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Christopher Meyer

Christopher Meyer is a Partner and the Director of the Ernst & Young Center for Business Innovation in Boston. The CBI is charged with identifying the issues that will be challenging business in the future, and defining responses to them; as Director, Chris is responsible for establishing the CBI's research agenda. His own current research interests include the development of a new Theory of the Firm, the implications for management of new discoveries in complexity and self-organizing systems and the development of the "connected economy." Chris is an authority on the evolution of the information economy, the innovative use of information, and its impact on strategy, shareholder value, and "informationalization" of the firm. Chris established the BIOS Group, Ernst & Young's initiative to develop complexity-based solutions for management. He has over 20 years of general management and economics consulting experience.

Prior to joining Ernst & Young, Chris was a Vice President at Mercer Management Consulting, where he founded and built the firm's practice in the information industries, comprising telecommunications, hardware, software, and information services and media. He led relationships with several of the firm's leading clients-some spanning ten years-helping them pioneer concepts of capability-based strategy, "horizontal management", and the nature of buisness in the information economy. His group won awards for service excellence from AT&T; and Texas Instruments.

Chris holds a BA in both mathematics and economics from Brandeis University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. In addition, he held a University Predoctoral Fellowship in economics at the University of Pennsylvania.

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