cuz after all, she's a star gazer

Recent Entries

You are viewing the most recent 25 entries.

13th November 2002

10:30pm: hmm. i've decided due to things i've heard from various people whom i trust, that Jon officialy sucks. i no longer miss him. at all. and, i don't really care anymore. so, goodbye, jon. if you ever wanna stop wasting your life, maybe then i'll care again...but, until then...i'm done.
Current Mood: annoyed

(slice open my veins)

29th October 2002

5:04pm: did more friend list editing. so, if i took you off, but you failed to tell me like i so nicely asked a week ago that you still read this, comment and i'll put you back.

(2 bloody romances | slice open my veins)

6th October 2002

1:23pm: i did some friend list editing. and i took a couple people off. if i took you off, and you still actually read my livejournal, just yell at me and i'll put you back on.

(slice open my veins)

1st September 2002

7:31pm: ps. the last post was mike.

(slice open my veins)

7:28pm: POOP
Man today i got the worst case of the shits of all time...i was in the bathroom all day oh man...
Current Mood: crappy

(2 bloody romances | slice open my veins)

31st July 2002

12:45pm: ...dreams...
Dreams of broken hearted suicide
Are ones that occur too often
In nights that severely lack sleep.
Dreams that so desperately need to come true
Are fought off by the fear that they will
And that they will no longer be dreams
But will have become a surreal reality.
If a dream is no longer a dream,
What have you to dream about?
Current Mood: lonely
Current Music: the juliana theory - the closest thing

(slice open my veins)

6th July 2002

12:34am: if anyone has an extra ticket for Taking Back Sunday/Piebald for this sunday, i will love you forever and do anything for that ticket... dear god i have to go to this show!

Current Mood: distressed

(2 bloody romances | slice open my veins)

4th July 2002

11:11pm: It's 11:11
I make a wish for you
But you won't know
So you can't ask
And i can never tell you.

you've got me
i don't have you.
hate me, and i'll love you more.

don't leave. take me with you.
standing alone.
watching you go.

i never wanted it to be this way.
i didn't want to care so much
i don't want to shatter again.

(slice open my veins)

5th June 2002

3:15pm: people should come visit me at work. i'm here till 6...parkers gifts on route me from boredom...i'm gunna get in trouble fer being on here...bye!

(7 bloody romances | slice open my veins)

22nd May 2002

7:45pm: what the FUCK? my friends list keeps deleting people and then adding them back and being fucking possessed. so, if it get's fucked up and you can't read things, be patient little ones, i'm working on it.
Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: something corporate - i want to save you

(slice open my veins)

27th April 2002

6:13pm: people should go to the trance buddha tonight so i'll know people and it'll be rad. please?

(slice open my veins)

25th March 2002

8:31pm: "i sauntered over like i knew i was the shit. the look on my face let others know that these were my boys loitering. best to get out of my way because that's where i was heading."

haha. that's fucking awesome.

(slice open my veins)

8:06pm: "She had the kind of strawberry- color hair that a guy could go nuts staring at all the time. That's what i did. I went nuts starting at her all the time.
She was the one haunting my thoughts in those moments before sleep. Filmstrip dreams of us in the sunset of some foreign scene. Faded photographs of a future with me and the life we lead. She was the one of fantasy, of make- believe, and i felt so damn stupid for all the dull things i said to her when i spoke."

I like that.

(slice open my veins)

22nd March 2002

10:43pm: A poem i wrote .3 seconds ago!
Flying kites at midnight.
Watching your face in the moon light.
Dancing with shadows
And seeing your smile glow.
Everything is perfect,
So i can't help but wonder what's the defect.
Nothing can ever be this right,
Not even flying kites at midnight.
Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: EA - Magnesium

(slice open my veins)

11th March 2002

9:41pm: i didn't go to homecoming.

and i'm not going to prom.

man i fucking love high school
Current Mood: irate
Current Music: rrrrrrrrrip

(slice open my veins)

9th March 2002

4:37pm: fuck yeah! who's going to see thursday tonight? oh what what? me! yeaaaaah!

(slice open my veins)

7th March 2002

7:25pm: Tomorrow night (friday) 7:00 PM (go early if you want a seat) West Boylston High School Auditorium (my school) Play Comps! I have a part in mine! and it's big! so, come see me! and it'll be rad. okie?
Current Mood: ecstatic
Current Music: 24 hours - day by day

(1 bloody romance | slice open my veins)

5:23pm: does anyone have a invitation code thingy so that friends can get a lj? cuz...if you could supply me with one...that's fucking rock.

(1 bloody romance | slice open my veins)

4th March 2002

2:56pm: i'm changing my journal to absolutely friends only. and it's only gonna be returned friends, so, if you dont have me on your friends list and you still wanna read my lj, i suggest you add me, because as of right now, i'm deleting everyone who doesn't have me listed as their friend. no exceptions. ;-)

(slice open my veins)

3rd March 2002

5:15pm: "'I can't keep you safe,' you say. 'Only you can.'"

(slice open my veins)

12:04am: do you know my pain?
did you see the tears fall from my eyes last night?

(slice open my veins)

2nd March 2002

11:15pm: "For some reason, I think of how Mr. Malcom, my algebra teacher, used to hand out test papers with lots of blank space and tell us we wouldn't get credit for right answers unless we showed our work. I imagine you working on me as an algebra problem, reducing me to fractions, crossing out common denominators, until there's nothing left on the page but a line that says x= whatever it is that is wrong with me. You fix it. I get to go home"

(slice open my veins)

1st March 2002

7:44pm: Miss USA pageant tonight is from Gary, Indiana. I sing a song about Gary, Indiana for try outs next week. is it a sign? i wonder...

(1 bloody romance | slice open my veins)

26th February 2002

2:33pm: i don't think i'm really with it today.
i had a scary dream last night and wasn't sure if it was real or not.
cuz you know when you have certain things on or about you in your dream and when you wake up, it's the same?
well, it was like that.
so i refused to go back to sleep.
school was yuck.
as always.
did test corrections in chemistry.
died of boredom in sat prep.
walked for fucking ever in visual comm and took pictures.
and did lame stuff in PAW. and Ksenia signed me up to try out for what ever that kids name is.
and i don't have a good enough lisp to be able to sing with one.
i have a play comp meeting tonight. hoorah. it's in less than 2 weeks and this will be our first practice.
i start work tomorrow. go team allie.
yeah. i'm done.

(slice open my veins)

24th February 2002


Which Weezer Song are You?

i'm already sick of my new lj picture.
and i just put it up yesterday.
fuck me.

(slice open my veins)

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