Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "absinthe". 69 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in absinthe. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 1000 matches:
- 0000000 - Artist
- 0ccult_sonnet - H a u n t e d
- 13conversations - Allegory
- 13dreams - The Insomniac's
- 13lamias - 13Lamia's
- 21yo_curmudgeon - now in new and improved 22-year old version!
- 5691kb - Exquisite Corpse
- 7darkdays - expelled from paradise
- 99percentbitch - Kindred Spirit
- abaratus - a tiny apparatus
- abiose - Ann
- abortionxcore - my black diary
- abraxas365 - Dominic
- absintheaddict - Rob Hayes
- absinthecow - Brian Miller
- absintheur - Absintheur
- absinthewings - Artemisia
- absinthexl - three hams will kill him
- absinthe_angel - Absinthe Angel
- absinthe_nymph - XxiolaxX
- absinthian - The Bizarre World of Steve
- absynther - Xixtar
- acidicgoddess - Clever_User_Name
- acid_leather - acid_leather
- acriedel - acriedel
- adamseven - adam
- adonai_hure - Adonai
- adrian_brooks - Adrian Brooks
- aello - Ivy
- aeronfae - Violently Assualting the Stasis of this World
- aesphyxiation - Kathryyn
- afimorningstar - AFI Morningstar
- afternoonjazz - OoshaBooBoo
- agentorrange - Shawn "Agent" Orrange
- agent_86 - agent86
- aggeliko - Amelie de Ville
- agirlnoonelikes - agirlnoonelikes
- ahnassi - Ahnassi Darko
- ah_pyrettablaze - Day Tripper
- akadashi - leather pants dot com
- akkinateos - akkinetaos
- akuanaishinnou - Ami-chan
- algernon33 - Algernon33
- alien_sunset - Abigail
- almus - Evil Almus
- aloquin - Serotonin Wanted
- aloysius - Aloysius grrl
- alvareda - Alvareda
- alvastarr - AlvaStarr
- alwayscrashing - Pixie
- al_iguana - Dee Monique
- amanda_eight - amanda
- amarilla - xlkug
- amathya - Isadora Moss
- amber_phoenix - phoenix
- ambrose_grey - Ambrose Grey
- ambulicious - *BeeBee*
- ameneon - Zillah
- amethystfae - Princess Amethyst of Tir na Nog
- amfuct - Lost Boi
- amon26 - Amon D. Servasi
- amusia - dAV: \\
- amybelle1210 - you are a fishmonger
- anachronic - Jeremy
- andrianna - Temporal Lesions
- andricongirl - Andricon Girl
- andyk - Dada is an Armadillo
- angelface7 - glittery redhead of a girl
- angelguts - angelguts
- angellyc - Angel
- angelofrepose - leopardskin pillbox hat
- angelovebbw - angelovebbw
- angels_sorrow - Beautifully Decayed
- anglinsbees - The Beekeeper Potters on about..
- angstymedusa - pony mOngoL
- anise - Anise
- anna_pie - Hallucinations, illusions and dreams
- antigonigh - Chrystal A. Kaminski
- antiprose - Percy
- antiutopia - AntiUtopia
- anxi - anxi
- an_herbin_hymn - a million different people from one day to da next
- aoniedesade - Mortally Confused
- aphro_die_te42 - Serinity
- apophasis - Apophasis
- applez - Zac Appleton
- apsynt - Hans Joachim-Marseille
- arachneweb - Miss Wong (almost Mrs.)
- arakune - raku.brat
- arcane_hermit - Matt
- arisadoi - Ari Sadoi
- arnpoe - arn poe
- arpelia - arpelia
- arrack - du Lescons
- arseniclick - Arsenic Lick
- artaud - Artaud
- aryfromtheblock - Aryanna
- ashesoflovers - Kelly
- asphynxia - Asphynxia
- asrei - Gothic Geisha
- astarte93 - Soror Spectra
- astrokaiju - the reverend bethy Q. williams
- asurrealist - asurrealist
- as_motives_go - ---she said never.
- atrophy_angel - atrophy_angel
- aum - Seth
- auralaur - Aura
- autumnlaughing - Kat
- avalonguy - Avalon Guy
- avalyra - AvaLyra
- ava_dzepeche - Ava
- aynjel - Aynjel
- ayn_soph - Ayn Soph
- aziraphale - Meat Popsicle
- azoth - Rev Rusty J Brudenell
- a_k_e_r_u - Ritual Surgery
- babydoll282 - fëmìñïśţ ďŷķē ŵĥǒŕĕ
- babysinsane - Severina
- badger - badger
- badmorphine - Bad Morphine
- badsyndrome - Rome
- bannanna - Tiffany
- banshee3 - Banshee Doll
- baronvongraham - Russ
- baronvonk - Jef Porkins
- bar_butterfly - Miz Butterfly
- basement - io &
- bashopoem - BashoPoem
- bassfingers - Bass Fingers
- battyboi - Shawn
- bauhaus1515 - Mazda Ford
- beatnik4 - >8: 04 - ++39
- beautifultoxin - m. shakti
- beil - BONES
- belladonna_ - Belladonna
- belladonna_9 - Belladonna
- bellasirena - Marianna
- belle_en_cuisse - Petal
- bellwitch - bellwitch
- benjamin79 - benjamin
- bettieblur - chloe
- bialy - purplespottedmongoose
- biblios - Matthew
- bishopjoey - Bishop Joey
- bitch_monkee - The Cheeba Bitch Monkeee
- bitsofgoth - Lady MacBeth
- blackkestrel - Kestrel
- blackoracle - The Sea Priestess
- blackraspberry - Seraphine
- blacksail - abby sinthe
- blackwing - ~Black Heart, Pale Hands~
- blackwinterseve - Orion
- black_alice - BlackAlice
- blatantdismay - Rich
- bloodangel - Abomination
- bloodengel - chuckiebear
- bloodfever - Bloodfever
- bloodflower170 - Bloodflower
- bloodxflux - a deprivation of a lesser mind
- blookum - Peachpit
- bluebuddha - Darren
- blueella - BlueElla Hooked onHair
- bluehelen - Helen
- blueski - the whore of babylon
- bohemianbeauty - Meg
- bohotremere - Penniless Poet
- bombscar - aredhel
- bonemesh - Scott
- bookie_buster - bookie buster
- borggrrl - Katrinab'Elanna
- bottletop - bottletop
- bound_soul - TOpipOK
- boymeat - Boymeat
- brazen_rogue - Santino
- breathlessgin - Gin
- brezhnev - Comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev
- brgenerator - jace
- brianfolia - cj watson
- brice626 - all that glitters is not gold
- bright_by_night - Gazz
- brigus - Brigus St. John
- brimstoneangel - Thinthônien, Queen of Pentacles
- broken665 - broken
- brokening - ShaiZ
- brokenwish - roy" // i'd rather be happy than right this time.
- bruisedgrape - Bruised Grape
- bruisedheart - sexy sadie, what have you done?
- bryandagimp - Dorko The Magnificent
- brymboman - Steam Powered Jones
- buccaneer - Mainsail
- buckposton - custodial methanol
- bullittproof - chemical X
- buoywonder - BuoyWonder
- burleyque - burleyque
- caelliope - Caelliope
- caffeineghost - Poison
- cairo - Cairo
- calico - Happy Fun Hair
- caligineux - Call me anything
- calipo - That Furry Fruit
- candy_cain - candy cain
- canticle - Canticle
- capnstinkypants - K
- captainanarchy - Maury Pobish
- caput_aerus - Airhead
- cataract - esoteric
- cataragon - Cat
- cathubhodva - Devil in a Black Dress
- catwyche - Tattycat
- cauvole - You Really Shouldn't Be Reading This
- cbasalt - crowe basalt
- cdpurplelady - Caroline
- cein - Cein
- cest_un_reve - In Memoriam
- cfgrantaire - Claude-Fabrice Grantaire
- chamomile19 - Charley
- champagne_ - caitlin killed the girl
- chaoset - chaoset
- chaosgrid - high definition deaf people
- chaosstream - Chaos Stream
- cheapdialogue - Arc 5
- cheapvodka - Trauma Junkie
- cheating_judas - Iscariot
- chestertodd - Chester Todd, Luminary
- chibimermaid - Aja
- chisaiboo - wee boo monster
- chordam7 - Chord Am7
- chrismoore - Chris Moore
- chrismoose - Chrismoose
- chrongen - CCB
- chrysippvs - J. Sledge
- cicyl - Apsarasa
- cinema_air - miserere.
- cineris - Sanje Khondro
- citiraver - Spice
- cjwoods - CJ Woods, Creator of all things Bob?
- clairdelune - clair de lune
- clawboy42 - Craig Turnbull
- clearnightskies - Alone I Admire
- clephan - Stephanie
- clockworkboho - Clockwork Bohemian
- closeryouare - closeryouare
- clubcat - The Queen of Glitter
- cockershell - Jane
- coldcell - Origami Petting Zoo
- coldpillgypsy - queerymodo
- colubra - Colubra, Lord of Stupid
- commachaser - commachaser
- communicorpse - C.
- coondog - SPAM
- coracaskia - Peregrin
- cornelius_mcfee - Cornelius J. Malarky McFee
- corn_child013 - Mellow Eccentric
- corpsefucker - le fucker du corpse
- corsakti - shoot to live
- corsetboy - James Payne
- corvi - Matt
- coyote23 - Coyote
- crajehru - CraterSoda
- craneprincess - Rafe's Fallen Angel
- crazy_chez - Chez
- creakiness - creakiness
- creamdish - creamdish
- cremice - Cremice
- crimsonbohemian - The Crimson Bohemian
- crowinsnow - Crow in Snow
- crucible - Voltaire's Bastard
- cry1000oceans - Alice Dodgson
- crystalline9 - don't push the button.
- culturedgoat - strokable goat in a strokable coat
- cutebunnygirl - the adorable cute bunny girl
- cuttingremarks - jon
- cybergothica - :: nyte chapel ::
- cybolt - kurt
- czarkhan - CzarKhan
- c_monster - cookie monster
- daemonbeauty - ScarletDragon
- dainai - As the world falls down....
- damien_mocata - Damien Mocata
- damndj - DamnDJ
- danyka - danyka
- darkangel_71 - DarkAngel
- darkchild37 - -
- darkewolf - Padraig MacIain
- darkleaves - Dark Leaf
- darkminstrel - The Dark Minstrel
- darkmugen - Mark Dugan
- darkn01zgn080r - darkn01zgn080r
- darkravens - Angelo Godbey
- darkrayn - dark rayn
- darksin - Carolyne
- daryl_74 - Daryl Glen Christensen
- dasein23 - Dasein
- das_hydra - I use BEES!
- davidtrenton - David Trenton
- david_boring - David Boring
- dawnmarie - Dawn Marie
- dawnst3ar - Cast me aside, as if I do not matter.
- dbabalon - Dara
- dbrekke - Dennis Brekke
- dc_commons - caliga
- deaddawl - Dead Dawl
- deadinthewater - ★ tragical ★
- deadlesa - + internally yours + the wedding diary +
- deadletters - essential tremor
- dead_battery - Melissa Webber
- deathhue - This is my Away message
- deathrockgrrl - gnarrrrr!!!!!!!!
- deathtobreeders - lindsay
- debaucheryinc - ...::V::...
- deckadense - flight of the passing fancy
- decon - Pussy Superstar
- deepred_ - deepRed
- degnernj - The Voice Of Reason
- delicatessen - Alix Verseau
- delirium - Dead But Dreaming
- dementiacadaver - Abomination of the Soul
- demon_angel - ╚↨zz T\-|ë Z×mb↨ë Ovër ╚×rd
- deprimido - tragically hip
- desar - Lucien Desar
- desertstarchild - Shaedow
- destrado - fuckit
- devevre - the aim is joy
- diamonddawg - -TR-
- dickfacedaddy - The Man That You Fear
- digitalobscura - birdmadgirl
- digitalsparkles - Nadia the Jelly Wench
- digital_coma - rei
- digital_prose - Scarlett
- dinogurl - Deenah
- dioxid_13 - Dioxid-13
- dirgedoll - kAtZiLLaH
- discipline - none of your business
- discord37 - Discord Lazarus
- disfigurine - a drop of golden sun
- disillusionment - .eli.
- dis_inx - DIS INx
- djcaustic - Stefan
- djrevnoir - DJ Rev Noir
- dj_imperium - Matthew
- doctorstrange - Doctor Strange
- doctor_caligari - jellybean
- dollylunchbox - .little.girl.with.a.fucked.up.head.
- domination23 - Darkness Falls
- dominatrixie - Velvet
- donovan_love - Donovan Love
- dookdook - dook dook
- doomtart - LuLou
- doppelgaanger - doppelgaanger
- doppelganger_ds - The most beautiful song of destruction
- dovetail66 - Nny
- dragdoll - Cloven
- drava - Drava
- dreadtemujin - Temujin
- dreamserpent - aesthetic.frosting.sucks
- drinkmetea - steep
- drinktilluvomit - «·÷´'°ºðØ`·`.ÌìÌì• Jœ•íÍíÍ.´·´Øðº°'`÷·»™
- drownedangel - Ananke
- drxlecter - Brenna Primrose
- dthwalkingrose - Death's Walking Rose
- dumbnicname - ÐÚmßÑÎçñåMê
- dysmetria - Dysmetria
- earwen - eärwen
- easyalchemy - Easy Alchemy
- eatafetus - Precious Sterility
- eban - Simon Birch
- eccyntric - Cynthia
- eddshead - The Increddible eddible Edd
- edens_loss - Hidden Honesty
- edgar - Ophelia's Revenge
- egore_e_muncher - 4T4R1
- eieio - dan
- eiregoth - Absinthe Hermit
- eisdamme - Eisdamme
- ekeppich - Eppich
- ekershrift - Ritual Surgery
- elenwe - Lady Elenwe
- elessar_cma - Elessar
- elfflower - Lost Time
- elfie1212 - Jessica
- elizardaa - lizard
- ellette - Eva Sibley
- elmcityqueen - Venus
- elusivethinking - Ryan
- elvengoldmine - Celeborn
- emerald_water - Christine
- emeranthe - Mlle. E.
- emptyjohn - John Skelly
- enemyofthesunn - chris
- engel_x - ☆~★E♡N♥G♥E♡L★~☆
- ennev - Ennev's Complain Department
- enot - Enot (female)
- epilady - Michaela
- ericpoptone - Jody Aloysius Crackstar
- errimadowney - Dana
- eskimoqueen - The Umbrella Of Your Soul
- etcetera5 - etcetera5
- eternal_claudia - batling
- eumenide - the Kindly One
- euphoricstimuli - laura
- eve_jukes - Shadowcat, The Dramatic Cripple
- evileric - evil eric
- evilevilrufus - Sister Rebel Outlaw
- evilkellychan - the evil super vixen
- ex0teric - ch3sh: new dawn
- experiment_iv - lord cartea
- exquisitecorpse - Katie
- exquisitesoul - Ramona.
- extatika - Extatika X
- eyemakeup - miss niina
- e_nigma - enigma
- f3tisha - dani
- facelesskiss - eurypharynx pelecanoides
- fadedglamour - Alice
- failesafe_ - aredhel
- fairyarmadillo - nadja
- faithsonfire - Faith's On Fire
- falfox - FalFox
- fallencathedral - Cap'n Billy's Whizbang
- fallenfromhigh - Octavian Givnish
- fallenoptimist - a book amongst the many on the shelf
- fallingdarkness - Raven
- farkaska - La Dame aux camelias
- fashmagslag - fash mag slag
- fasterpussycat - Faster Pussycat!
- fatal_nemesis - Nuclear Whore
- fatsamtubaman - Fat Sam Tuba Man
- fayefayechan - Shivette:Zen Voodoo {Cupcake of Hate.}
- februarystar02 - FebruaryStar
- femmedolyn - Femmedolyn
- femme_boheme - play it again
- feralboy - Darth Gaydar
- feralmonkey - heaven wasnt made for me
- fetylum - Fetylum
- fidgety - the brianne monster
- fiercepancake - The Fierce Pancake
- fiftytwo - 52
- figbash - The Hapless Child
- fillana - Fillana
- firelustlady - Vicious Victoria
- fishead - nefarious dj fishead
- fishercalderone - futility maxed
- fixated - arrest this girl
- flower_on_fire - a hopeless romantic
- floydian_010 - JT + the playground of the Idiot Savant
- flutterg - flutter nutter butter
- folletto - street urchin
- folterte - folterte
- foreveralien - perfectly normal human worm baby
- forevergone - Ari
- forkshy - I'm free of charge!
- foxxfire9 - Serret
- fr023n - fr0zen
- frankepi - frank episale
- frankie23 - Frankie Benjamin
- fritzk - Fritz K
- frodo_revisited - Aragorn, Son of Arathorn
- fuck_drugs - Ashleigh
- funkabonzo - Funkabonzo
- fushicho - Fushicho
- fuxoredcunt - Stupid Fuck
- galaxychild - Galaxychild nyao
- gawth_pallor - oh my goth!
- gayboy - a.j.
- gecko2k - Lizard Made in China
- geektress - beautiful chaos
- geminisine - gemini
- georgedorn - George Dorn
- geroge_w_laden - George W Laden
- get_this - Disasterpiece
- ghareth_3 - a burning violin
- giant - kieran
- giants_football - Tiki's bitch (AKA Josh)
- gillianh20 - snow whore
- girlandagun - amnesiascopic
- girlindarkness - fuchsia
- girlygirl888 - The Hellion
- glaistig - Glaistig aka Drázsica
- glasswar - desioaren ehundurak
- glitterboy19 - Caine
- glittergun - glittergun
- glitter_goth15 - king regicide
- glitter_kittie - +++ Chartreuse Dream +++
- gloom_kitty - ~Tabitha~
- glorfiestardust - Glorfindel
- glorfind3l - Glorfindel
- gloria_m - *gloria*
- glorytouch - once upon a time it was the end of the world
- gmslegion - Grant
- gnimmel - gnimmel
- gnosi - Kelly
- godscorn - godscorn
- gohei - Gohei
- goldjimmychoo - the exquiste pain
- gothboy - Goth in a Box
- gothbytch - BJ
- gothicbarbiecat - Barbarella a.k.a. Gothic Barbie
- gothiksukkubus - Gothik Sukkubus
- gothslut - Elise
- goth_vamp - Lilith Demonia
- grecoartdeco450 - Adam
- greebz - VoMiT~HeaRT
- greengloves - Amber I.
- greenhairdork - squeek
- greenmuse - The Vile Pixie
- green_fairy - the girl you know
- greyest - fa'ng
- griff_wolf - Griff
- grimkeeper - *~*AbRaMaCaBrA*~*
- grimmybug - mr michael bug
- grinnmn - La Fée Verte
- groupofone - Group Of One
- grr_taco - grr! taco!
- gushing_swine - Gushing Swine
- guywiththeeye - Alastor "Mad" Moody
- gypsytea - gypsytea
- gypzfire - Jen H-M
- h2bhc - Spinario
- hadaverde - Sharon GreenFaery
- hannahbal - Lilith
- happy_goth - Paige "Scoots on Rug" Mc Kee
- hardcore - Lex Nic Crom
- heartcooksbrain - Big Jesus Soulmate Trashcan
- heartignite - Heart Ignite
- helllo - brianna
- hellocatgirl - Catgirl
- herbaliser - so much cuter than *that* girl
- herebedragons - Tallis
- heresia - sevvie explodes
- hereyesarehazel - Mabel
- her_pet - Freak-On-A-Leash
- hespeth - hespeth
- hesu - hesu
- hexed - Sean Hexed
- hex_kitten - The Unicursal Hex
- hidssssssssssss - || i'm young but i know that i'm aroused ||
- highersoul - Raggedy Anarchist
- homewardangel - Spooky Fox
- honorata - Holy Wirgin Kween oph thee Klaw
- hoshistar - Kiss me and smile for me
- hrlovesme - Matthew Levi Xavier Patterson
- htj - noname
- huskerduh - Hüsker! Duh.
- hutchie - Hutchie
- hydra913 - Yates Zaldevour - Hydra913
- ibelieve - harry potter
- identityslave - T
- iden_truax - the brat prince
- idog4927 - Blue shiva
- idyl - idyl
- iii_pajamapants - Outerspace Deathrace #13
- iishadowplayii - shadowplay
- ikasan - Ika-San
- ilikecavein - Rexifer
- illiterati49 - iLLiterati49
- illuminatispy23 - The Prince of Fnords
- ilsaluna - ::your angel in black::
- ilwarden - Jeremy
- imazzyi - Kozi
- imkindasleepee - ImKindaSleepee
- implement13 - we three etc.
- im_sassy - we too are stardust
- incandescens - incandescens
- incy - Incy Wincy Spider
- indecisiveme - meredith
- indignantfig - bex
- indra777 - allie
- inebrigoth - Twirley McFallsALot
- infernal_sorrow - Forsaken fate
- ingenuemuse - Muse
- inkdot - The Inkdot All Night Jazz Beat Lounge
- inkedcatpower - ink
- innua - Rebecca
- inscrutable - Shawn
- insecte - Anomalie
- insomniac_blue - .:.My War-Torn Psyche.:.
- inthevast - InTheVast
- iolanthe - le jaseroque
- isabelluna - isabelluna
- isomorph - Derek
- ithastalons - Spiraling Hydrostatic Musculature
- ivey - About a girl
- ivor - Edmund Maridin
- ivycrane - Poison ivy
- i_am_karyn - have we met
- j4 - Janet
- jackrabbitslims - Drew-a-tron
- jacqui - Jacqui
- jacynrebekah - Francis Starcat MacGlashan
- jakineko - jakineko
- jamkid - jamkid
- janeboy - JohnGirl
- jannus - Jannus
- japes - Japes
- jasmine6777 - Jillian
- jenais - Jeanie
- jet - the amnesiac fellatrix
- jezebel_z - Jezebel
- jfinite - Jonny Finite
- jfkfc - Jefe J. Kersmackadow
- jillian - Jillian
- jklahn - Decline of Society
- jmichiko - jacob
- jmsdmnd - James Diamond
- joannas - joanna
- jobe - Dr. Strangelove
- johnnyvalentine - Johnny Valentine
- joolee - Miss Ann Thrope
- juliahulse - Uisge
- juliann - Juliann
- justin_sane - oppressedbytyranny
- jvcam - Jonny
- kaetien - Emmi
- kaf - kaf
- kaizersoze124 - kaizersoze
- kalinda - Kalinda of the Flowers
- kaliqo - ...yours...
- karatykitty - Tess
- karld - Nightrunner
- karmic_soma - Sarashina Nikki
- karyu - Thanatos
- kasselvania - yuki akizuki
- katei - You can't see me at all...
- katrin_may - Katrin de Lioncourt
- katyater - Kat Yater
- keelboard - Keelboard
- kehua - Kehua
- keloidmilk - Chocolate Milk
- kernzy - kernZy
- keroscyne - TankGirl
- kettlegrrl - Ashifer
- killer_irony - ghost of electricity
- kingfox - Russ
- kings - Réveil Matin
- kirkabus - kirkabus
- kirkesque - kirkesque
- kirr - kieren valente
- kittenspeak - kitten
- kitten_twitty - Animasola
- kittybecca - Kittybecca
- kittyface - kittyface
- kitty_collar - Jo
- kitzne - Phil
- klangklang - Somia Nihil
- kloth - Doc Holliday
- koalakissesguy - The "Paws" that Refreshes
- koshall - Ko'Shall Viper
- krangomatik - Rex
- krez - Elliot
- kuraitenshi - Schizoboy
- lack_of - ganje
- ladawn - the ghost of windy hill
- ladycat - Ladycat
- ladydrow - Lady Drow
- ladykilla - a homo
- ladysinistra - Lady Serpentine S Sinistra, Professor of Astronomy
- ladyvermath - Lady Vermath
- lagoulue - Saila
- lamoureaux - Elaine Lamoureaux
- laragonewilde - Lara Wilde
- lashadora - Lashadora
- latristesse - momentarily. . .
- laurareznor - ♡♥♡ LazyLinePainter ♡♥♡
- lauremo - Lauremo
- laz - Super Hi-Tech Lazumo X
- la_fee_verte - The Green Fairy
- ldygrinningsoul - Z
- ldymerrick - Merrick
- leapielee - Beth
- ledraymore - LeDraymore
- lekiosque - candace
- leonora - Leonora Elderkin
- libernull - libernull
- lierre - Lierre
- lightyear - Gregory Lightyear
- liky - Liky
- lilbabex0 - x. .once.upon.a.time.i.was.falling.in.love. .x
- lillianvalencia - Lilly
- lil_miss_d - D Sita
- linaeloisetook - Linds
- lionserpent - Mutatio est Stabilitas
- liquid_night - Jason
- lirion - Lirion
- little_red - k
- liz_bathory - Liz
- lmbloodbath - Lil Miss Bloodbath
- locust_girl - Spooky
- lofimofo - Scott
- loki_sataere - Goat-Boy
- lolalolita - Lola the Vamp
- lolapagola - Your One Way Ticket To Midnight
- lolarogue - Lola Rogue
- londonfog - Mrs. Badcrumble
- longpig - Witch Hazel
- lordbear - Bear
- lostlittlerobot - Mystique
- lot49 - of no significant consequence
- lotusburn - caleb cooper
- lounge_lizard - Mr. Martini
- loveeveryminute - Eve D'Nova
- loveonice - Elisabeth
- lozpinkpansy - I never said i'd take this lying down.
- luchog - Luchog
- lucid_dioxide - Sullen Girl
- luciusxmalfoy - Lucius Malfoy
- ludivico - austin_
- lukataintedlove - Luka
- lumiel - Graham
- luna_moth - Luna
- lyricagent - Viscountess of The Black Army of Pretty Boys
- maab - Maab
- machina - cunt
- macula - Pravus
- macushla - A Pale Still Girl
- maddening - The Boop Shuh-nai
- madeinmyimage - Joshua
- maeincarnate - Jersey Spice
- magenta_girl - magenta girl
- mahaloca - Roxtar
- makewayforme - Nessyen
- malakian - drunk on ego
- maldorora - maldorora
- maliciagrimm - Malicia
- malley - Malley
- mamoulian - Mamoulian
- manfrommarz - marz
- mangledpuppies - Human Resources
- mangor - theWitchDoktor
- manintheboat - That candy-like button
- manocheese - Mr Cheese
- manwe_sulimo - Manwë Súlimo: High King of Arda
- many_angled_one - Cam
- marilyn__manson - Marilyn Manson
- martichora - Manticora
- martinhesselius - Geros Tragos
- marvel_bunny - "Trees like me weren't meant to live..."
- marz2003 - Marz
- mas - just another glory rider
- masajebus - Ryan
- mathyas - Mathyas Von Lefebure
- mausch - Stuart
- mauvaisefemme - jEz'
- mawxysm - Mark
- maxdwolf - Noba D.
- maximus519 - Max
- meadmaiden - Jen the Mead Maiden
- meetzemonsta - We sang dirges in the dark
- mefiante - no.
- melpomeine - Melpomeine
- mercurius_anima - I'm having a conniption
- mereanarchy - James
- merikultra - Erik Koil
- mermaidangst - Mermaidangst
- merovingian - Ted
- metamorphoun - not with a wand, nor lightly
- michaelchance - Michael Chance
- micina - Katie
- middtrich - МиДДТрич
- midnightinferno - midnightinferno
- midnightvertigo - é ñ ∂ ë ®
- midnytetragedy - MidnyteTragedy
- milhaud - Joseph
- militart - militart n' tiny
- milli - Nadja
- mindriot - mindriot
- mip - beware of the yellow haired danger fish
- miroje - Miro
- miseryfae - nothing
- mishak - mishak
- misirlou - Misirlou (Miz-errrr-loo)
- missanthropist - your clever eyes l could easily disguise l ~ dani
- miss_violet - Miss Violet
- mistah_dedd - Baron Samedi
- misterbeanz - Misterbeanz
- misterreid - _____________
- mistresshexx - Mistress Alexxa
- mistresslego - lego
- miz_gitane - miz_gitane
- mkblack - Mark Black
- mlle_moral - patry
- mmezebra - mmezebra
- mockgothgurl - Vixen Veronica
- mockrot - mockrot KNEEL BEFORE ZIM!
- modernspin - Sans moi
- modpixie - chelsea the mod pixie
- moenniv - moenniv
- moloko4 - Evil Betty
- monkeydoo - Monkey is the Measure of Man
- monkey_bandit - Jed
- moonltmermaid - mechanical girl
- morbidrose - Charlotte
- morbid_curious - Morbid Curiosity
- moshimosh - icon
- mourningwood - thimble!
- mrbabymn - Mr. Baby Man
- mroctober - Steve Berman
- mrph - Morph v1.0
- mrsoles - Mr. Soles
- mrtonight - Mr Tonight
- mrzero - Mr. Zero
- mr_blink - Inertia
- msanthropic - Rageing Cuntswelo
- msfledermaus - Ms Fledermaus
- ms_anthrope - |k|tighe
- muninnhuginn - Muninn and Huginn
- mutterfly - .m
- mu_beta - Palladium 106.XLII
- myexistenz - Unreal City
- mypanoramicmuse - My Panoramic Muse
- mysteron26 - Robert Barinowski
- n3m3515 - Zeitgeist
- nachtritter - I ♥ Anneke
- narcoticnights - Scorpiate
- neckromantic - Ashen Dreams
- necrodius - Lord Necrodius Lyr de Despara
- necropancer - Necropancer
- necrophagi - Sturmbannführer Shane Von Russell
- nefarious - your favorite distraction
- nefas - imaginary girl
- neflhim - B'nai Elohim
- neitherday - The Madwoman of Menotomy
- neko23 - kitty
- nematoddity - Tenebrous Necessity
- nephthys510 - nephthys
- nerdlove - kateryan
- nerozero - m. carnage
- nessabeth - Nessa
- neurofuzzy - Neuro Fuzzy
- neuro_toxin - snarky
- nevermore37 - holly golightly
- nickol - techtonik sounds
- nicole_prn - NicolePRN
- nienna - nienna
- niete - Jesus Helps Me Trick People
- nifty505 - Loryn
- nightstalker - Tastes just like human
- nikkichristmas - Nikki Christmas
- ninevolt - nine
- nobilityof1 - Immortal GoD(dess)
- noctiva - louise
- nogitsune - Nogitsune
- noire_blanche - Noire et Blanche
- nomadlisa - nomadlisa
- nonorthstar - This Charming Man
- normal - Azhael
- nothinglikeruin - the wreckage
- nothinq - moan-E
- notinvited - ruby
- novamae - xtine
- nox - Friend Called 5
- ntropy - kam
- nucleo - Nucleo
- nuime - SC¹³
- nynomi - Nynomi
- nytshaed - Nytshaed
- ob1knob - Toby
- obvious - D
- ofblinkingthing - Journey to The End Of The Night
- ofkillingpolly - Rachel
- ogregod - william cartrett
- ohhappydagger - Sonja S-S-S-S-Strife
- olde_scratch - Scratch
- oldrichnovy - codeine ben délaissé
- olive_juice_ - r. haverly, no wait, that's too obvious, rina h.
- olivia_hornby - Livia
- onebrightmoon - gypsy
- onemancult - Joseph
- onmytiptoes - bellis
- opalescence - Lucas
- opheliarising - The Green Goddess
- opheliasphoenix - khep
- ophelias_demise - .:. Beautiful Decay.:.
- orangeappled - eye
- orange_eye - suck me plasma
- oreofuchi - Mike
- orestes_triad - ♥ - - Fluffy - - ♥
- orngepeel - Jenn
- oroboros - the girl is crafty like ice is cold
- orobouros - Caoimhín
- outplasticthem - blank slate
- ozgenre - genre
- ozgolith - Ozgolith
- o_eyeless_me - Seamus C. Quimby II
- painfulbeauty - Pain
- painted_doll - Purple Hayes
- panfrieda - one seriously irritated bitch
- paquerette - Jeni
- paradigmq - The Dreamlife of Angels
- paranoct - Therin Dmon™
- passionvictim - *
- pazix - Lewis Linden
- peikkolapsi - Peikkolapsi
- pekerhed - Wet Blister
- penelope_z - Susan Sto-Helit
- percybass - The Remnants of Frankie
- perfectlyflawd - Lyvv
- persephone13 - Kitten
- perverse_idol - Vanessa
- petalederose - Rosa Aeterna
- petethekazoo - the pious goon
- peverel - Peverel, scotch-drinking psychofuck with a hat
- pezstar21 - That's just eerie....
- phaedrine - Phae
- phaze2 - phaze2
- phazetwo - Marco T.
- pherrari - Charley!
- phoenixrysing - Darkmoon
- photicdriver - the reverse vampire
- photosexual - flaming photosexual
- phreec - phreec
- piafidelis - Ligeia Midsommar-Alva
- pigmask - Pig Mask
- pinkaryanna - Aryanna
- pinkdotty - Pinkdotty
- pinkeyelashes - Buddy Christ
- pinkglittavenom - indecisive
- pinkluckdragon - teacup girl
- pinknotebook - Amy
- pistolefknsoda - axl rose's fft algorithm/frivolous lawsuit
- pistorius - Le Savant au Fauteuil Sombre
- pivyca - Ivy
- pixelflip - pixelflip
- pixiemama - You know you wanna love the pixiemama!!
- pixiestyc - Pixiestyc
- pixylead - pixylead
- planetacid - opiate for the masses
- plate_of_felt - omnicient bitey thing
- platformjunkie - I'm just as Blue as I know how to be
- pleromaboy - Bitter Bastard
- plotinus - Patrick
- pmslowdecay - Karen
- poetchristian - Christian
- poisondove - Poisondove
- poisongirl - Yersina Rodencia
- poison_black - PoISoN_BLaCk
- polaroid_dreams - Sar
- portraitinflesh - Twig the wonder Kid
- pr0no - pr0n
- prickvixen - Ashtoreth Karnayim
- princessjunkie - princessjunkie
- princezna_mne - princess meagan
- project_mayhem_ - The bastard son of SteveMcQueen & Wendy O Williams
- proxima1 - Lookie Ma, No Hands!
- pryncesarmywife - The Pick Of the Litter.
- pshychobat - Kimiko Charlotte Drew
- psykoboy2 - AlreadyDead
- punkalicia - PissHammer
- punkfrock - Virgin Vixen
- puremisery - Marius
- purestblood - Lucius Malfoy
- purple_rain - Rhiannon
- pussyxcat - destructgirl
- pyropapillon - Chris
- qfr - q
- queenbe - Eve
- quinndolyn - Loren
- quzar - scoop
- rabbitinthemoon - rhymes with silver
- rachel_eurydice - Rachel E. Missouri
- radicledgrl - Eddi
- raenyday - Raeny Day
- raieyana - Raieyana
- raingirl_____ - barry
- rainstorm13 - Lisa
- ralenu - Laurensophia
- random_goblin - random_goblin
- raskolnikoff - Raskolnikoff
- rasputins_vodka - GRETCHY
- ras_sinister - Dr. Sinister
- ravior - Dustin
- rayvenblack - The Rayven
- razelore - Razelore
- razorart - Tra LaLa
- realmenspackle - burning slag
- reasons2bjesus - fake
- reddragon93 - Red Dragon
- redgloam - Unemployed Bartender
- redshrike - redshrike
- regarding_nigel - nigel owen
- regulus666 - Ashley
- renoots - Renoots
- renwick - Renwick Vel Eros - systematic derangement
- reveries - Dragonfly
- revjim - Reverend Jim
- revolverkiller - saint set on destroy
- revtrae - trae
- ri0tgrrl - Autumn K.
- richmanmalfoy - Lucius Malfoy
- robitussin - dxm
- rosemortom - Rose Mortom
- rosydreama - Amanda
- royalbananafish - Bananafish
- rozzlyn - Satanist Bitch
- rubywitch - Ruby
- rudolf - rudy
- ruinedcake - CAKE
- ruwen - Unique
- sabbat - Nick