MozillaZine is putting together the largest list of sites offering interesting and
intuitive demos and test cases that showcase the latest in DOM, CSS, HTML 4.0 and other
standards that Gecko supports. If you have a site that you feel should be here, contact
Jason Kersey, and he will check out your site and
possibly add it to this list for others to try out. Combo Sites Sites which offer a combination of demos ranging from CSS to the Document Object Model to HTML 4.0. Gecko Tracks This site offers 2 listed Demos, and lots more that are not yet linked to, and possibly not yet funtional. Be sure to take a look around as it offers more than just demos including its own mailing list, and will soon have a Tutorials page devoted to helping you design pages for Gecko. Gecko's Realm Gecko's Realm offers a good variety of DOM and CSS demos, as well as links to the bugs that have been reported from the demos. This is an excellent showcase of what the future will hold for web development. Mozilla.Org's NGL Demos Page The majority of these demos were made by Netscape/ engineers, and were used to showcase Gecko at when it was released. The page includes an altered Netscape home page and a huge XML demo. Jeremie's Site This site offers a huge collection of demos of all kinds of technology, including DOM, DHTML, and XML. It also includes demos for 4.0 clients, for you to test for backwards compatability. CSS Sites Sites which offer demos utilizing Cascading Style Sheets. Box Acid Test This demo has been, and still is, a major bug testing ground for CSS1. MozillaZine has a collection of screenshots taken from various platforms running NGL and IE5 for comparison. Ian Hickson's Evil Test Suite An excellent collection of CSS tests, covering many parts of the standard. Ian Hickson's CSS Import Test Suite This is one of the tests that the Mozilla folks use to test the browser's CSS handling. Quite the suite of tests. The CSS Pointers Group More than just demos, this site also has information about creating your own CSS docs and tests, and a ton of links to other helpful sites. DOM Sites Sites which offer demos utilizing the Document Object Model. Various DOM Tests Steve Morrison, one of the folks who provides Linux builds, has put together a few DOM tests for you to use and abuse. HTML 4.0 Sites Sites which offer demos utilizing the HTML 4.0 standard. Mind yer ¶'s and §'s A site showcasing different character references. |