The Wayback Machine -
06:35pm 28/02/2003
mood: groggy
music: Ours - Here Is The Light (acoustic)
sins and schtuff )
01:42am 27/02/2003
mood: creative
music: David Bowie - Slow Burn
I recently realized that I'm in a mood for change.

It should be interesting to see where that goes.
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a good week for bret easton ellis   
12:55am 17/02/2003
mood: sick
music: Further Seems Forever - On Legendary
"The Rules of Attraction" sees a home video release this coming Tuesday, 02/18.

Then, this Friday (02/21), "American Psycho" sees a network television premiere on USA. That should be interesting. They'll probably cut out half the movie, so I'd be better off not watching it. Lest I have some desire to be very, very pissed off..
01:49am 15/02/2003
  I went to see it on opening day and, so as to spare my audience any unnecessary pain, my somewhat brief analysis is placed behind the following cut..

What I think of Daredevil )
Speaking of Stereomud   
12:05am 12/02/2003
mood: surprised
music: Stereomud - Coming Home
Straight from the mouths of Erik Rogers and Jim Striker..

03/03/03 (Monday)
Chattanooga, TN
The Bay


The answer is: A Perfect Circle losing all of its members.

What reminds me more and more of what recently happened to Shun? )
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02:18pm 11/02/2003
mood: ecstatic
music: Stereomud - Drop Down
My impatient side recently prompted me to download Unloco's "Becoming I" and Stereomud's "Every Given Moment".

It's kinda strange. Unloco seems to be a bit lighter and Stereomud is a bit heavier. I haven't listened to "Becoming I" all the way through yet, but there is a lot of acoustic guitar, which surprised me. Perhaps Unloco is opting for a more commercial appeal. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. It still seems to be a pretty good album, just exceptionally different from the last.

"Every Given Moment" is so much different from Stereomud's debut that it caught me off guard. Almost all of the songs are much more impactful/hard-hitting than anything from "Perfect Self". I was surprised by all of the changes that their sound seems to have taken, but it's a pleasant surprise. Thus far, I think this album kicks ass and it blows their debut right out of the water.

Tentative (as always) release dates for them are as follows (pluggin' away):

Stereomud - Every Given Moment (03/04/03)
Unloco - Becoming I (03/11/03)


I mentioned how much I like the new material to Erik (Stereomud's singer). He described it as "Heavier, but more melodic." He also went on to say that "We are all real proud of it."
11:52pm 08/02/2003
mood: confused
music: David Bowie - Changes
*tries to imagine Twiggy with a violin onstage, swaying his hips in sync with the music*

Oh dear.. that's just not the same.

"Former Marilyn Manson bassist Twiggy Ramirez is rumored to be a strong candidate to fill the currently vacant bassist slot in A Perfect Circle. Ramirez would replace Paz Lenchantin who recently left the band to join Zwan full-time. A Perfect Circle are of course presently working on their new album for Virgin which they expect to release later this year."
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10:57pm 05/02/2003
mood: infuriated
music: Ours - Realize

On a brighter note, I finally got some Depswa swag for the show this Friday. I was beginning to wonder whether or not it was coming..
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12:54am 02/02/2003
  I can't help wondering if some people just got together and said "Ok, what's the worst idea for a summer 'rock' tour that we can come up with?"..

"Linkin Park turntablist Joe Hahn recently commented to Launch that the band will be embarking on a Stadium tour with Metallica and Limp Bizkit this summer, for the full article click here."
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01:52pm 29/01/2003
mood: shocked
music: [minus] - Nuill
Well, I just got an interesting li'l postcard from Skerv, which says..

february 8 chattanooga, tn

However, their site actually says that they're playing somewhere else that day and I don't know which is true or which venue they might come to in Chattanooga. I'm trying to find out though..
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02:23am 29/01/2003
mood: pissed off
music: Depswa - Voyeur
"It appears as though bassist Paz Lenchantin has now left A Perfect Circle to join Zwan full-time as rumors have begun to circulate recently regarding the remaining members of A Perfect Circle auditioning new bassists. No official word has come down on the matter as yet. In the meantime, A Perfect Circle reconvened earlier this month to begin work on their new album and a release through Virgin later this year is expected."
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03:44am 26/01/2003
  I'm still waiting for my reinvention as a writer.

As previously mentioned, I am typically an avid writer (especially of poetry). But, once in a while, I go through these transitional phases where I either don't write very often or cease to write altogether. Eventually, I start writing again in full force and notice a lot of changes in my style. It's a sort of evolution, I guess. The process seems to take longer every time.

Ultimately, I'm happier when I'm writing. So I guess that's why I tend to dwell on these things so much. I hate not expressing myself somehow. I suppose it's not as bad as it seems. I read over things sometimes and find that I've written more recently than I remembered. But I feel like I could do a lot more, and thus I feel unfulfilled in some strange way.

It will pass though. It always does. But I'm not a stickler for patience as of late.
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01:34am 25/01/2003
  Well, according to, the Ours performance on Last Call with Carson Daly has been moved to next Friday, 01/31 (bastards). Which is also when Mudvayne is supposed to be on Craig Kilborn..  
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12:30pm 22/01/2003
mood: pissed off
music: Depswa - Tears & Smiles
Court Tells Internet Providers To Identify Online Music Pirates )
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01:06am 21/01/2003
mood: content
music: Ours - Broken
01/24/03 - Last Call with Carson Daly
12:30am 17/01/2003
mood: content
music: Garbage - Milk
I went sledding today. It's been a while since I've done something like that, so it was nice. Considering that I'm still fairly young, it seems strange to say so, but I felt like a kid again for a little while and that's absolutely priceless. My dad joined me for a while as well. Needless to say, seeing the two of us take turns sliding around on snow and ice is pretty amusing.. especially when we have to bail to avoid impending doom and such. Speaking of which, I scraped up my knees a little bit, but it was well worth it.

I received an e-mail today. They come to me randomly, perhaps once a month or so. They're numbered, filled with rambling words and poetry - strange, but interesting. The guy usually closes with his name - Matthew. The strange part is that I don't know who he is or why he writes to me. But I've been getting these things for, oh.. a year, maybe longer.

03:14am 14/01/2003
mood: amused
music: Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
03:21pm 13/01/2003
mood: pissed off
music: Swift - Lovesick
"Will Haven are planning to disband following their final show together at the Capital Garage in Sacramento, CA on January 24th with Tinfed. Band frontman Grady Avenell is expected to exit the band completely while the remaining members of the group are planning to start up a new project together."
and so on...   
04:22pm 11/01/2003
mood: giddy
music: David Bowie - Slow Burn
Pamela Anderson has completed work on the first six episodes of Stan Lee's Stripperella, the TNN action cartoon debuting this summer, in which the former VIP and Baywatch star will play "an exotic dancer at night and a superhero later at night." One of four adult animated shows planned for Friday nights (others include the new Ren & Stimpy and Gary the Rat with Kelsey Grammer), Stripperella will also feature voice-overs from Anderson's fiance Kid Rock and, says the actress, the Farrelly brothers, "who come on as evil henchmen."

-Entertainment Weekly
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03:09pm 11/01/2003
mood: pleased
music: Peel - Neverending
"Audioslave have set the dates for their first ever U.S. Tour, here's where you can catch them:

February 21st Denver, CO - Fillmore
February 23rd Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue
February 24th St. Louis, MO - The Pageant
February 26th Chicago, IL - Riviera Theatre
February 27th Chicago, IL - Riviera Theatre
February 28th Detroit, MI - State Theater
March 01st Toronto, ON - Koolhaus
March 03rd Boston, MA - Avalon Ballroom
March 04th Boston, MA - Avalon Ballroom
March 06th New York, NY - Roseland
March 07th Philadelphia, PA - Electric Factory
March 09th Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle
March 11th Austin, TX - Music Hall
March 12th Dallas, TX - Bronco Bowl
March 14th Phoenix, AZ - Mesa Amphitheater
March 15th Las Vegas, NV - The Joint
March 17th Los Angeles, CA - Palladium
March 19th San Francisco, CA - Warfield Theater
March 20th San Francisco, CA - Warfield Theater
March 22nd Seattle, WA - Paramount Theater"
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