Stampede Linux has been reborn!  Click for main page - Artwork courtesy of Jiya Perez (jiya at stampede dot org)
Introduction About Us Current News Support Volunteer

Please visit the news page for the most recent news concerning Stampede Linux.

Please feel free to navigate our site using the menu above. Also, if you notice any problems or errors while using this site please e-mail our webmaster with the problem or error message. Enjoy your stay!

Note: The Stampede Linux Project is in no way affiliated with Stampede Technologies, Inc. If you came to our site by mistake, you can reach them at Thank you!

Also, until we get the web site completely finished and our sponsors page back up, I would like to thank VMware for their donating of licenses to help us test our distribution without constantly rebooting. We would also like to thank VA Software for this server and the bandwidth to go with it.

There are other sponsors and people who have helped us throughout the years, and as soon as we get our sponsor page up, we'll mention all that we can. Thanks to all of you!

(c) 2001 Stampede Linux Foundation