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*snort* [29 Oct 2002|03:22pm]
I swear I get more entertainment from Stupid Single Men who insist on a complete lack of self-restraint when they contact me online.

indianaburn [Yahoo! Messenger]: If I could be anything, I'd be your tears. What more could I want than to be concieved in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheek and die on your lips. you are too beautiful to be single, so why hasnt anyone swept you off your feet yet?

Because I'd fucking deck him for touching me without my permission, that's why.
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Why will you go to hell? [28 Oct 2002|01:36pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Why Will You Go To Hell?

brought to you by Quizilla

No, see, that's the thing. I didn't lie. I could have clicked on the thingie that said I owned a burned copy of Photoshop because I do have a copy of image-editing software, but since it's not Photoshop I decided to answer the question literally and not select it. There really wasn't anything else to question or lie about.

Oh well. They're just jealous. Heeheehee.

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[28 Oct 2002|11:52am]
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[22 Oct 2002|03:43pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

This is from a questionnaire from someone's LiveJournal. I thought I'd take a stab at it since, after all, this is supposed to be a personal blog, for the most part.
here goes nuthin' )

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look out, y'all... here's a rant [20 Oct 2002|09:32pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

On my website I now have a few Pagan webrings added -- finally -- 'cause I figured it might be a good idea, as I'm Pagan and all. But in the process of looking through what was available, I was reminded of something about which I've been wanting to sound off for quite some time. It's been so heavily in at least the back of my mind that I actually dreamed two nights ago about writing a letter to PanGaia... but wait, not yet, let me elaborate first.
rant ahead! )
I suspect it wouldn't go over well, so anybody got any better fucking ideas??

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Friday Five [18 Oct 2002|07:49pm]
I like doing this but usually forget until it's the wee hours of Saturday morning, and being an intractable Cappy, well, I take that seriously, so don't then bother to catch up.

1. How many TVs do you have in your home? One, but it's not my house. I don't own a television at all currently. Used to have a Zenith that I bought when I was in the Army, but one thing led to another and now my friend Damien has it, and there in Memphis it shall remain.

2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week? Depends on how you define "watching" and whether you're talking about broadcast/ cable TV or movies played on the TV via a DVD player or VCR. The latter varies. The former? If something's on and it looks interesting, I'll watch it. I'm more likely to be reading or drawing, however, or zonking out on the computer. I don't generally turn on the TV of my own accord.

3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children? I have mixed feelings about this. Under normal circumstances, yes, to some degree: if it's educational programming it can be good for them, otherwise they don't need to be watching it. One of my biggest pet peeves where my son was concerned was that during his thirty days' leave between Hunter Army Airfield and Fort Bragg, my ex got Sean hooked on TV where he hadn't been previously. Under ordinary circumstances I'd say that sort of fucked Sean up. Given Sean's communication difficulties, however, I'd say it probably did him a favor. He picked things up from repetition in his Disney videos and such that he might not have otherwise.

4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken? None. My housemates really like "The West Wing" and if it's on, I'll watch it and it looks interesting. Nothing I have to see, though.

(By the way, I learned this in school: TV show titles are written with quotation marks, and movie titles are italicized. I've seen this done wrong in so many magazines and such that it's really starting to wear on my nerves.)

5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like? I'd rather it was all public access TV. I'd rather see people use the medium to be creative in their own right rather than being force-fed shit by networks. There are so many people in this country (in the world, really) with creative impulses and they end up stifled because they can't compete with slick production standards and shareholder dollars. It's ridiculous.

The most fun I ever had with my brother when we were kids was when we'd play with my tape recorder and record ourselves singing silly songs and shit like that. I think one of the problems we have in this world is people don't really know how to have fun anymore. But maybe I'm naive.
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nyah nyah nyah-nyah nyah [18 Oct 2002|02:35pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

What Greek god or goddess are you like?

brought to you by Quizilla

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[17 Oct 2002|03:51pm]
[ mood | impressed ]

What is Your Native American Totem?

brought to you by Quizilla

Oh, I think this is absolutely hilarious. [sarcasm] I've never been fixated on Raven in my entire life. Nope, nope, nope. I don't to this day still notice blackbirds outside, either. [/sarcasm] Heeheehee...

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wah, wah, wah [16 Oct 2002|01:39am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Not going to type this out twice or bother with much copying and pasting... feel free to comment here or on my site.


I'm just sick and tired of people pretending that all the bad guys will go away if we just disarm the populace. Oh yeah. That worked REAL well for the War on Drugs.

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[15 Oct 2002|12:00am]


What's *Your* Sex Sign?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Um. Yeah. Okay. *grin*
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[12 Oct 2002|10:44pm]

What Is Your True Aura Colour?

brought to you by Quizilla

Oh gee, no shit.

I really resonated with the answer I picked to one of the questions, said answer being something like, "Frequently, I am not sure exactly what I'm supposed to be doing on this planet." That's me to a T. What am I doing here?

Oh well. Probably won't ever figure it out.
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[11 Oct 2002|02:07pm]

What Element Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Oh yay. I hate quizzes where it asks you how your friends would describe you. I have no bloody idea. I picked "intellectual and adaptable" but I could have just as easily picked "emotional and sensitive" because at least a few of my friends have accused me (nicely) of being led far too often by my emotions.

I'm actually not sure how much that is true. I could think of a very few emotions that tend to run away with my rationality clinging tightly to their backs and screaming... but not very many. The rest of the time I pretty much live in my head.
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oh yay. [10 Oct 2002|12:42pm]

What Labyrinth Charater are you most like?

brought to you by Quizilla
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impending war? [10 Oct 2002|12:35pm]
[ mood | discontent ]

There has been a lot of talk in recent months about the feasibility of going to war in Iraq. The hawkish side of the debate claims Saddam Hussein is working on NBC weapons (nuclear, biological, chemical -- Army shorthand) and could theoretically threaten the United States with them one day. The dove side of the debate says the hawks only want to wage war for the sake of cheap oil, and haven't the Iraqis suffered enough already, and don't we have enough problems at home?
putting my two cents in... )
Time to go back to the drawing board, y'all. Really.

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[07 Oct 2002|01:45pm]

What Stone Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
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[03 Oct 2002|12:35am]
I don't believe I've shared this here before...

In Goddess We Trust

...Some of you have seen it linked from my homepage. My apologies.

Yes, it's my store. And I've made six bucks' worth of commission that I'm about to lose if I can't find four more commission bucks' worth of sales. That's not much, mind you, but it's the principle of the thing. Besides, ten bucks is one month of hosting fees...
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[03 Oct 2002|12:05am]
What the hell. Got these from ottercat's journal. Enjoy.

01. When did we meet?
02. How did we meet?
03. Have we ever met in person?
04. Have we ever talked on the phone?
05. Have you ever seen me cry?
06. Have you ever seen me dance?
07. Describe me using three or less words.
08. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do?
09. Have we ever gotten in a fight?
10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it.
11. If you could give me a present, what would it be?
12. Would you hug me?
13. Would you kiss me?
14. What do you REALLY think of me?
15. Do you trust me?
16. Do you know something about me that no one else knows?
17. Do you even know how old I am (without looking at my LJ profile! Don't cheat!)?
18. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to?
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[01 Oct 2002|02:13pm]
[ mood | curious ]

In light of Starhawk's recent arrest at the IMF/World Bank protest in D.C., I've had some other information about her come to light, but the source was someone talking to me rather than any info on Starhawk's site itself.

To wit, (1) she apparently believes that Palestinians bombing shopping malls and ice cream shops is somehow justified, and (2) she apparently bitched about some of the folks who were supposed to show up for last year's IMF/WB protest choosing instead to go to the WTC to aid in rescue efforts. Apparently in both cases these statements were part of emails she actually sent out.

Does anybody know anything about this? I ask here because I know there's someone on my friends list who is in Reclaiming. My first impulse is to dismiss both as rumors and/or derived from spoof email -- I know she sympathizes with the Palestinians to a great degree (and there are reasons for that I won't get into now), and I know she considers political activism vitally important, but I can't see her being an insensitive monster. It's not her style.

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[29 Sep 2002|01:07am]
[ mood | silly ]

What kind of fucktard have I gotta be to start a LiveJournal under my "kajunhippie" nick and then not list hippies as an interest?

"I'm a MO-ron eeon eeon-eeon eeon-eeon!"

that is all. you may now return to your regularly scheduled LJ banality. *snort*

(yes, I DID finally add hippies as an interest, lest ye ask...)

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[26 Sep 2002|11:34pm]
[ mood | pensive ]

I don't talk to my stepmom anymore... too much bad this and bad that in my past that I can't do anything about, and she isn't 100 percent in touch with reality anymore (as if she ever was) so it's not like she's going to be making it up to me anytime soon. I really feel she only wanted me around anymore in the last few years so she could unload all my childhood shit on me anyway, so she wouldn't have to keep paying for storage and could free up space, and that once she'd unloaded that stuff on me she'd have pretty well shut me out.
more rambling and bad news )

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