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God's Music Children

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[05 Sep 2002|03:42pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | new fast - the weekend ]

Here is my official Semester One schedule:
10:00-10:50 Western Civilization
1:10-2:00 Intro to Old Testament
2:35-3:25 Basketball
9:25-10:40 Intro to Lit:Short Fiction and Poetry
11:40-1:00 Intro to Psychology
3:00-3:50 Study Skills
same as Monday
same as Tuesday plus:
1:10-2:10 Intro to University
11:40-12:30 Discussion Group for Western Civ
1:10-2:00 Discussion Group for Old Test

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A Album Review [03 Sep 2002|12:53am]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Blindside - Cute Boring Love ]

On the Stavesacre list, we say people like me are from Neverpostland. But, I decided to share the wealth that is my limited knowledge and tell everybody about Blindside's new album Silence.

It was released last week on Elektra/3Points records (3Points is P.O.D.'s label they started to help good bands get more airplay), and has recieved considerable praise from critics.

Personally, I really liked it. It was a major departure for Blindside, who used to be pretty much scream-core. Christian (lead singer) has turned his attention away from being as loud as possible all the time to singing with dramatic emphasis. Most of the songs contain hints of his earlier, angrier vocal style while maintaining restraint. One of the songs ("Painting", I believe) is very reminiscent of A Thought Crushed My Mind, their earlier work, but that is in no way to be taken as a bad thing. I actually enjoyed their music but was very impressed with the broadening of their range. For anyone who likes music in the Hoobastank/Incubus range, Blindside is a logical extension of your musical tastes, and I'm very proud of them for having reached such a large audience. The only thing left is to see P.O.D. help out Project 86, Stavesacre, and Five Iron Frenzy, because if you don't like Five Iron Frenzy, you have no business listening to music.

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help me please! [28 Aug 2002|11:25pm]

[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | underoath ]

my 18th birthday is on mon and i need ideas for tattoos. does anyone know of any good christian tattoo sites? your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated. thank you.

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Rockin My Socks Off [27 Aug 2002|12:21am]

Hey everyone. Recently I was in Chinatown, and I picked up a CD sampler from Five Minute Walk. I really liked a few of the songs, and I was wondering if anyonwe couldtell me anything about the following bands:

Rivulets and Violets
The Elms
Luna Halo
Model Engine

If anyone can help me out, id appreciate it muchly.
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Purple Door [16 Aug 2002|12:51pm]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | relient k - less is more ]

Ok guys. It's Purple Door day. At last at long last. I've been waiting since like April. Wheee. I'm all set to go. I got my hair in 10 little mini buns and I got my fishnets all good to go. i hope my hair stays. i put a bunch of hairspray on but it might need a bunch more. So anyway. I'm most excited about seeing Relient K because well... they're my favorite. But Blindside will be there too so thats a yay. I was really suprised to hear them on mainstream radio the other night. so that was wooey. ummm anyhow... who else will be there... ace troubleshooter, squad five-o, pax 217, project 86, further seems forever, bleach, and a whole bunch more... these are just the ones i will be seeing. hehehe. *giggly* anyway... i need some more hairspray. i'll tell you how things are later.

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tho the sorrow may last for a night.....joy comes with the morning... [16 Aug 2002|09:29am]
[ mood | hopeful ]

okay, so i'm not totally joyful...but i'm feeling better (Strangely enough) after a good night's sleep....

i haven't called my pastor yet, becuase i'm realizing it's friday, and that's his "day off"...maybe i'll call a little later and see if he's up for a chat....

i'm suppoused to go over to rutland, vermont, with a friend of mine this evening for a church service there...it's three hours away, but i'm really wanting to go...it all depends on how my friend feels later today, tho....

i ate over her house lst night, and she wasn't feeling well..(you can pray for her, too, if you want..she's dealing with a lot of stuff right now, too...that's why i think rutland would be a good distraction for her...) but anyhow, we're suppoused to be going there and then spending the night, most likely at my cousin's, and then we're going to be coming back up for a mother/daughter brunch at my church (i'm going with another friend's daughter...she had some extras that were 'up for adoption' so to speak...)

but i really don't know how much loner i can keep my happy face on in front of all these people...i don't know how much longer i can be brave for them, and pretend like everything is okay, when really, it's not....

who knows, maybe i'll find true joy and contentment before i have to worry about that....

peace and love to all...
-ramona anne

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[16 Aug 2002|02:21am]

Please pray for me guys and gals. I'm just about to head up to college and I'm getting really depressed about leaving my friends. They mean the world and then some to me. I dunno what I'm going to do without them. I know I need to go to this college because it's God's will but I really really hate leaving them.

Oh yeah, and if you live in the Nashville area and are looking for a rock n roll show buddy........ look me up.
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[15 Aug 2002|09:48pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

thanks, everyone for the welcome and the replies....

if you feel so led, can you pray for me?...i'm dealing with a LOT of stuff right now...i still can't cry, and i know that's what i need to do....my life is in shambles, and nobody seems to really care....and well, i'm just really having a hard time....i almost drove my car into the river tonight because i just didn't want to deal with things anymore...and that's not like me at all....i called my pastor tonight and he was just like "it's 9:30...can't you call me in the morning?..." talk about frustrating....at least i have something to fall back on, even if it is people i've never met and only know a little bit thru this live journal....

anyhow...i'll be okay, i guess, but i could certianly use your prayers, if you could spare a few...


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[15 Aug 2002|06:01pm]

Is anyone here a Dogwood fan?
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new to this... [14 Aug 2002|12:12am]
[ music | vigilantes of love live at the 40 watt ]

hello, everyone...i'm new here...ramonaanne is my screen name...i'm a christian, but i listen to some obscure christian artists, and a lot of the "older" artists like the lost dogs, randy stonehill, and mark heard...i'm also a big fan of bill mallonee and the trophy wives (formerly known as the vigilantes of love) i also like miranda stone, julie miller, pierce pettis, jason harrod, and others...but i'm ceratinly more into the "obscure" artists that not many people have heard of....

anyhow, i guess that's all for now...i hope y'all don't mind that i dropped in to say hi...

peace and love to all,
-ramona anne

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[13 Aug 2002|02:16am]

for discussion:

one person asks a group of people for prayer about his great aunt who is struggling with a deadly form of cancer. now, the group prays that she be HEALED and the cancer removed in Gods name. 3 weeks later his aunt dies from the cancer, the boy comes back to the group and tells them the bad news and thanks them all for their prayers and thoughts. Now then, the prayer helped the boy get through this terrible terrible situation, but what the group asked for did not happen. I know what I believe about Gods good perfect and pleasing will, but I don't know why people think that prayer can be used to change his will. Its like they treat prayer as a "metaphysical power" given to them when they become christians. I feel that these scenarios give the wrong impression to those of the secular mindset. Prayer is seen as a wish list rather than a heart felt personal testimony and confession unto God.
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i need some help! [08 Aug 2002|02:46pm]

does anyone have these cds and cd burner?

slick shoes - rusty & slick shoes
ghoti hook - bananaman, sumo surprise & songs we didn't write
stretch arm strong - revolution transmission
further seems forever - the sun is down
further seems / recess theory split
juliana theory - understand this is a dream

if so, could you guys help me out? these cds of mine were stolen from my sister's dorm room and i can't get them back. if anyone could help me, i'd really appreciate it! thank you! :)
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old & new.... [07 Aug 2002|11:55pm]

[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Underoath::when the sun sleeps ]

hey everyone. i haven't posted in here in forever.. never under this username.. but old one was goddaughter. anyhow, just wanted to say hey to everyone.. anyhow, if you ever wanna chat or something, i'm on AIM as CianaAngel... anyhow, y'all take it easy..

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long time.. [04 Aug 2002|05:24pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | furtherseemsforever ]

Many of you dont know who I am because I've been extremely lazy about posting in here. Anyways, I'm going to be changing the colors/layout and if anyone has opinions/ideas let me know! However, if enough of you demand it be left alone, so be it. Take care kids and God bless!

PS: it has to incorporate pink because its Aftons (punknpink) favorite color.

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Whats wrong with POD? [04 Aug 2002|05:54am]

[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Not POD...yet, anyway ]

Okay, Ill admit it-I dont like POD. I know I porlly should, but I jsut dont enjoy the music. Regardless-I appreciate them for what they do. They speka to alot of kids in ways that other Christians cant, and they do it in a way that dosent threaten them or make them defensive. From what Ive heard, theyre good guys, all married or with significant otehrs, nd they turn away the groupies and booze at the door. So, rock on POD!

I just read this however-http://www.av1611.org/crock/pod.html-an anti-POD 4 article set bout hwo theyre horrible nonChristians that make everyone hate Jesus and stuff.

Okay, First off, the person that wrote this article was completely RIDICULOUS. He (or she, Terry is sort of hard to call) takes every POD quote he can find and immediatley interprets it as a God-bashing thing. You know what? There are many different ways to worshuip the lord, and just cause soemones way is different then yours dosent mean its bad. I dont come down on the MXPX fans, and I dont expect them to come down on me.

Also, every quote where POD tries to explain why they are worried about Christianity's image is interpreted as an attck on christianity. Well, you know what? THE CHURCH HAS MADE MISTAKES! And it can be scary to admit youre a Christian sometimes because of those mistakes! The important thing is that no matter what humans do in his name, God remains the same!

I will admit, POD has apparead on some unsavory colections. But I dont think they had much of a choice-odds were it was the company that stuck it on there. And also, even if it was, good for them! He complains that the songs arent Christian enoughg. But if a non-believer picks up that CD, and they hear a song that goes "jesus, Jesus,cha cha cha!" they arent gonna eb convinced, theyre gonna be turned off. So many hearts are hardened to the Lord that to appeal to them you HAVE to strt off slow. I think POD does a good job of presenting a non-threatening Christianity-a PRACTICAL Christianity-for kids that are starting out.

Ack, this is gettign too long. Basically, I just wanted to say that this article made me like POD alot, so more power to em.

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The Hunger Site [02 Aug 2002|09:49am]

Have you been to this web site today?!?!?

If not, you should go NOW! All you do is click on a link, and sponsors pay to feed the hungry. You can go once a day.

Make sure you click on the other tabs to save the rain forests, pay for mammograms, and save animals.

This is related to Christian Music because Chris Rice is frequently a sponsor :)
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Hey from Mandy! [01 Aug 2002|05:04pm]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | I Have Been There ~Mark Shultz ]

Hey yall, cna yall do me a favor? Can yall pray for 3 of my friends? 1. Pate- His house got struck by lightning while he was at the beach. No one got hurt, but their TV, phone lines, some lights, and one of their modems got fried. 2. Nikki- (User name- itsallaboutme4) She is going to Florida to be with her sick grandfather. Pray for him too. 3. Jody- He is at the beach. Pray that he has a safe trip home and pray thet he comes home soon cuz I miss him! ;) Well, thats all! Thanks a lot!
God Bless,

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Wanted: Guitarist/Vocalist [30 Jul 2002|06:08pm]

Hello all,
I was wondering if there are any guitarists in here looking for a job. A bass player and drummer may be required soon. It is preferable that you live in Kentucky or Southern Indiana. The style is along the lines of The Misfits, The Cramps, and AFI, except with christian themes. If anyone is interested leave a post.
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I'd just like to take the opourtunity to say... [30 Jul 2002|02:30am]

God bless you all. For believe in Jesus Christ and all the glory he has done. God bless you all.
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[29 Jul 2002|09:54pm]

Howdy. I'm new to this wicked awesome community. My name is kibbe (sounds like kibby) and I love God and rock'n'roll . Be my friend. The end.
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