Thursday, November 14th, 2002
8:09 am
my car caught on fire this weekend =*( somethin behind the headlight shorted out or somethin... anyhow, we had to kick out a headlight to get the fire out cause it melted the hood release thingy... there's a ton of burned wires and stuff, and now my windshield wipers don't work, my tail lights don't work, and well, of course one of my headlights doesn't work... makes driving back and forth to school at night a bit scary... anyhow! i saw nanoids on tuesday!!! it was so great to see her!! things have changed so much between us though, its kinda weird. oh well, it was still awesome to see her =) Duels came out yesterday in daoc! where you can duel people in your own realm! i've been having fun trying to kill people all day, its been great! =D anyhow, i'm off to school
katie =D
current mood: awake current music: Quelle des Lebens
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| Tuesday, November 5th, 2002
10:46 am
gah, i have 6 tests to take today... and i've been gone for most of the time when we learned the stuff.. gah =( it actually rained today. it's supposed to always rain in cannon beach, but it's just been sunny and cold. it seemed warm today, even though it was rainy. i kinda like rain. but i wish i would stop being sick =( tuesdays are such interesting days... i just don't know about them.... oh well today is Mckinley's birthday! he's a good friend on daoc, he's helped me out a lot. i can't think of what to get him either... its not often you find out about birthdays on daoc, since most people are so concerned with playing their character. i never do though hehe =) i should show a screenshot of my bard, she's so cute! she almost kinda looks like me, back when i had my short hair,, cept her's isnt curly.. the lucky hehhe i'm thinkin of choppin my hair off again... i like it long becuase its... long... we its' not relaly long, i can just braid it and do all kindsa stuff, i just don't have any ideas... besides, it takes me like half an hour to do my hair in the morning and its SUCH a pain!! our shower is dumb and its either realllly hot or reallllly cold, and it makes me sick from being overheated and stuff, i hate it =( oh well, i'm sure i'll do somethin.. Jon's a sweetie and he loves my hair both ways.. but i know he really likes it long.. he won't admit it to me hehehe but i really think he does. i wish there was some way i could wear it down without having to spend an hour on it. well who knows... i hafta go
current mood: sick current music: Joy Electric =D
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| Sunday, November 3rd, 2002
11:54 pm
gah, i love school, but i hate going.. i'm not quite sure how to explain it.... but oh well =P today was such a nice day! I have some really good friends on daoc and i got to group with some of them today, i had so much fun! =) jon wants to hit 50 by the time his friend comes back from canada. which is tuesday... he'll have to play like all day tomorrow and the next day if it's gonna happen... so i don't think i'll get to be on much =) i'm so tired.. but i really need to start updating this more. oh well haha not like anyone reads it anyway =) i'm going to sleep now.. g'nite
current mood: sleepy current music: pedro the lion
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| Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
3:16 pm
i miss my kitty. she's so cute, but she's at home in spokane.. we can't have her here, it just wouldn't work.. but the coolest thing happened today... after school i was walking to my car and i saw a little black and white cat!! i was like ooh! a kitty!! and it ran away, but it was so cute!! when i got to my car i noticed that it had left cute little muddy kitty prints alll over the hood of my car and a little bit on my windshield..... i was so happy!!!! my kitty used to do that sometimes... it was kinda like havin her back for a bit =D
i love seaside! and i love being married to jon! God has been so good to us!! things are just wonderful. i'm kinda tired of being sick, since it's been a couple weeks, but i'm starting to feel better...
i'm just so happy about that cat hehe i'm so silly! oh well =)
i love daoc so much! hehe i made a cute little twink warden =D she's so cute in all black at only level 11 =) i even gave her a shadow crystal slicer which is like thee weapon that everyone wants.. (i dont' think they really want it, its really really slow, but it just looks SOOO nifty!) its black and it has blue particles that fly off it and it glows too.. its so cool!! but she's cute and i like her =D she's gonna kick some major butt when she grows up too =D
current mood: happy current music: Set fire to December
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Saturday, October 19th, 2002
8:35 am
We got a house!!!!!!! its so cute!!!!!!! yeah, its in Seaside, so it's not right by school, but its about a 10 minute drive so thats not too horribly bad.. its' like 3 blocks from the beach! its so awesome!!! heheh it even has a black and white checkered floor in the kitchen, yay for ska hehhehe =) we actually got it last sunday, but i got sick with some random really nasty cold right before that, and i'm still trying to get over it. poor jon is a couple days behind me =( thank goodness for chicken noodle soup and ricola cough drops! =) School started last monday, but i only went to one class in the morning, and i haven't been since.. i've been so sick, i haven't been able to breathe in about a week... i'm starting to get better though, i'm real glad about that =) we got our phone line hooked up last night and stuff!! its pretty cool =) we still have tons of boxes everywhere, and who knows where we'll put all teh stuff, but oh well =) its such a cute little house! =) i'm so happy to have a real oven! i even used my crock pot the other day =) hehe anyhow, i'm off to play daoc =D
kt =D
current mood: ecstatic current music: ghoti hook - sumo surprise
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| Wednesday, October 9th, 2002
6:50 pm
Yay! it looks like i DO still have friends here! yayyY! =D but look, look, i'm posting again! isn't it amazing? its only cause we're at jon's parents house and the daoc updates are takin a while to download... anyhow! i just made this really cute chick that kicks a lot of butt hehehehe. its fun playing my bard cause i can help out anyone, but its fun kicking butt too =) i get 2 axes that i swing at people, and its very fun cause i'm all cute and they don't expect me to be dangerous at all muahahahha!! i even have two cute braids!! aww =) ecola starts on monday... =( i am really not excited... bleh... who knows, maybe i'll end up liking it.... but school is from 9-12 in the morning and 7-9 at night... what a pain.. i'm gonna miss all the raids.. oh well i'm sure i'll survive, somehow.. i am liking cannon beach a lot, just REALLY wishing we had a house.... i am so happy now, i just can't make hardly any decent food cause we dont' have an oven.. argggg.... oh well, jon is such a sweetie about it, he loves (or is reallly good at pretending to love) all the food i make hehehe =) i love the beach, it is so gorgeous.. i love goin out there, but its so cold most of the time. its like a 5 minute walk to go to the beach,its so cool!! i really really really hope we find a house soon though, i'm gettin sick of livin in the rv.. anyhow, i'm gonna stop rambling on about nothing... yeah..
kt =D
current mood: blah current music: incubus
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| Saturday, October 5th, 2002
2:34 pm
hehe okay, so i've been busy... i know that no excuse to not update for like a month, but oh well =) the wedding went wonderful, i am so happy to be married! we are living in cannon beach now, still no luck on a house though =( we thought we had one before we got married, but the guy decided to give it to someone else, after he had said we coudl have it.. oh well though, i'm sure we'll find somethin soon. hafta go write more thank yous =P
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| Saturday, September 7th, 2002
7:15 pm
eek, only a week till the wedding!!! things are goin alright here, it's horribly hectic, and thats kinda gettin to me... theres so many dumb little things that need to still be taken care of and i'm just so sick of them!! i wouldn't be so bad if jon was here, but its SO hard to have him gone.. he won't be back till wednesday =*( daoc has been fun, i'm level 41 now, almost 42.. but i need to not play so much. i have so many friends on there that are so encouraging to me!! i'm horible though, i forgot i left my little level 4 alt out in the middle of albion (the enemy realm) cause we had duels out there.. and i logged on, and there was this big 50 dude right htere.. i was like eeeekkk cause he coulda killed me in one hit! but insead, he bowed to me and stuff!! then he left, so i followed him, and he was killing bad monsters so they wouldn't kill me, it was so nice!! he took me back to his group and i was dancing/waving at them all.. (in daoc, you cannot communicate with members of other realms accept for dancing with them, bowing, cheering, and a few other random things.. nothing important really) so i was this little level 4 kid in teh middle of them all.. and it was really funny, i haven't had a chance to hang out with albs, cause when they see kateles, they always run, cause she can actually hurt them.. but i was hangin out havin fun.. and this one dude walks up to me, and hit me once, and i was dead =( i was so sad, and they all cried at me.. but it made me cry! it was horrible!! i didn't think i was that stressed about things, buti guess i am... bleh... it has been really fun grouping with reiny though, she is so nice to me! i was out trying to get realm points the otehr day, and i lost my group, and found a random group and was following them.. adn it happened to be reinys group and she was leader, and she even had room for me!! i was so glad, they didn't even have a bard yet!! it was so awesome!! she's really nice to me, i really don't know why.. oh well, i'm so glad she's there. i'm SO glad we found that house in cannon beach! it was so cool how it all worked out! we were gonna go down to cannon beach for two days and try to find a house hehe. anywyas, we went over to nicks house to see if he was home and stuff.. and they were like, oh, we're movin out, do you guys want our house?? its a really cool house, 2 bdrm, and only 425 a month! which is insane for cannon beach! its not in bad condition either, i'm really excited about movin there =) only about a 100 people have rsvp'd.. a bunch of people i talked to didn't even know they had to rsvp cause i guess we wrote it in too small of writing.... but so we won't relaly have any idea how many people are coming.. which i am kinda sad about, but oh well. anyways, i have tons i need to be doing, i better get going
kateles =D
current mood: stressed current music: joy electric - 5 stars for failure
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| Thursday, August 29th, 2002
2:09 pm
tomfest is so strange this year. i don't know, maybe its me that's changed... it seems like everyone is running around trying to be the coolest that they can be. i was really disappointed when i found out that bands were playing on top of each other. tomfest has always been the fest that didn't do that.. yeah, i'm not going next year. we didn't really have the money to go, but we did anyways.. and besides no good bands being there, things just are not what they should be. oh well. daoc has been really fun! i'm level 40 now! i haven't really found a good place to kill monsters at this level, but i go and kill people all the time. or get killed by them too =) reiny let me have another one of her characters so i made a little lurikeen champ! she's really cool, she's teeny tiny too! she's about 1/3 of the size of kateles, its so adorable! =) jon is going to break up the guild i think.. i am so sad. i really liked clan macleod.. but oh well, reiny really wants us to join her guild, so i will join her. jon wanted to join emerald dawn but i really don't want to. reiny talked to me and she says i coudl actually help out du mintai! i am excited, it will be a fun guild i hope. oh well, i best be gettin back to tomfest. sorry for not updating in so long..
current mood: disappointed current music: ghoti hook - sumo surprise
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| Monday, August 12th, 2002
10:13 am
wow things have been really crazy here!! got MOST of the invites out, thats' nice! even mailed them from bridal veil, oregon =D cool huh =D yeah, i've been playign waaaaay too much daoc =D but having a blast!! i'm level 37 now, i almost kick butt =D i just love it though, i'm starting to recognize almost all teh people i group with, it's the coolest =D bleh gotta go
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| Wednesday, July 31st, 2002
8:07 pm
ackk!! today has been INSANE! i was up playin daoc till about 3 last night.. well, hibernia had darkness falls, so i had to go in there and get new armor and stuff. but anyways! this morning we went to the craft store and picked out alllll the flowers we're gonna need. i wasn't too thrilled about the silk flowers... but then we found a buncha black stuff, so im okay with it now =D then we had to go drop my car off at the muffler place cause my muffler died... blah, we did SO much stuff!! went and picked out a cake, tried to find paper for the inserts in the invitations, we did so much other stuff.. oh yeah, looked for burgndy ribbon at 3 places, priced printed napkins at 2 places, picked my car up, went and got my tire fixed... again!!!! then bought cups, nuts and other random things... and im just like... BLEHHH!!! we were out for almost 12 stinking hours!!!!! i am so exhausted!!! but kellie and i are suppoesd to hang out with joe tonite (the guy that taught me how to play bass) and i really want to.... im just sooooo tired... and im gonna log onto daoc tonite and the midgards are gonna kick my butt hehehe cause we lost df again... but oh well =D anyways.. im gonna go call joe to find out what we're gonna do... bleh, pray for me, im SO stressed!!! all i want to do is go back down to skamania so i can see jon.... but theres so much junk to do here that i cant. and i hate it. =(
current mood: exhausted current music: get up kids
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| Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
1:12 pm
...sometimes daoc can be SO depressing!!! this group of 3 heroes asked me to join their group before i was even signed on all the way! they were really cool... till we died.. but i didnt mind, we were gaining alright experience... then my fried ghodainn got online and he joined the group so that was really fun!! i had about two bubbles... then the group decided to break up and we found another group that was supposedly going to power level us.. and they were headed down to the pit... and they sucked so bad that i died SOO many times i lost ALL the experience i had gained the WHOLE DAY!! i was not happy. so ghod and i went to go kill pookhas cause they're not as scary. but he wasn't getting any experience, so we went back to the mines.. hahahah this group wayyyy down in the pit wanted a bard really really really bad.. so i tried to run through, and died 4 feet from the top of the pit (where i was supposed to jump off) so they came and got me, got my friend... and we jumped off, and died, (but that was a given) and they were about to rez me... and i went linkdead!!!!! so i had to go allllll the way back from tirna mBeo to the mines.. and this really nice 49 druid fought his way down with me. hehe then we all grouped, and we were all getting terrible xp because of the 49 druid, but i didnt care! because they were nice and they didnt die!!! hehe daoc is so funny, im so addicted =D
oh, i got 50 envelopes addressed.... only 200 more to go.......
current mood: stressed current music: ja wohl - Sprottenrock
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| Sunday, July 28th, 2002
7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
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7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
(comment on this)
7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
(comment on this)
7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
(comment on this)
7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
(comment on this)
7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
(comment on this)
7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
(comment on this)
7:52 pm
Woo hoO!!! i finally made it to level 30!!!!! =D its great, i like it =D some random kid took me to this random dungeon out in the middle of nowhere.. and it SUCKED!!!! all the group did was die, and they left me and a level 19 caster person allll by ourselves.. and spiders ate us. it was terrible!!! i think im sticking to the mines =D We got me new armor last week cause it was getting too small for me.. and this week, i checked, and its too small AGAIN!! its almost not worth the cost of dye! how depressing. hmm... i have way too many e-mail addresses that i use on a consistant basis. i went to church today for the first time since ive been back!! its weird, this is going to be my first full week at home since last year. crazy.. but at church, it was kinda weird, so many people were like 'KT ITS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" and im like... who are you..?? it was nice to see everybody again. anyways, i have 8 zillion envelopes to address.. and all my friends changed phone numbers!! bleh!!
oh well
current mood: tired
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