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Inflatable Habitat being considered for:
Mars Transfer vehicle (TransHab)
International Space Station Habitation Module
NASA JSC lead development
ILC Dover is on IPT and is a component fabricator
Effort Consists of :
Design (Gas Retention Bladder / Structural Restraint / MMOD & Thermal shields)
Manufacture of full size test units
Test - Hydro-inflation in JSC NBF, Thermal-Vacuum test in JSC Chamber, Hypervelocity impact test

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8.5 m Test unit #1 in the JSC NBF

TransHAB Prototype Testing
Test unit #1 (restraint & bladder) was hydrostatically tested at JSC in the NBF to a 2.0SF
Test unit #2 (modified restraint & bladder) was hydrostatically tested in September 1998 to a 4.0 SF
Test unit #3 was tested in a JSC thermal-vac chamber 12/98

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Test unit #3 in thermal- vac

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8.5 m Test unit #2 in the JSC NBF


For more information on Space Inflatables please contact Bill Graham at