Memnoch's LiveJournal
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in Memnoch's LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
    8:05 pm
    My friend Toby sent me a very interesting email :) It is entirely in German and contains much graphic language and original threats 8D Hate mail usually sucks, but when they take the time to be original... It just shows that they really care :) Hehe. Toby rocks!
    Anyway, I had an interesting day. I had an exam in SAN (or should I say CSA... they're changing their name :( ) 274 and I did not know that I was going to have one today :( So, I hadn't studied, wasn't prepared at all, but I still knew pretty much everything on the exam and feel that I did really well :) On the things that I wasn't entirely sure of I made educated guesses or just figured them out from scratch.... I feel like I kicked the exam's ass!!! *takes the exam and drop kicks it into next week* *makes kung fu noises for emphasis* Well, that remains to be seen if I actually did well on the exam. I probably did well. I had enough practice at that sort of thing in High School, BSing my way through tests that is.... So I will do OK.
    Got an interesting project to accomplish... I'm teaching myself Java, but I learn much more quickly when I have a specific job to accomplish. So... I got an assignment from Matt (my roommate and best friend) to make an engine for a side scrolling game. Sounds like fun :) I hope that it works in Java...
    Oh well, I better get going.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Clickity, Clickity, Clickity...... Mumble, Mumble, Mumble..
    Wednesday, February 7th, 2001
    3:42 pm
    Don't know what to write.... Only got a few minutes before the people in my group get here and I have to start working on a MIPS program :( So I figured I'd write something in here 8D
    Not much has happened... Baby sat George last night and made some money :) (Gen's little brother) It's gotten to the point where he pretty much takes care of himself :) Got to hang out and have fun with George and I got paid for it.... hmmm... *you smell smoke as Pat begins to think*
    It's kind of weird as of late... my roommate and longtime friend Keith is being really grouchy and gets pissed off really easily. 9 times out of ten his anger is directed towards me :( I don't know what I have been doing, but he seems to be really angry and on a short fuse with me :( I do something wrong and he's instantly angry :( With my other roommate Matt, he's perfectly fine. It's really bothering me :( Maybe he's just getting tired of living with me.... I'm hardly there anymore, but when I am I want to relax a little and not to housework right away.... maybe he's getting tired of that.... Maybe he I'm hanging out with Gen, Mike, Toby, and everyone else to much and he feels left out :( Don't know exactly what it is, but hopefully he'll get over it or I'll have to confront him about it.
    Thus concludes random thoughts from Pat for today...
    (Randy.... I'm trying to get ahold of my friend so that you can use his pond. I'll talk to you when I get an answer.)

    Current Mood: weird
    Current Music: The background noise of Kreger Lab.
    Tuesday, February 6th, 2001
    10:12 am
    Haven't written in a while. Last week wasn't much fun, because of all the stuff that I had going on at once, and the program that just wouldn't die! It took the usual amount of time once I got past the stupid, anal errors I was getting (took the prof half an hour and the help of another prof. to figure them out) Stupid PCH syntax errors :( They never have us the correct way to implement those :( But by the time we figured it out I was already late, so I had to work my ass off, to get it in and finish all of the other homework I needed to do :(
    Enough about that... While school sucked, I got to spend a lot of time with Gen :) Got to spend Thursday and Friday with her, and then I got to go see her at the synchro meet Sunday :) *happy Pat* Gen and the girls kicked ass :) I think that I can safely say that it was me being there that got the girls to perform so well *really big primate grin as he looks proud of himself* It was my primascotness :) *disclaimer:: don't take me seriously!!*
    On the way up to Michigan (where the synchro meet was) I began to teach myself Java... I like it :) It's like C++ but with more than half of the tedious, and complicated shit taken out. I'm glad I learned C++ though. I wouldn't have understood Java so easily had I not known what was going on in the background. I'm sorry to bore you all with computer stuff :( That's the last of it I swear!
    Let's see.... I found some roommates for this summer :) My friends Toby and Mike (if you read this first here Gen, I've written about it to you directly) Those guys are so hilarious, and odd. One runs around claiming that he his the god of death and is as cuddly as a teddy bear. The other can rant on and on about anything under the sun like he knew everything about it :) he does it in a way that makes you burst out laughing :)He's too damn smart, but he uses it to mess with people's heads so it's being put to good use :)
    I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting summer :)
    that's all for now.
    Bye all.
    Sunday, January 28th, 2001
    8:04 pm
    Well, it's been a few days since I have last written. Don't know what to write atm, but I'm not going to let that stop me :) I'm sitting here at work with my wonderful coworker Kaci, typing this while she plays trivia games on the internet. Feeling kind of yucky. Like how you feel before you get sick. I hope that I don't. That would suck.
    I found this really great book a few days ago. The Worthing Saga. Orson Scott Card kicks ass. *is distracted when Kaci gets to some interesting guestions* Maybe I should go read the book rather than cluttering up my journal. *thwaps himself* MUST DO HOMEWORK!!!! *points at really good book* NO!!! .....
    Good night everyone.

    Current Mood: lazy
    Current Music: The constant hum of the heaters.
    Thursday, January 25th, 2001
    4:48 pm
    Just got a raise :)
    Just got a raise!!!! Wow! I'm making $5.65 an hour now! It only took a year an a half :) *does the just got a raise danse of happiness*
    Hehe :)
    Monday, January 22nd, 2001
    9:06 pm
    I have had a pretty damn good day today :) I finally got that program I was working on last night done. It works perfectly :) I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I was trying to use built in functions like a similar function I have worked with before. These worked differently... Oh well, I got it done and I learned something :) I got back to the apartment and talked to Gen on the phone until 3:30 AM :) I went around school today feeling sleepy and wanting to curl up and take a nap. It was worth it though :)
    It really makes me angry what happened today in Economics... I missed the first homework assignment. It was Ok since one of the homework assignments doesn't count. But last Friday he gave us an assignment and I didn't hear it!!! So I come in and find out that I missed another one... What a way to start out a semester *growl*
    I'm not going to let myself get behind on my homework again :)
    Oh well, the rest of my day was wonderful. I got some running that I've been meaning to do completed, and I got to see Gen :)
    Good night all.
    Sunday, January 21st, 2001
    8:45 pm
    I love to program. I love to solve problems. But I hate it when a there is something wrong with a piece of code and I can't find what is wrong with it!!!!
    Stupid Stack and Queue!!! Why don't you Pop!!! *Pat fumes for a little while*
    I'm not doing well on this program at all. It's way too hot and I keep getting simple errors on simple things that I should know...
    Hopefully I'll get it done.
    Thursday, January 18th, 2001
    5:23 pm
    Doo bee Do be do be.....
    Just sitting here at MacCracken listening to Tom (my boss) giving us an update on the labs before we start the scheduling for this semester. God I'm hungry.... We're supposed to be getting some Papa John's pizza soon. *hungy...* Haven't eaten since 10 this morning... It's frightening how good Papa John's sounds at the moment.
    I'm starting to think that the Dalmations are just about on me. I keep seeing them out of the corner of my eyes. They're going to get me..... DON'T LET THE DOGGIES GET ME!!!!! MOOOMMMMYYYY!!!!!

    Those dogs were so scary last night. The rest of the Disney on Ice was good, but those dogs.... I hear those yips now. They're always behind me.... I can never get away!!!! DAMN YOU!!! YOU WON'T GET ME ALIVE!!!! *leaps from a handy cliff* AAAIIIEEEEEE!!!!!

    Hehe :)
    Wednesday, January 17th, 2001
    11:24 am
    Well, I had a take home exam for French and turned it in yesterday. The grade wasn't that spectacular and I found out that I did some exercise in the present case when it should have been in passe compose :( That will teach me to do my French late at night *thwaps self*
    It is so bad. I hoped to be able to get things done this semester, but I've found myself slacking even more now than I did last semester! *curses that damned Dark elf trilogy* Maybe that will change when I actually have some homework that I will have to turn in (or I don't have a decent book to read) What's with all of this homework with no incentive to do it? I mean, we're supposed to do it for our own benifit so that we will learn?! *he asks with mock seriousness in his voice* They underestimate my slacker impulses :) Hehe :)
    Tonight I get to see "Disney on Ice" *his voice is amplified as he says this and echoes into a huge auditorium that he didn't know was there, throwing "ice, ice, ice... ice....." back at him* Hmm, where'd that come from....? I've never been to one of those, and have never seen it on TV, so I guess that I'm in for an interesting experience :)

    Bye everybody *he says in his best Dr. Nick impression*

    Hmm, is it me or am I just being a little too silly today? :)
    Tuesday, January 16th, 2001
    10:24 am
    It's quite amazing today. I feel that I did really good today in French :) I could remember things quite easily, and just feel like I can think clearly. It's amazing what a little excercise will do for one's constitution. Yesterday I was feeling really icky and did some pushups until I collapsed yesterday, practiced what kicks I could do in my small room, stretched a little, and just worked up a good sweat. I ate a healthy breakfast this morning (granola... MMMMmmmmm), and rode my bike to school today. I've been eating way too much junk food (Christmas candy, and general cheap college food... ) and all of those chemicals were starting to build up :( I feel good now that I've burned some of that crap up.
    Now if I could just get a decent amount of sleep....
    Bye all :)
    Sunday, January 14th, 2001
    8:26 pm
    God, work is boring. (for those of you who don't know I'm a ***Technical Consultant***, sounds semi-important eh?, for the computer labs around campus) Especially the first few weeks of a semester. There is not even to the few questions people will ask me to keep me from being bored :( I like answering questions. Especially when it's about something that isn't routine, and I get to learn something new :) I REALLY hate when 10 different people ask me the same simple question. Like "How late are you open tonight?" I remember one night when I got twenty calls asking that very question, it was quite aggrevating. Over all this job is great :) Little work, lots of homework time, and every once in a while, when I help people I feel like I have accomplished something :) Like a actually earned my $5.15 an hour :)
    It's going to be so weird this summer. I've got this job lined up as an intern at my mom's work. It's going to be my first serious job. Pretty much any other jobe that I've had was simply stuff, like jobs around Miami. If I get this job this summer I'll get a taste of what my future career will be like as a Systems Analyst. Programming real software... scary thought. The stuff I've had in my classes is small potatoes compared to what a real program is like. I hope that I will be ready for the challange. $15 an hour should be proper motivation :) On top of that, the opportunity to learn and create, two things which I love to do.
    I love to learn, to listen. When I was a kid I would just sit and listen to people around me. I could do that for hours. I would sit and listent to my family talk about old family history and tell stories. I would love to experiment with things and see how they work. I'd beg and plead with mom to let me take apart appliances just so I could put them back together again :) (they usually worked too!) Nowadays I take apart my computer and rebuild it, so that it is better, stronger, faster than before! But most of all I still love to listen, even though I don't take as much time to do that anymore :( Life getting too much in the way 8P
    Sorry to all of you out there who don't care to know personal stuff about me. It's going to happen sometimes. On a less personal note... Currently I'm reading a really good series, The Dark Elf Trilogy. It's about, can you guess it, a dark elf!! Or a Drow. All I really have to say about it, is that it kicks ass. I would recommend it to anyone who loves Fantasy, and has enough time to read(Sorry Western students :( )
    Damn it's hot in here :( Too many computers in such a little space. I'm going to get going and read some more of my book :)
    'Night all.

    PS Note that this time when I said "'Night all" it is actually night-time. Sorry about the preemtive night all in the previous entry. I wasn't very clear about the fact that I didn't expect to write again that day and wrote "'Night all" in anticipation of this fact that I wasn't going to write in the evening to tell you good night. On top of that I just wasn't thinking :) Was thinking about ending the entry so that I could get home and eat lunch 8P
    Friday, January 12th, 2001
    11:16 am
    I just had a thought *omnious music* *Memnoch watches as his train of thought derails itself and kills innocent bystanders* Well that was close one :) For a second there I thought that I might actaully put something insightful and interesting in a journal entry. Well I'm not going to let that stop me :)
    At work yesterday I had a few really interesting conversations with my coworker Sara. She has been an acquaintance for a year or so, and I have never really sat down and talked with her. I found out that she unusual, hilarious and had a twisted sense of humor. She likes horrible movies, and tasteless humor. I liked her instantly :) It's really interesting that all of the people I know and am friends with, are just not normal :) Normal people are just so boring.
    I got back to my apartment yesterday and I realized that we barely have any food! I was forced to scrounge through the cabinets and was able to find a single box of Macaroni and cheese. I'm not knocking mac and cheese but it sets off an alarm when you realize that that is all you have left. Guess who's going shopping tonight 8D (it's really not that serious, but it doesn't sound as interesting if I don't lie... err exagerate! I meant exagerate!)

    I guess I'm going to head out. 'Night all.
    Wednesday, January 10th, 2001
    2:17 pm
    First journal entry.....
    Well, this is the first real journal that I have written in since ***"MRS. ELZEY'S"***(I want to convey fear, awe, and respect) class! It brings back memories to think about how many nights I sat up until 3AM so that I could write 18 pages in my journal. I went back and read through it once and was suprised... I really wrote a lot about nothing :) Except for the last month or so when I started going out with Gen and then it was mostly about her 8D
    I'm going to keep this brief, since I want to get back to the apartment and eat something. This whole online journal thing seems pretty neat. I think that I am going to enjoy it :)
