Committee publishes an official Printed Hearing Record of
each of the hearings it holds. Commonly referred to as the
transcript of the hearing, the Printed Hearing Record contains a
verbatim transcript of the event, along with supporting
materials that are part of the official hearing record.
Committee posts two versions of the Printed Hearing Record, a
text only version and an Adobe PDF version. The text only
version omits charts, graphs and other items that cannot be
displayed as text.
To see
a complete list of available Printed Hearing Records, please
visit the following links at the Government Printing Office.
list of 107th Congress Printed Hearings (2001-2002)
list of 106th Congress Printed Hearings (1999-2000)
Hearing Records prior to the year 1999 are not available in
electronic form. The Committee has a limited number of
Printed Hearing Records available. You may also wish to
contact the Government Printing Office or visit a
Deposit Library near you.