Interested users The following users are interested in ohgr. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 1000 matches: - 23as_a_catalyst - Does anyone care anymore?
- 666shooter - Spiz
- 9tnine - 9TNine
- __christfuck - »¿Pretty Polly [!].¬
- __invalid - __invalid
- _aquarium - & hol
- _gobo_ - the man from another place
- _nata1ie_ - †Crack Whore†
- _phobia - Brianna
- _rune_ - rune
- _seraph_ - Seraph
- _starbaby_ - ★·.·´¯`·.·•jini•·.·´¯`·.·★
- _xion_ - - [ x i o n ] -
- a23weishaupt - Expletive Deleted
- abcsess - SIN Thursday Rad
- absquesentire - Franken Fetus
- acidtripsatan - CuLLeN
- adam_strauss - ............
- adamdaedalus - The Adam of Eden was a bomb
- adny - Andrea
- adorned - iris
- adrenailine - Shannon
- aeryk - a.mech
- age_adrienne - Adrienne
- agent_hooker - Agent_Hooker
- ajoydivision - ajoydivision
- alexandradeyl - xela
- alligator - Meagan
- alligatorz - Alligatorz
- amazingfetusboy - Anhedonia
- amberfication - pretty when you're crying
- ames667 - ammmeeehh
- amnestic - paper-thin soul
- amyakieran - charlotte black
- ana_ - Matt
- anath3ma - anath3ma's transmission report
- andremains - lelly!
- androidbat - rapunzel
- andrumagyk - Andrew
- angelboi7 - Little Dead Boi
- angelinbondage - pretty girl with a knife
- angellust - Suffering From Angel Lust - Katie
- angelsonly - kicking_the_habit
- anode - Anode
- antagonism - the canyon behind her
- antilover - Little Miss Spooky Poseur
- apathie - - bitter_kernel -
- apathyonna - Akane
- apexnemesis - apex nemesis
- aquasheep - Rachelle
- aque - Asmodeus
- archenteron - Archenteron Crisis
- aria01 - Jessie
- arkahm - shaihuluds prophet
- artchik - Heather
- artjunkie420 - Quiet Nobody
- as_you_wish - i am jacks wasted life
- aschka - Kyuuketsuki Miyu
- ashleestrange - no_needfor_repair
- ashna - Ashna
- asilentrevolt - A silent Revolt
- asphixia - Daniel
- asphynxia - Asphynxia
- assofterror - Ass of All Seeing Terror
- attak - spike/doorknob
- auber_reichweit - außer Reichweite
- axiz - shallow seduction of nothing
- aziza - **Titanium*Glitter**
- azroth - azroth
- azya - All kinds of ass
- bad_gadget - just another manic monkey
- bad_trash - »¿Pretty Polly [!].¬
- bajema - Bethalynne
- balthcat - Balthaxar T. Cat
- banditellian - Brett Banditelli
- banshee1334 - Rainbow Carnage
- barbieisaslut - ☆.Nicky.☆
- beastofbourbon - Dale B. Sorry
- beatmeuplord - mike patton's slut(ryan)
- beautifulcorpse - Ann
- beautifulsadnes - i will get so high that i trip with jesus
- beefpepsi - Maciej
- beetleginny - ginny-tron 1000
- bestofnothing - helen
- bete_x_noire - ,-¦]-bĕŧĕ ňőïŗė-[¦-,
- bigblackscar - Amy Michelle
- bigbrother2084 - Fernando Poo
- bilechunks - Real Life Adventures of Dirty Sanchez
- binary_man - Das Disciple
- biorain - Erika
- bios_reload - nobody special
- bl00dy - doOmed DoLLie
- blackradish - Jaide
- blecch - blecch
- bligh - Bachelorette
- bloodcanbeperty - Antigone
- bloodlossgirl - Apropos of Logic, I consider myself very likeable
- bloodofareptile - BloodOfAReptile
- bloodroses53 - Stephanie
- bloodycunt - zoe and jaemi
- bluenayu - nothing gold can stay
- bluesif - Hayden [hates hotels]
- bonnet - Just Bonnet
- booger_lady - Becky the Booger Lady
- bornintobondage - bri
- brandypantz - Gothic Cheerleader
- brapped - [.void.]
- braptalk - I am Nothing
- breznina - *You never know. Brenda, Bettina, Belinda?*
- brianevol - Brian Evol
- bridge_troll - Beneath Every Stone And Root...
- brighteyes3 - Dez
- broken_alice - Broken Alice
- brokendo11y - broken
- brokenlastwish - Jenny
- brutalmix - amanda
- bryan_erickson - Disease Factory
- butterboy2k - ~ReTRo
- butterflyblue - plastic passion
- bwrynn - Wrecker of Engines
- c0c0c0 - #C0C0C0
- c0nfusi0n - Salvay Shun
- c0rrosion - a cat named Lola, with a violent past
- calavera79 - Dr. Calavera
- candycunt - mutate me and breed yourselves a savior
- capsillypants - Sparky the Wonder Pup
- captain_tragedy - Vampyroteuthis infernalis
- carrion_dawn - Torin
- casperella - Casper
- catacomb_kitten - Lazy
- catlicker - Ame
- celorn - Celorn
- censuredself - h_e: lliott
- chaensaw - Chaensaw Messiah
- chamber49 - chamber
- chaos - gun of a preacher man
- chaosinfinite - Zamiel Asmodeus Version 0.666
- cheaps1utsavior - Jayme
- cheesesuede - your mom
- cherryjess - miss jessicka
- cherryxriot - annecore
- chikinsmak - °ÅCÏа
- childofbabalon - DJ Homoerotic
- chinoinchains - Anthony
- chodabagoda - Shaun
- chokingxvictim - Josh
- chrystee - Just call me Chrust.
- churchofacid - LbR
- circledrag - (circle)DRAG.
- circutwhore - [dead]s.t.a.r.
- cirratus - c i r r a t u s
- clandestinesix - Rancorous Fears...
- clyptic - Moniker
- cockrock_fluzee - BubbleGum Puss
- codexwyrm - Tony
- cokanekilla - akinatas
- coldfusion115 - Jim
- colorofdeath - Sex
- commie82583 - Mr. BoJangles
- communique - death and living reconciled.
- complexmystery - Monica
- concaverec - . . .M i ch a e l
- confusedmidget - Bryan
- count_tenge - Count Tenge
- countessfemgeek - Countess la Femme Geekypants
- countjeremy - Jeremy Lee Watson - Buisson
- cozmic - cozmic
- crackedspaceboy - Adelaide
- crushed_destiny - Fry Delambre
- crystaljaded - Crystal
- curcible_11 - Angelic Fruitcake
- cutevirindi - Virindi are our Friends.
- cutsandbruises - RoseyLips
- d1v1n1ty666 - The Mordant Liquor of Tears
- d34d_d0ll - deaddoll
- daddyzlilbich69 - Lacy
- daionus - Bloody Bubbles
- damaged_dream - l e l i t r 0 n
- darkdecay - the great decay
- darkenedmind - Baby Jazz
- darklight - Erika
- darkness_awaits - Melyssa Dark
- darkshines3 - deztiny
- darkstarr - + * + Dark Starr + * +
- darthsynthetic - Synthetic
- daryl_74 - Silent Knight
- dasbrokenzo - Your heart, your lips; parts of your being I miss
- dead_body - -( )uT~Ce)-
- dead_city_radio - Dead City Radio
- deadinmymind - Dan
- deadjester - Steven Goins
- deadlocked - J
- deadmaker - Deadmaker
- deadsunshine - Faux To Be Famous
- deadxxstars - wounded star
- deathface - \/1Ci0u5p4nD@
- decaying_mantra - Gilraen Tasardur
- decayingdolly - Decaying Dolly
- decession - Josh
- dedmachine - Jack
- deepdowntrauma - Big Man Death
- defect6sic6 - Scott
- deftina - kristina
- deleterion - Pestilence
- demodulate - demodulate
- demonickittie69 - UnSweetened
- deranged - vioLet
- descendedangel - All Your Base Are Belong to Us
- desdemona16 - the razor blade queen
- desensitize - tonya
- desupikunikku - arumako
- deviation - a rebel without a clue
- devilrant - Smothered By Your Distance
- devoidj - Dorian Gray
- devonsego - devonsego
- diabeticinferno - from here you'll watch the world go by
- digital_aphasia - my secret life
- digitaldollie - Refused - desufeR
- dilacerated - Dilacerated
- dim_star - dim star
- diminia - Princess Diminia
- dinglehopper - Slate Grey
- disappear - ever get the feeling you're gone?
- disassimilate - You Say Potato, I Say Vodka
- disastronaut - The Disastronaut and the Stillborn
- discomposed - Stone Judas
- diseasedreality - mind.fucked
- diseasefactoryx - Daniel
- disgorge - captain japan
- diskonnekt - Deck Carpet
- dislocated - Bubblecum Ride
- dismaloutlook - a banal lifeform
- dismantlerrobot - Annihilator Robot
- distrbnce - distrbnce
- divinexcrime - my reputation is shit in this town
- division - Justin
- dizz - Dizz
- dj_jedi - DJ J E D I aka MIKE
- djpsychobilly - Elvis
- djvoid - Void
- djxavier13 - Xavier13
- djzaius - DJ Zaius
- doktor9000 - doktor9000
- dootchan - Jess
- downwardpath - M.A./Anmin
- dr0oly - Drooly
- drain23 - Drain23
- draya - Draya
- dreaminglies - dreams lie
- drinkycrow - dysfunctional revolutionary
- drohr - david röhr
- dualistic - PerditaX
- dualityshock - Jono
- e6 - e6-
- ebony_wings84 - +X+Synthetica Dreams+X+
- ecniv - ecniv
- ectype - Sylvia
- eevilyounggirl - Katja
- eightball - a stranger to reality
- eisig - eisig
- ekbat - vincent
- ekseternally - audio vicious
- elasticgirl - debris
- electric_heart - [HIGH VOLTAGE!]
- electro__classe - </3
- electrofilia - Jane Meca
- electronicdream - Mediocrity
- elektrikdoll - >>>R.a.z.o.r.b.l.a.d.e. K.i.s.s.e.s<<<
- ellevok - Ellevok
- elusivemoon - CaraCORE
- emilytbm - Jenn
- emperorxavier - Legion
- empirion - c.monKey
- emptycut - Patron Saint Of Self Injury
- emuchine - dieana
- engel242 - Das Blunt
- ericexpress - Eric Express
- esoterik - Annika
- eth3raum - RA3L
- evenangelsfall - Jessica
- evihcrarehsa - Evihcra Rehsa
- evilbadtzmaru2u - prof. frank
- eviled - David
- evileric - evil eric
- evilgeek - Evil Geek
- evilnewt - NewT
- evilnurse - twisted evil nurse
- evilstring - ~*Disce quasi semper victurus*~
- evilyoungflesh - ::-=T0TMACHER-=::
- exofreeze - ExoFrozen
- exquisitered - tiffany
- extravagant - nihilistic mystic
- eyeslikesugar - Fluffy Vampire Bunnies, you. are. scared.
- faebm - d@|v|!3/\/
- faerieviolet - +LoLLiRoT+
- faggotxboyscout - evil
- fallenexistence - ÐÅv‡Ð
- falloutboy - Falloutboy
- far_too_frale - far too frale
- fartbag - andy, the walking oxymoron
- fascistjockitch - kicking squealing gucci little piggy
- fearingtheart - the other side
- feedabah - feedabah
- feejee - maliboo beach eris
- feildmouse - James
- feline_dreams - -=δ.just a wretched little ė я ϊ ή.δ=-
- festeringdream - festeringdream
- fia5co - MaFF
- fiberoptic - fiber optic
- fiberoptik - 0000
- fivedeadlyscars - Five Deadly Scars
- flashgordon - Deborah
- flatxchewxlate - Kelli
- fleshrejektion - +path of self destruction+
- flowersofblood - Melissa
- fractured - f r a c t u r e d
- fragglerocker13 - *glam*rock*sex*kitten*
- fragilesheep - fragileSheep
- fragilespiral - Wes
- freakenstein - Dr. Freakenstein
- fritz242 - FEED THE MACHINE
- frore - christopher
- fs8gbe - fs8gbe
- funghoul - Jack Bacillus
- fury_frog - Janelle Bernstein
- g4sm4sk - Hideki Irabu aka Mookie Blaylock
- gabrael - gabrael
- gebrochen - Kevin
- gedankengift - =ABSCHALTEN=
- gerbilsupmyarse - Auntie Social
- ghostfaktory - vi.iv.vii.
- ghoulygurly - || Im Unsafe ||
- girlpulaski - Amy
- glamenstein - Does this noose make my neck look fat?
- glitterpayne - BlooVelvet
- glittervomit_ - »¿§äfê†ý Fﮧ† [!].¬
- glitterxburned - yaf.[da].hellbot
- god_complex - :Braindead:
- goggled_christ - 51nful Ryan
- gonepostal - Gone Postal
- goodtimetribe - Good Time Tribe
- goth_kitty - lilmissgloomdoom
- gothglamboi - erik
- gothicnomad - DJ Azrael
- gothik - Jon M.
- gothxprince - Joshua emphasis on the Hosh
- gpcube - Gelatinous P. Cube
- grand_hi_bitch - Electrodyke
- gristle_666 - gristle_666
- grun - Phoenix Manderly
- guendella - Just a girl, her words, and her pictures
- gunmetal - Sex Law Penetration
- gutterfayrie - Gutter Fayrie
- h8luvh8 - ObSeSSioN
- haelo - colder.still
- halo_none646 - the next messiah
- hananana - :h:a:n:a:
- hangmehigher - xian
- happynodleboy - happy Noodle Boy
- hardtolove - b
- harmophious - Suicide God Pill
- harshstonewhite - glase
- hatebomb - lliillilillillliiiiiiiiillliiillililillliill
- haunt3dbyhorror - Marianna
- heathens_lament - Adelaide
- heavenly_death - Frank
- hell_fire - zerospace
- hexx_13 - Hexx
- hidden_ambience - Curtis
- hijack - ich liebe eine maschine
- hisheroisgone - Miss Misanthropic
- hitty - chicklet on ice
- hollowdreamer - Halo Zero
- honeyhoney - first double-cross her heart
- hopeandvasaline - David Tunnell
- horrortray - the cryptohore
- hreohsauvage - Deoplic Feohseoc
- hungerkunstler - Drunk On the Pope's Blood
- hwango - hwango
- hwstnfan - abandon all hope ye who enter here
- hypovex - Space Age Loser (tm)
- hystereo - I am an epiphany.
- i_am_so_dirty - Toby
- iamafreak - 4 5 6 7 All Good Cretins Go To Heaven
- icarusindust - : icarus | in |dust :
- icey - Icey
- ilfed - :ilfed.sikofit:
- ilikecavein - REXUTUS OF BORG
- ilikeskirts - While your pain is over, mine has just begun
- ill_lektrik - audio*star
- illusional - rebecca
- ilmater - Jonathan Hancock
- imaginarytruths - imaginarytruths
- imjustobsessed - The girl with the most cake
- impassive_spite - shaun phelps
- in_absentia - [ashes.]
- industrialrednk - industrialrednek
- inelex - Zero
- infekktion - Infekktion
- infinitystorm - the patient saturn
- informatikz - informatikz
- injected_flesh - V
- injectme - darryl
- ink_kurkuites - Ink_Kurkuites
- inlove_w_sin - ~weakness~
- insomni_a_ddict - (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->PeppeR<-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)
- intangibleboy - Air Conditioned Daydream
- integrate - From Zero To Infinity
- intensiv - *mew*
- inthemeadow - Nadine
- irisathena - Iris
- irisserenity - Vogue Thing
- ironymask - Sheer Naked Aggression
- iscaritex - trigify
- itchynavel - Gaye Idiotte
- iwanttochange - me
- ixalptraumxi - Alptraum
- ixtimesiii - IX
- izx - Spazz
- jahya522 - [Steelrose]
- jammypac - Mudd
- jej - Justin
- jenmodel - Idol Mind
- jens_haze - *This*Is*Your*Savior
- jessiesparkgrrl - Jessie Sparkgrrl
- jet420 - jet
- jevawtmok - Pushing faces through sharp cold glass
- jillianpie - Squid Grrl
- jinks_ - Jon
- jkingfish - Jack-Lined Johnny
- joeprog - Pepe
- jofu - boy
- johnnyapathy - Johnny Apathy
- jonnoble - Jon
- jonnygomez - Jonny Gomez (aka teamsleeper)
- josephores - Joe Ores
- joshuathirteen - Live From Jonestown!
- jtd0 - Kriegschrei
- juice921 - Justin Ray
- justabitcloser - Moonwulf
- kabuki33 - Atmospheric Skull
- kainmorgul - Kain Morgul
- kantrip - Calhoun/DJ Kantrip
- kaotiktekno - Tier Konietzko
- kariosho - Samantha
- kariz - the_guy
- keithylishus - Keith
- kellykungfu - k
- kentavos - Kentavos
- keymaster - Randolph Carter
- khnz - j:a:h
- kil4me - kil4me
- killer_instinct - aden makiel
- killitallaway - Failing Grip
- killtocure - Swan
- kim_bot - Kim-Bot
- kimx0rly - K!Mx0rly
- kissingnuthing - Jerk butt
- kissingxrazors - ≡ p.r.0.du.k.t # [0/3] ≡
- kissmedark - Veolet
- kittiesinful - sandy
- kittyfurballs - Miss Kitty
- klar - klar
- klystronik - Klystronik
- kmfdmchik - angsty bitch
- kneel23 - Atrophy
- kornkween - Little Mindless Teresa U2IN3
- kornnutz - "beam me up"
- koronis - Koronis
- krangomatik - Rex
- krayzee - Looks like SATAN...Tastes like CHICKEN!!!
- kreaming_jesus - The Orgasmik Messiah
- kreepygurl - Logic of War
- kristingish - .lin pür
- kylethirteen - kyle13
- ladyreznor - Sacrifice my vanity
- laedevalle - Miss Cherry
- lampton - You Reap Just What You Sow
- lana_jasmine - Alana
- lanc0rv2 - Lance Panda
- lavenderswirl - Chellie
- lawnoven - LawnoveN
- leah_c - Like a cast shadow
- lecthan - Lecthan
- legionfwam - Legion, For We Are Many
- lektro - Kim
- lhiannan - still kisses with saliva
- licentia - engendered
- life_of_brian - Brian Warner
- lifebyproxy - Living By Proxy
- lifesacircle - Tinkerbell...guess how i got that name!
- lifethreat - [ just.a.crackwhore
- lihai - ming
- lilbleedingdoll - D1g1tal_D0llie
- lilgreendave - Lil Green Dave
- lilmissbloo - invader small
- litamaxwell - Lita E. Maxwell
- lithiumjunkie - Little
- littlefagit - Brian Warner
- live_to_tell - Rochelle
- livingdeadgirlx - Jenna
- lkunitsektor9t9 - >||| Z |||<
- lly - art to choke hearts
- logicofwar - Logic of War
- lokizor - .
- lola_burns - gently pissed off
- lordcha0s - 00101111001 the binary monkey motherfucker
- lostmachine - Alice
- losttt - Jasin Von Satan
- lourens - Lorenzus Terribelus
- loveandrockets - Marko
- lovedoesnthurt - a sad day
- luciferlavey - LuciferLaVey
- luddite - KRIEGlust
- lullabypearl - Lullabypearl
- lusidx - :[k][e][L][s][e][y]:
- lycurgus - Aiastes
- lyrch - DAV
- m3rcury - eurythmy
- m_reznor - Steve
- mabus_alus - Ed
- machineflesh - Devil Trickery
- madamescary - Miss Scary Carrie
- madhatter_420 - one hep monkey
- madtechk - metashade
- maelstrom242 - Maelstrom
- magme - take off those sunglasses
- magnex - Robin
- mako_reactor - Curtis
- malcubed - Malaclypse T. Youngerer
- malevolentbliss - Lara
- malignatus - Metalhead Dork
- malloryk - MalloryK
- malphas69 - malphas malaclypse
- mangor - Dr. Mangor
- maniacaljonny - Jonny Fekete
- manicphreak - Usefull Idiot
- manoftheyear - Soon.
- martyshaft - Martin Ebert
- marygirl - This ain't no real Elvis
- maschinenengel - bekah
- masochrist - justin uh.
- massvar - MaS s VaR
- matsudai - bunny
- mcthorngristle - Crunch Body McThornGristle
- mdfmkkmfdm - matt wallace
- meamachina - The boy with a thorn in his side
- mech_angel - Kirial
- mechanicalxrist - The Chocolate Baphomet
- mediaevil - mediaEVIL
- meeshaphrenic - invalid character
- meestahmahrv - SadMarvin
- megalomaniac972 - Mary
- messychi - subdivided and synthetic
- meus_cicatrix - a·nath·e·ma
- miazgawerks - agzaiM werdnA
- mindcage - ~ zoe ~
- mindfazer - mindfazer
- mindlessfuck - Pieces Of You In Me
- mindstrip - mindstrip
- minkymuffin - Ashley
- minxy - dagny taggart
- misererefury - Miserere
- miserymachine - accident waiting to happen
- mishelle - Miss Hell
- missfalcon - Missfalcon
- missivyblue - Sorrow's Concubine
- mistresshexx - Mistress Alexxa
- mistressjadis - Jadis
- miyama - Miyama Hayashi Ishida
- mlle_angelicka - das.machina.auto-sodomized.by.her.own.chastity
- mobius_effect - I hate realtors
- modoblue - josh
- mondayx2 - Monday
- monoperative - derek
- moonshine - ryan
- moonygoony - Jess
- mop - ErinLynn
- morse - Sin
- mourningcries - cries
- mrgrey - Mr Grey
- mrrockmessiah - Mister Rock Messiah
- msmzry - just a strange little girl from hell
- munipulating - DJ | Razoredge
- my_own_reality - D(avid)
- my_toe_itches - baszom a sza'd sze'le't, sanyika'm!
- mygarmonbozia - Thee Arm
- mynameisobel - mynameisobel
- mystik_nothing - comfortable + alone
- n910n - Jaimz
- nachtzehrer - cat
- naive - Nina/Destiny
- namelessfaces - Earthworm Cracker
- nancyboy_ - f a g g o t
- nanel - nanny
- needleinmyeye - Love: as an exploitative
- nefairia - Nefairia
- nefarious - your favorite distraction
- negative_events - negative 3
- nekonau - nekonau
- nekralord - nekralord
- nerozero - nero
- nessascott - Scott and Vanessa
- neuromonkey - Chancellor Mung
- neurostatic - Aggressive Crotch Display
- neutronzenith - Neutron Zenith
- neverletmedown - Robyn H.
- neverworship - Never Fucking Worship
- new_dawn_fades - Le Femme Morte
- nicolechrist - THE... one man cult ...
- nid649 - nid
- nightlover - Largartija Nick
- nihil442 - Chief Running Itchy Butt
- nine_hcni_nails - the sanity assassin
- nnnslogan - No Name, No Slogan
- nnoire - noir
- noise_doll - Jesus Died for Somebody's Sins but not Mine
- noizeindex - the real jz
- noizreaper - noizreaper
- nolagurl - C-Lo from the block
- nonlj - nonlj the nonasshole
- nonya - Tanya
- nova_flux - nova flux
- novocainesoul - Mun Kie
- nyaonyaosu - Miezekätzchen
- o10ut5id3 - o10ut5id3
- obsoletepurity - ObsoletePurity
- ocilac - Ocilac
- oghr - Serj
- ohgr - Defected
- ohgrr - ohGrr
- onedeadstar - Jenny
- onesickvirus - 229182119
- ootoiletoo - Carolyn
- ophelias_scars - bruised doll
- optfiction - david
- optigon - Optigon
- orangexplosion - AHH!! Zombies!!
- orgiast1k - shandi
- osore - .:M34M@cHIN@:.
- ozzchik - JEN of doom
- pacodg - PacoDG
- padabuser - zin
- pandastar - manda
- pariahic - Hustler of Culture
- patpat - Pat
- peaky - åse-berit
- penisenvy - cherry cigarette
- perpetual_gb - The sound of breaking Glas
- pfphuturist - simon
- phigit - diary of a feminist
- phuckinphreak - Short Cake
- phukk - GabrieL
- piacere - Medellia
- pillsandangels - C*C*'s Playhouse
- pinkdope - dope
- pinklala - Elizabeth
- pissvirus - disorderly conduct
- plaguefactory - Plague Factory
- plastic_smile - rxqueen
- plasticboxes - Isobel
- plastickstars - Jenny
- pleistoscene - *~*Suicide Fantasies*~*
- pmslowdecay - Karen
- poison - julia
- poisonedfaerie - Poisoned Faerie
- pollytrauma - pollytrauma
- poptartsareneat - lord of your pants
- pornoclown - pornoClown
- powermanfreak - *Deadly Lettuce*
- precious_whore - Lucid Dream
- preciousdark - Xithra
- precurser - precurser
- pretty_kitty - Jenn The Giant Minature Space Kitty
- prey - [a mess of wires and neurotransmitters]
- prisoncitypanda - Andy
- prophei - prophei
- protokolnine - G.I. Jew
- psychomorbidity - Dianarchy
- psychoticka - =^..^=
- pti - .pHil
- punkalliekat - PuNk KiTTiE-aLLiE KaT
- punzy - punzy
- purdypants - J hagglebrains
- puresurreal - emerging from the dark
- purplenothing - Andréa
- purplestuart - PurpleStuart
- pyramidriver - *~*Kammy*~*
- qual - Qual von KummerLiebe
- queezy - alodi
- quitt - en:coded
- qweenofdarts - Munchkin
- rabidlynx - lynx
- radiationx - Kuro Tenshi
- radiumx - Bionic Commando
- rainedecadence - LeXx
- ranket - ranket
- rasterop - RaSterOp
- ratamiss - berlin
- ravenousnight - Alice in her party dress
- rayzurkut - Fat ass whale.
- razorbladesmile - Name the Nameless
- razortrend - Jim Gresham
- red20 - Alastair
- red93 - Red
- redivivus_fate - Drewzig
- redsynthesis - redsynthesis
- reethax0r - somnivm
- reflectingmiah - Spire of Icy Tears
- remisser - Trake Adams
- remission665 - Pop i
- remorseful - Robin
- rendied - i give cancer. [emmy]
- reppy - reppy
- reqiem4adream - in here we're all aniemic
- retardobot - Pixi
- revolting_pussy - Meggie McGlowstick
- revraven - Poetic Ruin
- rheostat001 - The Girl Who Ran Away
- rivetgrrrl - ana phalaxis
- robc - Rob C.
- rocketguy - Rocket Guy
- rosenoir - + Our Lady of Sacrifice +
- rottedmeat666 - Blood Messiah Harley Monkey Cannibal
- rottencorpse - Rotten Corpse
- roumagrl - roumaGRL
- royb0t - Anna's Nick
- ruddagerustin - Ruddager Rustin
- ruinerxl - Mike
- rumplins - Brandon
- runbunnyrun - ....dissolved girl
- rustrazor - Greg
- sabastine - Sabastine
- salixbabilonica - [ s a l i x x ] B a b i l o n i c a
- salvia - salvia
- samhain66 - Michael Moribund
- sandie_otaku - Necrobotics
- sassy_nin - Sarah
- satankitty - Cat
- satansalien - The Devil
- saturniakitty - Hotaru-chan
- satvic - ‡_§å†vîç_‡
- scarlessglitter - Jenny
- scarlett_mortem - Scarlett Mortem
- schwarze_blut - Absence of faith
- scorched_angel - Kyle
- scorpaen - Scorpaen
- screamedsilence - Screaming in Silence
- screamingvenus - criminally vulgar
- screamsfromvoid - _________________________________________Evangelia
- seandamien - Sadiztix
- seanjuan - Sean Juan
- seanny_kay - Elton SEan
- selfdeception - Genesis P-Orridge
- seriousthriller - Natural_Thriller
- seventhcircle - Sparrow
- severed_kisses - FuZzY pRiNcEsS
- shapeshyft - Shape / ShyfT
- shatteredskins - jours sombres
- shatteredsteel - PS2 Widow
- shill66 - Steve
- shirokamui - Kamikaze Watermelon
- sicka - the REAL Sicka
- sickntwisted - G.o.A.t.B.o.Y
- sihstrin - Sihstrin
- silent_dance - songless bird
- silentsquid - David (a.k.a. Señor Squid)
- silversable - [Psylocke]
- sindarella - SINdarella
- sinister676 - Scotland
- sinnimon - undenied
- sinsation - Jason Rowe
- sintapede - flert
- sinthetic_tears - Britt
- sinthetik - shan[droid]
- sionnach7777 - `//^^Aingeal Siorriadh Tuireadh^^\\`
- sirwilhelm1 - Secret Asian Man
- sistereveblack - Muse
- sistersinister6 - diabolus ex machina™
- skasoup - Spooky
- skelebitch - Paige
- skinwalker - Anthony K. Borders
- skittlesnsquee - Jane
- skuppy - skuppy
- skydivingparrot - Miss KiKi
- slav3 - Ryan
- slave2gravity - Erika
- sleepchamber - Mephisto Marionette
- sleipnir_ - Sleipnir
- slinx - Gwen
- smaugpup - smaugpup
- smeed - Smeed
- smotheredhope - Smothered Hope
- snap_dragon - Allison
- snazin - Snazin
- snicklepuff - jesus christ almighty beanchild
- socialgrundle - SocialGrundle
- socialunravelin - dark beacon
- soggyroach - Thör
- sondrapauline - Queen Sondra
- soulmythic - [][]-- Porcelain --[][]
- sour_grrrl - .whoever you think i am.
- sourceoflight - deztiny
- spankthemullet - Jooliah Favorov
- spawnofsatan666 - .×.n.o.t.×.d.e.a.d.×.n.o.t.×.a.l.i.v.e.×.
- spidersinsideme - kuruijini
- spin_spin_sugar - FRENCH MISTAKE
- spinderwin - kate!!@$#???$!%
- spittingblood - Va!n+Insane
- splintrdlolipop - kirlian
- spooky_ghost - blank
- spydeco - Paul Reynolds
- spyder_delusion - Cris
- spyre - Blasphemy! made manifest
- squee_217 - chez
- squeesix66 - Squeely fool
- ssmodk - Ryan "I Shit On Your Mind" Speck
- stabbings - akuma stabbings
- stacihead - staci
- starfucker111 - Amanda Ridenour
- starfuckerzinc - H E A V YmetalSLUT m a c h i n e ♥
- starrfuck - *Amanda*
- starsforb - world of beatrice
- starsigns - That girl over there
- steeldan - Daniel Forrester
- sterben - Sterben
- stickgirl242 - DdP
- stompyboot - clearly.canadian
- strangegreenfog - The Reverend "Maggie" Plague
- strych9andtv - »ßRîttåÑ¥«
- stuckpig - The Boy Who Destroyed The World
- stye - Lachrymal
- subarashi - Eli
- subconcinema - Subconscious Cinema
- subconcious_rx - spidermonKey
- subliminal17 - Dave
- subvert_nyc - Trevor G
- sueblue - If Only Everything...
- sugar_slit - Boris Grimley
- sugarsickness - nicki
- supa_fly - photosynthesis
- supirsinderella - sinderella
- sweet_disease - This room is a fluorescent tomb
- swinekill - Alex C. Nicosia
- switchbladegrrl - Krystal ~ Ice
- sycophant - The majik is in you. [視野]
- synfulboy - Leigh
- syntaxdoll - Until Further Notice ..The Syntax of Devotion
- syntheticbliss - 10110010
- sysfuck - trouble
- tahamaki - Tahamaki
- taintedx - Erika
- tanzoderstirbt - Chibiusa
- tapioca_shark - brittany.
- tarangela - Tarangela
- tear_of_hate - V 2.0
- technicolor - nothing but david
- technoallah - zerø
- tediousserenity - Brian
- telekonesis - sickness of me
- tenthousandlies - Miguel
- terminaldefect - Invader Tiff Mother Fuckers
- tetriosphinx - Matt
- tfworlock - Who's Laughing Now?
- th0mas - Thomas
- tha_sir_illist - Holden Mc.Neil
- the8bitdeity - Just an 8bit Unsigned Character in a 64 bit world
- the_br0ken_0ne - and mechanical elves run the universe
- the_fluffer - fluffer, master of fluff
- thearachne - R.C
- theblondealibi - theblondealibi
- thebrokengirl - t h e b r o k e n g i r l
- thebrokenglass - the red photography
- thedesolateone - Brian
- thedexter - Bob Dylan's 49th Beard
- thedr9wningman - the drowning man
- thedra - The Technodrome
- thegoblinking - Angela
- themadhatter666 - Emily
- themanagement - TheManagement
- theslave - a case study in pathetics
- thevoiceof - one step forward : two steps back : dosi-do
- thezygo - Degeneratee
- thisishardcore - Thekidswhopoptodaywillrocktomorrow
- thisisheresy88 - moi
- thormonger - THORmonger
- thrawedampere - blood string doll
- thrillkillkate - Thrill ★ Kill ★ Kate
- thuperstar - jini
- ticksandleeches - Kelley
- tijuanacartel - Emmanuel Goldstein
- tin_omen - Tin Omen
- tinomen - y6o6d6a
- tj161 - TJ161
- tj161_v2 - The Eyes of Stanley Pain
- todeskampf - Todeskampf
- tomvx - tom vx
- torpid - beth
- tosderg - Chris Concannon
- touchofscum - Now My Flesh Is Rotting! The Touch of Scum!
- trafficlight - its all about the spread gun
- transylviania - Transylviania
- traumahound - Forced to Accept
- traumaturge - cp
- treylis - Taylor James Zingsheim
- trippleelle - Billl
- twistedthoughts - Zack
- twitche303 - Robin Coke
- ubik2501 - Dick Nutsford
- uchan - Uchan
- ultraultra - ?·.·´¯`·.·•jini•·.·´¯`·.·?
- ultravioletbat - Ultraviolet
- unib - unib
- unkind - benedict bitch
- unnerving - Miss Funkytown Q. X. Megahotness-McDamnI'mSexy
- unsociable - unsociable
- untalkative - untalkative
- urantia_girl - *~*MiSS MayBe*~*
- used_up - [drrtycunt]
- username7849 - Damn you all!
- utterbrutality - utterbrutality
- vamperoticangel - .........
- vanilla_om - Sara~Morgaine 3õ
- vanitykillz - CHI: THE GERMAN MISSILE
- vaughne - Vaughn
- vel0uria - velouria
- velvethalcyon - ConNazi
- venera11 - Venera
- verifex - secular jesus
- vertiga - Hol
- vexxi - arual
- vi01etl0ve - Krissy
- vigvigler - Vig Vigler
- vile_error - Manifestations
- violet_rain - Scorpio licker
- violetide - lynnbob
- virex - Kal-El
- vividsyntax - Vivid
- vivisectvi666 - Skinned Serenity
- vix3n - vix
- vixendust - Saucey McBubbles
- vnv_dark_angel - Dark Angel
- voltage - Catacomb Kitten
- vorcos - DEADandBREATHING
- vrykolaka - TheCureForSin
- vwjou - the beautiful girl in ghandi's bed
- vx_gas_attack - Alexander
- vxgizmoxv - They call me Mel/HELLissa/MelbaToast/Gizmo -pick 1
- waystedtruth - The Slick Divide
- weatherman - Reverend Interrupt13 : Ulysses
- weigeebored - ken
- whelp - Whelp
- whereshadowslie - Xiola Bleu
- wherethefuckare - Erik
- whitcomb - Sten Paa
- whoolyjoy - Jason
- windowpane - nothing
- wired_protocol - wired
- wotana - One part flesh and blood, one part technology.
- wrdvirus1 - Wordvirus1
- wumpscuttrooper - :: spasmolytic ::
- xantigone - terminal choice
- xbehindliesx - comAtose
- xdopehatx - Twiggy
- xglitterxscarsx - ~Lil Miss Scream~
- xgothxdollx - † D®éãmz øf §@ñtïy †
- xhurt_for_mex - Real Horrorshow Like...
- xinsignifikuntx - isn't anything
- xlordnikonx - Pika'thulu
- xmakeshift - MAKESHIFT
- xmegalomanicx - Stray Bullet
- xnemesisx - II*AgenT *+* Seraphim*II
- xnuclearwinterx - joe momma
- xpumpkin_kingx - Maximillian
- xsonofagunx - SonOfAGun
- xstraybullettx - † in the shutterbug flash you look fabulous †
- xstryderx - Stryder Suicide
- xsuckerface - charlotte
- xthexxcuffsx - + Art-i-ficial +
- xvanitykillsx - .just.a.gurl.that.hurtz.
- xwaff7ezx - ♥.x.Spencer.x.♥
- xxdead_dollyxx - Beautifully Disturbing
- xxritalinxx - thee ritalin anti christ
- xxxdeviationxxx - the void of time & space
- xzara_devanshix - Zara Devanshi
- yamishounen - Dark Boy
- yashar37 - Jason Cortright
- youlittlewonder - Eva:Echo
- yourchewtoy - Boytronic
- yourminivansux - why are you so sad?
- z7z7z7z - jamesie/jamjar [dead_can_cancan]
- zachor - Guts Pie Earshot
- zcyanide - Ziggy Cyanide
- zeglassgoth - Emily ze Glass Goth
- zeromonk - tweve feet tall and staggering
- zewd - zewd
- zibazoba - Zibazoba
- zoot_lives - EBE-1
- zurx - Jheff