Group to discuss "Analog Hole" may be formed
At Wednesday's CPTWG meeting, attendees heard reports from proponents of the formation of a new CPTWG sub-group, to be called the "Analog Working Group" or the "Analog Issues Discussion Group". Representatives of groups of consumer electronics, information technology, and entertainment companies briefly discussed the nature and scope of the group's work. EFF attended the CPTWG meeting and heard the presentations.
If CPTWG charters this group, it may consider technologies which can be used to control "redigitization" by means of analog-to-digital conversion. CPTWG's chairs could make that decision in the next several weeks, and meetings of the new discussion group could begin early in the new year.
Although the group would not be charged with developing legislation, it is difficult to imagine that any recommended measure to control digitization could be widely implemented voluntarily.
We've discussed the "Analog Hole" before, and noted that Hollywood studios have called for the formation of an "inter-industry" discussion forum on this topic. If the CPTWG sub-group is formed, it may turn out to be that forum. If so, it's worth your attention.