Capt Alexsandyr Troutnoodler's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Capt Alexsandyr Troutnoodler's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, September 13th, 2002
    11:01 pm

    That's all I can say, really?

    Went hiking on thursday afternoon. There's a major rainforest behind the base, and the trails just go on and on forever. The trails aren't travelled very often, which means they are covered in dry leaves and other slippery items. The trails are also on narrow paths that have very big, sheer drops on either side. With very, very thick brush and trees at the bottom.

    Absolutely perfect for concealing a broken and bleeding otter, should he make a mis-step.

    You don't suppose this would discourage me in the least, now do you? I mean, honestly? No, I didn't think so. Heh. I will say that I take extrordinary precautions though. I keep my cellphone with me and check in with someone before entering. Also check in before heading out (if I can get a signal) and when I've finished the hike. I carry food, water, clothing, fire-building materials, major first-aid kit, a HUGE pig-sticker that might be called a knife by Conan the Barbarian but would otherwise be called, "Eeeeeyaaahhh!" by anyone else. Light-sticks, rain parka and an emergency strobe finish out the kit.

    If I'm going to be going back there with any regularity, I'm going to need a GPS and a decent map. No question, this place is rough.

    So...what in the name of Cerebus and the Nine Hells am I doing in such a dangerous place?

    It's beautiful. It's mostly untouched. It's remote. And it's beautiful.

    I'd say it's also quiet, but the machine-gun fire from the valleys can be a little annoying at times. The army trains down there using MILES gear, or Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems. It's pretty cool stuff! Look here to see and learn more about it.

    I have to say, though...those grunts can run pretty damn fast where they're getting shot at. Hee! At 16:22:30, they were at about 110 on the compass. At 16:22:55, they were at 115. And by 16:23:28, they were at 120. Mind you, they were about 1500 yards away and managed to cover 20 degrees on the compass.

    Being shot at, even with simulation gear, is a REMARKABLE incentive to BOOGIE!

    The trails I use are usually free of fire-fights, but I *do* find evidence that they use the trails. Old MRE's, spent blanks and other things abound, letting me know that I might come face to muzzle with a modified M-16 at the next bend. Hee! If you're going to live life, you may as well do it dangerously or not at all.

    I also pay strict attention to respecting the Aina, or land. I don't mark trees, I don't dig things up and I don't eat the fruits unless I leave something behind. I also make an offering of water before I enter and after I leave the forest, and whenever I stop to eat some of my food. I really should carry Ti leaves with me as well, just to be safe.

    The threats here aren't just physical, you see. Kaupe dwells up here. As does O'ahunui and the Night Marchers. Some might laugh at such things. I don't. is a beautiful place. Hmmmmm...I'll have to find some people to explore it with. Don't wanna keep going back there alone, I might not come back. Oh, and lest some folks reading this worry, I *AM* very careful. I mean, normally I just breeze through places like this, but not here. I choose each and every footstep and don't do any of the normally crazy things I'd otherwise do.

    Damn. I must be getting old or something. I'm actually acting responsibly!

    Current Mood: curious
    Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
    10:22 am
    Updated my webpage.
    It's been a year.

    The time for mourning is done.

    Time to live.

    Current Mood: calm
    Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
    6:00 am
    Huh. Figures...matches my mood, too.
    Makes sense, I suppose.

    You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some have a while after all

    What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

    Test Created By oronoda

    Current Mood: crushed
    Monday, September 9th, 2002
    12:17 pm
    New piccie.
    Thinking about doing a few of my own. My *very* own, that is.

    Current Mood: creative
    Sunday, September 8th, 2002
    10:38 am
    Now THIS is hilarious! Scooby-Doo vs Cthullu!!
    "Perhaps it is not so surprising that the dark knowledge which alone suffices to defeat the forces of the Mythos finally consumed the hearts and souls of my companions, thus forcing me to kill them and eat their brains."

    Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002
    6:28 am
    Aloha kanaka malahini! E komo mai!
    Get one BEEEEG Aloha to da following peoples...


    Welcome to my home. *hugs*

    Are you certain you want to be here?

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Monday, September 2nd, 2002
    9:32 am
    Some pertinent quotes for Labor Day
    The following are a series of quotes by Theodore Roosevelt, the greatest president this country has ever known.

    On Work: No man needs sympathy because he has to work. Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. - In a Labor Day address, during his presidency

    On Character: "Character is far more important than intellect in making a man a good citizen or successful at his calling- meaning by character not only such qualities as honesty and truthfulness, but courage, perseverance and self-reliance." - North American Review, August, 1890

    On Citizenship: "It ought to be axiomatic in this country that every man must devote a reasonable share of his time to doing his duty in the political life of the community." - Forum, July, 1894

    On Corruption: There is no greater duty than to war on the corrupt and unprincipled [political] boss, and on the corrupt and unprincipled business man; and for that matter, the corrupt and unprincipled labor leader also, and on the corrupt and unprincipled editor, and on anyone else who is corrupt and unprincipled." - An Autobiography, 1913

    On Efficiency: "If a man's efficiency is not guided and regulated by a moral sense, then the more efficient he is...the more dangerous he is." - Sorbonne, Paris, France, April 23, 1910

    On Foreign Relations: "Our country shall not shirk its duty to mankind. It can perform this duty only if it is true to itself. It can be true to itself only by definitely resolving to take the position of the just man armed; for a proud and self-respecting nation of freemen must scorn to do wrong to others and must also scorn tamely to submit to wrong done by others." - "America and the World War" (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915), vii-xv.

    On Morality: "No prosperity and no glory can save a nation that is rotten at heart." - Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, Sept. 2, 1901

    On Virtue: "The corrupt men have been perfectly content to let their opponents monopolize all the virtue while they themselves have been permitted to monopolize all the efficiency." - The Outlook, Dec. 21, 1895


    Mister President. Mister Cheney. Mister Ashcroft.

    Just so you know. I'm watching. And I've got a GREAT moral compass.

    Have a safe and sane Holiday.

    Current Mood: jubilant
    Sunday, September 1st, 2002
    8:24 pm
    Good things...
    Mates who love you. Very, very good. Top of my list. *churrs*

    Friends who understand you.
    Friends who forgive you. Even if you were mean or said something mean to them.
    Friends who will try anything with you, even if only just once.
    Friends who grab you by the scruff of the neck and hold you back before you go waltzing off the edge of the cliff.
    Friends who know when to offer a shoulder.
    Friends who know where to find a shoulder.

    This previous week was actually pretty good.

    I got outside more this week than I have in the last two months! I went boogie-boarding TWICE! God, I'd forgotten how much I used to love doing that.

    I spent some time helping a dear friend cope with a death in the family. I wish I could have been there to give them a hug, though. *sighs* Maybe this winter or more likely next summer.

    Got stung by a Man-O-War! Holy SCHMOLEY these things HURT!

    I was on the North Shore, BB'ing with Razor and EK Goya. The surf was small-for me, anyway-and I was laying on my board, just waiting for the next set. I looked down to see this little thing floating around the inside of my elbow. It was a brilliant blue, frilly, organic looking and very small.


    Always remember otter; if it's brightly colored in the ocean, there is a reason.

    It brushed against my arm. ZING! Ow? It brushed me again. ZAP! ZAM! ZRAANNGG! YEOW! EEEEP! ACK! *thrash*splash*splash*

    It didn't take long for me to wise up or my skin to swell up. My first encounter with a baby Man-o-War, aka "blue bubbles". The skin on the inside of my elbow turned red, then brown. It hurt, but I wanted to keep surfing. Nothing you can do about it anyway, so I left it alone and kept at it. Some say to rub it with sand. BAD idea. Some say use urine, or "shi-shi" in local lingo. Don't work for Man-O-War, only fire coral.

    Tough it out. Hee!

    Waves were great. Got some good piccies, too. At least EK got them for me. I'll be sure to post them when I get them developed.

    I've got blisters where I got stung. Cool! Battle scars! *pumps fist*

    Current Mood: rejuvenated
    Current Music: Linkin Park- Reanimation: PLC.4 MIE HEAD
    11:01 am
    Oh, REAAAly?

    i am extremely intelligent and very wise. i think logically and rhetorically in order to get problems solved. if i'm not mad now, i'm getting very close.

    how mad are you?

    this quiz was made by piksy

    I'd have thought I was more insane than this...

    Current Mood: crazy
    Friday, August 30th, 2002
    7:51 pm
    *enter's R. Lee Armee mode*


    George "Dubya" Bush is NOT the true president. The True President is Al Gore. Al Gore had the popular AND the electoral vote, but too many votes were "lost". Never mind that ridiculous bullshit about hangings chads.

    Hanging chads....*snort*

    I get hanging chads on my testicles after a fucking workout!

    Over 400,000 democratic voters (most of them black) were declared criminals and denied their right to vote. How? Simple! Anyone who had a social security number that was within 3 digits of anyone who had a previous felony conviction was denied their right to vote. Oh yeah, and anyone who had a BIRTHDATE within one WEEK of anyone who had a felony conviction and had a similar SOUNDING last name was nixed too. Slash off another 145,000.

    Nearly 75,000 military personell never got their absentee ballots in time. Damn close to one-hundred thousand of my fellow sailors, marines, airmen and grunts didn't get their chance, AND I'M MIGHTY DAMN PISSED!

    Funny how all of those who didn't get their ballots were all democrats, yet all of the absentee ballots for Bush were counted. Some of them twice! And it's REALLY fucking odd, how those Bush ballots came from the EXACT SAME FUCKING COMMAND AS THE GORE BALLOTS, yet the Gore ballots never made it in on time.

    And isn't it conveinient that all of the states where these shennanigans went on were run by Bush relatives or friends of the family? And ain't it REALLY keen, how the programming director of CNN is G.W. Bush's cousin? Awful nice of Cousin to announce that Bush had won the election, wasn't it?

    Anyone ever see that newspaper headline, "Dewey Defeats Truman!"? The one with a victorious Harry S. Truman holding up the paper after he'd won the electoral vote, and therefore the presidency?

    Well guess what, kiddies...BUSH STOLE BOTH!

    George W. Bush is the THIEF IN CHIEF!

    And what prompted this little rant?

    Well, it's a VERY sore topic with me.

    ESPECIALLY SINCE I AM FORBIDDEN FROM SPEAKING AGAINST THE PRESIDENT BY ARTICLE 89 OF THE UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE, AND I QUOTE: ART. 89 DISRESPECT TOWARD SUPERIOR COMMISSIONED OFFICER- Any person subject to this chapter who behaves with disrespect toward his superior commissioned officer shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

    And people keep saying that we "elected" Bush.

    So....*breathes* the risk of going to Captain's Mast, losing my 2nd class crow AGAIN and being kicked out of the Navy, I've decided to set people straight.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    *end R. Lee Armee mode*

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Fighting Navy!
    Saturday, August 24th, 2002
    12:21 am cards!

    Trading Cards
    Paid Account Edition
    User Number: 453440
    Date Created:2002-01-29
    Number of Posts: 79

    Captain Troutnoodler is a 5'11", white-furred otter with blue lightning bolt stripes of quasi-mystical origin. (Mom+Dad were wet and rolled across a live laptop during "conception"). He's a deep-space rescue specialist and commanding officer of the Imperial Lontran Rescue Tug, "Salmonidae"
    Strengths: Courageous, stalwart, bold, outgoing and often fearless. Knows survival, advanced first aid, damage control, rescue, firefighting, navigation. Very flexible, physically and mentally.
    Weaknesses: Fiercely protective, sometimes to a fault or not letting others make their own choices. Mouth often engages before brain. Common sense sometimes over-ridden by fearlessness.
    Special Skills: Finds it easy to strike up conversations with virtually anyone about anything. Reasonably good chef. Builds strong friendships quickly and easily.
    Weapons: Martial arts: Capoiera, Akido, Tai-chi Physical: Teeth, fists, feet, tail Weapons: Micro-linear flechette guns in twin bracers on forearms. Mental/Magic: Imaginative/Aura mage
    Honor, Commitment, Courage: I am an Imperial Sailor! I will support and defend the Imperial Charter and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me. I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and justice around the galaxy. I proudly serve my Empress' Navy combat team with honor, courage and commitment. I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.

    Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
    Brought to you by crossfire_

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Computer fans humming...
    Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
    12:07 am
    Adapt and overcome...and taste the success!
    I found out what my room was lacking.

    It wasn't decor, it wasn't ergonomics or design.

    It was BOOZE!! Yeah baby, that's what's missing! Alcohol! Something to take of the edges from a hard day. So...I picked up a six pack of Tequiza and a bottle of single-malt Scottish Whiskey.

    Tequiza you say? Why not get a bottle of tequila and a bottle of cerveza and just get it over with that way? Because Tequiza is easier, cheaper and less likely to kill me. And I happen to like the taste, so nyehhh!

    The Scotch is my concession to my cultured side. Speyburn single-malt Scotch. Made in Speyside region in Moray, Scotland. I prefer not to drink any whiskey other than Scottish, and I'll put you in the hurt locker for putting anything "blended" in front of me. The lone exception is Crown Royale, and that's only because it's Canadian. I will usually avoid American liquor like the plague.

    Llyander, put down those bagpipes an' lengthen tha' kilt afore ye ketch yuir death of a draft in yuir sporran!

    It's so nice to come home, pull out a glass from the freezer and watch it frost over as I ooze a wee snort or two from the bottle. It takes the edges off the day quite nicely.

    Oh yes...the other reason I drink such high-quality and expensive imbibery is so I am not tempted to over-indulge. They are luxuries to me and treated as such.

    On a heavier note, my diet is in the shitter. *sighs*

    Time to hoist it out and clean it up. I'm looking at failing the next PRT cycle if I don't. Nobody to blame 'cept me, of course. I *really* like to eat.

    So...going to go LEAN and MEAN! Eating at home instead of fast food and Outback.

    I bought a whole bunch of 93% lean hamburger and made it into nice, thick patties. They're a bitch to cook, since you've got to watch them constantly. Too much and they turn into cardboard. Too little, and they're raw.

    But they're low in fat and they're filling. A nice, lean burger, lots of salad and some sugar-free juice can make a much nicer meal that McDonalds. Cheaper too.

    Problem: We're not allowed to have cooking utensils in our barracks rooms.

    So I keep mine hidden.

    Problem: I've got a CrockPot full of chili simmering away that I can't leave during the day tomorrow. *Looks at watch*'s 12AM. Heh...I don't go to work for 6 hours.

    Put it in the fridge in the morning, take some with me to work. Hah! Isn't it nice how things work out?

    And here's my recipie for Otterly Delicious Chili! )

    Current Mood: relaxed
    Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
    12:38 pm
    Oohhhh...religion! Always a fun topic!
    Hmmmm....interesting! :)

    According to the Belief System Selector, my #1 belief match is Mahayana Buddhism.
    What do you believe?

    Click here to find out how I got to this. WARNING! Long! )

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Friday, August 16th, 2002
    12:10 pm
    Movie: "xXx"
    *comes out of theater with eyes popping out of his fuzzy head, fur all standing on end, hands twitching and foot seeking gas pedal, all with a maniacal GRIN on his muzzle*

    This movie is pure hyper-sweetened, ultra-caffinated, Red Bull and MtDew mixed with that German ShockoCola caffinated chocholate, with a side-shot of adrenaline and pure oxygen!

    It is so completely and totally over the fucking top, that it's actually *entertaining*! It makes no apologies, has no remorse and doesn't give a flying fark if you think it's over the top.

    It's actually safe for young kids to watch! The violence is actually rather tame and generic, but murder is protrayed as very, very evil. There is absolutely *no* doubt about how evil the bad guys are, but it's not gory.


    And be very careful when you pull out of the parking lot afterwards. I actually put the land-barge sideways out the lot and onto the sidestreets at 55, and roared back to Wahiawa in less than 20 minutes. I don't think I dropped below 55 on the freeway.

    Take into consideration that it's *unusual* to get above 50 anywhere on this island. And I was doing it with a station wagon. >:D

    You've been warned. Now go see it. Lots of times.

    Current Mood: hyper
    Current Music: Flaw "Get Up Again"
    Friday, August 9th, 2002
    7:31 pm
    Old Fun Things In My Head...
    I remembered something that made me chuckle.

    It must have been Batty's story of puppy-vaulting.

    I guess it's *kinda* cruel, but not really?

    Our dog Mr. Peabody loved to chase our cat, Bouncer. He didn't try to hurt the cat, but would often play with him. And chase him, should the opportunity arise.

    Well, the cat was sitting outside on the back porch, cleaning himself. Peabody was inside, staring at him through the sliding glass door, whimpering in desire for a good chase.

    I walked up, grabbed ahold of the door handle and started spinning up the dog. "Ready? Huh? Wanna go get him? C'mon! Go!"

    The cat looked up, saw that the screen door was still closed and assumed that he would be safe for the moment. If the screen door opened, then he would run. Otherwise, the dog was held back and he could have time to amble off at a leisurely pace.

    Both myself *and* the dog failed to notice this detail.

    After working up the dog to a whimpering frenzy, I opened the sliding glass door. *BOOM* The dog was off like a shot, straight for the cat at Mach ten billion.

    The cat simply looked up from licking his paws, with that bored, soft-eyed expression cats get when they look like they're being mildly amused at something. I think he almost smiled as the dog plowed into the screen door, folding into a neat ball of fur and squished nose.

    Problem: weight of speeding dog exceeds structural integrity of guide rails for screen door.

    Results: screen door pops out of guide rails.

    The cat's expression became one of, "OoohhhHH SHIT!". Y'know...wide-eyed, ears back, fur upright?

    To his credit, he managed to sink his claws into the wood of the deck and prepared to scamper out of the way, but it was to no avail.

    The screen door came down with a *WHOOSH* and squished the cat to the deck, and Peabody promptly fell on top of the cat.

    Somewhere between pissing my pants in laughter and picking myself up off the floor, the cat had vanished for the day, utterly mortified. The dog ran around in confusion for a bit, looking for the now-invisible cat, then gave up and went under the tree to sulk.

    I got stuck with repairing the screen door.

    Next time, I'll tell you the rabbit stories.

    Current Mood: productive
    Current Music: Tapping keys as I work on my RP post...
    Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
    6:28 pm
    Wheeeee! I FINALLY got one!
    I FINALLY got one!


    Click here for a Nigerian/Zimbabwe Money Scam! )

    Current Mood: devious
    Current Music: Maniacal laughter
    Monday, August 5th, 2002
    3:43 pm
    Oh, yeah...I can live with this.

    What's Your Movie Dream Car?

    by Auto Glass America

    If you thought I was bad on the roads before...

    Still...I'd really prefer the Pontiac GTO from "xXx"...

    Current Mood: amused
    Friday, July 26th, 2002
    2:33 pm
    I think this will explain a lot...
    This is a big piccie, so, I cut it off here... )

    Current Mood: pleased
    Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
    8:05 am
    Okay, this is starting to bug me...
    A horrible thing has happened.

    A little over a month ago, a little girl, no older than 14, was dragged from her bedroom in the middle of the night, by an unknown assailant. Elizabeth Smart was a good girl, came from a good family and lived in a good neighborhood. Her family is well off, lives in a middle-class neighborhood, believes in God and are very nice people. I feel so bad for them.

    I mean it. This isn't sarcasm.

    But my particular bit of bile this morning is focused on the Media. Hah! Such a popular villian these days. Remember the "reporter" who stole a fireman's coat and helmet to sneak into the WTC Ground Zero site? Too bad the fireman who caught him didn't succeed in cutting it off with his rescue tool.

    No, my objection to the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping is the amount of media attention it's getting. The family themselves are being made aware of just how many children are kidnapped every hour of every day, so it's a topic on their minds as well. From their webpage:

    Every day 314 attempted non-family abductions occur in the United States. As a family, we have become painfully aware that each one of these children belongs to a family.

    It's nice to know that they are aware of this. But despite the apparent tone here, I'm not angry at the family. They were ignorant of the horrible truth, and they got smacked with the horrible truth, right between the eyes. And the horrible truth is that this kind of thing happens every day to everyone.

    They can't help being ignorant, just as they can't help being white. The two seem to go hand in hand, you see. If you're wealthy and white, then these things simply don't happen to you. They just don't. I mean, just read this passage:

    Elizabeth was blessed with ideal circumstances: careful, loving parents, a strong family, an obedient and modest character, a locked home, a “safe” supportive neighborhood and a witness to the crime. If Elizabeth could be taken, it could happen to any one of our children.

    Hmmmmm. "ideal circumstances". How nice. What this means is that she was white, living in a white neighborhood, surrounded by white people who all worship a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant God and go to work in a white job. Nope! No living in Cabrini Green for this girl! No trailer parks for miles!

    Like I said; ignorant.

    Hey, I'm guilty of the very same thing. I too, feel that "unmentionable fear" whenever I meet a black person I don't know, late at night or at any time. It's fear of the unknown.

    Enter the media:

    The Media-CNN, Headline News and the worst offender, FOXNews-have been feeding off of this like a swarm of maggots for the last month. We've been bombarded by hourly updates, morning briefings from the family and a whirlwind of news about all the people searching for Elizabeth.

    All these news agencies, all reporting about Elizabeth Smart. For the last 34 days, as of this writing.

    So, if 314 kids are *almost* kidnapped every day (I'll round it off to 300), that would make over ten-thousand, two-hundred (10,200) attempted kidnappings in this time frame. No info on how many were actually successful, though I pray it's a low number.

    Why haven't I heard about these crimes? Why isn't CNN and FOX News crawling all over this? I could make a guess, and I'm willing to bet that it would be a really darn accurate one. You ready?

    The kids didn't come from a wealthy white family living in white suburbia in the mid-western United States. Hence, it's not news.

    This kind of thing happens to the lower classes (white, black and everyone else) all the time. Why should they bother with such old and tired news?


    I'd really like to see some justice out of this. When the Smart Family is reunited, I hope and pray that they tear into the media like the pack of festering maggots that they really are. I hope they tear them a new asshole and shove their collective noses into the TRUTH; that this kind of thing happens to EVERYONE.

    Not just the people that the media consider to be the "newsworthy elite".

    Current Mood: irritated
    3:43 am
    Oooh, goody!
    Heeeyyyy...a test I actually like! Cool!

    Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!!

    Muahhh-haa-haa-haa-haaaaa! *Gleeful dance of DOOM!*

    Current Mood: devious
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