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ID: Four lessons from the DigitalID World conference, including:
IDs are nice but not the center of the universe |
Special Issue: Letter to FCC: Fail Fast!: Forty-four netheads have sent a letter to the FCC urging it to let the current telecommunications industry "fail fast." Its infrastructure and business model are obsolete and getting in the way... |
and the Real World: Microsoft's bid to make our computers secure
will also make them vulnerable to thick-fingered copyright holders. |
on the Internet: Hubert Dreyfus, philosopher, has a monograph
about the Net that is profound and off the mark. |
Semantic Argument Web: Tim Berners-Lee's dream of a Web of meaning
is unlikely to happen, at least the way he thinks. |
on the Internet: The Church's message on the Internet gets it
surprisingly right ... and unsurprisingly wrong. |
March 28, 2002 - Special Small Pieces Issue
the book is about: It's harder to say than it sounds... |
End Is Nearing (or March for Your Rights!): So much bad legislation,
so little time. |
words: As Michel Foucault shows that the Greek word for "free
speech" cracked under social pressure, some of our most common words
are also showing the strain. |
Flash: Luuuuuub .... Duuuuubya |
and Horizons: There's more to the Web - and to the real world
- than meets the eye |
you can use: Parodies, ironies, and other natural extensions of
reality. |
and self: Liberty and Passport may guard our identity, but let's
not forget our self. |
Rationality of Laughter: Jokes make sense of the senseless. Especially
these days. |
First-Person News Network: The Web provided a new type of news
on September 11, 2001. |
the Scaffolding: Our minds are out in the world, not inside us
busy building an internal picture of the external world. |
Special Summer Vacation Interim Issue The
Database and the Joke: There are two basic forms of information
on the Web... |
the Threads!: We need a way to move our conversations up, down
and across the Net. |
Net: The Internet's design was based only on engineering values,
but somehow political values managed to sneak in. Imagine that! |
Bits Are Built: Bits aren't like atoms. They don't really exist.
And that's why the Web is ours. |
of Connects: Is a new web of acquaintances gelling? |
Problem with Professionals: What does being a professional add
besides the right to carry a clipboard? |
Law — An Interview: One of the Internet originals explains
that the value of the Net comes not from its raw connections but from
its group-forming ability. |
New Common Sense: Common sense is a rich gift that we lack on
the Web. |
Hyperlinked Metaphysics of the Web: Our culture has had a container-based
metaphysics: space and time are containers within which events occur,
and things are only truly real if they're self-contained. The Web, on
the other hand, presents us with a hyperlinked metaphysics that is transcendent
and fundamentally spiritual. |
and Brains and Comparisons: Is the Web a global brain? Beware
of metaphors. |
Quantum Foam: Constitutional Democracy meets Chaos Theory. Sweet! |
Pop!Tech: Report on a thought provoking conference in Camden, Maine - Bill Joy, John Perry Barlow, Ira Glasser of the ACLU, Whitfield Diffie, the Governor of Maine, assorted MIT smarties by the scoopful, and about 500 others once and for all answer the question: What does it mean to be human in a digital age? |
Q&A Goes Global: We go for generations without inventing new
ways of talking. Now, it happens just about every day. |
Web's Deep Optimism: Everything bad can and will happen on the
Web, but the cause for optimism is deep in the Web's very architecture. |
Mysticism:If the number is precise, it must be right! |
Power of the Unstated: John Updike's poem "Hoeing" delivers
the tacit knowledge goods |
Question Question: Smart people aren't stuffed with their content.
They've mastered the social art of questions. |
New Gravity: It's merged with its opposite:levity. |
June 19, 2000 - Extra special short issue on Beijing
China Shards: 4 days in Beijing as a tourist.
June 2 , 2000 - Extra special short issue
Wireless Return to Earth (Bonus: Nano-Groups): The Wireless Web
will know where you are and who's around you, changing the nature of groups. |
Real Document Architecture: The Web isn't a medium. It's a place
... filled with weird document-buildings. |
in Technology: Is technology indistinguishable from magic...or
is it just beyond our control? |
The Cathedral, the Bazaar and the Trade Show:
Your company's booth at a trade show may be your only chance all year
to actually have a real conversation with customers - What a concept! |
Five Stages of Web Grief - The phases of mourning turn out to
describe the typical stages companies go through when confronted with
the Web. Where's your company? |
The Most Important App Since Sex: Real peer-to-peer computing,
a global collaboration that skates along the edge of the old laws |
Interview: Naomi Klein: The author of No Logos tells us how the
Web is enabling the anti-brand movement |
joy of email: The hours we spend on email everyday are building
the new, connected world. |
the Web Scale?: Sure, we can have global yet intimate conversations
on the Web now, but what happens when there are billions of people on
line? |