Return on Investments in Learning and Administration

Return on Investments in Learning and Administration is an important and recurring issue in higher education in recent years. Return on investment once only meant technology investment. In today's economy and higher education atmosphere, ROI relates to such areas as e-Learning (which includes distance learning and online courses), faculty development, and the traditional investment in technology.

EDUCAUSE has identified papers, presentations and web sites concerning Return on Investments in Learning and Administration that may be useful to the higher education community. Many of these links have been contributed by EDUCAUSE members. If you have additional resources you would like to include on this page, send the information to:

E-learning/Online Courses

Course Readiness Criteria: Identifying Targets of Opportunity for Large-Scale Redesign
Several readiness criteria can help a campus identify which courses are successful candidates for large-scale redesign using technology.

Innovations in Online Learning: Moving Beyond No Significant Difference Session presented at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, 2002.

Interactive Education: Impact of the Internet on Learning & Teaching
A web site that provides information on how to begin, how to operate, and how to make Web-based courses successful.

Investing in Online Learning: Potential Benefits and Limitations
This paper investigates three Canadian cases of online learning.

Looking before, during, and after you leap: Cost analysis and Return on Investment (ROI) for distance education
This paper describes a number of common approaches to distance education cost and benefit analysis and describes how they might be used in specific settings.

Partnering for a Strategic Academic Return on Investment in IT
Session presented at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, 2002.


Needed: Creative Teaching and Commitment
The author discusses the need for good teaching to go along with the improved technology to make the technology have an impact on learning.

Teaching as Coaching: Helping Students Learn in a Technological World
This article explores how technology has changed the way instructors teach and students learn.

The Right Train at the Right Station
The author discusses making the shift from a traditional learning environment to one that incorporates technology into every facet of teaching and learning.

What’s in it for Me? Incentives for Faculty Participation in Distance Education
This article addresses the question: What incentives are there for faculty in distance education? Answers to this question are based on findings from two independent studies that examined faculty reward and incentive issues.

Technology and ROI

Improving Return for Technology Investments
Session presented at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, 2002. It explore the pros and cons of partnering with a service company as a means to increasing return on technology investments.

New Educational Wealth as a Return on Investment in Technology
By focusing IT resources on strategic goals, a growing number of organizations and their leaders are creating a new educational wealth and, in the process, are increasing their return on investment.

The Answer Is Still Technology - Strategic Technology
The author of this article asks how effective are colleges and universities in their use of technology, particularly information technology, and are their investments in technology meeting their strategic goals?

The Costs of Incorporating Information Technology in Education
This paper discusses the costs and benefits of incorporating computer and network technology in science education.

Other Online Resources from the EDUCAUSE Information Resources Library

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