Monday, May 20th, 2002
3:05 pm - PARANOIA
Jennifer (Herpes girl) is trying to steal my identity. First she copied my haircut, then she tried to steal my boyfriend (hah...nobody wants herpes)and NOW she stole my hair STYLE. Some people really try to hard.
Now I have to alter again. I don't like having people look like me. She'll never be able to act like me. She'll never be me. But I can't sit around and wait for her to change, that will be too long.
Some people need to learn that punk is not a style, it's a state of mind.
I am not referring to myself as punk because we all know that I'm not. I prefer to be alternative.
Anywho, after school I was asked if I had a cigarette. Hahahahahahaha... me... cigarettes?! Oh, you people crack me up.
One thing I love about being xXx is that I'm always mistaken for a druggee.
Gotta love the suburbs.
current mood: amused current music: Saves the Day -- As Your Ghost Takes Flight
(10 bites | bite me)
| Sunday, May 19th, 2002
3:51 pm - BOOYA!
Oh yes... I am the QUEEN of backing into parking spots! Hah.
I got my flame bikini, it is cool. It's not exactly what I had in mind, but it's good enough.
I got a kewl new shirt too, so life's not all bad.
I don't know where Brandan is, that kinda worries me. Kinda? Okay... so it worries me a lot!
Scott's going to teach me how to disc golf this week if the weather's warm. WOO!!!
Okay, byez for now!
current mood: mellow current music: Incubus -- Take Me To Your Leader
(2 bites | bite me)
| Friday, May 17th, 2002
7:43 pm - Steve, Stevo Steve- Diggity, the Stevemiester
The Silver Stevo: me and Josh are maing a movie soon RandomPossession: *slowly walks away*... RandomPossession: j/p RandomPossession: that's cool The Silver Stevo: and my favorite teacher lied to me, once again The Silver Stevo: so, i cant wait till i am out of Film making to go to Mr. Elloitts class next year RandomPossession: oh The Silver Stevo: yeah, if its one thing i cant stand, its lying and people who act stupid purpously The Silver Stevo: wait...thats 2 things now isnt it? RandomPossession: i sowwie RandomPossession: yeah The Silver Stevo: dont be, just another obstical i must deal with in my life RandomPossession: how about.... lying people who act stupidly? The Silver Stevo: naw, i dont act stupidly RandomPossession: don't be so damn poetic :-P The Silver Stevo: lol RandomPossession: you're going emo on me, stevo! The Silver Stevo: i aint emo:-P RandomPossession: you're down the road The Silver Stevo: far from, i prefer the word of non conformist RandomPossession: i'll wave you in when you get to Tear street The Silver Stevo: ha ha The Silver Stevo: (notice my sacasim) RandomPossession: the only thing i notice is your spell check icon being broken RandomPossession: :-P RandomPossession: i'm just messin' The Silver Stevo: poo on you RandomPossession: eh The Silver Stevo: i got a monkey shirt from andrea, its says who flung poo The Silver Stevo: i thought of you when i seen it RandomPossession: haha, clint has that shirt RandomPossession: gee.. thanks... feel the love jess, feel the love The Silver Stevo: i think everyone and their mom has it
current mood: bouncy current music: "I want you back, the girl I meeeeeeeeet"
(bite me)
| Wednesday, May 15th, 2002
6:18 pm - What's to say?
I don't really have anything to say... but I feel that I need to update. Life's going... steadily. My thumb hurts, I think I bit my nail too short. Oh well :) It's a nice day. I was inside all day, and planning to be all night... so it's a good day :)
Yeah, I'm white. SO WHAT?
AND what?!?!?!?!?
current mood: silly current music: Guttermouth -- She's Got The Look
(2 bites | bite me)
| Sunday, May 12th, 2002
4:06 pm - Shut up.
Yes, Brandan and I are back together. I don't want your comments. I don't want to hear "you idiot, now it's your fault when you get hurt again". Nothing like that. You weren't there.
Only Brandan and I know how we really feel about each other. You were never there when we talked, or hung out, you just weren't.
Our relationship is deeper than what you see.
Have a nice day :P
current mood: content
(5 bites | bite me)
| Thursday, May 9th, 2002
4:02 pm
I feel empty. Discontent. Lonely. Disconnected. Useless. Worthless. Left behind. Helpless.
My life is falling apart and I can do nothing about it. I wish she didn't exist.
It goes in stages. I'll zone out and start to cry... then I'll get really REALLY enraged.
I am sweeter than she will ever taste to you.
current mood: crappy current music: Sloppy Meateaters -- Lonely day
(3 bites | bite me)
| Wednesday, May 8th, 2002
7:54 pm - Wooooah
Lots to say, fo shizzle!!!
So.. me and Brandan are done. He cheated on me with Ashley. Not SO bad, but then he lied straight to my face about it.
So after school today, I asked him about it when I could find the words to. He said "No, it's not true." right to my face, looked me straight in the eyes and told me. I believed him, why wouldn't I? He's my boyfriend, somebody I've spent 7 months of my life with. Somebody I love with all my heart, I'd take a bullet for him... and there aren't many people I would do that for. He even said "Why would I want to do that when I have you?!". I don't know... why?
Then I was at work, and at about 4 o'clock he came in, hugged me, said "I love you. Read this note after work.", kissed my neck, and left. Of course I couldn't wait until after work, so I went into the back and read it. I am still not sure why there was blood on the other side, but I dont really want to know. Anyway, it said how he was confused at the time, and he was sorry for lying. He loves me soooo much, and he wasn't sure I was the right person he should be with at the time. He was confused. I was confused too, I've been confused for the past 4 months... but I didn't go cheat on my boyfriend with one of my best friends.
It was his second chance, he knew that... he said so in the note. His second and last chance, it's over now. He hopes we can be friends... I'm not so sure I could. I don't think I could stand next to him and talk abouot the day's events without thinking "God...why can't I have him? Why can't he be mine? Oh yeah... because he was... but he didn't want me... he wanted Amy and Ashley. My name doesn't even start with an A. I don't have pretty blonde hair, I don't do drugs. I don't have the perfect body. I'm not easy. I'm just not good enough." So I started getting all welled up inside, so I went on my break. Liz came into work, and we talked about everything when I got back from my break. She knew, Aron knew, Allison knew... a lot of people knew. But I didn't... now I do. I'm glad I do. I wish it wasn't over.
I love him with all my heart, but I can't go through this all the time. Once was enough, now twice. No more. I can't handle it. I feel lost. I know that he is not my guide anymore though. I can't have a bad day, and be able to fall into his arms and know that everything will be okay. I'm on my own now. it feels good in some sense.
It's hard to let go, it will be for awhile. He's sorry. I'm sorry too... but I can't even forget the 1st time it happened, let alone the second. No more.
I wish we could start over, I'd break my back if it made him happy. But no... I'm not like that. I'm not like Stretch Armstrong, I can't be bended back and forth... back and forth... back and forth. I break. My heart breaks, not my mind. My mind is strong, I know what I want. I thought it was Brandan... but it's not right to want things you can't have. He's not mine anymore.
The thing I keep thinking about... I keep having flashes of this afternoon. When he looked me straight in the eyes... and told me no. He told me how much he loved me... a lie? He said that all he wanted was me... a lie?
I don't want to go to school tomorrow... to see him... and see her. I might mess up their faces, if I can tear them apart that is.
It hurts, it really freaking hurts.
Love you all, Jaye
current mood: depressed
(8 bites | bite me)
| Monday, May 6th, 2002
4:40 pm - Oh, the pain...
Today was a day of bad events. Actually, only two... and one of them was last night.
So last night I was just chillin' on the couch watching Stuart Little on ABC, right? And my sister walks by and says "Nice knees, babe". So I look at her like wtf?! Okay... so I checked my knees out to see what she was talking about, and BADDABOOM!! Huge ripped holes in the right knee of my most favorite pajama pants of all time. So I start whining about how they're my faaaaaaaaavorite, and my mommmy starts laughing and says "oh, don't worry... I'll sew them!" But they were far past the ability to be sewn! So yeah, that sucked majorly. Because they don't have pajama pants anywhere until winter... and I don't like wearing shorts to bed. PLUS all I have left now are shorts. Ick.
THEN today at lunch... ERICA socked me in the EYE! haha. I was looking through my rolled up art project like a telescope, and I was staring at her so she shoved it, and it went into my eye. So I have multiple papercuts around my eye. It's not so bad, I just was giving her a hard time about it haha. It just burns a little bit when I blink. Yeah... it WAS funny though :)
It wasn't really a bad day. Brandon Blouse said I looked like a lesbian... what a compliment? Bah. Anyway...
Shizzles, Jess
current mood: awake current music: Marilyn Manson -- Tainted Love (cover)
(3 bites | bite me)
| Saturday, May 4th, 2002
5:08 pm - WOOOOOO!
Guess who's going to see Papa Roach and Injected May 29th at Saint Andrew's??? *looks around at other people* Oh.. why... that would me... ME!!! Scott and Tay and Ricki and me are going and YOU'RE NOT!!! Well... unless you are, of course.
Ticketmaster experience:
Scott: Hi, We need tickets. Lady: Okay, what for? Scott: Papa Roach at St. Andrew's. Lady: What day? Me: May 29th. Lady: *clickity click click on keyboard* **runs finger across screen** Okay... is... May 29th at Saint Andrews Hall for Papa Roach okay? *Scott and Jess look at each other, holding back laughter...* Scott: Yeeaaahhh... Lady: Okay!
*car ride home*
Me: 'is may 29th at saint andrews hall for papa roach okay?'. *scott and jess let out the laughter they were holding back* Scott: I know! Shoulda said "um... noooo... could you make them play the 21st? that would be greeeeeeat".
Haha :) I feel special... I'm the crowned Ticket Holder.
To make yesterday even better... Brandan came over :) We watched Friday Night Stand up, and I love him so very much :) :) :)
current mood: excited current music: Sloppy Meateaters -- Shonka Tonk
(3 bites | bite me)
| Tuesday, April 30th, 2002
3:35 pm - YoU dOn'T pHaSe Me
1. What's the story behind your LJ username? I get jealous sometimes...and when i get jealous, i hate the person that i'm jealous of with a passion? i don't actually have a story for it... i just thought of it one day.
2. Name five of your favorite pig-out foods Pringles, raisinets, Nutter Butter cookies, BBQ chips, and of course...snickers ice cream bars :)
3. Have you ever had a make-over? do i seem like the type of person that would want a make over?
4. Name all members of the Beatles. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr... but I'm more of a Monkees girl myself.
5. What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country? Where? Canada... about a week
6. Name one thing you're grateful for today. breath
7. What is your favourite high school memory? Yeah... if I had one...does it have to have occurred AT high school? or just during the high school years?... because i'm still making memories for 2 more years anyway
8. What is the most insane thing you've done to/for your crush that (s)he might not/might know about? Uh... when we were broken up last week, I almost broke my promise.
9. Describe your dream wedding. The dude wears the dress, I wear the tux. Got it?
10. Would you ever join Temptation Island? No, I wouldn't be able to live around those prissy chics and egotistical guys
11. Name three teachers you liked in high school and elementary primary school. Mrs. Hart, Miss Meyer, Mr. Brutyn
12. Do You have a favourite quote? What is it? I have 2. "I am your mirror's reflection, what you don't like about me is what you hate in yourself." "... and I hope your shoes shine from all the tears that you walk on."
13. How old were you when your first heartbreak happened? 14
14. Which school picture did you bury in your bottom drawer? ... why would i have my OWN school picture??
15. Do you have any weird preferences? What are they? preferences of what?!... fine... i prefer to wear pants.
16. What is the one thing you will never understand about the opposite sex? the constant need to show off, and take low disses to another man's sex life
17. Who is your best friend? Katie
18. Name one TV character you'd most want to be. Daria
19. If you were famous, and were to be a guest on a talk show, whose show would you choose? Why? Jerry Springer. I want to pretend to cry about my white trash husband's affair with my cousin and my best friend.
20. Give yourself a porn star name. I already have one, Kitty Dangle... but yes Col, i need a better one!
21. Do you have any weird sleep habits? ... i don't know... i'm sleeping when i'm sleeping
22. What do you plan to do this summer? go to as many concerts as possible and promote my arse off
23. What's your favourite song right now? Nonpoint -- What a Day
24. Write a line from any song. it's kinda hard to write on the screen and have everybody else see it, so I'll just type it, mmk? "As I'm talking, my words slip to the floor and they crawl through your legs, slide under the back door." Saves the Day -- Freakish
25. Do you know at least one Disney song by heart? Which one? the Lion King "Just can't wait to be king"
26. Describe your dream house. Not huge, but blue. Inside it'd have all sorts of wierd furniture and art, like a hand chair and such.
27. What's your typical sleep wear? A t-shirt and my teddy bear pajama pants :)
28. What's in your bag? A straw, my Kroger nametag, Bill's Kroger nametag, my school planner, Blistex, Kemba credit union card, library card, phone card, yellow ribbon lifenline card, paper monkey that Brandan made me, the wire snake that Tay made me, school id, pen, various pencils, SHARPIE MARKER!!! <-- never go ANYWHERE without a sharpie!, pills; calcium vitamins; IBU profen; my good friend Midol; allergy pills, lotion, green marker, scientific calculator, geometry ditto, chemistry homework, keys, satanic cow, contact eyedrops, mirror, raspberry nutrigrain bar, various candy wrappers :)
29. What's in your wallet? Wallet??
30. How much money do you currently have in your wallet? money.. hah.. you make me laugh :)
31. What's your favourite pair of shoes? my white tennis shoes with the glittery shooting stars and the 1 1/2 inch heels :)
32. If you could've gone to your senior prom in a different outfit, what would it be? IF i go to my senior prom...
33. How was your senior prom? dead
34. Tell us about any of your birthdays. Okay... when I turned 15, i didn't want a cake so my mommy made me my fave cookies and put 2 for eyes, and 5 for a mouth on a plate and decorated it with frosting. I ate the cookes, and smeared the frosting all over my face... it was my warpaint. :D
35. Would you rather be a hobbit, an elf or a dwarf? what's a hobbit? i'm gonna say elf because they have the cool shoes and the talim pointy ears :)
36. What are the first five things you would splurge on if you were a billionaire? record company, tour bus (just for kicks), stephen richards *wink wink*, a house for my family, a cure for lymphoma :(
37. What's your daily before-going-to-sleep ritual? black light, strobe light, taproot cd
38. What's the weirdest/funniest nickname you've ever been called? jake calls me Icky... He used to call me Icka because my kroger nametag just says Jess, so he called me Icka... yeah, but now he calls me Icky and I don't know why.
39. Name three of your favourite cartoon characters. Spongebob Squarepants, Dexter, Edd
40. What are the magazines you read on a regular basis? GuitarOne, GuitarWorld, Hit Parader, Metal Edge
(bite me)
| Sunday, April 28th, 2002
6:57 pm

i'm a bird.
what kinda pet are you?
quiz made by muna.

You're "brb". You're always busy, you don't have time for people.
What internet slang are YOU? | by brit

Find your emotion! [?]

You are 50% evil! [?]
You? Evil? Half way there! You're 50%, meaning you can't always be trusted...well, half of the time! You're the perfect balance between good and evil, but being that much evil isn't always good...
| You are Fozzie! Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.. | |
(bite me)
| Thursday, April 25th, 2002
3:03 pm - In Your Face...
| Wednesday, April 24th, 2002
3:57 pm - How about...
Hahahahaha! Let's all laugh at the band that once-was. KiTTie. Talena has left the band also. So now it's just Mercedes and Morgan. Both of them are arse ugly!!! They're nothing without Talena and Fallon.
I *heart* Talena Atfield. Lol. Sorry... just thought I'd share that with you all.
(bite me)
| Monday, April 22nd, 2002
8:29 pm - There goes life...
I just spent 45 minutes crying. Holding the gorilla that Brandan gave me. Holding it, and wishing it was him. My mom told me that I shouldn't play with his emotions like that. I'm not trying to. You don't know what you have until it's gone. I looked into the gorilla's eyes... wishing I was looking into Brandan's eyes. I tugged on his ears... wishing they were Brandan's. I even traced the gorilla's lips... wishing... praying... hoping they were Brandan's. I miss his hugs that were meaningful, not just oh-hi-how-are-you hugs. I miss hugs that say hi!-how-are-you-i-missed-you-in-that-5-seconds-i-was-gone. I hope that I have enough courage to say all this to him sometime soon... before it's too late. Too late... even saying that brings my to tears. I think my heart has sank 5 miles since Thursday. I've been such a witch to everybody. I don't want to hurt him anymore. I love him. I love him more than anything. I love the way he laughs. I love the way he walks. I love his smile. I love his wild, out of control hair. I love the way he insists on walking home, without a ride. I love the way he won't ring my doorbell at 3 am to stay the night. I love the way he puts his arms around me. I miss him. I miss everything about him. I thought it was the right thing... it wasn't. It was such the wrong thing to do. I want him back...but how? How do you attempt to get somebody back who despises you now, probably? How do you get back somebody that you've hurt so badly?
I want him back... forever.
You don't know what you have until it's gone.
current mood: depressed current music: Incubus -- Miss You
(3 bites | bite me)
| Saturday, April 20th, 2002
12:30 pm - !RAWR!
RandomPossession: wanna join my sXe 4:20 club? Javier Prime: does it cost anything? Javier Prime: lol RandomPossession: nope Javier Prime: ok
RandomPossession: would you like to join my sXe 4:20 club? basskid77: hahahaha basskid77: sure RandomPossession: koooooool
RandomPossession: wanna join my sXe 4:20 club? The Silver Stevo: i aint sXe The Silver Stevo: but sure
RandomPossession: wanna join my sXe 4:20 club? Dadangel167: lol RandomPossession: eh? Dadangel167: sure i guess
This bud's for you... and you and you and NOT YOU! Hah! Wanna join my straight edge 4:20 club?
Brandan - I hope that wherever you are today, you're safe. I love you's no matter what. Pleeeeeeeease don't do anything too risky.
(bite me)
| Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
6:35 pm - So...
I knew this would happen. Sorry guys...
I'm not allowed on the internet except for school work. So... I guess I'll talk to you guys in awhile. Whenever this blows over. I feel so... low.
Well. Sorry to have to leave on such a sad note. Hah. So don't e-mail... or post... try not to miss me too much. I'll miss Collin and his sarcastic comments, Joubin and his ideas, and Hundz with his pictures. Byyyyyyyyyye
*hugs and kisses*
(2 bites | bite me)
3:00 pm - Day Scale from 1 to 10, today was a 4.
So I just got home and saw my report card... Chemistry: A- English: B- Geometry:B- French II: B World Studies: B- Accounting: A- Drawing Fundamentals: A+
Grrrr. I hate school. Hmph. Most people will probably say that that's a decent report card. And I used to agree. But amongst my parents' high expectations, I've also developed my own. I feel like crap. I think I know the reason why I slipped, but I know my parents have another answer. They'll say the interent, when I know it's entirely something else... someone else.
On another note, I think I made Brandan a little sad today. I was being myself today, showing my sadistic/cynical/sarcastic sense of humor. Instead of the cute, bubbly one. I am not cute and bubbly. My humor is sarcastic. And today I think he understood that. This is me, not that person that he thought he knew.
What was a good thing about today... Hmmm...
I'm still breathing. Yay.
When I woke up, I still had feet, and eyes, and ears, and a mouth, and fingers. I'm healthy.
current mood: disappointed current music: silence
(1 bite | bite me)
| Tuesday, April 16th, 2002
5:35 pm - Confusion is the worst emotion
I know that I hurt people. I know that it happens a lot. It's not something that I try to do. It's not something that I can help. I don't want to do it, I just do. I hate it.
So sorry... but I LIKE CHANGE .
I've been with 4 guys. Andy, Steve, Rich, and Brandan. And every single one of them has thought that I'm 'The One'. If I was the one, wouldn't I feel the same way about them?! I haven't. I'm sorry. But all of those guys have been with more people that I have. I still don't even know all the different kinds of people that are out there. Can't I just have fun? Can't I be myself? Can't I have time to be with my friends? Can't I figure out my own life instead of leading it to please other people?!
RandomPossession: i feel wierd these past few days RandomPossession: like... i don't want anybody to touch me RandomPossession: i don't know why TropicalGirl 56: ..weird eh? hmmm RandomPossession: like brandan puts his arm around me, and i'm like "get off me" TropicalGirl 56: :-\ Hmmmm odd RandomPossession: and then he feels like a jerk, and he's like "raaaar..." TropicalGirl 56: awww RandomPossession: yeah but... RandomPossession: i don't know TropicalGirl 56: dont know about the feeling..or bout u and ur boi toy..? RandomPossession: both TropicalGirl 56: dotdotdot RandomPossession: lol RandomPossession: i don't know RandomPossession: ever feel like you're avoiding doing something just because you're afraid of what another person might do?? TropicalGirl 56: yeap! RandomPossession: yeah RandomPossession: like... RandomPossession: i don't know TropicalGirl 56: lol, as weird as this may sound, i get yas
People seem to think that I 'change people for the better'. Sorry, but I'm just a little 15-year-old girl from the suburbs. My effect on people is minute. I have no more effect on people than highlighters.
current mood: confused
(2 bites | bite me)
| Friday, April 12th, 2002
8:44 pm - Stolen from Katie, which was stole from Mar!
Current Clothes: pink tank top, black pants, 'funky monkey' socks Current Mood: blah-ish Current Music: The Ataris -- The Radio Still Sucks Current Taste: pizza Current Hair: the way it always is... spiked in the back, bangs in front, some behind ears with barette Current Annoyance: amanda and clint fighting... AGAIN Current Smell: my house Current thing that u should be doing: i have nothing better to do Current Desktop Picture: chain links Current Favorite Band: Sloppy Meateaters Current Book: Downtown -- Norma Something-or-other Current CD in CD Player: Saves The Day -- At Your Funeral, Taproot -- Gift, SOAD -- Toxicity Current Color Of Toenails: black... painted, not fungus :) Current Refreshment: pink lemonade Current Worry: Clint breaking my sister's heart/self esteem/life Current Crush: My lover Brandan, of course! Current Favorite Celebrity: Hayden Christiansen, Audrey Hepburn
LAST PERSON... You Touched: my mommy You Talked to: my mommy You Hugged: my mommy :) lol You Instant messaged: Brandan You Yelled At: *gasp* ME?! Yell?! Nooooo....! You Had A Crush On: like... before Brandan? Keith Who Broke Your Heart: I haven't really had my heart broken... but I was really broken up about breaking up with Andy, if that makes sense. Bill and Keith broke my heart, too... but I wasn't going out with either of them so they didn't really count, right?
FAVORITE... Food: garden ranch chicken pita wraps Drink: orange pop, V8 splash Color: blue Album: Saves The Day -- Stay What You Are, Taproot -- Gift, Shoes: my white tennis shoes with 1 1/2 inch heels, and blue glittery shooting stars on the side :) Movie: American History X, Drop Dead Fred, Life as a House Song: Aerosmith -- Walk This Way, Saves The Day -- Freakish Vegetable: broccoli, asparagus, artichokes Fruit: lemons
ARE YOU... Understanding: most of the time Open-minded: definately Arrogant: sometimes insecure: not one bit Interesting: i hope so Hungry: nope Friendly: not usually Smart: average Moody: most definately :) Childish: oh yes, ooooooh yesssss :) *pokes you and runs away, giggling* Independent: very Hard working: depends on the subject Organized: yes Healthy: hah, no Emotionally Stable: usually... Shy: when i want to be Difficult: extremely *evil grin* Attractive: not one bit Bored Easily: yes Messy: a lil Thirsty: not at the moment, but thanks for asking Responsible: i think so, for a person of my age Obsessed: me?! Ricki... look! steven richards is on the studio cam!!! *licks screen* Angry: some people seem to think that i'm angry with my parents because of the way that i dress... but actually i'm not :) i'm angry at the people that ask me if i'm angry at my parents because of the wat that i dress! Sad: nah, a little EMO sometimes but that's all Happy: most of the time Trusting: there are very few people that i trust Ill: i gotz the ill beatz, yo!... but no Talkative: when i want to be Legal: nope Original:yes... except when SOMEBODY *coughcougha.o.coughcough* STEALS MY IDEAS!!! Ignored: it's not very easy to ignore me... i don't recommend trying Content: yes Optimistic: very much not Deep thinker: not unless katie is spending the night Self-disciplined: yes Sleepy: a little bit Lonely: a wee bit
WHO DO YOU WANT TO... Kill: that's a little harsh, don't you think? I just want them to move faaaaaaar faaaaaaaar away Slap: *gasp* why i HARDLY KNOW YOU! *slap*... you :) Get Really Wasted With: sorry, i'm xXx Tickle: katie, because it always puts me in a good mood.... hearing the many laughs of katie! Look Like: Talena Atfield Be Like: Talena Atfield Talk to: Keith Talk To Online: everybody that's on
current mood: relaxed current music: The Juliana Theory -- Constellation
(bite me)
8:18 pm - Hah, yeeeeee!
Jess' Journal is big pimpin' :)
current mood: artistic current music: Sloppy Meateaters -- Nobody Likes Me
(1 bite | bite me)