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[ calendar | livejournal calendar ] [18 Nov 2002|05:35am]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | the lovely sounds of the heater ]

What kind of porno would you star in?

brought to you by Quizilla

Mehhhh, I suck.

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*sigh* [17 Nov 2002|12:21am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Little Women OST ]

Between a strange though interesting conversation with a drummer named "Darkus," dinner at High Point and some beautiful smelling flowers, this has been the most fun evening I've had in so long.
Thanks to my friend Adam. Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

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Sea Piglet, I choose YOU! [12 Nov 2002|10:12pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | HANDEL's MeSsIaH>! ]

Well, I wrote my HUM paper. Heh. It's the dumbest thing ever. "I like Handel." I should have just said that. That would have been just as good as my paper.


And I asked my friend Adam to be my date for Mountain Top.
I just... want to go... cause... it's right behind my dorm!!!

Hehe. So, he's going to get a tux tomorrow. It'll be fun. :) Must buy camera and NOT lose it this time.

Or I could ask my parents for a good one and definitely not lose it..

ARRRRRRRRRR too much ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!

That didn't help much...
Need cigarette.....

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[12 Nov 2002|04:31pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | SoM/Ice Palace ]

Ok... I've decided that it's freaking retarded of the professors to make us write a paper on Handel's Messiah.

Other things I have to do include studying for German and trying to make sense of the godawful milarky that is Spenser's Faerie Queene.

One word.


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Video spielen. [12 Nov 2002|01:39am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | CT "death" musak ]

So, I'm here. Almost bedtime for me, I suppose, although I took a two hour nap today.
I have my classes all ready for Thursday when I get to sign up... Finite Math (not Troll and his wife), German 314, Humanities (again), Chaucer with Benson, and Playwriting as my overload. I'm gonna get Dan to sign the form on Wednesday so I can somehow sneak the 5 classes past the registrar and not have to go back in again to get myself into a class that I'm guaranteed to have...

What else?

Lysistrata begins on Thursday. It will be a wonderful display of debaucherous mayhem. Hey, it's Sewanee!
However, my parents are coming to visit, so I will be taking them to see the Manhattan Chamber Music group that's performing for free in Guerry on Friday. My mom is getting gung-ho about it already. She's listened to the group (Lincoln Center) online and says they're great. Weeee!

Mountain Top is on Saturday. I'm still contemplating whether or not I want to go. If I go, I will have a date... that's the thing, however. Must decide whether or not I want a date.

The asexual life is working out wonderfully lately.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Handel's "Messiah" is actually a wonderful piece, even though it's two hours long and we have to write a paper about it. Ultimately, papers take the joy out of anything beautiful, but I think it will only momentarily smudge the greatness of Handel's masterpiece.

In other news, thanks to mikoneyoru's post in which Anticipation was a screenshot, I downloaded about 30 or so old-ass Nintendo games, including Anticipation, which, I must say, is, in fact, as hard as I remember it to be on the "very hard" level. This is mainly due to the fact that the computer cheats completely in order to force the game to be "hard."
I downloaded Ultima: Exodus as well, a REALLY SHITTY game that I had fun with back in the day, though never did anything with. Now I know why!
Ducktales, I thought, was good at the time, but now it's crap. Adventure Island is also not so good... it's amazing how damn badly put-together these games are. I'm just glad Chrono Trigger has lost none of its luster over the many years it has been in my possession, aside from the fact that my SNES wharfed on itself and erased all of my saves for the game about a month ago... but CT has the best replay value of any game I've ever played, so I'm enjoying my loss.

Latvia was an evening of absolute grain-punch bliss. I was Maleficent minus the horns, because the horns were gay... Sarah and Mr. Charles were present. Oh yes, rockin' good times. The freshman that I talked to for three hours the night before also made an appearance and talked with my friend Sara while I stepped out to Courts to have a cig with my friend Adam. It was funny as anything. Some guy named Isaac was tapping people with his "magical" fairy wand type of thing, and I actually saw the guy today, blowing leaves off of the sidewalk. When he said he worked here, he wasn't kidding. It was a little odd.

So yeah. My parents come up on Friday. I'm excited as fuck. I miss them. :(

Here's to it.

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O-O DoodleDoo [10 Nov 2002|10:09pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Kefka's Domain ]

I made EGGS tonight!!


EGGS is such a happy-looking word.


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Heh. [08 Nov 2002|01:38am]
How can I label you?

brought to you by Quizilla

From now on, I will say, "I'm not Goth, you jerk... I'm Mod." :P
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I did NOTHING PRODUCTIVE today... [08 Nov 2002|01:22am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | S-I-L-E-N-C-E ]

I am Maleficent. I will cast an eeee-vil spell upon you and make you cough for three weeks without stopping for air.

The Ewoks are your friends. Love the Ewoks. Cuddle with them. Feed them tasty treats.

Oscar Wilde was a sad, good man.

These are the things I have learned today.
INSTEAD of reading Paradise Lost, studying German, and reading the Rape of Lucrece.

Fuck it. We're all losing it...
We've lost it.

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[06 Nov 2002|09:57pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Chrono Trigger/Ocean Palace ]

I'm on menthols now because of the cough. Arr. Menthols suck..
Grand day today. Michelle is going to Muslim Spain, which means I will probably be stuck with some exceedingly rude/stupid/mean freshman for a new roomie next semester. Or, I could be stuck with an ATZ coming back from abroad, which wouldn't be so bad... but I'd rather have a room to myself. Michelle, I wanna room with you or no one at all!!
At least my people skills have improved considerably in the past two years. Right now, I can talk to/get along with anyone... provided that I want/have to... there's always a catch, isn't there?
Playwriting was great as usual. Dan informed me that I could "easily do something like this professionally one day, either stage, film, or TV, provided you want to." Oh yes, Dan. I want to. That's all I've ever wanted to do...That and write a 2,000-page masterpiece novel that will be read like it's a religion until the extinction of humankind.
Yes, we all have dreams. And I intend to never give up.
Because, as a writer, I really do have until the end of my life to complete my master work of art.
Heh, but I shouldn't wait until then, methinks. Things start to go. Memory, eyesight, lungs, liver. Oy. Liver..
Latvia is this Saturday. All Hell will break loose... finally!

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Pffffhahaha! [03 Nov 2002|05:47pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Sleeping Beauty ]


Once upon a time there has a young KNIGHT named RANCE. He was QUICKLY SITTING in the RED forest when he met BEAUTIFUL CECIL, a run-away WRITER from the CHARMING Queen CELES.

RANCE could see that BEAUTIFUL CECIL was hungry so he reached into his VASE and give him his VOLUPTUOUS PICKLE. BEAUTIFUL CECIL was thankful for RANCE's PICKLE, so he told RANCE a very SWEET story about Queen CELES's daughter ROSA. How her mother, the CHARMING Queen CELES, kept her locked away in a CASTLE protected by a gigantic SWAN, because ROSA was so CURLY.

RANCE LOVED. He vowed to BEAUTIFUL CECIL the WRITER that he would save the CURLY ROSA. He would CHERISH the SWAN, and take ROSA far away from her eveil mother, the CHARMING Queen CELES, and LOVE her.

Then, all of the sudden, there was a LUSH TORNADO and BEAUTIFUL CECIL the WRITER began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic SWAN from his story. CHARMING Queen CELES SHOWED out from behind a CIGARETTE and struck RANCE dead. In the far off CASTLE you could hear a THUD.


Make your own Fairy Tale at

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[30 Oct 2002|11:25pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Road to Perdition ]


You are a mature, logical person who thinks before you act. You are always suggesting the 'best course of action' and people turn to you for advice. You are a strong-willed character with an inquisitive mind.

Click here to take the Final Fantasy VII test!

I have to sneak into the library and run off 13 copies of my 40-page play.
It is now not 30, but 40.
So that makes over 400 pieces of paper!

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This.... makes no sense.... [28 Oct 2002|12:39am]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Vagrant Story ]

Oy vey...
Save me.

I am three pages into a ten pager due Wednesday.
I have a German quiz tomorrow which I have studied for hours on..
I have revised a Humanities paper..
I have to finish my WHOLE STINKING PLAY.... or at least... try... by Wednesday......

I just..
I can't..
I am going to bed.

I'm worried about Becca. I love you Becca!!!

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Procrastination Nation [24 Oct 2002|10:56pm]
And now, for something completely different...
Read more... )
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Pathetic Uselessness!!! [24 Oct 2002|02:59pm]
[ mood | ARRRRRrrr ]
[ music | CT running in the background ]

I just accidentally pulled a giant chunk of skin out of my mouth with my fingernail. It's gonna be one helluva cancar sore (sp?). Arrrrrr.
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[23 Oct 2002|05:23pm]
OMFG, first sickieness of the year-tonsilitis. And I have so much shit due next Wednesday it's uncanny... I'll write it all in here so I can remember it tomorrow...
Tomorrow, my "must-do" is a German fairytale synopsis... and I must know it well enough in GERMAN that I don't look at my sheet... great...
For Monday, I have my fourth Salient Feature on one of four or so st00pid aSS topics, which I can do... yes, I can do it..
For WEDNESDAY, I have a 10-page paper for my English class, my play has to be FINISHED, and I have to turn in my short story to the mountain goat. The story may be turned in unrevised as now it's looking nasty for doing such a thing, though it could calm me down...
I've been working on my play today, though, so it may come together in time.. if not, I'll force it, which will suck.
I have just taken more pills and will now watch Little Women.
God helpeth me.
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Mwahahaha! [20 Oct 2002|03:44pm]
[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | Willow in the background ]

God bless KO and Western Kentucky University.

Ohhhh jesus.

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[17 Oct 2002|04:29pm]

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by
peacefulchaos !

Gah, I just had to do it. I need a study break. Merrrrr.........
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Spark the sun off. [16 Oct 2002|12:07am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Vespertine in my head ]

Well, I had a lovely fall break of Super Mario Sunshine, Bloody Roar: Primal Fury, and lots and lots of eating out with my parents. I saw two movies: Tuck Everlasting (feh) and White Oleander. Tuck was a nice story, though they failed to make it into anything but glossy hollywood cheapness... it could have been best picture of the year, had it been made into an actual "film" and not a "movie." Made me cry, however... some things were poignant enough and were pulled off well. White Oleander was interesting. The only thing I could really see that was wrong with the film was its lack of creating a character (the mother) who can truly pull at your emotions. They made her too strange, too awkward, and some of her lines struck an "artsy fartsy" chord that didn't ring well and shut the audience off... Shock value, however, was abundant throughout. Nice shocking scenes. Darkness. Images of me in high school. How glad I am that it's over.

I decided to buy a long essay by Virginia Woolf. "A Room of One's Own." I've always wanted to read her, though never was truly able to *read* before my first year of college. Her writing makes complete and utter sense to me. I'm enjoying it immensely..

I also found, on the material end of my life, the coat that I have always wanted: it's a "riding coat," black, flawless, expensive, bought with my own money earned from the blasted movie theatre.

...No matter how much I love my parents, it doesn't make me unable to leave them. They did a picture-perfect parental "wave" as I drove off today, and it made me laugh.

Tomorrow is a busy, full day.

Good quotes from famous people escape me now.

"The blue yoshi does not, necessarily, fly."

There. Words of wisdom.

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RalF [10 Oct 2002|10:15pm]
[ mood | *ralf* ]
[ music | Elizabeth ]

I just had to have my brand new hp formatted.
Lost the new work I did on my play...
Among everything else I had done with the computer, of course...
But it's ok.

It boggles my mind that I still have this account. Erf.
I want to watch Orlando now.
I haven't seen it in a long while now................
Must study GERMAN!

Yick, I hate German.

I lurv my professor, but don't like his class.
I am going to force myself to like it. I need to do better in it. *-*
Yep, it's actually getting better than it was a month ago. I guess...
I hate writing in this. I'm going to go do something productive now...
Damn you livejournal, dirty little time-waster.

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[07 Oct 2002|04:21pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Aphex Twin ]

In honor of my amazing weekend, Audrey is now my icon...

Ahh, I could have danced all night..
And I almost did. :)

Eeep. I have neglected to eat yet. This is not good.
I should be running.

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