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FUCK MY LUCK [14 Mar 2002|05:21pm]
[ mood | FUCK OFF ]
[ music | fuck you ]

I FUCKING MISSED HER. by like 30 minutes. i swear to god that im going to lose my mind if i dont talk to her soon.

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its been so long since ive seen your face [14 Mar 2002|12:08am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | hot rod circuit - cool for one night ]

spring break is a load of shit. i have never been more unhappy in this prison of a town. i think spring break is cleverly disguised prison sentence. they send you away from the place you love, away from the people you love, so that you can spend a week in a town you most likely hated.

i havent even been able to talk to jen, and im getting really upset. its just like me to imagine the worst in every situation im not in control of. fuck i miss her voice, i miss her altogether. i've called her cell phone like 3 times in the last 2 days.

to no avail

everyone is getting sick of me complaining about how i want to go home. real home. RICHMOND home. i want to leave as soon as i can. and when i see her beautiful face i am going to run to her. and hopefully that split second that i embrace her, will erase all the sadness i am feeling without her here with me.

i would say the countdown has begun, but it began the last time i said goodbye.

sleep well motherfuckers.

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hey. you're part of it. [05 Mar 2002|03:17am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | whatever the fuck is coming out of my roomates computer ]

prepare yourselves, this may be another excruciatingly long entry. it seems like the times i think i have nothing to write about are the times i write the most.

im sick, though i think im getting better. im sure this plague would be easier to destroy if i didnt smoke so many goddamn cigarettes. this is my march resolution. QUIT SMOKING. i went home for friday night and came back to richmond on saturday. i saw small brown bike, piebald, and saves the day. it was a good show with the exception of all the fucking teeny boppers. saturday i spent with my mom, brother, grandparents and other members of my extended family for my grandparents 51st anniversary. thats a long fucking time. when i got home i packed up my shit and headed out to hang out with katharine. i had a great time with her friday night and saturday night. i think we actually might end up okay in the end. then i almost got in a fight with some drunk ass. i dont feel like going into it though because im tired of explaining it to people, so if you care ask. i made it back to richmond in time for jen, tyler, chuck and i to go see airplane at the byrd. funny movie, though it was a bit too cheesy.

i drove jen back to newpaort news on sunday, despite my raging fever. then i worked on art projects. this continued when i woke up this morning. i then proceeded to waste enough time spreading positivity to all the girls floors in johnson halls. jen got home and the heavens rejoiced.
sometime later i stumbled into the unfolding plans for a water fight and an almost empty bottle of vodka, which i promptly finished. this fight was waged all over the 3rd floor until i got into a weird mood and retreated into my room.

i dont know what the hell is wrong with me. i used to try not to date girls who did drugs. i guess i still do that, but i never want to feel like i have to enforce my opinions on the person i feel so strongly about. i guess i just got weirded out tonite because jen was talking about getting high several times. i hate that i am so opinionated. i used to think that my vehemence for marijuana was a good thing, but now it seems like a burden. i cant tell other people what to do. i cant change other peoples minds based solely on my past experiences. how can i expect others to understand why i deem drugs as wrong? i need to finish my art history paper, and i need to sleep, but i need to vent as well, and i dont want to vent to any one person, because i feel selfish. how typical of me, avoid your problems. it hasnt been that long since my last mental breakdown, and i feel like im having one again. so here i am. whiny little brandon. fuck me. goodnight.

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talking shit on each other [26 Feb 2002|02:05am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Count Me Out - what we built ]

hey guys, or girls, or whoever decides to spend time reading my lost deep thoughts. i apologize to those of you that actually read this for my inconsistency. im terrible at writing when i dont feel its necessary. its not that i dont love you guys. i do really. i promise. hey alright im sorry, what more do you want me to say?

anyway, im sorry about the last entry to those who read it. i was not in my right mind, so it came out in kind of a jumble. oh well, i dont regret it. i said what i wanted to, just maybe not in the same order or or anything.

so yeah not so much news but ill write what i can. ive spent nearly everyday with jen which i think she will agree with me, has been awesome (and by awesome, i mean totally sweet). we drove down to norfolk on saturday to see liars academy and brandston(who never showed) and breaking pangaea at cogans. not a very cool place. weird vibe. but it was a fun trip. before we got there we stopped in newport news and i met her parents and we grabbed some food. they are really nice people, she is a lucky girl to have parents so involved in her life. we got back in under an hour and a half, which i thought was mighty impressive. then we caught the midnight movie at the byrd, Indiana Jones baby.

not to confuse anyone but im going to backtrack right now because i have something waiting to be written about. friday night was a really good night. jen, heather, chuck, sharon, lyle and i went to a hip hop party at lyles old house. haha it wasnt my type of party but the drinking got underway and the night was well on becoming one that i wont forget (suprisingly considering my alcohol consumption). after the party everyone kind of split up, and jen and i went back to the dorms. i dillydallied a bit then i spent the night in jens room. it was an amazing night.

so yes back on track, sunday night tyler and i made a run out to alley katz to see liars academy again (by the way they were even more amazing than before) and brandston (finally). i spent the rest of the evening with jen, and took a long walk around richmond in the middle of the night. it was really cool. no one was out except a few passing cars. we had a cute little conversation about what life would be like if everyone in the world died but us, and how we would start over. dont worry, we decided not everyone would die, we would spare about a hundred other people that we felt were essential to life (friends, family, doctors, farmers). anyway i thought it was cute.

i spent the majority of today recording different renditions of "what we built" by count me out with tyler. hehe its funny stuff. and we talked to them about opening up for them at their show at alley katz on the 10th. they seem really excited. i know i am. attempted to watch a movie with jen, but that didnt work out too well. :P

and now to my short tangent before the conclusion of another way too long entry. (hey fuck off, its my journal). in the past i have found myself having a hard time staying focused on the person i am in a relationship with. i let other things become more important to me than the person i should be concentrating (be that school, life, or emotions). i dont really know how to explain it any better than that. but as i've gotten older, ive been able to keep my head straight for the most part. but honestly i was more afraid of this ever so familiar distraction with jen than i have been in a while. she is so special to me, and i really dont want to screw that up. but yeah, i was afraid that maybe i would lose interest after time, like i have in the past. that was until tonite. we went out to eat, and as i waited for her to finish standing in line i just watched her. it was an amazing moment and i almost didnt realize it had happened. i just watched her with more admiration than i have had for anyone i think ever. i dont think its possible for me to ever lose interest with her. so jen, i know ive said it before, but ill say it again. im in this for the long haul. so anyway, im contented, perhaps more so than i have been in the last week and a half (which is pretty hard to beat).

also-anyone that reads this and is in richmond...this thursday is the avail, american nightmare, hot rod circuit show. be there or be a fucking piece of shit and sit at home.

good night moon

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what a wonderful life [19 Feb 2002|09:50pm]
[ mood | absolutly happy ]
[ music | cursive - fairytales tell tales ]

the last few days have been amazing. i cant even explain how i feel. its just an amazing feeling, and one i havent felt in a really long time. i am probably going to have to use spell check because im pretty drunk right now. oh well. as of friday the 15th i am in a relationship again. i told a friend not too long ago, that the moment you stop looking for that perfect someone is the moment you find them, or the find you. i seriously think ive found that person, and excuse me for speaking so quickly, but i dont rememeber the last time i have felt like this. jen and i can talk for hours about absolutely everything, and that is such a wonderful thing. i feel like i have finally found that person, and i want to fall in love with her. i really do. i cant explain how much she means to me. there has been an amazing experience for everyday i have spent with her. be it waking up in the same place i fell asleep, with her head on my chest, or driving endlessly for hours talking about what we feel is important. every word that comes out of her mouth is another reason i care so much for her, and i never want this to end.

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a rough landing : no casualties [13 Feb 2002|11:12am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | the way his collar falls - saves the day ]

i know its been a while, and i think its been just long enough. i had some things i needed to stop thinking about, and some things that i needed time away from. unfortunatly, this live journal isnt the only thing keeping me constantly thinking. i do enough of that on my own.

i met a lot of really cool people in the last week and a half, and problems have mounted, depression has lingered, and ive been doing way too much thinking. last saturday, jeff had his birthday. i had spent the most lonely night by myself the previous night, with no escape from the recurring thoughts of dissapointment (i know it doesnt make sense, thats why this is my journal). anyway, saturday jeff had us all over to see groundhog's day in rhoads hall. after that, we went to hibbs and grabbed some food. then, we all went and saw city of caterpillar, kill the man who questions and a few other richmond bands. then, as if that werent enough, we went to the midnight movie at the byrd-ferris buellers day off. the two people i really met that night were adrienne and jen.

the next day, was adrienne's birthday. adrienne is jeff's girlfriend. strange that their birthdays are so close together. anyway, i spent the majority of the day looking for something to do, and doing things i can't remember. when we bumped into jeff, he invited us all up to jen's room for adrienne's birthday celebration. it was good times, though it was ultimately moved to adriennes room when jen blew the circuit breaker. we watched flesh feast instead of the super bowl. i know, what heathens we are. that night i got to know sam and mike. really great guys.

its been a long time since ive admired someone from afar. you know...a crush. i feel so dorky saying it, but thats how it is. i knew from almost the first time i talked to her that there was something really genuinly special about her. i'm talking about jen, someone who has lived above me, one floor up the entire year, and i never got the guts to talk to her. well, i talked to her, and im taken. there were some minor discrepancies when a friend of mine explained she had feelings for me, making my situation just a little more uncomfortable. things are weird between us now, and that really makes me sad. its not like a spoken thing, we just dont talk anymore.

well it would be relatively uncharacteristic of me to not try my hardest to spend time with jen aftter realizing my feelings. i devoted every bit of spare time trying to see her, or just be around her. she makes me happy when i get to see her. well things began roughly as i was too afraid to tell her how i felt.

eventually i found the will power to tell her. im not sure what it was that made me do it. maybe it was the way she smiled at me that night. maybe it was the way i got lost in her eyes when she wasnt looking. whatever it was i told her, but disappointment wasnt ready to give up. there were roadblock. i wont go into it, because its unimportant. but again i felt unresolved. i spent the next day in a daze of unresolve, comparing my feelings to that of a year ago, when i considered taking my life. sunday night i was ready to explode. i cant really explain what was bothering me. ust way too much solitude, ruined plans and conspiracy theories.

i went to the village by myself that night, and attempted to get everything out of my system with a pen and paper. and then my wishful thinking became a reality. jen walked in looking for me. and we sat there and just talked for like 2 hours only to return to the dorm and talk for almost 3 more. it was an amazing night for me, and the first time i have gone to bed contented in a long time. the past few days in virtual bliss, spending a lot of time just talking about everything and nothing. she is an amazing girl, and regardless of whether or not we end up together, i think that the past few days will stand out in my memory as some of the best times ive ever had. it pleases me even more to think of what is still ahead.

so there is a bit of what whoever is reading this might have been missing since i deleted my initial entries. it makes me smile to think that what is happening now might be retribution for past dissapointments. sorry about the novel, but you should have stopped reading a while ago.

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