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Interviews & Recent Press Coverage

New Scientist interview "Designed for Life."

Wendy Grossman interviews me on a variety of topics. Calls me "the guru's guru." But also includes quotes that I never said -- that they made up (shows you how much to trust an interview).

Here is my interchange with Wendy when I complained that my words had been fabricated:

Don Norman:

Numerous people have complained to me about my "British doors" statement. I have had to tell them that: I didn't say that line. It was put in by the interviewer.

The article quotes me as saying: "But in Cambridge I became so frustrated with British water taps and switches and door handles - those awful sideways handles on many British doors that catch your sleeves. They don't exist in the US."

I actually said "But in Cambridge I became so frustrated with British water taps and switches and doors. The most frustrating thing about it was that no one seemed to care." The rest was added -- I didn't say it.

Wendy Grossman:

I'm really sorry about that -- the editor was demanding details, and you were unavailable. I actually can't remember now (and don't want to look at the piece to job my memory) whether she added it or I did. She moved everything around several times and added a bunch of things (most of which I read, and some of which I complained about), and wanted details, and so on, and then I was away the last week when they were doing the final subbing to page, so god knows what went in.

Don Norman:

I was referring to a very different set of problems (which is documented in POET/DOET)


Eeesh. I am really sorry.

Interview in ACM's "Ubiquity" on--line journal: On the value of Beauty, fun, and pleasure in design.

Interview in "The Feature"

Ergonomics: A "cantankerous visionary" strives to put consumers first in a wireless world. May 24 2002. (The URL gets you to the home page: find the search box and search for "norman.")

A robot revolution is coming your way
By Edward C. Baig, USA TODAY, 2 Feb 2002
I'm an advisor to Evolution Robotics. (Be sure to watch the video on the USA Today site)

Complex device or user error?
Dr. Donald Norman sets the record straight on usability, design and who 'gets it' in the mobile consumer arena
By Ruth Shalit in impulse (an HP publication), 24 Feb 2002
HP article about my work

Flat-screen iMac wows design guru
By Alfred Hermida, BBC News Online, 15 Jan. 2002
BBC interviews me about the new iMac

Internet's future debated at PopTech Conference
By Nicolas Mokhoff, EE Times, 29 Oct. 2001
EE Times article about my PopTech 2001 conference debate

Everyday Design
On NPR's Science Friday with Ira Flatow, 1 Feb 2002
Debate on Design with Michael Graves and Henry Petroski on the NPR Radio Show, "Science Friday"
Link to streaming RealAudio

Exclusive interview with Donald Norman on learner-centered design and other relevant issues
elearningpost, 15 Feb 2002
Interview on learner-centered design and other relevant issues

The Art of Design
On PBS's Tech Nation with Dr. Moira Gunn, 10 July 2001
I spar with Jakob Nielsen on PBS's "Tech Nation."
Link to streaming RealAudio

Simple is best for web sites
By Fiona Harvey, The Financial Times, 28 Nov 2000
Financial Times interviews Nielsen and Norman about web usability

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book jacket: Things that Make us Smart The Design of Everyday Things

Things that Make Us Smart

The Invisible Computer

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