating. We had a lot going against us in this game. Our pitcher was playing on a strained knee, one of our girls was playing with a hurt back, another one of our best girls could not play and our 5th girl did not even show so we played short-handed!! I played at the hot corner (3rd base) and flubbed a few plays but made more than I screwed up. We were the home team and were down early being short a player. However, we managed to scrap our way back into the game and had a 6 run lead going into the 7th inning. Well we were like the bad news bears and not only lost the lead but gave them a 3 run lead!! My shagging of a fly short fly ball ended the fiasco. I got to start the bottom of the 7th for batting. Up to that point I was 4 for 4 with a number of RBI's and runs scored. I got a line-drive base hit to start the inning. Moved over ot second on a hit by Tonya and scored on Mike's crushed ball (the bad knee guy). I became his pinch runner and scored again on a hit by Kelly. With the score tied and two outs I coached third base and we wonon another great hit by Craig. We won 25-24 in a heartbreaker!!!

    Well since I am on 3 hours of sleep, I am off to bed, soon.

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: Tool - Stinkfist
    7:35 am
    Slick Idiot
    Went to see Collapse into Reason and Slick Idiot last night at the Webster in Hartford. I went with Frost and Jil. No problems getting down there, but we were a bit late due to the tix that Frost had being in his bag on their way back from Greenfield. There were only about 100 people there including staff, bands and crews. I would conservatively say that 60 of them were there to see Collapse.

    First band was called Capricorn King. They were a cross between N'Sync and GWAR. Three guys in goblin masks screamed about something or another for 40 minutes while the entire place laughed at them. I asked someone what 1985 basement were they pulled from. They were soooooooooooooo AWFUL!!!!

    I figured since THEY could get a show, that Frost, J (a guy he knows who lives in his mom's basement) and I would form our own group: We will call it Gemini. (think about it)

    Frost and I pulled a great prank on GVT. After being there for 30 minutes and listening to N'GWAR for a few I had Frost tell GVT that we were leaving. She was absolutely CRUSHED (until we told her we were kidding).

    Then Collapse came on and did a very good show. This was the first time I heard most of their new stuff. After they got off the stage most of the people left.

    Some other band came on (Cosmo, I think?!?) and they were i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g to say the least. I think they might be schizophrenic because they would toggle in each song from ethereal goth to thrash death metal. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Their last song was good, though.

    Then after a very long break, Slick Idiot came on. There were only about 50 people left at this point. As far as I was concerned the only one on the stage was a very hot red-headed, long-haired singer with awesome dance moves and a joy of performing. Music was terrific, the lead singer was theatrical, but it was all about the girl, Melanie. I danced right in front of her for most of the show. She noticed.

    After the concert, they came down to the people and hung out. I had to leave but before I did she gave Frost and I a huge sweaty hug and thanked us for coming out. She told us they were off to Boston and looked forward to coming back to Hartford. She signed a flyer of mine, as well ;).

    After dropping GVT and little S off in Noho (yes I picked up an extra rider) and then Frost in Huntington, I made it back home for 2:20 and bed at 2:30 to get up at 5:30 for work. I am getting too old for these party-all-night-work-all-day schedules, but it was all worth it for the babe in the band.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Slick Idiot
    Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
    3:43 am
    Time to reflect
    Well, date got cancelled this evening so I thought I would catch up on my journal.

    My week was pretty busy since my last update.

    Thursday was work then massage then out on the town in Springfield with Kiten, RR, and E. Massage was great. Then Kiten and I headed to the free blues concert in Springfield to meet up with RR and E. We met up with them and some of RR's biker friends who were really cool. We were late and what we heard of the concert was good. We all then went to the Gras (free passes) to see some nekkid chicks. At the risk of sounding jaded, none of the girls there interested me. I am soooo not into fake breasts and peroxide hair. The Gras was busy so the girls had no personality while they worked for their money. I really prefer natural beauties with personality and no enhancements. The best part about the Gras was when RR received "special attention" from a dancer. She literally trembled and was wringing her dollar bills in her hand. I think I was turned on more by the episode than she was ;)

    After that we went to the Hot Club for dancing. RR got us in free and we got the grand tour (she works there). We started dancing in the techno room (after hanging in the retro one for a few). It was the four of us and a few gals I think RR knew. Then some guy tried to muscle/dance me out of the picture with the babes I was with. It was not happening. After two songs he moved on. We moved from room to room dancing (well I did not do any dancing upstairs (lounge and hip hop rooms). So I guess we just toggled between the techno and retro rooms for dancing. Our dancing styles were out of place (and in my opinion superior) to the ones the normals used. I had fun anyways, though Kiten was uncomfortable. Some guy made a grab at E as we moved on to the techno room, but he withdrew quickly as I made a move to step in-between glarign at him. We left around midnight. I had a great talk with Kiten on the way home. She is awesome. I enjoy listening to her stories and insights.

    Friday was filled with very high ups and some serious stress. Morning was spent working on my uncle's website (I friggin' hate CGI). I was stressed when I left.

    I then ran home to get ready for my Father's retirement party (along with a few others from the department). He retired from UMASS and I had worked there for w few years while at school. It was terrific to see all the people I knew from working there or who knew me from groing up. The tribute was incredible and brought tears to my eyes. If I can have a legacy half as good as my Dad then I will consider my self successful. I cannot emphasize how proud I am of him and how much I love him. To see my Mom's arm around him at the table during the tributes makes me realize exactly what I am looking for. He was happy to have our entire family there (My mom, my bro and me). One very funny highlight was when I was talking to my old buddies from the dept and they were asking me if my dad ever found out about my college escapade when I was chased by a cop car when I was butt-nekkid. (I got away). Of course my dad is STILL unaware of it though. (I am soooo dead if he ever finds the LJ though ;) It was great to see everyone. They all were very happy to see me too.

    The storm cancelled all the outdoor events, though :(

    When I got home I called my little anime girl to let her know I was going to her party. Timing is everything in life. She had just broke down in the torrential rain on the highway and was in a panic. Well I quickly renewed my road service over the phone and headed out to go get her and get the car towed.

    After an hour of driving around looking for her with no sign whatsoever (I was starting to get very concerned) I drove home and found a message on my machine saying she got towed and was with A. I was sooo relieved she was ok.

    Then I went to A and my little anime's party (b-day and bon voyage respectively) in Amherst. A has an absolutely SPECTACULAR house. I feel in love with it,immediately. The antiques, the woodwork, the atmosphere were all amazing. I was able to spend a lot of time talking with people I never get a chance to talk to. My tequila rose was popular among the few who drank it (the strawberry quik drink). I think I made a few more friends than I had before I went there. At least I think I moved some people from the acquaintance list to the friend list, anyways.

    Today sucked. It does not get any plainer than that. It was not disasterous, just sucky. I had a 6:30 am Tee time (got home for 3:30am) and shot absolutely horrible. Nothing and I mean nothing went right for me. It was quite laughable. I was not even frustrated just a bummed out "it figures" kind of mood. Then I got home and slept.

    Emailed with H who could not go out with me tonight. :( She does want to get together, though but had family obligations (which I totally understand and respect). I am happy that she let me know as opposed to leaving me hanging around wondering what the hell happened (which has occurred numerous times to me).

    Tomorrow will busy.

    I think I will just stay in tonight. *sigh*

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Current Music: Beethoven - Fur Elise
    Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
    11:45 pm
    Wet 'n Wild!!!
    Haven was great last night. The Gothic Beach Party was fun and funny. We ran a small gothy carnival for Team Tsuru riding for MS. I was dressed in a black wife-beater with black shorts with a bright red Hawaiian shirt and boat shoes. I was Goth Johnson of NO Vice and Frost was my partner in a red wrap and black Tee. We posed with our water pistols. lol There was a hola hoop contest and a swimwear one as well. P made one slight mistake, bringing a bunch of waterguns to the club. All night the water flowed soaking combatants and innocent(?) bystanders alike!! P came up to the games to check on our status and three of us zapped her with water pistols. She got the last laugh, though, when she came back with a supersoaker and doused us. We sold hotdogs as well. Another great funny highlight was the swimwear winners had to dance with each other. For the girls it was hard-body E in a bikini dancing with Big Gay B. "A Stripper and a Gay Man; only at Haven"<--quote

    Current Mood: silly
    Current Music: Jimmey Buffett - Volcano
    11:44 pm
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