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[20 Dec 2002|03:02pm]
Okay, well my secret santa came through in the end. She left work early and brought back my present. I got the second and third volume on The Princess Diaries in hardback, two Anne Rice books (which I already have, but that's okay), a box of chocolates, and a calendar with little girls dressed as angels on it. I can't believe she got me so much.

Lunch was great. 7 of us went and had fun. The food was great. I got the chicken strip basket. The restuarant was nice and had about a billion TVs. I saw the video for N Sync's "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays." Hee. Had a little conversation with the girl who sat next to me about N Sync. She likes some of their songs and thinks they're hot. =oP

Got my bonus today. It was a hundred dollar bill. Pleasant surprise, as I was expecting a check for less than fifty dollars after taxes.
dream a little dream

[20 Dec 2002|08:48am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | "She Hates Me" - Puddle of Mudd ]

I've been bidding on stuff on Ebay. Mostly magazines I'm too embarrassed to actually go out and buy or ones that I can't find here. I've won everything I've bid on. I also scored a Buffy Gentleman action figure! Whee! I'm trying to get The Master action figure, too. I still need Angel, Spike, Willow and Anya. Then I will have at least one of every character. I really, really want Bunny Anya, but it's way too expensive because it's rare.

dream a little dream

[20 Dec 2002|08:08am]
[ mood | cynical ]

I woke up in a pretty good mood because, hello, Friday! Also, today I was supposed to get my big present from my secret santa because I'm not going to be there on Monday. Notice the "was" in that sentence. They didn't bring it. I won't get it until next Thursday. They knew I wasn't going to be there Monday because my mom reminded them several time, including a couple times yesterday and they still forgot it. That's the way my luck goes. I'm not quite in such a good mood now.

One good thing is that Chad, the guy who I was buying for really liked his presents. He told me I'm a really good secret santa. So that was nice. Mom got a cool present from her secret santa.

Marty, my supervisor is taking the people in my department who have lunch at 12 o'clock out to lunch at some place called Fox and Hound. I've never been there. I hope it's good. She says it is, but ya never know.

I'm wearing my favorite shirt today. It's sky blue and ribbed with long sleeves and a v-neck. Mom told me it looked really nice on me and then my friend Susan said the color looked very nice on me. =o)

I should probably go now. I need to pretend to be working.

dream a little dream

[19 Dec 2002|02:16pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | "All I Want For Christmas Is You" - Mariah Carey ]

I'm done with all my work and I'm so bored. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I don't think I could last much longer.

I was looking around and I found so many poster that I want. I just don't have anymore wall space to spare. I have too many posters and pictures up already.

2 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

[18 Dec 2002|10:37pm]
Thanks to everyone who voted in my poll. Most of you guys voted for The Princess Diaries, so I'm gonna read that.

I should go to bed soon. I'm really tired.
dream a little dream

[18 Dec 2002|08:34pm]
Poll #85066: books
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

What book should I read next?

View Answers

2nd Chance by James Patterson
1 (9.1%) 1 (9.1%)

Carrie by Stephen King
3 (27.3%) 3 (27.3%)

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
6 (54.5%) 6 (54.5%)

The Survivors Club by Lisa Gardner
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

other (leave comment)
1 (9.1%) 1 (9.1%)

2 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

HP [18 Dec 2002|08:23pm]
Finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. )
3 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

[18 Dec 2002|04:44pm]
I'm so ready to go home. This day has been long. I won one of the bingo games and got a couple of crappy prizes. The only really cool thing I got was a mug with Winnie the Poo characters all decked out in Christmas gear. It's cute.

I'm almost done reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Finally! I have about 50 pages left. Whee!
dream a little dream

[18 Dec 2002|08:46am]
Why can't it just be Friday? Work is so mind numbingly boring. I can't wait to get outta here for five days.

Last night my parents went out. They said they were going Christmas shopping for me and then to the casino. They were gone for five hours. They came home and told me they didn't go Christmas shopping at all. They just went to the casino. My mom won $800, but it still pisses me off. What if they would've lost it all? I guess my dad is going shopping today while we're at work.

Here's another thing that pisses me off. Last night when we got home from work, my dad wanted my mom to go to Taco Bell to get us some food. He was going to pay. He was really tired from driving back from seeing my grandpa and planting a tree in our yard. He didn't feel like cooking. Well, Mom decided she was just too tired and didn't want to get back out. So she cooks macaroni and hot dogs, but doesn't fix enough for all four of us. We're all still hungry and had to scrounge around for something else to eat later. But she's not to tired to go to the casino an hour later! *rolls eyes*
dream a little dream

[17 Dec 2002|09:56pm]
I can't wait to see LotR: The Two Towers. I really wish I was seeing it tomorrow, but I have no one to go with. *sigh* I need friends. I'm definitely seeing it sometime soon. Probably Monday.
2 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

[17 Dec 2002|08:30pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Twilight Zone ]

Buffy. Bring on the Night )

4 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

[17 Dec 2002|09:54am]
Note to self- record the LotR: Return to Middle Earth tonight at 10 on TNT.
1 sweet dream| dream a little dream

[17 Dec 2002|08:42am]
[ mood | happy ]

My work secret santa is buying me a Mr. Goodcent's sub for lunch. *smile*

I need two more bingo spaces to win something.

This is pretty much a pointless entry.

dream a little dream

[17 Dec 2002|08:11am]
[ mood | sore ]

*Yawn* I'm so tired. I was going to go to bed early last night, but I stayed up talking to happy_raincloud and watching Elijah Wood on Leno. Elijah is so my geeky movie boyfriend. Love him. He showed his tattoo. And it's on his hip area! And he played with the wild animals that the lady that was on after him brought. So cute.

Lookit my new comment line. Isn't it cute? My Jen did it for me. Love her, too.

We're playing bingo again. Apparently we're doing it all week. They're giving away prizes to the people that win. Maybe they feel bad that our bonus is so damn sucky. It's up to $91 dollars before taxes.

My back hurts. I think I pulled something in my sleep.

New Buffy tonight! Yay!

dream a little dream

[16 Dec 2002|07:53pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I'm so incredibly bored. There's nothing on TV. I read ...the Goblet of Fire until my eyes started to cross. I need some thing to do.

dream a little dream

[16 Dec 2002|05:56pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | GH on tape ]

Got Christmas cards from glitterkittyjen and wonderdawg. Thanks! The Hello Kitty stickers are adorable, Emily. =o)

General Hospital. Why is every conversation Sonny and Carly have about their relationship? If you have to *constantly* reassure your wife/husband that you love them and really, really want to be with them, there's probably something wrong. Am I really supposed to believe that these two are really, truely in love? Please. Why is AJ such a skeeve? Does anyone really care who killed Alcazar? Can't they lock Brenda up for being annoying? I think Jason and Courtney are really cute. I don't give a flying fuck about Luke and his probably imaginary hooker chick.

1 sweet dream| dream a little dream

[16 Dec 2002|11:40am]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | "Family Portrait" - Pink ]

We're playing bingo throughout the day here at work. Why? I have no idea. One of my supervisors just came in a threw the bingo card on my desk. I work in a very strange place.

Twenty minutes till lunch. This morning has gone pretty fast, most likely because the mail didn't come until 9:30 and I didn't have anything to do except play on the net. Once I started working, though, there was kinda a lot to do.

I'm still pretty upset about the cancellation of Firefly. I could make a list a mile long about how FOX has screwed over the show. There are five episodes left to air. FOX says that they will be shown some time. I wonder if that's true. It better be, damn it. This Friday is the one that was supposed to be the original two hour pilot. How much do you wanna bet that it's a million times better than "The Train Job"? *sigh* I'm still keeping the Firefly icon I made yesterday because it's pretty. I really hope the show will be picked up by the UPN, but I'm not holding my breath.

dream a little dream

[15 Dec 2002|09:24pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Christmas Vacaton ]

Thanks to ragingpixie for showing where to download an animation program. I've been making new spiffy icons all day. So much fun! You can see all my new ones here.

I'm watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation right now. I love that movie. Favorite Christmas movie ever. Even beats out A Christmas Story.

Five days of work this week then five days off. I can't wait. It'll probably go slow since I want it to fly by.

5 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

[14 Dec 2002|11:22pm]
Tired and bored. What program do you need to make an animated icon? Is it very difficult to make one?
2 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

[14 Dec 2002|04:27pm]
I wanna make my journal really pretty, but I have no idea how to add pictures and majorly change the layout. I read the FAQs, but they just confused me. *pout*
2 sweet dreams| dream a little dream

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