Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "gackt". 83 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in gackt. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 1000 matches:
- 12blackrainbows - Infamous Liz
- 1x2 - Maxwell's Demon
- 1x2x1 - laura
- 2931 - Maggie
- 3bliss - Bliss
- 3insy - i'm your zero
- aarghita - Vanilla Valentine
- abra - Abra the overly kawaii slutty uke
- access_time - Tony
- ach_oh_tee - Kyo's English vocabulary
- adi_das - Adi Das
- adrenalynnrush - Adrenalynn
- adry_meir - Adry
- aeris1121 - Phoebe
- aerish - Emma
- aeryvae - kangaroo kate
- aesthete_ai - Aesthete
- agirlintheworld - To you assholes it's Kaleigh
- aikoi - Aiko
- aiuchi - Ling Xiaoyu
- ai_no_miko - Ai no Miko
- aj_midori - Wings of a Broken Angel
- akane20 - Akane20
- akari - Akari Hibiki
- akichan105 - ワイズの巫女
- akii - Kyo
- akinokoneko - Autumn Cat
- akio__no_himo - Akio
- akira_san - Auron's Ex-Junkie
- akiro - Akirochan
- akishowda - Mr. Key
- akitomo - Bruce Osborne
- aki_mikage - Tara Lynn
- aki_neko - Syunkiss
- akui - akui
- akujinkyo - Kurea
- alexandra - Rainbow Alliegami Rabu 21 and 32
- alexei - Tony
- alexislogain - AlexisLogain
- alex_c - Ex
- alita_piper - Zeki
- alkah - Kurayami Alkah
- alkalinekid - Narcisse
- allanah - Meghan
- allende - allende
- allen_chan - Allen-chan
- alliechan - Yui
- alorarose - Vaidah
- alseides - Gatti
- alwaysmylove - Jesska Kobashi-Valdez
- al_man - Al
- amechan - Ame
- ameotoko - Ameotoko
- amiboshi_kun - Xander
- amnoangel - Hiko Hayashi
- amyami - Amy
- anaram - Ana
- anatra - Erin
- anberu - Black Angel
- androgynouskami - Rachael
- andtheafterglow - andtheafterglow
- anfetamina - fujou
- angel0013 - Angel
- angel726 - Jenni
- angelical_devil - Maharet Chaos
- angelmichiru - Michiru
- angelnia - Prince of Your Dreams
- angelspit - Felicity
- angelyami - Angelyami
- angiihimemiya - Angii
- angstchan - mellie
- anifirebird - Heather, the DDR woman
- animekat - Kira
- animeotaku03 - A man who will fight for your honor
- anime_girl - Erim [‡]
- anomay - *~ Split Personality *~ Anomay
- antagonistangel - Antagonistic Angel
- antiprince - aladdin vain
- antitwinky - Anti-----------kisses
- antitype - Antitype ~ブライアン~
- aogimiru - Erin
- aoi_tenshi - Kei
- aoshi - Sam
- apathyonna - Akane
- apey1013 - Chiba Apey
- apocripha - Platina
- appleholic - V
- aquaenumen - Kalena
- arashi - The Kekkai Summoner [Felicia]
- arekku - Kiith-sa Muchitsujo
- arekun - Dark Lady
- are_you_sodmy - ishiko
- arisugawa - Cassie
- arkyven - Elisia
- arukas - Arukas
- arwen_malfoy - Shattered_Soul
- asabaherdssheep - nite
- asainemuri - Doi Hachiro
- asaokaken - KEN
- ashakiran - Artemisia
- ashenkoneko - Becca
- ashi_moto - Toranoko
- ashm0o142 - Ashmoo
- ashmael - xiola
- ashna - Ashna
- ashril - midnight rose
- asifis - Chelsea
- askavi - Yev
- asrun_dreams - Francesca Maria Code
- assassingalaxia - Assassin Galaxia
- assbitch - Sam
- asteri - Zero
- asukalangley - Asuka Langley
- atelierkuroi - Kuroi Tenshi Studios
- aubby - ChibiJaime
- auciferu - Ika Takarai
- auroraayanami - unmei
- aurora_dark - Aurora Dark
- aurora_mitsukai - Kathleen
- autumnsdiscord - £õver Õf ßeãutiful Thiñg§
- avagoyle - Ava Goyle
- awais - awais
- awakenthesadist - Awaken The Sadist
- axis_kill - Rage
- ayabrokenshire - Aya the gun wielding seme
- ayamaxwell - Ayanna
- ayamechan - Ayame - Celiwyn Fangirl; Uber Dork
- ayanamikari - Keiichi Ayanamikari
- ayappe - Megan
- ayari - Ayari Sakimoto
- ayashi - Valkyrie
- aya_chan - aya 小妖
- aya_no_miko - Fujimiya Reika
- ayumi4evr - ayumi4evr
- ayuru_gi - Sarah
- ayustar - Digestable Catgirl Ling Ling!
- azeroth99 - Azeroth99
- aznanimefan - Remula
- azura_raye - Deathless Symphony
- a_better_day - Woo Pilkyo - Notorious Poof
- babycleo - twinkle
- bad_luck - Bow before me, pions, for I am God
- baka26 - Colette
- bakachan - Baka-chan
- bakananiji - The Zoëmonsutaa :E
- bamana - Miko
- bangles - Bangles
- bani - Jenna
- bara_no_seidou - Sanctuary of the Rose † Mana~sama
- barbara83 - Barbara
- bast83 - Bastien
- beatriceowl - Beatrice Owl
- becca_boo - Becca Boo
- bejiitastalker - Makoto
- bemaniac - Bemaniac
- bett - Bettie
- big_danny_t - Big Danny T the Awesome!
- bioclaire - Rinoa
- bishoujo - Empress Imperial
- bitchj223 - *vulcan*
- bizen - Yuichi
- blackchii - April
- blackiris3 - Iris
- blackkitten007 - blackkitten
- black_howling - Kyle
- black_isolation - Sheena
- blaisexarcadia - Blaise x Arcadia
- bleedingdarknes - Cleosphryte
- bloodybauhaus - +~GLOW STiCKS ~ & ~ GLiTTER DOLLiES~+
- bloodylipstick - Becca
- blood_roses - a little nothing
- bloolube - i adore you
- blowdry - Amie
- bluecandy - Brittany
- bluefroggie - Ariel
- bluegret - Blue Egret
- blue_michiru - Michiru
- blue_oasis - Elissa
- blusparkly - all sexed up and no place to go
- bluucloudqueen - Mrs. Roboto
- bohemianjava - John
- bohemianwhore - alexis
- bokoluna - robyn
- bomubei - Camui Gackt
- bondageboykyo - Kyo
- boogiepop - Boogiepop
- boxgirl - Irrational Exuberance
- brandyb - Brandy
- brelin_ - Brelin
- brittyq - Buriko
- broccoli - brenna
- brockslate - BROCKSLATE
- brokenclocks - Broken.Clocks
- brokenempire - brokenempire
- bryghtee - [:+: HêåRtLëSs B1tcH :+:]
- buggycrashnight - BuggyCrashNight
- bunnisoup - mai
- bunny_chan85 - Bunny-chan
- bura - Kit
- burning_for_me - maria
- byou - The great Takamonkey overlord !!
- cacklebang - ivy alias
- caffeineaddict - Ri-chan
- caletara - Psychotic
- caligarist - caligarist
- cameron - Cameron
- camui - Camui
- camuigackt666 - Brian
- camuikalmia - Camui Kalmia
- camuimana - Jenny
- candycoatedcoma - Professional Widow
- candyrevolution - Candy Candy Revolution
- candy_pantha - Candy Pantha
- captainpenko - Andy
- captiveaya - Lemon Fresh
- caribbean_blue - The beautiful and mysterious assassin Firewraith
- caseysnow - ::Angelic::
- casprin - Cas
- cassandra - Cassandra
- cassette - ばねの甘い香水
- catgirl_michie - Michie
- cat_attack - Cat Attack
- cayke - Cayke
- celebdraug - Silqui Rausch
- celticdemon - † Lestat's Chyld †
- ceresnomana - Ceres
- cerulescent - Worse weather
- cessyangel - Cessy
- chaoticviolin - Washu Nyugoma
- chapeljax - Chapel Jax
- cheesestick - cheesestick
- chemicallyblu - The Damndable Queen of Disassociation
- chenchen - Mei-Chan
- cheri_hime - ¤ K¥Ö’§ ŠLÃVÊ ¤
- cherrychan - Rachie, Cherry-chan, Saki
- cheshiremunkae - potato potato potato
- chewycaramel - Chui
- chewy_kimono - Chewy
- chianagirl - ._;`';_.tattered winged angel._;'`;_.
- chianeko - chia-neko
- chibiakki - The Amnesiac Angel
- chibijeshiku - Jessie-chan
- chibimitsu - Mitsu
- chibiplumtree - Ashchan
- chibisama - chibisama
- chibisawa - Sarah
- chibistardust - 羞恥奴隷
- chibisubaru - Chibi Subaru
- chibi_draco - Shini Q. Akusai
- chibi_hotaru - Chibi-Hotaru
- chibi_p - chibi-p
- chibi_pan - Rainu Iwakura
- chibi_pink - Pooky-chan
- chibi_tenshi24 - Chibi Tenshi
- chichan - Chiron Childress
- chichiri - Roxy
- chichirinomiko - Sakurazukamori no Ai
- chidor_n_yuuhi - Chidori_N_Yuuhi
- chikaku_of_doom - Antoire, keeper of Hell's yaoi collection
- child_empress - Ko-chan Kudoh
- child_prey - the blonde gremlin
- chimamire - Chi
- china_doll - China Doll
- chinotenshi - bloodangel
- chirad - (Invader) Jai
- chitsujo - Nowhere Girl
- chobit - Cho
- chokaiten - Cho Kaiten
- chokoretokukki - kukki
- cho_hakkai - Suboshi-kun
- chudov - Olorin
- cian - Cian
- citrus_hit - Chris
- cj_sparx - C.J.
- cl - Dark Vixen
- cloudycasper - Casper's Lullaby
- cloverpuppy - Typhoon the Vampire Stampede
- cmonkeysrshrimp - Nobody
- cocco - x gentle nightmares x
- cokelipgloss - K o i N u
- coldsilence - Like Ice
- cookiebeng - Arashi Kishuu
- cool_beans - Jei
- coquette_doll - colette
- corsican - Winterhart
- cosmicnova - Tinuviel
- cottonballistic - Ramble On...
- crazehpoo - Tammy
- crazicreek - 'Sploda crazy girlie
- croey - Cro
- crossscar - CrossScar
- cruelbitch - jen
- crunchieinmilk - ding
- crunky - Cold Cat
- crush - Porcelina of the Vast Ocean
- cryssi - Supah Orange!
- crystallised - ...
- cure_ - hi
- currypudding - Anka
- cutekawaii - Nikki-chan
- cutequatre - ~♥ Julie ♥~
- cyberia_ - Cyberia
- cyberslut - Ex
- cyborgmermaid - Tira
- cyrienn - Sai-ki
- daaa - ...♥Daaa♥...
- daemona - Daemona
- dahlia_ - Dahlia
- dai2die - Die-chan
- dainichijess - Daini
- daisuke_chan - Jean
- damanique - {{{----Damanique----}}}
- damnedmana - I Own Gackt
- danaeaphreal - Danae Aphreal
- dana_dbz_palace - Dana
- daniidebrabant - Danielle
- dans_tu_yeux - dasani riviera
- dantesangel8 - daNtesAnGeL8
- darcenciel - Ogawa Tetsuya
- darkangelkain - Kain
- darkdancer - Dark Dancer
- darkenedminds - Amber
- darkfairy - Yami
- darkfantasia - Sora-chan
- darkmagex6 - Kagekiri Mugen no Zero
- darkmorrigan - Morrigan
- darkravenkiki - KIKI!
- darkr_dragon - Dark
- darkseda - Kim
- darkwingedangel - Lucifer
- dark_sakura - Sakura Kinomoto
- dark_schuldich - Sohma Kyou
- darshui - Darshu
- dawncugami - Jenn
- deaditeash - Chris
- deadlocked - Jadenlore
- dearwifesakko - Sakko
- deathnomiko - Death no Miko
- debris - aladdin vain
- debuchan - debuchan
- decayofbeauty - pajama kitty plushie girl sarie
- decembering - renchan
- deekz - Deekz
- defaultlyric - Bleu Finnegan
- deis - Ranke
- delara - Hotaru
- delfin - panzer bride
- deliriumzero - Delirium Zero
- dementedcraving - mirrorrorrim
- demonesque - Demonesque
- demonwithin - badboydaimon
- depressme - Felicia
- derangedbatboi - 20th Century Boy
- desdemonia - Desdemonia of the Jrock Inferno
- destella - Leti
- destroyingangel - D.
- dethayr - natthanit
- deux - [[Stesteph]]
- devi123 - Lily
- dewclaw - Mamoru Dewclaw
- dewprisms - dying inside
- diamondvalkyrie - Avril's a stupid bum
- dianaserra - Diana Serra
- diaryofamoron - plaz dique hardt
- diavana - Dawn
- digitalhalogen - Astrid
- digital_hitomi - Digital Empress
- digitized_entei - Entei...which is not her real name
- diibish - DiiBish
- dikordant - We'll Give You Everything and More
- dilettantka - hotpants fujisaki ~_^
- diqitaldreams - iMiko-ChAn
- direngrey - Dir en grey
- divineenrapture - Xanadu Angel
- docudrama - 流れ者 tramp-chan
- dosowan - Akhkaru Uggae
- dotdotdot87 - Elaine
- dragonchilde - Dragon Childe
- dragonkey - Dragon
- dragonkiri - Verata (Verator with PMS)
- dragoondust - Ashleigh Leonhart n_n;;
- dreamergurl - "K"
- dreamfragment - .......
- dreamster - Andrea
- dreamwalker1971 - Silly Goose
- dreaym - sami
- driley1 - Rairii Dasutin
- droolmuch - Joshua
- drunkontea - Drunk On Tea
- dttriksta - el demonio sonriente
- duae - Duae
- duchessingmar - El Hada Marley
- duokun - Duo
- duonomiko2000 - Lucy
- duo_makksuweru - Alana
- duplicimon - duplicimon
- d_chan - D-chan
- earthsea - earthsea
- echoharmony - I heard an Echo
- ecindery - Electronic Cinder
- ecor1 - Ashley
- edenadvance - Eden Advance
- ed_iz_l33t - eduardo
- eike - Eike
- eikocarolchan - Anowyn
- eisuke - Eisuke
- ekitai - Evee
- eldarin - Michi
- eleanor_marx - eleanor
- electrakitty - Christina
- elise_maxwell - Elise Maxwell
- elquin - Elquin
- elvenstarr - an unknown spirit
- emeirii - e-ko
- emilysama - Emily
- emmastrange - Emma Strangechild
- emptiness - Amaranth
- endlessdarkness - Child of Death
- endorwitch - endor
- endril - Endril
- enerjak - Molly Mobius
- enfant_eternel - Annie-K
- enhiver - Phil
- enigmaopoeia - enigmaopoeia
- enluya - lt
- envogue - echo . . .
- epuriru - One of those melodramatic fools
- erabarenai - m
- ereki - Jana
- erichan - Haruko Anabelisa Hayashi ????????
- ersatzevil - Anji
- esavai - Rizzie
- esm - Eternal SailorM
- espergirl - EsperGirl
- essenceofmalice - Andariel
- etherealkitten - Solaris Ashel
- eunmi007 - -{[Plastered Inside Walls of Illusion]}-
- everfree_hide - Arlecchina
- eveypop - evey (fool is my name)
- evilkimba - Kefka
- evil_chicobo - EvilChicobo
- exactoknifegirl - Stefanie
- exallen - Exallen
- eyeless_girl - Fallen EyeLeSs AnGeL
- faded_dreams - syl
- faitharooski - Faith Wright
- faithfulmoder - Xty
- fallenangelfish - fallenangelfish
- fallenskyangel - Kalie Auruoa: The Hyper Fairy! XD
- fangirl_hell - Hope
- fantasy_moon - Most Likely To Be A Punk Rocker
- farah_oersted - Farah Oersted
- farfarellox - FarfarelloX
- farfelu_cat - Jess
- fasdpideu - Saki Asamiya
- fashion_slave - Yosei Shukugan
- fataliste - Pei Ling
- feelthewind - Yasu
- ferrioclef - Ace
- fevered_requiem - Ana
- feymei_shin - The Untouchable and Unbeatable Akira
- fictional_dream - La Morte
- finchan - Lynzie
- finnfish - me
- fireceremony - FireCeremony
- firefly33 - Jet Girl
- fireflyangel1 - Serena
- firephoenix - Ash, The psychotic flaggeette
- flaire - 'manda
- fleurimperatrix - Sexei
- fleurrochard - Fleur Rochard
- flickgc - Flick
- fluorescence - amy
- flwrchld - Orchid
- flyingteapot - Pepsi
- foolish_fool - JS
- footiefever - TK Nii Revolution
- forbiddenangel - Tragedy's Angel
- forgotten_freya - Freya
- forrestblack - ForrestBlack
- forsakenseraph - aya
- fortunegirlie84 - Jenny
- fortunekookie - Fortune Kookie
- fourleafed - Riku
- fragileillusion - Crystal
- fream - male Безбашеннонегостисмачо
- freechoushinji - chou-free
- frigidsiberia - princess siberia
- fufubean - Camui-Niimura Kiipushi
- funniegrl - Michy
- furbish - Eddy
- fury_frog - Janelle Bernstein
- fuyako - Asakawa Fuyako
- fuzps - Plastic Girl
- fyredraven - Fyredraven
- gacktcamui - Gackt Camui
- gacktisgod - SabrinaTheErasureFreak
- gackt_ - ~The Gackt Journal~
- gackt_luva - Kira
- gackt_sama - Krys
- gaea_truth - Gaea's Truth
- gaggedandbound - Punki Glam Rawker
- gakkun - ☆ manda ☆
- galadriel22 - jen
- galleyn - Gen
- garnet_star - connie constance connest
- geek_patrol - kallyn
- geese - Splashing Geese
- genbu - sleeping android
- generalwhitey - General Whitey
- generator_gawl - Risa ~Kaze no Koibito~
- genkiriana - .r.i.a.n.a.
- ghost_child - faerieboy-shane
- gianthisashi - The Founder
- ginga - Kym
- girl_en_grey - ¤†ºMaKaRaº†¤
- glassmarionette - Sapphira
- glittercrush - raz
- gnaw_chopstick - Watashi_koto_o_shimashita
- gnownaym - gnownaym
- goddessofstars - Lenore Gainsborough
- goddess_abigor - Dark Angel Christine
- goethe_engel - Tadzio
- gongju012 - Jesska
- goodlittleroses - serafina
- gothfaery - Ari Morgan
- gothicblade - Patrick
- goth_goddess - Andrea
- goth_quatre - Duo Maxwell
- greatmoses - Eddy
- greenabsinthe - JediBohemianGlitterFairy
- gremio - Gremio
- greyshade - greyshade
- greysumi - sumizome
- grrrrrrmanson - Jeanette
- grumpy_bunny - Ridere Lunen
- guardianlulu - Licia
- guardiantabris - Schauernden W?chter
- gundamonium - the chopstick mafia
- gundampilot - Samuel
- gunslinger03 - Vash's_Gunslinger
- gutterglitter13 - Angela
- gw001heeroyuy - ☆The☆Misunderstood☆Writer☆
- gwbs - Lana
- gypsywoman - Jessica
- hakuchuumu - 快い悪夢
- hakujou - grrr
- haldirsbitch - Mor'loki Twilight
- haleyismiaka - Miaka Sukunami
- hammer_hell - än†íçhR!§†
- hananomegami - Salvia
- hana_tenshi - Garnet
- haratoshimasa - leave me the fuck alone
- hardcore - Lex Nic Crom
- harudasakurada - Sarah
- haruhiko_ash - Haruhiko Ash
- haruka_papa - Haruka-papa
- havenstar - Jewels of Denial
- hayashi_yoshiki - Hayashi Yoshiki
- healingwinds - y u i c h a n
- heartlilly - anahita
- heartworm - nineveh
- heeronomiko - †£îzz†
- heeroxduo - Megan
- hellokitty86 - Robin
- hell_o_kitty - Hello, Kitty!
- hepsygurl - ChibiSabi/Hepsygurl/Lyssa ... Whatever you call me
- hiddenmeat - hidden meat
- hideotsuneoka - Hideo Tsuneoka
- hideto - hide
- hidetotakarai - Hideto Takarai
- higouhou - Nicole
- hiironomiko - Shorty
- hikarisan - Hikari
- hildeneko - Hilde
- hinoai - hinoai
- hinotori - Billie
- hippiefridge - Fridge
- hishio - Hishio
- hitokiri_ran - Renza
- hitokui - Mana Hitokui
- hiyoku - Hiyoku
- hojonomiko - Cat-Chan the Yaoi Goddess
- homsan - toft
- honnou - honnou
- hoshiyo - 星夜
- hospital - Sam
- hotarusama - HotaruSama
- hotbabysponge - Sakura Hino
- houounokaze - Aiko
- huniebear - Pooh Bear
- hush - ali
- hyper_onna - Sakana_hime
- hystericblue42 - hystericblue42
- h_izaki - Izaki Hisato
- i6c6e6 - FrozEnTEaRs
- i8afly - i8afly
- iamhumanvirus - Desideratum
- ianbionic - Ian Bionic
- ian_chan - Ian-chan
- iceechica - Holly Rodriguez
- iceflame - Janine
- iceorchid - Ice Orchid
- icerage - Kalysta
- ichiko - †Honeyrider†
- iffer - Iffer
- iheartkyo - Jess
- ikari_miaka - Miaka Ikari
- ikky - Toto-chan
- ikumi - Ikumi
- illegalmission - Bunny
- ilovejapan - エイミー
- ima - Ina
- immora - Immora
- impishlaugh - Jen
- im_dying - Anson
- infernal_angel - ~*~*~Ayame~*~*~
- infinityyellow - Arthur
- inhyung - ☆★성미★☆
- insanebaka - I'ma Penguin
- insane_miko - Miko
- insanitykun - Sam
- inseiko - Riva Allard ~隕星子~
- intermix - Shutterbug
- inuvampy - Vampy
- invisiblepixie - another pathetic Mana fangirl
- in_november - in november
- irontonic - Iron Tonic
- iryniewhite - Jiggy
- ishuca - Ishuca
- islefrank - Islefrank
- islington - islington
- isolated_cage - Peach Hermit
- isshoni - [QiNg]
- itsnagihide - Fujimiya-Chan
- ive_fallen_ouch - Remi Ennd
- izumi - Azalin 『栄吉』
- jachan - -j-
- jadedlily - Sunny* :D
- jadedphyre - Jade
- jaded_purity - †•Severina•†
- jade_cusacavi - corrosive behavior leads to rot
- jaelyn - Jaelyn
- jamachan - a cynical misanthropic dragon
- japanfreak - The Ministry of Silly Walks
- jassacat - Jaslyn
- jay_dee - "Jems"
- jelligurl - Idiotic Yaoi Fan-Dork Jelli
- jellyfish902 - Danielle
- jenjenjennio - Jenny/Jacob Sanders
- jennekohan - Jen-Neko-Han
- jennkasuga - Kinky-J
- jenovaproject - Scrub Bubble Hisashi 5001
- jessescomawhite - Jesse-kun
- jetstojapan - Brett
- jewlee - Julie
- jilduck - Duck-sama
- jillia - In case of fire, break the glass
- jillsaboo - Jill/Jilla/Assorted idiotic online names...
- jill_o - Jillian
- jini_chan - ☆真夜中狐☆
- jinsha_knight - L-chan
- jinxorama - jINx
- joay - jojo
- joeisashoe - Raven StarFire
- joshunderwood - psychedelic.lover
- jpak - JPak
- jrawker - Toshiya
- jrocker - Chiisana Akuma
- jrock_mouse - Marmalade
- jrock_onna - Jrock-Onna
- jujubeeduchess - The Sensual Neon Pixie Jenny Kitty
- junjun - Sexy Sexy Hairpin-chan
- jupiter_star - Sabrina
- justlikethem - Ashleigh
- juteveux - Minx
- juuchan - stranger
- juunanagou18 - Juu18
- juuzingekido - Alison
- ju_i_ce - Justin Smith
- jyuu_chan - Rarr!
- j_neko - :·.·:·j.o.e.l.l.e·:·.·:
- kaci_la - Kaci
- kagatakeshi - Altraman!
- kagayaku - Abra the extremely crazy strange stalker
- kagetsu540 - Jazz
- kagome_inu - MANA x GACKT
- kaiba - dark magician girl
- kairyuu - Robin's Minstrels
- kaitlinchan - Kai Leonhart
- kaitouchan - kaitou
- kaixiang - Kai
- kai_01 - Kelly
- kai_yukashi - Kai
- kajiita - Kajiita
- kakumei_tenshi - k-chan
- kalantha - Kalantha Fujimiya
- kalephunk - kale
- kamijo - haya§hi
- kamimura - 惡魔王子のアりス
- kami_kate - ~*Kate*~
- kamuix99 - Kamui - x
- kandykorn - ☆アシュリ☆
- kanmi - Relena Yuy
- kanmitsunami - (x_x)
- kanna - Kasey Van Hise
- kannazuki - Sena Ikkuro
- kaomichan - Sakurai Mikiko
- kaorunagisa - Onmyôji
- kaoru_chan - Kaoru
- kaoru_deg - Kiimura Kaoru
- karasu_aikan - Mr/z. ¡ntersexuaL ¡doL.™
- karausu - i wont cry at her funeral
- karurie - Sayuri
- kasage - Kristina Cunningham
- kashugi - Alex Lin Kwon
- kasi_chan - Kasi-chan
- katalyst - Katalyst
- katari - Tri
- katherynne - Katherine
- katilina - Katsy
- katlefiya - Kat Thelwall
- katsu - Katsukari
- katsue - katsue
- katsuren - Futuristic vintage fairy princess
- katsuyax - katsuya
- kat_rin - Razor Addict
- kawaiihana - << Dolphin Dreams >>
- kawaiikitten - Nick
- kawaiikoneko - Tamara Kroger
- kawaiipeachgirl - ¤ . · : * ° Joelle ° * : · . ¤
- kawaikunai - K-chan
- kaxxii - [anna]
- kayteanese - kaytea
- kazedukemaster - ::: Blissful Wishing :::
- kazuaki - Kazuaki
- kazumi - Fuyumi
- kazykins - Sinful Kazy
- keelychan - Kiiri
- kei0 - kei
- keia - ♡Keia♡
- keiblackthorn - kei
- keiko - Katie
- kelliannejapan - Kelli
- kelliebean - Kel ²
- kellycuba - thunderstorms and a tornado watch
- kendrasue - Kendra Sue
- kenji - kenji
- kenjimurasame - Rule Breaker
- key_chan - kiriko shortness
- khamryn - Khamryn
- khiq - *icicLe: sotto dakishimete kowasu you ni...*
- kichigai - Yao-i
- kiichain - kii
- kikotei - Kikotei
- kimd - Kimberly Sta. Maria Dalton
- kimikohime - Kimiko who looks through ancient eyes
- kimmy_kun - Kimmy
- kimono - >> j o e l l e
- kingamy - King Amy
- kingsfoil - Evendim
- kinneas - Fujimiya Aya
- kinomakoto - Makoto
- kipsy - Noodle: The Wasabi Bitch
- kirachanmyuu - Kerchin
- kira_is_sad - Kira
- kireihana - Kireihana
- kirei_na_kanjou - Julie Lynn
- kirei_shinya - Sinking...
- kirei_tenshi - Kirei
- kireta - Nikita
- kirito - tsunami
- kirito_ - Ryutaro
- kiru - kiru
- kitphiros - Deadbox-chan
- kitsunechibi - Chibi
- kitsunenomiko - Kitsune-chan
- kittylemontwist - Someplace Closer
- kittynboi - Kittyn Boi
- kittytenshi - Kitty Tenshi
- kitty_katchan - K- for Katie!
- kitzikatz - Katz
- kiwwi - Angela
- klahadesanges - Ash
- klisk - - k:li's:k¿ -
- knightoffire - Kamui
- knotted - rose
- knuxlover - Lee
- kochan - kochan
- koji - Koji
- kokapelly - 1.7
- kokeshi - Alice Doll
- kokoryta - .hack//Chibi
- koneko_totchi - Totchi_neko
- kosaru - Kosaru
- kostika - kostika
- kotoe - Kotoe
- koudelka - shiki
- kouketsuno_rei - Kouketsuno Rei
- kouryou - Sarah Kouryou
- kouseki - Kouseki
- kouyaten - Yaten Kou
- koyasu - Koyasu
- kozibot - Kozibot
- kozix - kozix
- krcube - Maimu
- krispies - Kristen
- krizzy - Kristen
- kryptonitesmoke - Kryptonite Smoke
- ksama - Steve's livejournal
- kuja_kun - {神:::の:::キラー}
- kurai - Erinin, the Mystical Goddess of Patos! XD
- kurai714 - kurai714
- kuraisoma - Ryutaro
- kurai_chan - Kurai chan
- kurai_hime - Iris-Juylyenne
- kurai_shoujo - Kurai
- kurisutiin - Christine
- kurokaminari - Kuro Kaminari
- kuroninja - Neko
- kuro_akumu - Loralei
- kurthy133 - Bell-Chan
- kusakabemaron - kusakabe maron. :d
- kuuja - Tórai
- kwissipie - Krissi
- ky0s4m4 - ブラド >> Hey Miss Girl Is Very Fond of Child
- kychan - ky-chan
- kyliesoft - Kylie Soft
- kymsama - Kym
- kyokoyume - Kyoko Yume
- kyolicious - Bunny Ninjin
- kyou - katsuya
- kyo_panther - Kyo-chan
- kyusai - Kyusai
- k_chan - mitsuki
- labeth - Leigh Ann
- labyrinthcookie - amy-sama
- lacrymaenciel - lacrymaenciel
- ladydreamer - Raederle
- ladygeekster - Michi-chan
- ladyjessamyn - Jessamyn
- ladyleadcrow - [we|could|be|heroes]
- ladytundra - Lauren
- ladywhaiyvern - Hoshi's Pink 'n' Fuzzy
- lady_mercury - Ladymercury
- lainevalentine - C
- lalalas - sherry
- lanquin - kyle
- laren - laren
- laurelleaf_sama - Koneko Ame Megami
- laurivitar - Ræn: Space-age Fucking Superstar
- lavenderlilly - LavenderLilly
- lavenderoracle - Lupin Malfoi
- ldgtutu - Maureen
- leaning_sideway - Stephie
- leatherkngs - LEMONed I Scream Shop
- leatherwrists - Lys
- leciel - Le Ciel
- leeleemon - J - Lee
- lemoned - レモン
- lemoned_sakura - LEMONedさくら
- lemonpoppy - Precious
- lemontea - Dina
- lenina - Trinity Bennett
- leviathan_cross - Lev
- lexaheart - Lexa
- lexess - the willing play thing of Arioch
- liberifatali - katrina
- liberty_178 - Ænjiru
- libragoddess04 - Desiree
- libra_iruka - Dolphin-chick
- lidakun - hokey pokey avec moi
- lieoah - Heidi
- lilacshrieks - Atropos Lethe
- lilgackt - Courtney
- lilka - Bohemian Soul
- lilynn - lily
- lil_hitomi - Hitomi Fanel/Tse
- lina_star - Lina
- lindzopia - Lindsay
- liquidpenguin - Kris Ari Sprague
- lirablack - Lira
- lir_en_grey - lir.en.grey
- lisaness - Meeeeee >>;
- lita_briefs - Andi Briefs-Vegeta
- littlemissluna - Kat
- livingmisery - The Japanese Zombie Hero
- llamachan - Free like a Flying Llama
- lml - Cka
- lon - Lon, l'lloun'az
- lonestarfruit - LoneStarfruit
- loona - Loona
- lorelea - Jana
- lorenta - jessness
- lostnconfuzed - I'm so alone :(
- loudnserene - Miyo
- lovefinale - The Hired Lover
- loveillusion - Moku
- lovejapan - ^__Love Japan__^
- lovelymana - Mana
- loverefrain - XX
- loylin - Loylin
- lucanesti - Etheri
- lucienne - Lucienne
- lucilei - lumia
- lucinda_of_stan - Cynical and Whimsical
- luckyclone - a sad fact widely known
- luckyjim - Jim
- lunatic_doll - Luna's Silent Movie
- luzylinn - Dear.. From XXX
- lydeeee - Lydo
- lyme - Lyme
- lynxiegryph - It's like Mind over Matter
- m4l4 - Malarii
- macalania - The M-Zone
- macherie_gackt - Madamu Camui
- machi - Machi
- machinegirl - Digital Samurai
- machine_ - elaine
- madhatter999 - Belial
- madhatter_420 - one hep monkey
- magicance - Access denied
- maidenkorea - Endlessly Plotting Against You
- maiqe - Maiqe
- makeru - amadeus
- makyra - makyra
- malacite - Jennifer Fanel
- maliceiris - Iris Jade
- malicemouser - Malice Mouser
- manahime1437 - maina
- manamizer - Mana~Sama
- mananohime - Chiron Childress
- mana_gackt - Malice Mizer
- mana_sama - Mana Camui
- manderina - Manderina
- mangacatgirl - Felicia
- marainsanity - Jo
- marathoner - *Marathoner*
- maratoneta2005 - Marion "La Maratoneta"
- mariflame - Mari
- marredlynx - Kitoku
- masachan - Masa ^_^
- mashimoro - :···°· d·u·c·k·y ·°···:
- masochrist_zero - Justin
- mastema - gutterflower
- masterminds - Schu-Schu
- mathaeis - Kefka
- matsudasan - Matsuda-san
- matsumoto_hide - hide_no_miko
- maxwellcave - Jess
- mazuhisto - Rhian
- ma_cherie - Camui Lange
- mcvarmazi - η Φωτισμένη ~ The Enlightened One
- meatisgod - cairD nohC opyH
- meegan - Meegan
- megami - Megami
- megamishi - .::**めがみし**::.
- meganchan - i'm the new BERLIN WALL, baby
- megaraptor - Megaraptor
- megavixen - Twink
- megumicat - swamp zombie lolita prostitute
- megumi_gurl - Megumi
- meh_ka - Катберт
- meigahime - Satori
- meisekiyume - Mania
- mejin - Mejin
- melchiahalaric - Justin
- melichan - Melissa The Queen Of The World
- melissamira - Melissa
- melonpocky - hanako
- merbaby - Ren
- mercurius_anima - kathy of the field
- mermaidkween - The Great Will of the Macrocosm
- merryblue - Merry Blue
- merryperseis - Sister Merry
- merulu - Merulu
- merulu_icons - Merulu's Icons
- meshalana - Meshalana
- mesia - Mesia
- metallium - Za Metallium
- metamer - Randall
- metempsychosis - harpy
- miako_hidaka - peach
- mia_sailor_nova - Mia Ryuuzaki
- michicosplay - Michi
- michihiro - SpooKieEviLGrrl
- michirukaiohv - a hopeless romantic
- mifkato - Kato
- migoto - Migoto
- mikageaya - rikku
- mika_tsukino - Ka-chan
- mikotoleonhart - Izumi
- milkie - Caz
- mims - Mims
- mina5643 - Mina
- minakokouchou - Aino Minako-chan
- minami_uehara - ~ ' S o l l a ' ~
- minayi - we too are stardust...
- minor - la vie d'appartement: éditer les parties tristes
- minor_arcana - Scarab