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On behalf of the entire staff, I am delighted to welcome you to the Seattle University Law Library. As part of the Seattle University School of Law, the Law Library provides the informational resources and services necessary to support the instructional, research, and publication endeavors of the law school and the Seattle University community. To help us better meet the needs of our constituents, we encourage your comments and suggestions.
Kristin A. Cheney
Executive Law Librarian
Westlaw KeyCite for Seattle University Law Library Patrons Now Available
Keycite, Westlaw's online citation checking service is now available to Seattle University Law Library patrons. Keycite can be used to determine whether a case or statute is good law and to retrieve citing references. Keycite covers the West's National Reporter System (federal and state appellate cases), selected unpublished cases, ALR Annotations, USCA, CFR and statutes from all 50 states. Additionally, KeyCite provides references from secondary sources such as law reviews and AmJur. Keycite is easy to use with a graphical web interface and colored symbols to alert the reader to important status information. It is available to Seattle University Law Library patrons for their use within the law library. Keycite results may be sent to your personal e-mail address. Call Seattle University Law Library at (206) 398-4225 or stop by the Reference Desk to find out more about using Keycite for your citation research needs.
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