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(10 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

Cogitations. [20 Feb 2002|08:58pm]
My job should be to play and be happy. Do you know why I want to teach English? I don't know what else I can do with myself every day that would make me feel like an indentured servant.

I won't be online much anymore.

Thank my mother for that.

(Don't you think it's funny?)

My Parents. [20 Feb 2002|08:38pm]
[ mood | I despise my progenitors. ]
[ music | Razed In Black - I've Suffered Long Enough ]

What an unfortunate coupling.

(3 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

A happy (belated) Valentine's Day [16 Feb 2002|09:22am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Dance Dance Revolution - Boom Boom Dollar (3rd mix) / DDR - Bumble Bee ]

Hey Mike, I received the flowers. Mom just saw them wilted on the porch this morning. She called them up and "gave 'em hell" for not telling us the flowers were on the porch (I sure as hell didn't see them!). So now they're going to send us fresh ones. They looked pretty. ^_^

But, in all honesty, I liked the card more. It's the first time I've seen your handwriting, and I've gotta say, it looks much better than mind. =/ I read the card and then mom wanted to see it. "Medicine?! Oh my god..." Heh. I think she's in a good mood this morning.

(3 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

Online Tarot Reading [15 Feb 2002|09:32pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | Utada Hikaru - Paint it Black ]

( Results )

(9 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

Shrines [15 Feb 2002|05:28pm]
[ mood | awed ]
[ music | Liquid Zen - Blown Away / Gene Loves Jezebel - Gorgeous ]

Shrine of Jam Karan, Iran

Shrine of Imamzade Shah-e’ Abdal-Azim, Rey

Shrine of Imam Reza, Mashad

Shrine of Shah-e' Cheragh, Shiraz

When you look at these, do you feel the awe? Know that I feel it too. It is not wonder at the establishments of God, but it is wonder at the establishments of man.

(2 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

The placement of sinks in public facilities I find to be impractical as a urination device for women which leads me to want to accuse the proper authorities of gender discrimination. [15 Feb 2002|05:17pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Jimmy Roselli - Innamorata ]

"There comes a time in life when everybody must take a piss in the sink."
- Peter Orlovsky

(Don't you think it's funny?)

See that little crack of light? It's the door to my bedroom. [15 Feb 2002|04:28pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]
[ music | Feindflug - Stukas Im Visier ]

(1 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

"To His Mistress Objecting To Him Neither Toying Nor Talking" by Robert Herrick [14 Feb 2002|07:42pm]
[ music | Ray Anthony - Tenderly ]

You say I love not, 'cause I do not play
Still with your curls, and kiss the time away.
You blame me, too, because I can't devise
Some sport to please those babies in your eyes:
By love's religion, I must here confess it,
The most I love when I least express it.
Small griefs find tongues: full casks are ever found
To give, if any, yet but little sound.
Deep waters inside noiseless are: and this we know,
That chiding streams betray small depth below.
So, when love speechless is, it does express
A depth in love and that depth bottomless.
Now, since my love is tongueless, know me as such
Who speaks but little 'cause I love so much.

(1 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

Siracusa [14 Feb 2002|07:27pm]
[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | Ray Anthony - Autumn Leaves ]

San Giovanni alle catacombe

Teatro Greco

(3 people in denial | Don't you think it's funny?)

"yes yes yes yes yes yes yes" [14 Feb 2002|04:21pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Megadump - Save Myself ]

Today was a good day. The highlight of the day was my taking a field trip to the Deer Valley Community Center to take water tests on the creek behind it with my environmental science class. On the middle of nowhere road between hills and long expanses of vivid spring green we traveled, and laughed at the myriad cows littering the pastures. We had to open gates to get to the place and drive on gravel, and I felt like an undercover biologist that had something important to do. We carefully walked down a hill lugging our equipment to the banks of the creek to take water samples, and I was amused at the little water bugs and brine-shrimp looking bugs that were in the water. We then did the tests which were quite easy, and had a nice lunch in the shade to look out on the green hills. I felt productive for once. My lunch was very simple, a ham and cheese sandwhich and a sour apple. But it tasted better than any lunch I've had for the past few months.

I took a simple test in English class when I got back, and spent the rest of the period reading about T.S. Eliot, and reading "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." I do believe I've found my favorite poem.

I came home expecting mom to be angry at me for sleeping over at Crystal's house so that I can do the lab write up with her. Thanks to her bringing the protocol home without Mrs.Trejo's permission, we easily understood what the results meant. Mom is sick with the flu, so she's too weak to really yell at me, and I don't think she wanted to because she didn't put up much of the obligatory argument about my going there (besides, I think she loves Crystal, so I'm forgiven by default).

I consumed a slice of chicken and garlic pizza, and a slice of some strawberry cake.

Today would have been a very good day if History club had not been canceled without notice, but aside from that, today was a good day.

I haven't had one of those in a very long time.

I want to remember this.

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