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DATELESS + amisaad + LOSER

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Call me Beep me ifyou wanna reach me. [14 Jan 2003|06:10pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Original Superman [x] Pillar. ]

I had a meeting today with the teachers and people at the school with my parents. it was interesting and i dint have to go home on the bus because im kickass.

Looking at paintings...
Girl: How come shes naked?!
Boy: I dont know, but im thinking about going to art school!

ahhhahahahah ^^^.

I have to write a story fro English tonight, and i know exactly wehat im going to write about, and you all are going to be jealous of my WICKED COOL story.

1 are dead to me| give me the finger

wow, this really is a fairy tale. [13 Jan 2003|10:08pm]
lmao, joe millionare = funniest show i have ever seen in my life.
hedi should be shot ro soemthing because, shes a brat. yes.

ummmm.... i am in love with my "quick memo" function on my palm pilot. IN LOVE. i use it allthe time when im bored.... liek now.

shannon asked me what im doing saturday so im guessing its about her party.
well shannnnnnnon, i dont have any definate plans really. i guess it depends on the time. tell me what time and i'll tell you if i can go for sure. should be fuin though =) im excited ot see you and meet your other frineds. :)

there is something undder my sink making a noice like a cricket, but i know its not a criket. something is loose under the sink but its driving me insane. ahhh.
give me the finger

Oh you want more? [13 Jan 2003|08:31pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | and she cries alot, its sad [x] tv. ]

My journal hasnt been working right on this computer and im sad.

Today at CCD Ange said i reminded her of Kelly Osborne. "You resemble Kwlly Osborne, You remind me of her". I dont know whether or not to take it as an insult or comment. I am now in Mr. Ryan's class. Either that class or Mrs. Knorel's. I dont care which one im in.

SARAH COTTON. Thats her name Colleen and Heather.

Check out this awesome email my mom recived from Mrs. Lockney [colleens mom].

We enjoy having Ami, she is a sweet kid and she and Colleen get along great. Ami has been to several family functions on my side and all my relatives love her, they all say "Ami is so cute" "Ami is so sweet", and she is SO polite Elise, always very polite and well spoken. Thats what we want from our kids, to be happy and respect other people and Ami is both when we see her. Too bad she cant make the overnight thing at the hotel for Colleens 16th birthday - Chuck and I were careful about who Colleen picked to go - we knew we needed kids we could trust and i trust Ami and colleen completely! Talk to you soon, Kathy.

give me the finger

We are the pirates who dont do anything. [12 Jan 2003|08:29pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Relient K [x] Wake Up Call. ]

Right now i am making a "March 28th CD" titled... "jimgle MY bells" ::squigly line::

My day consisted of this:
Wake up
Watch cartoons
Watch Jawbreaker
Watch Never been kissed
Watch Shes all that
Watch Never been kissed again
Watch Pitch Black

USA is the channel of theday my frineds.

Tomorrow, i am accually hanging out with Oomiya. How i miss her dearly.

Must go finish homework.

give me the finger

Quickbooks Backup. [12 Jan 2003|10:22am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Canada, Oh Canada [x] Five Iron Frenzy. ]

apparently, i am going to be on a houseboat for 2 weeks out of the summer going to canada.. on a boat. And... i dont liek water, or boats. Whoa, this will be "SO MUCH FUN!".

then we are going to some city on the water in canada that suposedly, kicks butt. maybe ill get to go shopping. I really dont want to sit on a house boat for 2 weeks. it has a slide, tv, dvd, shower, and stuff like that, but im going to go so bored.

I told my parents about finch, the used, the movielife, my chemical romance show and they are accually letting me go. This is pretty rad.

Canada, Oh Canada
Lets go today
Canada, Oh Canada...

Yeah, im leaving now bye.

2 are dead to mes| give me the finger

...share his love tonight onBrian fellow's sufari planet.. [11 Jan 2003|11:36pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Satureday Night Live [x] TV. ]

I have NEVER in my life seen more members of the itty bitty titty comittee in one place, at the same time, trying to shimmy. Oh...My...God.

so basically, the dance just sucked oh-so-very-much because it was depressing, but i wont go into it. and Two i was tired and not feeling so great. So i did not want to "rub ass".

First 5 minutes im there, some guy comes and attacks me. And i tried walking away, didnt work. Then i Climbed on thebleackers and he didnt go away until i fot on the 4th one. Gross. I then remembered why i didnt go to these dances. It would have been better if more people i knew went to lift my spirits.

They made me do my "nelly" dance. Only once. haha one time only deal. my 3 seconds of "hey im sexy shit", lol.

Min and Megg's friend, Ben, was the funniest kid ever.

Well, im going to make my vanilla chia and barf because avril lavigne is on SNL. omg, haha Joe MIllionare = Joe Homo. BRIAN FELLOWS SUFARI PLANET. sooooo funny.

give me the finger

i need to know what it feels like. [10 Jan 2003|02:36pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | The Exies. ]

stupid ADHD testing. i hate it. i hateee it. its not liek they are trying to find out if i have it, but where it affects me the most. i have to do all these weird tests over and over and it makes me feel stupid. all of it are pretty simple tasks but i make stupid mistakes and dont know simple things. its like... sorry, dont know.

not like these tests prove anything because i act different when someone is watching/listening to me. Plus, i only went to two classes today and the other 5 were spent with mrs. b with these tests. Im getting father behind and mrs.whitemore almost ate me. she was all mad and shit. i said i was sorry buti cant help it. i had to go.

This week I got Relient K, OC Supertones, Pillar, The Used, Finch,The Movielife and Chemical blah tickets. Thanks Colleen for Finch!! Megg, are you going to go to finch? You Must!

I miss me megg. At least i get to see her tomorrow. =) at the stupid dance. lmao.

its cool how people like to tell me what i like and what i dont like... as if i dont know. yeah... thanks.

I think im going to colleens house tonight to hang out with Anna [anne? whatever her name is], becuase she thinks im cool. Finally! Someone has been captured!

Im home alone... my mom and dad are out skiing, and marc is at lego.

give me the finger

so here i am.. [09 Jan 2003|05:31pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | bulimic [x] the used ]

oh my god, today, leaving 6th period... colleen and I are walking down the hallway and all of a sudden allie is infront fo us with the nastiest face on and goes "oh my god.. i just yelled at trott!" and it literally scared me and i jumped and almost screamed because he face was so scary. uhhehh.

most uncoordinated outfit today. you lked it, yes you did.

school wasnt cool. i got picked up at 4pm. whoaaaa fun. wasted half my day.

then she dragged me to the post office, stop & shop and white hen, where i bumped into tom spears.

now onto the stupid wcii essay about how world belongs to man.

give me the finger

im learning to breathe. im learning to crawl. [08 Jan 2003|04:48pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Learning to breathe [x] switchfoot. ]

hahhahha. its funny how people take me so seriously. and think they know what they are talking about, when they have no idea.

yeah, the hate list = JOKE. it was not a serious hate list, stupid people. and if you know me oh-so-well, then why do people think i have braces and wear "chucks"? No idea. If you think you know what your talking about, but yet seem to get so much information wrong time after time, give it up.
because i dont care what you have to say. i just enjoy seeing pathetic people try to piss me off in my inbox. but really, give it up. your making yourself look pretty stupid in my opinion. and whats funny is, i think some comments were made by someone im really freinds with. hmmm i wonder who.

if people dislike me so much and want to tell me, why dont they say it to my face if they REALLY care?

Sure i hate Allie a lot, but i dont go posting in her xanga about how much i dislike her and leave anonymous comments. Id at least give my name if i was too chicken to tell her to her face.

I went to borders today. that was facinatiing. I was looking at the boks for music buisness managment. very long and expensive. and "Drum for Dummies" because we all knwo i cant play. and the few things i can play, i cant play in front of people. Drums are harder then some "person" may think. and of course if doesnt come natuarally to me and makes it 67375925 times harder.

school sucked today, yep.

3 are dead to mes| give me the finger

its the same orange juice we've been drinking. [06 Jan 2003|06:11pm]
[ mood | amused ]

my dad just got a rule shoved in his face and its funny.
i was all

I hate easter. Least Favorite holiday. I dont like candy.

my dad just said "whatta ya have..." x32 times in a row, and it was halarious.

Lizanardo: Toxic Narcotic is playing at Trance. AHAHHAHAHAHAH.
So is Fake I.D. aka. The Drive [stupid stupid stupid name].

Ami has CCD tonight and she does not want to go, i hate life.

Jarrett said hi to me in the halls [well, on the stairway] today. haha that was funny.

3 are dead to mes| give me the finger

[06 Jan 2003|04:00pm]
Check this out people.
See, back in the day [2 1/2 years ago], i was even lamer then i am at this moment.

you must read this. It cracks me up. hahahahahahahhahahhahahhhahhhahhahahaha.
Read more... )

I just read the whole thing. Lamest thing i have EVER read. Don't read it. haha.

Best thing i've read today.
GeMBooGiTie411: gorden is lying outside on the snow pondering deep sentimental thoughts about life.
1 are dead to me| give me the finger

ami do this, ami do that... [06 Jan 2003|03:42pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | The Pina Colada Song [x] Rubert Holmes. ]

marc keeps making me get up to do things.

guess who i saw today driving, mr. tomspears. yes, that is right people.
and my mother picked me up late today. and wanted me to drive home. i was like "bah... haha....haha... BAAAH!!! BAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAH!!!" Funniest thing I have ever heard. I am never driving anywhere in my life. I hate driving.

I dont think Michelle was in school today. Hi Michelle, yes.

Today in gym, [first class of the day, mind you]we had to run the mile or whatever it was. MY GOD. 1) i suck at life, so obviously i dont care. 2)everyone runs fast but me and shannen because [liek i stated], we dont care. Soooooooooo I did an extra lap and thought i was going have shannen smack my head up against the wall and strangle me with the nearest vollyball net while hitting me with basketballs as hard as possible and pelting me to death. i HATE gym. Anyone could be agym teach, aye? My gym teachers are fat lesbians. And i doubt she can run it faster then I can, but yet she has the ordasity to yell "FASTER YOU HAVE TO GO FASTER DONT STOP!" to kids. yeah, your cool.

Haaaaa Ali Moorse told me the best stories today in Child Development. They cracked me up. Chris garciapravera, or something? I will never be able to get his last name right, im sorry Ali.

I had to stay after today to take a 601 Quiz. I most definatley got a 100%, becuase i rule the world and I am wicked kickeverything.

Jeff alwyas has the funniest profiles. I miss hanging out with him though. Even though he only rode his bike to my house once, but That game where Megg and I hung out with him was the funniest night ever.
Best profiles.

Whoop de doo. There are two real big three letter acronyms wrong with america, MTV and AOL. MTV is a corporation for making and distroying mainly capitolistic art, AOL is close to the same. I mean i logged in to check my mail this morning, and saw a test to test my "social IQ", for how "hip" i am. what do i do if the girl sitting next me is wearing the same outfit? im supposed to panic in order to get a high score, faking a sick stomach to go cry. well, if i woke up suddenly wearing a dress i think that would be kind of funny, but thats a pretty shitty message. according to this quiz, i am socially stunted and i should go out more and talk to people. AOL, take it up the ass with a chainsaw.

Well, I am off to enjoy my youth. Bon Voyage.
2 are dead to mes| give me the finger

entry for oomiya [05 Jan 2003|06:09pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Keenan & Kel [x] Tv ]

today nothing happened.
amily just ended up going shopping. i stayed home.
I watched Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back again, and then andy came over. I tried to teach him Wondering butttt im too shy and cant play anything for people ever in my life. soooo i played like .4 seconds and stopped.

this is the best.
Scene: Ami sitting on the couch, while lizanardo is sitting ont he coutch next to it, while watching "Star Wars: Episode Two" at Lizonardos House.

Pademe and Anakin are sitting in the grass.
::Zoom in on Anakin::
Ami: Awwww he is so cuuuute.
Pademe and Anakin are rolling in the grass in the field.
Ami: and that is SO GAY!!

Yeah, that was funny.
Im making a "bum flap" that says "BUM FLAPS ARE STUPID!!!". because they really are.

Parental units are home. adios.

give me the finger

lizanardo likes robs man balls. [05 Jan 2003|01:15pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | bitch [x] kicked int he head ]

heyyyy im bored. nothing to do. I was going to ask andy if he wanted to hang out but hes playing drums right now, therefore he wont be able to hang out for a while. he just goes at it. i think...? lol.

marc and I are going to set up some lights in the basement today. well, this evening because we will have nothing to do.

we all [marc, colleen and i] fell asleep during the exorcist last night. and my alarm clock went off and i didnt hear it, and colleen was like "ami will you shut it off?" and i said yeah, but i never did. and then all these things started beeping in my room because i need like 8947 alarm clocks to get me up each morning. sorry there coll.

give me the finger

[04 Jan 2003|10:12pm]
heeeey there.
the living dead was on tv... nope, dad didnt tell me. but then hes all "ami you need ot see this movie.. blah...".

i got back from coll's today but coll is here now because we are cool. the exorcist is going to me on in 45 minutes.we are excited.

nothing else to say right now because i have to go downstairs.
give me the finger

[02 Jan 2003|09:27pm]
best Will&Grace; episode ever.
footloose. nice.
well im gonna go shower or something, bye.
give me the finger

WICKED COOL [02 Jan 2003|08:13pm]
lmao, your being wicked cool. omg your scaring me so much. lol.
"fat fag" - nice touch.
16 are dead to mes| give me the finger

DIE DEVIL BIRD! ARAAAARAAG! [01 Jan 2003|09:03pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | dogma ]

[in Grinch tone of voice]....Am I just updating because im bored? BAH.

My hair is not bgin good today. I go back to school tomorrow and everyones gonna be all, "OMG AMI! What happend to your hair, you poor little [christian] soldier?!" - It's going to be awful.

Of course Andy, Tom, Evan, Alex etc dont have school tomorrow.
Of course Megg doesnt have school tomrrow. You know how it goes. You pay = no school
You dont pay = almost 365 days of burning hell.

Why can't hell be like in Dogma? And have little deviletts with hockey sticks?

LIZANARDO HAS A HOTT SEXY JUNIOR LOVER! "i love you... :) muah". bahhahahhaha.

give me the finger

This made my night. [01 Jan 2003|04:44pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | i am the master of the clit, where you see the clit ... ]

Liz and I's convo of the week...

XWashingMachinEX: im scared of him. haha. "im an 11th grader. give me your lunch money"
imaDATELESSloser: OH NO!!
XWashingMachinEX: i told him i was poor and now he wants my shoes!!!!!!!!
imaDATELESSloser: ohhhno even worse.
imaDATELESSloser: call for backup.
imaDATELESSloser: imediatly!
XWashingMachinEX: i think i should.
XWashingMachinEX: simba.
XWashingMachinEX: you delibertalty diobeyed me.
imaDATELESSloser: and whats wrose...
imaDATELESSloser: you put nala in danger!
XWashingMachinEX: hahahahaha.
XWashingMachinEX: but dad!
imaDATELESSloser: lmao
imaDATELESSloser: zazoo, take nala home.
imaDATELESSloser: yes sier.
imaDATELESSloser: SIMBA!!!!!
XWashingMachinEX: *paw scene*
imaDATELESSloser: lmao
imaDATELESSloser: mufasa has rather large paws.
XWashingMachinEX: hahaha.
XWashingMachinEX: i agree.
XWashingMachinEX: simba is jsut a fag.
imaDATELESSloser: omg no
imaDATELESSloser: hes so not homosexual.

4 are dead to mes| give me the finger

longest day of my life. [01 Jan 2003|04:16pm]
[ music | nothing. ]

went to colleens last night. and we watched the season one of the show "24" we only got to watch 15 hours, so im sad. I NEED TO KNWO WHAT HAPPENEDS NOW.

we went to pats house, and he played guitar for us and we just hung around. we went back to colleens at liek 11:30 and watched more 24, ate food. slept, watched more 24. ate food, watched more 24 and i left.

i need more 24!!!!

shower time.

40 are dead to mes| give me the finger

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