Galahs' Roost
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Below are the 45 most recent journal entries recorded in
Ruth Lawrence's LiveJournal:
Monday, November 24th, 2003 | 12:46 pm |
ridiculous So much for Quizilla, which thinks I'm a glucose rainbow. Uh-oh... Current Mood: amused | Thursday, November 13th, 2003 | 12:09 pm |
thanks, mhw! New userpic! Current Mood: pleased | Wednesday, November 12th, 2003 | 11:00 am |
userpic I have a jpeg I'd like as a userpic, only I don't quite know how. Life's short! Is there anyone on my list who actually likes doing this sort of thing who would do it for me?
ruth the unITish | Sunday, November 2nd, 2003 | 10:54 am |
coolness! Managed to keep below the download limit last month, so I'm back. | Saturday, November 1st, 2003 | 12:46 pm |
Round The World!!! It seems pretty likely that I'll be doing it.
There's a deal at a nearby travel agent where I can get a fare around the world with ten free stops (up to five in NorAm, up to three in Europe if one is Amsterdam). Extra stops aren't particularly expensive, although there is of course always train or bus.
This costs about 150% the return fare to LAX or a European city from here. We're a very long way off down here!
I'll probably spend a good deal of time in Bali and Lombok, as once there I can live- even in a three-star hotel- as cheaply as I do here, and of course I've always wanted to visit.
I've a cousin in Pattaya, Thailand, and family friends in Malaysia.
The major impediment to staying much time in the northern hemisphere will be the cost of accommodation. (I know how to live off the smell of an oily rag foodwise- dairy, eggs and some fruit or vegetable and vitamin&mineral; pills).
I may be asking around in here and on newgroups about whatever bed and breakfasts or pensions are called in the US- our travel agents don't maintain lists for that country. I don't mind if a room has a single bed, is tiny, and has a shared bathroom.
It isn't certain yet, but it's very likely I'll be doing it- there's no point in both losing pension dollars and paying taxes on the interest from the amount this trip would cost, and I very much want to see more places and meet more people!
It would probably be sometime around March or April I'd be leaving.
I'm not very sensible right now folks!
:::fans self::: | Saturday, October 25th, 2003 | 11:41 am |
not here really We've been spammed out most shockingly with enormous numbers of worm-laden, huge files, and our download limit was exceeded last month, so I've been going to the ISP's site and deleting the stuff from their server, pulling down what's left, the newsgroup posts, and going off-line.
At one stage the mailbox was maxing out twice daily.
I can't really do live journal, other than the odd entry like this, for fear of a bunch of stuff piling in to my mail box whilst I'm reading.
It does seem to be moderating, but is a bummer just the same. | Thursday, September 18th, 2003 | 12:58 am |
wingses I'm to inherit a legacy of an as-yet unknown but probably reasonably large amount, quite likely enough to get me across the Equator.
We'll see what I can manage, though I have to say I really ought to get a new bomb-car, if it's enough for that.
It'll be about nine months away, I think, but may be earlier as some searingly hot lawyers are involved in the estate sale and dispersal. | Tuesday, September 16th, 2003 | 11:25 pm |
voices, not only text Quite recently we changed our telephone company, and chose a plan where distance calls- including UK and USA- are less than a UK pound or less than two US dollars for up to twenty minutes.
Hooray! Even I can afford to make distance calls at this price. | Monday, September 15th, 2003 | 2:47 am |
happy birthday, mhw | Friday, September 12th, 2003 | 4:41 pm |
for what it's worth I have this much self esteem, usually ------> @ .
Sometimes it unwinds, and looks a bit bigger.
Sometimes it shrivels to an eensy dot.
I think I'd best ignore it. | 2:21 am |
dominant inner being? The Magus. The real world bores you as you know that there is more that can be seen in the metaphysical world. You dance through dreams, Consider the cosmos and see eight sides to every four sided object. What is the Dominant Inner being within You? brought to you by Quizilla | 1:53 am |
antipodal I noticed it two years ago, and still think it's wierd. At this time of the year Melbourne has very similar weather to Coventry, UK. Current Mood: amused | 12:54 am |
the good news My tiny little ears ring all the time, and have for over two years.
I can't hear mosquitos! Exxxcellent. | Thursday, September 4th, 2003 | 1:21 am |
spring Stitches and Craft show There's a huge craft show in Caulfield, near Melbourne, twice a year, and I went with my mother today. She'd been almost afraid to go what with her bad knees and the size of it, but did very well with her new wheely walking frame, which has a built in fold down seat. I'm so glad for her. We were overstimulated as usual and will be going back on Saturday, probably, as it has literally hundreds of stalls and displays, too much to take in for later recall in one go. As it is my mother's birthday tomorrow, we bought two books for her, as well as some nifty materials. Current Mood: tired | Monday, August 4th, 2003 | 11:40 pm |
TrustFlow trust metric my results;
1: geminigirl, 2: jaketherake, 3: ashamatic, 4: jss1113, 5: lizw, 6: mittelschmertz, 7: news, 8: bicon, 9: rmjwell, 10: adjectivemarcus, 11: boondocks, 12: ailbhe, 13: calnhobbes, 14: polyamory, 15: chrisbert, 16: paidmembers, 17: points, 18: shadowspar, 19: pleonastic, 20: anisoptera, 21: djm4, 22: jinian, 23: piranha_gooroos, 24: mondragon, 25: drevilmoo, 26: ciphergoth, 27: drood, 28: spwebdesign, 29: aliciar, 30: bubblebabble, 31: ms_adria, 32: folksdoingstuff, 33: pipyn, 34: photoglh, 35: imago, 36: ruth_sedina, 37: stonebender, 38: the_ogre, 39: doll_finn, 40: augea, 41: dilbert_feed, 42: foxtrot_feed, 43: klwalton, 44: vwaffle, 45: cappyhead, 46: cbunnell, 47: serenefood, 48: jonsinger, 49: champagne_grape, 50: kshandra
...most of whom I recognise. | Sunday, August 3rd, 2003 | 7:13 am |
:::blink::: I'm still experiencing the image-storm sequel to my embroidery class.
Hmm. I've learned the Important Bits of Brazilian Embroidery the teacher tells me. So now I need to practice more as I have these goals; (1) the making of nifty gifts or craft-swap items (2) learning other dimensional techniques (3) designing my own stuff. | Thursday, July 31st, 2003 | 9:13 pm |
woot! I have the 'net working, although not yet the mail and news.
M, is this connection hot! | 6:38 pm |
changing isp so I may be gone a few days, or not. Seeyas! Current Mood: bouncy | Wednesday, July 30th, 2003 | 3:00 am |
ihug? bl@st. Well, looks as if I can't post a file as large as my previous attempt. Never mind I guess. Some of you are there. Whatever. :-( | 2:57 am |
lj match wossit I messed this up last time. Let's see if it works! ( Read more... ) | Saturday, July 26th, 2003 | 10:20 pm |
a little rain ...and hundreds of Ixias have come up under the Norfolk Island Pine! | 2:31 am |
tiny twins bulletin So far so good: no infected umblicus (a risk without colostrum), taking about 20ml daily and suckling. DoomBoyz are beginning to treat them like dolls, though. | Monday, July 21st, 2003 | 11:54 pm |
| Saturday, July 19th, 2003 | 1:57 am |
How bisexual am I? You're beyond bisexual. Your weirdness factor goes off the scale of this test. You might be a hermaphrodite, an alien or even a furry. If you are sexy, please send us a picture. How Bisexual are You? brought to you by Quizilla | Friday, July 11th, 2003 | 1:34 am |
sucks slugs I've found that my mother has blocked some people in my e-mail account. | Monday, June 2nd, 2003 | 1:15 am |
is it me? or do other bi folk feel like defenestrating books with trite hetsex scenes? sometimes i think i could write better stickbook stuff and that ain't a recommendation. Current Mood: cynical | Wednesday, May 21st, 2003 | 12:44 am |
I fell behind and am only now catching up, and am having to skim. So I've not made comments when I may otherwise have done. Curses on dial-up connections and crummy ISPs! I've had to cull down my friends list. Nobody who has friended me is gone at this stage, though. Current Mood: tired | Saturday, May 10th, 2003 | 11:58 pm |
channelling grandma My grandmother, who would be 101 were she alive, was a major plant buff. Cottage gardens with many pickable flowers, and indoor plants. Her husband (my grandfather) was an architect, so the home they lived in for a very short time before he died, the first they could afford to have built to one of his plans, included an east-facing glass-walled mini-conservatory off the lounge: unheard-of back in 1961.
Natives were my thing until after she died. I seem, since then, to have (kill me now) blossomed.
Well, a fie my growing the indoor vegetation. It isn't so much that the cats rather enjoy ripping them out of their pots and zooming around the room scattering soil from floor to ceiling, or that many I find most appealing are highly toxic, no, it's that I'm bloody spoilt and the fun in growing them was ruined entirely when I stepped off the plane in Singapore. Harrumph!
So it comes down to ordinary garden plants. Not the West Australian Challenges my father and I have had a go at for many years, but seriously non-PC things with petals.
I'm pleased with myself that my cuttings of Felicia and Buddleia have struck and are fairly bounding out of their containers. Any Fule No how to do these, I suppose: just cut bits off at the right time and stick them in potting mix basically. I remembered to water them though! All the drydrydry summer.
Now I'm on a roll, triffids next. | Friday, May 9th, 2003 | 10:22 pm |
the power of both/and Should I embrace it?
I've actually migrated in here during the last couple of weeks or so, but am of two minds whether I should leave one foot in the grav^H^H^H^H newgroups.
Even though I'm new, and LJ seems very ssslllooowww, I'm finding it very congenial, I like lots of its features: it's more visual, seems more intimate and more consensual.
But froups seem better for (some kinds of) conversation.
Yet some of them are in my view still potential snake pits, for me and some of those I know, prolly.
A conundrum, if you will. | 9:16 pm |
whew! ..but the microwave isn't fried.
Pets and Stuff went everywhere! | 8:51 pm |
meep! The switch for the microwave just exploded... | Thursday, May 8th, 2003 | 11:12 pm |
fixed her tiny wagon Josie, the cat of some notoriety, was spayed yesterday.
An amusing thing I've noticed in the past with mature queens who've had this proceedure is that they seem to check themselves with some frequency and disappointment. "O, phooey, nuthin doin". | Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 | 10:12 am |
on the erotic lives of cats Josie has cystitis. Not, as one might imagine at first blush, the result of dallying sapphicly with young Jeanie, nor yet as one would wryly hope as the misfortunate sequel to youthful fumbling by young Mingle. No indeed. She is suffering the consequences of seducing little Kipple, a five month old kitten. | Monday, April 28th, 2003 | 3:59 pm |
skaaanky A few posts ago I made an allusion to my brother. Well, he's done a bunk, and we learnt this as a result of ringing him to discover the reason he had run up hundreds of dollars onto the telephone account looking at prOn sites. I'd say he has had to give personal information about my father to have done so. Of course my folks are feeling quite ill over this. They are on a full pension, which in Oz is well below the poverty line. He knows this. We'll find out tonight if he's done it to our brother and friends as well. This is rather worse than the lies, nastiness and laziness he has been engaging in for a whole goddamm year. Good grief. It isn't as if free doity pictures aren't out there by the million- I look at them- the mind boogles. He's forty-five year old, not fifteen. Current Mood: drained | Sunday, April 27th, 2003 | 1:28 am |
darwinnowing Rather an odd sound earlier which I'd put down to Josie and Jeannie playing reindeer games in the hallway. A trip to the bathroom revealed it was Magnus, who has caught a mouse.
It won't be repeating kindergarten.
Current Mood: predatory | Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003 | 2:37 am |
over the moon I just spoke IRL to mhw. Much joy and swoonage! One day I very much hope to see zir and the others Over There agian... | 12:33 am |
Naughtiness I need to practice it more. Current Mood: bouncy | Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003 | 2:44 am |
for the time being Right now the Annoying Sibling who has camped in the pooter room all this past year is off flat-sitting, though he was at my birthday dinner, complaining about his constipation. So I'm getting a go at livejournal! Hello all! Current Mood: amused | Monday, March 24th, 2003 | 4:05 pm |
yesterday's exciting adventure So there we were in our gloomy burrows unsuccessfully attempting to obliterate our awareness of The War by variously reading, brooding or making tiny sculptures when :::screeeeee, Crack!::: a huge station wagon ploughs straight through the front fence, tossing a post feet and crushing several Melaleucas.
Yours trooly wanders out and there's a group of excited neighbours who chanced to be grooming their own gardens,and Saw It All.
Apparently five drunken kids leapt out of the now bogged vehicle and fled down the road.
The Plot Thickens, though: it wasn't only a stolen, hot-wired car, it turned out to have false number plates and everything. Major crime, Ooo!
We all felt much better after, and had a nice tea.
Ruth, who finds almost anything better than brooding on the war | Saturday, January 25th, 2003 | 11:14 am |
erm Why does my lj icon (in the toolbar) flash red when I'm doing something else on-line? | 11:06 am |
ghastly day It's already well on its way to reaching 110 Fahrenheit, there's a strong, dry north-easterly and significant fire hazard, although at this stage there is no fire in this area. Because, however, we are living in a relatively forested district we've initiated our fire plan. All the carry cages are in the cattery and so on. My mother and I know what order to evacuate the kitties.
We can't save many cats if the house should burn down, but if it's only the cattery threatenned, I think we can get them all out. We managed to get them to safety when we had a fire at the old place.
Folks without animals need only listen to their radios, of course,
Decidedly not pleasant.
I'll be glad when school returns: sorry to say a lot of fires are deliberately lit by kids. | Friday, January 24th, 2003 | 5:41 pm |
quite hot actually ..which is more than slightly nerve-wracking, given the extreme fire danger. No actual conflagrations in my immediate district, but that doesn't make me feel happier that there are fires elsewhere. I wept when I heard the high meadows were burning the other week.
I'll be glad when autumn sets in. | Monday, January 13th, 2003 | 12:24 pm |
I think I've realised why I've ground to a sticky halt and not written anything in here- when I've blocked seriously in the past it has been the same kind of thing.
:::deep breath:::
I was assaulted at the Coventry BiCon in August, 2001.
Late on the Saturday night (or very early on Sunday morning) I was lied to, tricked and then kicked. Fortunately a guy came outside and the perps fled. My view then and now was that I had been co-opted as a prop in a well-rehearsed sick scenario.
I was barely able to function in England thereafter.
I just wanted this to be out there, ya know. | Tuesday, December 31st, 2002 | 11:32 pm |
another me, me, meme wossit all right then, since I've been so lax about posting I'll submit the following list for any who wish to plow through it:
1. My first newsgroup subscription was alt.polyamory. Thereafter I've been a froup slut, mostly lurking in some places and writing far too much in others.
2. I preferred toy railroads, chemistry sets, lego and so on to dollies when young.
3. Building cubbies and go-carts was more fun for me than playing with tea sets.
4. I had never been into soft toys, but now have so many cute and shiny monitor animals that some have succumbed to population pressure and migrated to the printer shelf.
5. Part of my favoured 'decorating style' consists of unusual hand-made wooden thingies, particularly cats, of which I have, um, quite a few.
6. I have spasms of involuntary literalism. Puppy bones? Discharge Area? Eeuw!
7. During my childhood and early adolescence I had an active, sexualised fantasy life as a boy. He turned out gay.
8. If my ashes are not somehow hauled, I'm plagued by wet dreams.
9. My hair is fuzzy. Right through school this drew racist remarks. I actually don't know if the gene is from Jewish or Islander provenance.
10. I don't do religion or new age stuff and so on. I used to be very militant about this.
11. I'm absolutely terrified of being dead.
12. I'm much less afraid of most ways of dying.
13. For what it's worth, I'm a strong Myers-Briggs INTP.
14. In short self-descriptions I tend to place my political philosophy at the forefront.
15 When I was off school at the age of 9 with Rubella I snuck one of my mother's library books and taught myself classic genetics in one afternoon. I know this looks creepy.
16 I joined the Australian Labor Party (and its Socialist Left faction) the month I turned 15: the minimum age.
17 I'm descended from architects, carpenters, engineers, tailors and so on.
18. I think up imaginary structures and objects, but have Rules about this. (I suggest not asking.)
19. If I couldn't do sex, I'd still want to give and receive physical affection.
20 I can get interested in almost anything except team ball games.
21. If my mother and I both feel down we go and visit a huge nearby garden display centre for a colour hit.
22 I wish I was more sexually experienced with women.
23 I've had a life-impeding hang-up about writing which lasted years and sometimes returns.
24. I've travelled in Malaysia and Thailand, to Hong Kong, around Scandinavia and to Coventry, UK. Some of my rels have travelled much, much more: including to really unusual places (eg Antarctica).
25. So I need a website already, but haven't got a round tuit.
26 I have severe asthma, diabetes and other lesser stuff which comes and goes.
27 I fall in love easily and repeatedly, but fall out again rarely and with difficulty.
28. Had I the spare cash, I'd dress in drag whenever I wasn't in sloppy casual gear.
29 I'm cynical about west-centric presumptions in art and design.
30. I was quite proud of being accused of being a Trot at the age of 16.
31 Back in the 70's I did cartoons, and I'm thinking of getting back into it. See #25.
32 Despite abhoring nationalism I am wince-inducingly Australian. Unless a person likes that sort of thing.
33 I am already half in love with a person of honest feeling and good intent.
34. I like to cook for others but prefer that the recipes not be conventional or boring.
35. I don't fare well in large groups.
36. I'd be happy for Enzedd and Oz to unify. I'm the only person I know who thinks this.
37. I get mindworms, not lyrical earworms. I don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse.
38. Popular culture seems mostly like noise to me, which I sometimes regret.
39. If I won the lottery I'd already have everything planned.
40. I sometimes worry that I'm worrying about things that aren't real.
41. Recently I realised that I could easily have been seen as domineering. Not my intention, but :::cringe::: nevertheless.
42. I'm bad at knowing whether people like me.
43. In fact I'm bad at lots of things.
44. I've a pet aversion to cliques, gangs and so on.
45. My secret goal in creating this list is to warn prospective sweeties in advance.
46. OK, I'm turned on now.
47. For more than 20 years I've been a breeder and exhibitor of pedigree cats: mostly rarer varieties within the Siamese Type group.
48. No, I do not enter into discussions about the ethics of this with foreign nationals.
49. I'd love to make a real and positive contribution to people's lives, but can't think how.
50. Most of my life I've either been on low wages or welfare.
51. I actually once completed a required course in classic economics, *and* *survived*.
52. I used to hang out with Lesbian Feminists.
53. When I was a kid I won a string of scholarships and prizes, and as an adult I've scored very highly in various exams.
54. I'd rather be a very good lover than a very good test-taker.
55. When I turned 40 I realised I'd turned into a feelthy cruiser of young twinks and a diverse range of females.
56 Sex-positive feminism came as a huge relief to me.
57. I'm one of those people who felt really, really depressed when the Big Bang Theory was supported credibly.
58 Reading sf probably saved my queer, teenaged life.
59. Recently I've been having dreams (nightmares) about mushroom clouds.
60. I always knew Wedding Bells weren't for me.
61. If I hadn't been so broke for so long, I'd have had a child.
62. I've always resisted doing book reports and so on. Like, who am *I*?
63. Right now I'm really getting into propagating plants. My cuttings are striking! Some guy sent me rare seeds!
64. I'm one of those folks who know more botanical than common names of plants.
65 I wanted to be a journalist and then a scientist when I grew up. Now I'd be happy to be a Commie Pinko Dyke Bitch.
66. I am an abuse survivor. Various kinds, and even once quite recently (August 2001).
67. If I could, I'd spend time in the mountains again.
68. There's a word for my kink: *walker-snatcher*. I learnt it the other week. I have others.
69. I read at least five books a week or suffer withdrawal.
70. I'd like to write one myself (like millions of others). I've even created a vague outline and so on (the advantages of pooter word-processing).
71. All my ancestors were in Oz by 1880. Yep, some were convicts.
72. If I had to migrate out, it would be to Enzedd, and failing that, Ireland.
73. I'm not proud of my country. We have concentration camps.
74. I'm a veteran of numerous moratoria. I hope I do not need to go to more.
75. On election day I want everyone who votes for The Bad Guys to Die, Die, Die. I get over it.
76. When young, I fervently hoped the curses I put on Bad Guys would be effifacious. Now I'm glad they are not, in case somebody thinks *I'm* a bad guy.
77. I seem always to be an activist, even at inconvenient times.
78. I'm bitter about people who get joy out of disimproving the lives of otherised groups.
79. I have a similar attitude to those who kept voting to not allow bi people in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras party.
80. I'm single right now, and have in the past lived quite alone for some years.
81. That's right: I probably won't do U-Haul.
82. It's love Ruth: love her pets, folks.
83. I may be very noisy but I'm really very shy.
84. I think uncharitable things about majority-people fairly often I'm afraid.
85. Every so often, I want to defenestrate heterocentric books, the TV, radio and possibly persons as well. Mostly I adjust.
86. I know I'm ridiculous.
87. I wish I could take more tertiary-level courses: philosophy and history and philosophy of science in particular.
88. Surely menopause is just around the corner?
89. I'd hoped to be wise. Now I'm grateful to have made it.
90. I prefer Melbourne winters to Melbourne summers.
91. I can see the weather coming from where I live: on a hill not very far from the sea.
92. Thinking about it, I've always lived reasonably close to the sea: say, a bicycle ride or nearer.
93. And it's always been on the Bunerong people's land, too, I'm sorry to say.
94. Australia should become a republic, in my view.
95. For all my opinionated political assertions I just don't have the energy, focus or certitude I did 30 years ago. I'm probably in many ways more radical, though.
96. I've learnt more in the last five years than I did in the previous fifteen.
97. I like people more now than I ever did in the past (election days aside).
98. I have faith in humanity, but little trust in individuals who are into power.
99. Nothing is more important than life in all its glory and all its manifestations, IMO.
100. I'm really tired now. | Wednesday, December 18th, 2002 | 11:25 pm |
gotta start somewhere, I suppose! Just so that people I've told I've created this account won't come looking and see an entirely blank space, I've decided to write today about Bugs.
There's a dead weta (WHEAT-a) dangling from a spider web in the bathroom. These are, in my view, a peculiarly nauseating class of arthropod. Even the cats are terrified of them.
What newly revealed horror of the downunder ecosystem are these, you might ask?
They are a flightless, carnivorous cricket which might convey part of why they seem so creepy to me. They look wrong. The lack of perceptible neck or waist and thick, non-insect-looking legs doesn't help, either. Or the jaws.
All this goes to show that Cats Lack Foresight, as it was a kitty who made the hole in the bathroom fly wire, thus allowing this monstrous tableaux to assault my bleary early morning eyes.
Not that fly wire is cause for smug security, indeed not. The other summer a positively tropically-monstrous preying mantis- body several inches long, bigger than my hand and of a noticeable *weight*- managed to enter the house by means of entangling herself in my grrrlycurls. I say "she" because her abdomen was distended, presumably with eggs and the macerated remains of her consort. Which did not endear her to me. My only relief was the ease with which she was induced to transfer herself to my jacket.
Never mind that she stayed there, cast outside the back door with much squeaking, overnight. This is excessive attachment.
Well, at least it wasn't fervently and rapidly expressed, unlike the jumping ants whose nest my father ran over with the ride-on mower. I don't think he's ever run so fast. These little buggers will fix a beady eye on a person innocently gazing into the middle distance and *attack*. The bite burns like fire. Ah, me.
Redback spider season is coming on, too.
There are, however, no kangaroos in the district. |