Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "jane's addiction". 23 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in jane's addiction. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 1000 matches:
- 1stbornunicorn - -- wallflower --
- 360degrees - Honey
- 403forbidden - the high llama
- 40oz2freedom - John
- abatage - Abatage
- abatagextwo - Test Tube Bunny
- absolutgirl - Janie Jones
- achaos - to the flames
- acidfaerie - tara
- acidlife - Straight-Edged Addict
- acidpixie81 - Ariane
- adrock - adam
- aerin_sol - Elisabeth
- aerozeppelin - >> Rather Be Dead Than Cool
- aero_zeppelin - Anthony
- aestheticwaste - Aesthic Waste...
- afewwords - randy
- aircrash11 - aircrash
- airheadmikey26 - pRoVeN UNinViNCiBLe
- airinn - Erin Jeannine
- alcoh0l_stingz - [AlcOh0l.Stingz.]-Cheeby
- alex_all_alone - Alex All Alone
- allmyhopeisgone - chiaroscuro
- all_alone - Anya
- all_for_now - Zach
- all_mighty_me - blasphemous girl
- all_used_up - Anti-Callow
- almost_janus - Baron von Fogle
- alpha_habitual - Piko Ramirez
- amanda_eight - amanda
- amberlyn - Amberlynn
- ambz - miss b
- ametheyst - Pulchritudinous Girl
- amfuct - Lost Boi
- amiretta - Laurie
- amitriptyline - May
- amnesiac26 - Girlfriend In A Coma
- amoebastar - Amoeba Star
- amphetamine5000 - Andrew Ricci
- amurderofone - A Murder of One
- amysky - amy
- anecho - moxley
- aneina - Aneina
- angelc0re - natalie
- angelicate - young woman in front of a computer in a small town
- angelicboy - angelic boy
- angstygirl - AngstyGirl
- anitsirkaerdna - Enigma
- anna_phylaxis - King Monkey Great Sage Equal of Heaven
- anonymous_girl_ - Anonymous_Girl_
- ant1banana - ant1mere
- antichristchild - grace
- antigone921 - Giuliana
- aorbi - Ever The Pedant
- apache_rose - meredith
- aperfectincubus - Rin
- apochellipsis - Rev. Doktor Alejandro Fruitbat
- aprfoolish76 - April Fool
- aquanetluv - Aquanet Luv
- arachne18 - arachne
- argentea - Evil Princess
- arrogantbastard - Misanthropic Dipshit
- artifice_x - Johnny Grey
- artjunkie420 - Quiet Nobody
- aryck - aryck
- astrosmash - astrosmash
- atakas - ... Susan
- atara45 - atara
- atomizerx - Atomizer
- aulauraborealis - laura borealis
- autoerotic - Auto Erotic
- autumnhawk - AutumnHawk
- aveyinc - AVEY INCOGNITO is covered in jamais vu!
- axlblaze - Jim
- axo - axolotl
- ayashii - Sasha
- azraelabyss - Silent Jillin
- a_debaser - a_debaser
- a_fallen_starr - Star
- babolucci - Babolucci
- baby_groupie - disaster in a halo.
- badmoods - annahell
- bad_behaviour - Tripping the Light Fantastic
- bakerstreetmuse - Czarina
- ballbagdamnit - I burn chest hair....
- bambii - Bambii, Levitating Queen of Bookish Forest Whores
- banged - Banged
- bankholdup4213 - Chris
- bankycrm114 - chris
- bastardsaxon - Tripper McReady
- beaninchains - justine
- bearclaw69 - Native Pride Warrior
- beatnik_bttrfly - Lindsay
- beautifulshell - Jane
- beavischik - michelle.
- beeork - beeork
- bees_knees - Sara
- beezhive - Andrea
- beforexdeath - mind-line
- beingawake - darling, wake up.
- beladonna999 - kiss bela in the photo booth!
- belle_mort - Rachel
- bendmebreakme - Stephen Richards's Bitch
- biancosettembre - biancosettembre
- biffah - 5 and dime philosopher
- biff_larken - Biff Larken
- bignakeded - Karl
- bigpicturist - Purveyor of Iniquities
- bigpinkdress18 - Jessie
- bippy - Bippy
- birth_ritual - Thee Juves
- bitbybit - Mer-bare
- bitch_with_clue - I Am Joanna's Smirking Revenge
- bitesizedego - This Bullshit Moment
- bittersweet_me - broken petals
- bjk1234 - Bozo Skeleton
- blacksheep1978 - black sheep
- blackstar180 - Eileen
- black_arachnia - The Pony Kat Pumpkin Brat
- black__rainbow - A Manifestation of the Cult of Natasha
- blamedstarlie - jenca
- blank_girl_66 - Blank
- blasphemousgrrl - tesko suicide
- bleachededen - Eden
- bleedingruin - Mona
- blimeyoreilly - Foz
- blindsolitude - Camille
- blitzkrieg - piledriver
- blood_rune - The World's Forgotten Boy
- blookum - Bitchcakes
- blueenigma - Jenn
- bluegirlcasey - Moose
- bluelady1122 - Becky
- bluemoonxtc - saiidia
- bluerthanblue - it's just that i've been losing so long
- bobolink - Francis
- bohemianblossom - ::SX RX N RR::
- bohemianwookiee - Tim
- bohor - Bohor
- booboi13 - X-STaTIC PRo=CeSS
- boofroggie - i´m me
- boofuls - medusa
- boywithahalo - Broken Infinity
- bradleyericbud - HazaH
- breznina - *You never know. Brenda, Bettina, Belinda?*
- brodiegurl - Rosemary
- brokentethers - Brokentethers
- brookienole - Brooke
- buck_satan - texxx watson
- buddy_wakefield - Buddy Wakefield
- budgieinspector - The Budgie Inspector
- buffy3025 - Don't Read, You'll Judge
- bugsinwater - ~Mute Empathy~
- bulletproofgene - I like my neighborhood, I like my gun
- bungeyjump - Michael Bungey
- burndtjam - YOur UnCle WHo LOves yOu
- bushgeek - Meghan
- butterfly42 - Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire
- cahrinda - cahrinda
- calamariblue - Decoy
- calavera79 - Dr. Calavera
- calien - calien
- campbell666 - Daniel Schemer
- candicorn - ~c (candace)
- candydarling - Candy Darling
- cannotbesaved - andrewcameroncline
- captain_pirate - Captain Pirate
- captivatedskies - Brittany
- careercrisis - Career Crisis
- carefreeangel - .hiding behind that gorgeous smile.
- cares9687 - Carolyn
- cashcarstar00 - tom
- catcherinthewry - Jaime
- catgirl6129 - Cat
- cathartically - cathartically
- causticmelody - To Learn to Live Again
- censuredself - h_elliott
- cerulean15 - Amadeo
- chaensaw - Chaensaw Messiah
- chakazard - Rock N Roll Suicide Victim
- charlesmcgee - Alexandra
- charlotteivy - Charlotte
- cheerupcharlie - carly_simon
- chelone - j'AdoRe
- cherrymoon - Sarah
- chickennotpie - Jen
- chitownindie - Margie
- chrisamaphone - octarine~dream
- christikr - Christi
- cindierock - Cindee
- classicgirl - janna
- classikgrl73 - Sara
- claymour - Claymour
- cloudisadumdum - Do NOT Give Janu a Gun ; )
- cmumarcy - marcy
- cobraclutch - Munk
- cobweb - cobweb
- cognoscenti - et in arcadia ego
- coldandshiver - coldandshivering...
- coldsorecream - Dark Memorabilia
- coldsweat - Carly
- computerlove - call me fabulous
- concentration - lemon pie
- contagiousdream - All I Have Left are Pictures and Stars and Dreams
- convoluted - convoluted
- cornelious - Paul Kurrels
- corporate_slave - corporate_slave
- cottonballistic - Stop me if you've heard this o*SMACK* ..... k
- coxonite - anjin
- crazyvickay - The United States Of VickAy
- creepygrl - BabyDollFreaq
- crestfallen - Michael
- cronusxv - ADAM
- crucifiedcherry - HatchetFace
- crysilenttears - Chester
- cursedfemale - Michelle
- cydesho - Cydesho
- dad_raped_mom - spawn
- daisyacid - hAN.
- daisy_chaingun - daisy chaingun
- dakania - Black Ranger Dakania Maevos
- dakomunkey - Dair
- danfriend - Daniel Bearling
- danielcole - Daniel Cole
- danielmath - daniel math robot
- daniliciousxx - Danielle
- darian4011 - darian
- darkdisconnect - Chad
- darkeyedvamp - ~*~**DaRkEyEd AnGeLoUs**~*~
- darkstar27_99 - Ryan
- dasheatworld - Rackel
- dazzlement - a cry towards the absurd
- dbixler - DBixler
- deadcabaret - faux pas
- deaddopedoll - Xiola2081
- deadinmymind - Dan
- deadzie - Deadzie
- deanzajig1 - J
- deathisonsale - ° Erra†!c M!nd ؃ ©had °
- decadence1oh1 - have you seen my pants?
- decisivemoment - Pippy
- decotah - Lawren
- deficient - beautiful disaster
- deliriousturtle - Kie
- delitescence - Paper Tiger
- delryium - princess aichu
- deltr0n - Bekka
- demonspork - Demonspork
- dermo - carly
- desecreteddeath - SCARface
- despair - Свобода
- destructblefish - walking home from the party with a shotgun
- dethkittie - Kittie
- deuxmoulins - A Severed Wasp
- devilmademedoit - freddy
- devilxmama - The Devilmama
- devoidofemotion - Strong Bad
- dflickerangel - XxGlitteringWaxButterflyxX
- diaryoftomer - tomer
- dik13 - Something Like Suicide
- dingkippy - Kippy
- diodeous - diodeous
- dirtstar - dirtstar
- dirtycutfreak - *~*SiN*~*
- dirtyjv - Justin
- dirtypolaroids - jerid
- dirtyveins - sugar coma
- discipline - none of your business
- discogravy - Discogravy
- discotronica - A concrete structure with an iron frame*
- disinchanted - Quix
- diskonnekt - Hypermediocrity
- dissection - Kaitlyn The Invisible Christ
- dissolvedgurl - Karen
- dissolvedmuse - Comfortably Numb
- disturbedstpgrl - Angie
- dith - some words live in my throat
- divamanda23 - Amanda
- dizik - Rick
- djcrowley - the sympathetic devil
- djianicca - ~!@#$%^&*()_+
- dkdave - Dave
- doctorno - The Modernist
- donkthehonkey - your favorite person in the world
- donnalee - Not if you were the last junkie on earth
- donteatthat - Lisa
- doobedoobedo - David
- door - Anathema Device
- dotforward - Dot Forward
- downwardspiral5 - Becca
- doze - -[FrA|L]-
- dragonlady - Wicked Bitch from the West
- dragon_spirit - Nemesis
- drbones - Dr. Bones
- dreams2far - sleepwalker
- dreamsinsilence - ++++Xina++++
- dream_king - Ziv Kowarsky
- drivera86 - music fiend(ramsey)
- drkscrtlv - aki
- droog - the bad seed
- dspawnesq - Stop Making Sense
- duckyquack - rosanna
- dudette - tyty
- dumbelina - Sexy Sadie
- dungeonsdragons - Michelle
- dustcake - nicole
- dynamitehack - Save me another Day
- eastcoasthc - Jared
- eatyourmakeup - †øø•Beåu†iful•†ø•Be冕†øø•Rø††eN•†ø•Løve
- ebones - Less of you is more than I can take
- eddiedingle - Chris
- eddieev - eddie
- ediedecay - Edie D. Kay
- electro_ells - E.R
- elegia_01 - Sai
- elfqueen - Me
- eliaalariel - Momento Mori
- elizabethanne - Lizzie Liz
- elizapontiac - Ginger
- elris - Flypaper Eyes
- el_duderino - L'étranger
- el_nez - Eunice Lee ElNez Mohammed Shabaz Davis Jr.
- emak_bakia - Emak Bakia
- embracingautumn - Shane
- emerald_water - Christine
- emilily - emily
- emnize - rapemachine
- emokilluh - and introducing....the EMO KILLUH
- emology - Emily
- emoxstars - the only broken hearted loser you'll ever need
- emptycagegirl - the girl on heaven hill
- emptytears - Loryn (Everything you wish you weren't)
- em_me - Un qui m'incite à rougir beaucoup
- epyonx - Epyon X
- erikad420 - Erika
- erin79 - humble bee
- esterman - Mike Esterman
- eublipharis - The Dream King
- eunichpornstar - Shaun Riley Hand
- euphonia - drunk in rio
- eu_phor_ia - Euphoria
- evenstarglowing - Damaged Goods
- everfree - hide
- evianfaerie - Stee
- evilandy - The AndyChrist
- evilfen - EvilFenKat
- evilhomer - EvilHomer
- evilkellychan - the evil super vixen
- evilon - teh kamil
- evilydelicious - Sinfully Shocking
- evil_god - mx
- ewjmustlive - Earthworm Jim
- ew_yer_creepy - quid pro quo, clarice.
- exhaustion - 54-46 that's my number
- eycefyre - Jax
- eyelovesublime - Bobbi
- eyeshavemiles - Kari
- eyes_of_rust - Miss Juves
- eye_of_fatima - Natural Mystic
- eye_socket_sex - Will
- ezstrider - TROGDOR the BURNINATOR
- e_rod - The Sea-Shroud
- f31sty - the skinny tall white chick
- fadedcolors - Wandering Girl
- faeriefart - faeriefart
- faeryqueenie - melisa
- fairlina - Guadalupe O'Hara
- fairymelusine - Melusine
- fairytalesnlies - Pimp slapper
- fakeplasticme1 - I Spate Hoonerisms
- falseidoll - The Cutest Gravedigger
- falseye - Master Thespian
- fatty_mcfamine - Another Stupid Kid
- faxygirl - faxygirl
- fear_n_loathing - Rebecca Lee
- feathered_soul - Patrice Gibb
- februarystars11 - MMM
- feelium007 - Strange Torture
- felinestrange - Pink Panther
- felis_sly - Virtue and Wine
- ferrisbueller - Giggling Gina
- fetuswolf - Nicko Gato
- fikus - jessie
- fireinthewater - Courtney
- fishinthewater - krissy
- fitzyisdead - FitzyIsDead
- flesh - namuh
- flippamunky - Giiiiina
- flowingglower - Forced Entries
- flygirlno5 - LIPS
- folked13up - Karin
- fondbutnotnlove - poprockandroll
- footsandwich - Aevek
- forcemole - Mole
- foureight - jennifer youngblood
- foxymoxie - foxymoxie
- fragilehaze - Something's Just Keeping You Numb
- fragilexmind - Nae
- frailgirl - julie
- frankfenicore - Frank
- freakgirl667 - Free Love & Hello Kitty
- freakgrrrl - Get your freak on!
- frederickshays - Frederick Shays
- freewheelinjosh - Josh
- frenchtickler - <3
- friendofmute - friendofmute
- frog2000 - Rhupert
- frooshantee - who IS that
- frozencake - corinna
- frusciante - Creme de la Carcass
- frzngoddess - Goddess Athena
- fuckthemods - kid.gruesome
- gaia79 - re /d e ~ F I N E .
- galaxina - The Effects of Solar Radiation on Moon-Based Girls
- galileo_darkluv - Galileo DarkLove
- garyvargas - Broken Wing
- gatwackt - GatWackt
- gear_mo - Gear-Mo
- gerfk - Gerfk
- getyrgunn - Althea Flynt
- ghettokitty - Ghetto Kitty
- giant_bonobo - horsey
- gibbernaut - DCLXVI
- ginsengstar555 - Creepy Susie
- givesgreathead - wry
- glittahzcat - what a lovely way to burn
- glitterblue - glitterBlue
- goldineternity - the queen of cups
- gonglord - Gonglord
- goodriddance - Lisa
- googoogoojoob - hyperbole is the worst thing ever!
- goon - Goon
- goreyanna - anna
- gothicgrl416 - Razor
- grace_falling - Organised Chaos
- graeone - ..I love therefore I am a sad bastard..
- grantysan - Grant
- greendaze - Iguana Mint
- greendc30 - jay e. arekayoh
- greenphish - Green Phish
- greenstikfigure - ßedulia
- griecovich - Super-Spy
- grx - The Analog Kid
- grybs - Jamie
- guiltyof311 - Taylor
- guiltypleasures - RED'S BAR UNDER THE SEA
- guycaballero - Skitch
- gypsa - Gypsa
- gypsylandslide - tangerine
- h0bbitish - h0bbitish
- hadesmoon - hades moon
- hades_moon - hades_moon
- halans - JJ Halans
- half_of_what - -joseph-
- halo69 - Eric
- hana_ophelia - Hana_Ophelia
- hapavox - Warsaw
- hardcoremudbath - Chelle
- hardkore_vibes - *~Star Child~*
- hasheeshkeesh - Malady
- hatefivesix - mallrat
- hazeljayne - Jessica
- headlightatdawn - Matt
- heartforsale - i'll back you up
- heatherkittie - ~Vain*Misery~
- heidicakes - Mita
- hellboundheart - by nature some creatures are beyond redemption
- hellojed - J.F. Sebastian
- hellzkitten - HellzKitten
- hell_billy - HellBilly
- hep_cat - Rebecca
- her_whispers - another girl lost in america
- hetzjagd - hetzjagd
- hexed - Sean Hexed
- hipslikeevol - Arielle
- hipsterfuck - ben
- holagato - Kat
- hollywoodharlet - Jen
- hollywoods - hollywoods
- hookerheadjayme - Jayme
- hotpinkpixy - Little Fonzie
- hundred_reasons - Public Enemy
- hyperdawly - Under Saturn's Shadow
- i29breakdown - Tony
- iadara - He's taken a turn for the nurse...
- iain - Iain "Confusing Jerk" Cooper
- iamagoat2 - Chrissy
- iatethelotus - i ate you
- ibelonglost - madonna-whore complex
- icecreamsnow - kate
- icouldhavelied - Little Miss Cranky Pants
- idiotclaire - claire
- iiiathenaiii - Lil Angel Slut Diva QT Hunnie Babe
- iiiii - rapies
- illizzilly - Izzy
- ill_esha - slayer of the poon perpetrators
- imagoldfish2 - eva
- imallergictojoe - Alicia
- imgpcs - Another youth estranged from reality
- imitation - Josh
- infinityplusone - infinitly searching for answers
- insanelyssa13 - lyssa
- integrahellsing - Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing
- intercat - proginoskes
- intotheroses - Isolde's Broken Heart
- irked_off_girl - Stressed
- irrationalmiss - laynie
- issheweird82 - Ammonia Fiend
- itchynavel - Ellinator
- itsallhappening - janna
- itsnotshocking - Pig in Zen
- iverson_gurl - (¯`·.¸¸.·´Stop! I'm a Girl·.¸¸.·´¯)
- ivyjournal - Ivylicious
- izanamii - Andrea
- i_was_god - JPK
- jadedsurrealism - Perra de Conejito
- jaded_solace - Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- jammypac - Mudd
- janeiac - Strange Tint
- jasonwert - Mouthful of Monkey Bile
- jaykman - jake
- jelliclecat - Beatrix
- jellobiafraslut - Eye-rus
- jenautica - JeNautica
- jennacyde - Jenna Cyde
- jenniferann - Jennifer
- jennifervescent - Jennifer
- jennoyouknow - punkinheadthemobsquad
- jennruthryan - Jenn
- jennyferocious - Jennifer
- jenny_macisaac - Jenny MacIsaac
- jentwo - Jen
- jenygirl - Jenygirl~Orbity~SnowHawk
- jeremiahphreak - Jeremiah
- jeroenwing - Jeroen
- jgilxsoalone - nowhere man
- jiggs - Jiggs
- jillianpie - jillianpie
- jillyfishie - The One Woman Mafia
- jiodek - Instant Gratification - Vincent
- jodawi - Muad'Ribt
- johnwayneonacid - John Wayne On Acid
- jonholio - jonholio
- jooniperb - JooniperB
- joseph - Joseph
- jraz - Raz
- judahr - Love in a Raincoat
- junkhead_baby - condescending smile
- junkie001 - junkie001
- juresa - Kinetic/2
- justagrrrrl - Allison
- justanotherkid - Zero al-Quasem
- justlikethat - Nicole
- justthisman - Just This Man
- jwluvskorn - Jaime
- kandyqueer - meg beans
- kaossex - Kaoss
- karrieoke - karrietylermoore
- katherinexcore - unknown
- kathy_cobain - Kat
- kayotic - jesus christ on ecstasy
- kbravo - [you're.breaking.the.girl]
- kcobain16slts - Scott
- kelsey7k - Kelsey
- kenada - patrick
- kerijean - Keri-Jean
- keyl - Alex
- kickthewelfare - lora
- killconvictions - rah! rah! replica
- killerpixi - ellie
- killingasha - Nadia
- killteenangst - dan, dan the intercontinental ballistic man
- kiou_kiou - kiou kiou
- kittensmitten - Naked Chorus Girl
- kittyvici0us - Kit
- kivafreak - Jen
- kken - Jim Flavis
- klassykaci - an ordinary bandit
- knee - Knee
- knowingvii - Joie
- koan - buffalo nickel
- kollykibber - Rien
- komakin0 - agenda suicide
- korfafla - Derrick
- kornflake - Tiffany
- krisanthemumm - krisanthemumm
- kris_moore - kris_moore
- kumquatpie - queen frostine
- kupukupu75 - Suzanne
- l2tp_cracka - A lonesome hobo
- lacomicgirl - Leopard Eye
- ladyangel - LadyAngel
- ladyangst - Lia, NOT a Goth (tm)
- ladydeath_4666 - ~DEADZIE~
- ladylinder - Linder
- lafleur - Sweetest Jezebel
- last808 - FauxReal
- lastsunset - Twilight Phantom
- latexego - Leggo my Ego
- laughsatluna - Cee
- laura1977 - Laura
- lawnmower - Batman
- lazyfly48 - Braden
- lazypete - Pete
- leafs4life - +♥+★+_Close your eyes... and make a wish..._+♥+★+
- leggo - Leggo
- leisa_dayzee - ~dayzee~
- lemur68 - now with more monochrome
- lengthoflove - Do You Wanna Live Forever, Baby?
- leon_rauis - Mrs. E. Leon Rauis
- lesmoirae - PYR0K1N3T1K 3R0T1C15M
- lethaldosage - CrEEpiNg DeATh
- lexielex - Disconnected Number
- lheureverte - L'Heure Verte
- liamtheruiner - Liam
- libertina - clandestina
- libra4jax - jack the ripper
- lifewithoutbeer - a drunken guitarist
- lilloulou - Laurzy
- lilmedusa - Just a little black raincloud
- lilmisslorax - Lorax
- lilpuma - Rachel
- lilpunknutz - Palei
- lil_miss_s - Lil_Miss_S
- lincolnchic - Corina Connell
- linewalker - linewalker
- lionelsays - Abraham Rogers
- lipslikeagash - Rest Your Trigger On My Finger
- listentojane - KrYsIs
- littledebi - Estella
- littlesquareson - and when he's gone, burn the house down
- littleweirdgirl - LittleWeirdGirl
- lived02 - Lived02
- lizzysblklodge - lizzy
- lncubus - i am a constellation
- lobsterbandito - Jamie
- localsweet - morgan
- lolitaa - Lola
- lolitastorm - Polkadot Chokealot
- lookn4neverland - April "pieces of eight" Kaos
- lost_halo - liz
- lovabledrea - *..Princess...
- loveandrockets - Marko
- lowwren - Lauren
- lucertola - Desert Culture
- luminia - Baby Girl Got All the Right Weaponary
- lunamichi - Earthshine
- luthercoleman - mike king
- luvfades - Anati
- lydia_draven - Evandriel Rayne Morgaine
- lyonho - Sexual Harassment Panda
- l_diggy - The Notorious D.I.G.
- m00n_ch1ld - --Renholder--
- m1ndf6ct - M1NDF6CT
- mabith - la alma de inocencia
- maceo - Cathy
- mad4metal03 - Foopi~Bear
- madamofsandwich - Krezdonq Kielbasa T-Money
- maddie45 - Amanda
- maddmeow - little blubber
- madnyss - blah
- maggamuffin - Maggie
- maialie - Maialie
- mai_ling - tears in my palm
- majordumbass - brittany
- maladygirl - Malady
- malestrina - Eustacia Why
- manelie27 - Manelie
- maninialpor - Manin Ialpor
- manziana - mary
- maquiladora - Scribble
- maratik666 - Новый God
- marcassa - Marcassa Cathars
- mareejane - Feminem
- margarita_p - Margarita Passion
- marlaj - the.quiet.one
- martini_devil - Martini Devil
- marvyjas - jAS
- mas - the dark one
- mattargos - Kurt Cobain
- mauithursday - C-Skizzy
- maxigroove - maxigroove
- meagre - Geoffrey
- mechanical_ - bloody guitar
- megalomaniac - meg maniac
- megsisme - Under Zenith
- meiow - Cat
- melancholic - Melancholic Chickee
- mentalsuicide - Lizzie
- mentranced - Mentranced
- merdork - Jaylene
- merlinc - Merlin Corey
- metalboy - Sven's Bridge
- mezdispenser - Darling, Your Head's Not Right
- mfluder - goh block
- micah7_7 - gliterhalo
- miery - the nymph in the silk tuxedo
- mijafrodust - Erin
- mikey_ksjo - The Dude's Blog
- milkrock - Robert.
- mindfuct - Filthy Ass Beats
- mingocounty - Mingo County
- miserycutter - lark: story of the dinosaur in protest
- mishelle - Miss Hell, cyber tart extraordinaire
- missbabydull - missbabydull
- missdanyelle - Danyelle
- miss_linda_lee - velouria
- miss_plini - good morning
- mistresshexx - Mistress Alexxa
- mittageisen - clockwork jerk
- mizta_mizchief - Mizta Mizchief
- mizzhell - Mizz Hell
- mjktool - Allison
- moemac76 - Melissa or as I'm better known, Moe
- moleintheground - Ed
- molkos_bitch - Devi
- momslilmonster - Mommy's Little Monster
- mondaygityou - Mr. Squabbles
- mondo758 - Mike
- monkiegrrrl - Just the facts ma'am...
- moomoomilk - Liz
- moomoothecow - courtney
- mopnglo - Cale August Sauter
- moppet - Beth A
- morninafterglow - too much too soon
- mors08 - Matthew
- mortalcoiltrap - Meg
- mowshowitz - Thomas
- mo_mo - Morgan
- mrfoohead - the king of the world
- mrsbuzz - don't ask me to be nice
- mrscarter - Jori
- mrwitch - MrWitch
- msive808 - masive808
- msrotblackstrap - miss rot black strap
- msvicious - Remy Vicious
- mszebra - Kristin
- mtedder - mtedder
- mug_mug_mug - And
- mushroom013 - Kie
- mushroomcult - my addiction
- musiclove84 - Aimee
- mvk - mvk
- mx_fiend_72138 - Nate
- myke311 - Myke
- mykhull78 - mykhull
- mymichelle - michelle ma belle
- mysteriouso - Riot Gear
- my_inquisition - Steph loves me more than Social D
- nachtmuzik - eine kleine nachtmusik
- nadja_25 - Nadja J
- nagoyodin - I was lost in the darkness
- namistai - antistar
- nanashi04 - Nanashi
- nanel - nanny
- narcissuskisses - The Unattainable Hussy
- natelan - nate lan
- nattyish - astral songs
- naut - lady with the spinning head
- needlesandpins - Lacey
- neeltje - neeltje
- nefairia - Nefairia
- nefarious_muse - nefarious_muse
- neil_nonstop - Neil Joyes
- neonloneliness - kick me in the face and tell me that im beautiful
- nessur - nessur
- nestingsoul - nestingsoul
- nettanies - stephanie
- newmediawhore - newmediawhore
- newwavemonster - Cecilia Ann
- nicour - niki j
- nightangelle - nyght
- nightsister - Nightsister
- nil_by_mouth - nil by mouth
- ninjaofpain - Ninja of Pain
- nirvana_kid - Mikey
- nishiki - sarahlala
- nixstar - Nicky
- nobodys_baby - janet motherfucking leu
- noiir - jesus' angry inch
- noisearchitect - ryan
- nomadlisa - nomadlisa
- norulznolimits - Spaz
- nothingshocking - weensta
- notmyworld - Smiling through teeth
- notsofresh - jenny-eats-gum
- nou - Kake
- novocainesoul - Mun Kie
- noxiouskitten - Kitten
- no_sensitivity - Rob Gordon
- nugpuppy - Meredyth
- number13baby - Stellar Caprice
- nynja2000 - Issamaysin Alah Dabommsinit
- objectify - Claire
- oblivia - true perfection has to be imperfect
- odessadenial - Odessa Denial
- oedipuss_ee - Li
- ogonzoo - dr robert p maloney
- ohmycat - Someone stole my stapler.
- oioioli - big girl with a gun
- okcomputer - benclark
- onedollarshort - kath
- onehandedclap - meghan
- onepeatoomany - Sir Hand
- onepin - bckfst2
- onlydesire - I'd rather be dead than cool
- onlyestranged - Chris
- onyx_moon - onyx_moon
- on_my_own - Nikki
- oomsyasnatas - 0i! G044ik S1u7
- op1um - Logan
- opencore - Le Langage des Larmes
- opheelia - opheelia
- opheliasrevival - S.H.M.I.L.Y.?
- ophelia_balls - The Select
- opiatejr - Brett
- orravan - Annie
- otmop - chris enriquez
- overcome - Shane
- ozzyshell - Sara
- padabuser - zin
- paganpo3t - Jeanne Carter
- palljenkins - the rhyme scheme
- panama777 - Umar M. Williams
- pandamolester - Joanna
- papakat23 - Papakat23
- paperthinwalls - laurel
- partydjz - Michael
- pat_hetic - pAt HeTiC
- pbrane - jake
- penelopetariff - Nicole
- percydear - Percy
- perfectbywed - Eowyn
- periaquaductal - Adam
- peridoxical - Jess
- phenobarbidoll_ - phenobarbidoll
- philsmom - Becca
- phonometrics - phonometrics
- piglatin - i am the killer
- pigxen - PigXen
- piikou - Piikou-chan
- pimpmomoney - The saddest girl to ever hold a martini...
- pin77 - Jen
- pissdefect - ...never yawn or say a commonplace thing
- pisspoet - the mi journal of goodness
- pixiesboy - The Jason Lee Mutual Appreciation Society
- pizajane - sarah
- placidstorm - nicole
- plaidrabbit - Lanie
- poison_black - PoISoN_BLaCk
- pokeypinelilith - Sammy's mommy
- pollyannas_fine - Awsomely Mundane
- poncyfruit - Niandra
- poopcow - evans
- popiconstar - Izzy
- poppyhead - Irresistibly Smoochable
- popular - Moon Safari
- potentialthreat - PRET-TAY PAY-LAY PAR-TAY
- pratasalgueiro - Cheryl
- presentdarkness - All That Could Have Been...
- prettyinpity - Athena
- prettyinpunk83 - The Pesk
- prettyman63 - prettyman63
- prettyvacantone - Brandie Naked
- prevalentbeauty - Danielle
- princeofstorms - Prince of Storms
- pristine3 - Sara
- protonqueen - Only In Dreams
- proudtobegreen - Jeannie
- prsean - Sean the Puerto Rican
- psychedelicmuse - Psychedelic Muse
- psychoholic - ☆ psychoholic slag ☆
- psychosana - sana
- psychosishigh - flaviames
- psychoticgirl - PsychoticGirl
- psychowill - Will
- puddn - Ziola Blue
- pulse_fairy - rice paper princess / queen of pain
- punkrocktenenba - Laura explains it all...
- punkrokkingurly - PunkRoKKinGurly
- purtyblonde - Alex
- pushingether - Ether
- pwah - pwah
- pyro_goddess - Magdalena
- qathy - c(a)th
- qtip - A Rather Plain Lad named Josh
- qualmsaboutlife - the chicken did it...i swear!
- quasita - Lynn
- que1000101 - Que
- queenocansnjars - Lady Stardust
- quixoticfish - Lisa
- rabbit1282 - The perfect drug
- rachieo - The AHole Wizard
- rain19 - Rain
- rainbowbrite578 - Crys
- rainbowrust - CoCo Cunty-Butt
- rapebycows - break stuff
- raspberrylover - Corina
- ratthing - RatThing
- ravenmb - Raven, not a token
- ravenshadow - Lucifier Morningstar
- rebelsansclue - saucy sarah
- recycled - Nobody
- redmags - redmags
- reflectedsin - Jena
- remorseful - Remorseful
- reneedev - Renée
- rest_in_me - victoria
- resurrectionjoe - resurrection joe
- retro_vertigo - retro_vertigo
- reverendboff - Mr. Eff
- revmannix138 - Sir Mannix of Riboflavin
- revsivixi - Ivy
- rhcprat - \m/ Kim \m/
- rhino777 - Luke Speedwalker
- rhysmonkey - rhysMonkey
- rickybanana - Jon
- ricky_banana - Tristessa Zero
- ridleymae - Labor Reject
- riiaa - cute one
- rise_and_fall - ....................away from it all
- risk_misery - Instruktor Sleuth
- rivethed - Rivethead
- rmmorrow - R. M. Morrow
- robotchant - ryan
- rockcandi182 - Kathleen
- rockerchick18 - Minister
- rocknrollrebel - Jack Hatter
- rockstarryeyed - Rach
- rondorray - Ron Dore
- ron_needlemyer - Ron Needlemyer
- rosey27 - Ali
- rottensick - Snide
- rubymoon - Ruby Moon
- ruby_kisses - Ruby
- ruin_me - ..glitz..
- runwithscissors - meghan
- russticles - Bennie And The Jets
- r_a_r - ren
- sabertoothkoala - F e l i X
- sadbeef - Penguin Style
- saerin - the sixth merry murderess
- saintnobody - Saint Nobody
- sajasma - Saj
- sakuraigirl - Camille
- sams - sam
- samtrhg - xXSRXx
- samuraiwookiee - Jack's Raging Bile Duct
- sanctified - Evil Jesus
- sanctity - [rachel.]
- sandaa - Yu
- sandozy - digital schmigital
- sanguinia - marshyeenocherry
- sappykurt - Althea Flynt
- sarah4823 - sarah
- sarahjupiter - math robot
- sarahlara - Sarah
- saxonna - saxonna
- scabboy - ScabBoy
- scapegoat_ - tourniquet
- scariechica - Miss Sarah
- scottastic - Totally Scott... totally awesome.
- scottecook - Sloshed Scottie
- screamcake - Beth
- screamtress - 1313
- seaheroine - Elizabeth
- seandamien - Sadiztix
- sehr_gotisch - cm gaudioso
- seiryu - Seiryu's Sanctuary
- sensualrose - Rose
- serenityscreams - Maggie
- serj_broke_me - I Sneak Up and Hit You Like a Fuckin' Tornado
- servermonkey - Mike
- sescrows - sescrows
- sevenwords - things we lost in the fire
- sextypeth1ng - Brandon's Girl
- sexualpanda - only i noticed the dirt under his nails
- shadesof_indigo - The Disforgettable R.
- shadow_dream - |angel| headed hipster
- shamingofthetru - AmandaJane
- shanextopher - Shane
- shanilea - Shannon
- shanna349 - Shanna-na!
- shefell - Mecha-Meg
- shelied - Wendy
- sherabob - Chrystyne
- shesgotclaws - edit the sad parts
- she_is_exiled - slacker queen
- shiftbreak - Josh Swentzel
- sholanda - SHO LA the SHOW BOAT
- shoryuken - Shoryuken
- shreikingviolet - Nikee
- siamesetwin3 - morg
- sibylline - Scott Miller-Young Padowan
- siddhiajna - K
- sienna_blaze - Spastic and erratic... that's me!
- silentmachine - Danish for Mary
- silentsadness - This Moment
- silversparade - Silver
- simon_moon - simon moon