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NYT on Iraq
 A Fisking
- (January 30, 2003)

Celebs and Politics
 A modest proposal
- Sunday Times of London (January 29, 2003)

Britain's New Clout
 The fruits of anti-anti-Americanism
- Sunday Times of London (January 21, 2003)

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Saturday, February 01, 2003
HOME NEWS: Big month for the site: 1,262,000 separate visits; 311,000 unique visitors; 1,772,000 page views. Our previous record was the election month of November, with 1,065,000 visits. Many thanks. Stay tuned for the email newsletter for subscribers beginning soon. It's taken a while to set it up, but it'll be worth it. One other thing: you'll have noticed the Book Club in suspension. Until this war subsides again, I'm going to concentrate on the Dish. But the Book Club will return, when I get some more time and mental space.
- 11:06:25 AM
RAINES WATCH: The New York Times' campaign against the war to disarm Saddam has been stepped up this morning. The three lead stories hammer away at the case for war. The first heralds an alleged split between Blair and Bush about getting a second U.N. resolution for invasion. What split? The Times does its best to find one - but even in the story, no such split is substantiated. Both Bush and Blair would welcome a second U.N. resolution endorsing the use of force. Both would go to war without one. Blair wants to redouble the efforts to get one. Bush is happy to try but holds out little hope. According to the Guardian, the president has allowed for up to six weeks to gain maximum traction for a broader coalition. An administration official tells the Times: ""We're certainly not going to stand in the way, and we may even help in seeking a second resolution. But it's not going to be a process in which we get mired down." In other words, there is a small difference in emphasis in the desire for a second resolution. That's a "split"? It's more like a split-hair.

IT NEVER RAINES BUT IT POURS: The second anti-war piece informs us that "In two days of interviews [in Saddam City], there was no outward suggestion — not the subtlest arch of an eyebrow — of anything other than complete unanimity in support of Mr. Hussein." Hmmm. I wonder why. That still doesn't stop the Times from leading the piece with this inflammatory quote: "We are ready to confront the United States," said Halima Nebi, 57. "We will use stones, bricks, guns, our own hands." Yes, the piece acknowledges the presence of a police state that makes any interviews with ordinary Iraqis a farce. So why run the piece at all? Stupid question, of course. Finally, the Times tries a third angle: how the absence of reservists is affecting businesses and life back home. Here's the spin:
All across the United States, the call-up of reservists and National Guard members is carving big holes in the towns and cities they leave behind. The heartache of families separating, a familiar ritual of military service, is being compounded by the community upheaval associated with a second major mobilization of citizen soldiers in as many years. Doctors. Nurses. Police officers. Firefighters. Lawyers. Teachers. Clerks. Cashiers. Mechanics. Truck drivers. Even mayors and school board members. All going or gone.
This war is just terrible isn't it? The leaders are split; the enemy is determined to destroy us; and the homeland is bereft. Keep it coming, Howell. Only six weeks left.
- 12:32:09 AM
PRO-WAR EXTREMISM: I figured some of this might go on at CPAC. Demonizing the religion of Islam, making no distinction between the vast majority of its believers and the few fanatics, actually helps the enemy. Yes, we should call Muslims to account for the extremism and violence in their midst. Yes, we shouldn't be blind to some of the violent imagery and and rhetoric in Islam. Yes, we shouldn't buy the white-washing of dangerous trends in contemporary Islam that some peddle. Yes, we need to challenge the fusion of politics and religion in much of contemporary Islamic thought. But sheer religious bigotry needs to be condemned by those of us in favor of the war just as extremism needs to be condemned by those in the opposite camp.
- 12:31:27 AM
SONTAG AWARD NOMINEE: "I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened, though, is that it has been taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-style coup d’etat imaginable. And those now in charge of the federal government are upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka 'Christians,' and plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or 'PPs.'" - Kurt Vonnegut, In These Times. Via Bookslut.

THE SENTENCING OF RICHARD REID: Worth an honorary mention:
This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is a fair and a just sentence. It is a righteous sentence. Let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire before. There is all too much war talk here. And I say that to everyone with the utmost respect. Here in this court where we deal with individuals as individuals, and care for individuals as individuals, as human beings we reach out for justice. You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier gives you far too much stature. Whether it is the officers of government who do it or your attorney who does it, or that happens to be your view, you are a terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not treat with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice... See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of America. That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag still stands for freedom. You know it always will. Custody, Mr. Officer. Stand him down.

- 12:30:53 AM

Friday, January 31, 2003
WHAT BIGOTRY ISN'T: National Review's Rod Dreher is upset that a Catholic judge in the District of Columbia sympathized with some non-violent activists from the gay religious group, Soulforce. The three campaigners performed an act of civil disobedience at a recent gathering of Catholic bishops in a downtown hotel, by kneeling and asking for communion. The day before, all three had been denied communion at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception because the priests mistakenly believed they were members of the Sash movement, a group dedicated to the inclusion of gay people within the Catholic Church. The judge convicted the protestors of unlawful entry into the hotel but decided not to sentence them. In fact, as a Catholic, she sympathized with the protestors: "Tremendous violence was done to you ... when the Body of Christ was denied to you," she opined from the bench. "As a member of your church, I ask you to forgive the church." For these reasons, Rod calls the judge "bigoted" and the decision "judicial Catholic-bashing." I beg to differ. We've found in recent years that when the Church hierarchy covers up abuse, it is sometimes necessary for the laity to peacefully protest. And when the Church propagates doctrines that are cruel and discriminatory - such as the denial of communion to gay Catholics merely because they are openly gay - then it is also permissible for lay Catholics to express their sympathy for the victims of the Church's actions. This is not bigotry. According to the Church itself, openly gay people are not to be denied communion. They are part of the body of Christ. And no-one is questioning the right of the Catholic hierarchy to enforce whatever doctrines they want. What the judge said merely amounted to bearing witness to what many perceive to be injustice. You may disagree and support the exclusion of openly gay Catholics from the sacraments, but it's an over-reach to describe this conscientious objection as a form of bigotry.
- 6:45:32 PM
THE KRUGMAN "PLUNGE": I defer to a Wharton professor of statistics, who's done the math on Bush's poll ratings.
- 1:23:51 PM
BACK TO THE FUTURE: "Caught up in the frenzy of noise and excitement, I didn't run for cover. Instead, I kept shouting along with the others, "Down with Saddam!" Years of anger within me came pouring out. Even with its guns, the army was no match for us that day. The angry crowds surged toward the soldiers' trucks and jeeps despite the rain of bullets. They swarmed en masse all over the military's vehicles and forced the troops out of their cars so that the soldiers could not possibly shoot at all the waves of rebels. Many soldiers threw down their weapons and ran off down the street, chased by the crowd. Many were caught and some were beaten; most who were captured were taken to the Imam Hussein shrine, which became a makeshift headquarters for the rebels and a detention center for army troops. I saw one older soldier who escaped the crowds banging on my neighbor's door, crying. He asked to be hidden or at least given some civilian clothes that might save him." - from a riveting account of the last time Iraq's tormented people had a few days of hope, before the last president Bush abandoned them to Saddam once again. Do the Iraqis want us to invade? It's a stupid question. They're human beings, aren't they? All that stands between them and their freedom is our ambivalence.
- 12:32:48 AM
KRUGMAN WATCH: In his most recent column, Paul Krugman wrote the following sentence: "Mr. Bush's approval ratings have plunged over the last two months." Krugman's an economist; he knows numbers. Is this statement true? Here's a collection of recent polls of Bush's job approval rating, cited by Krugman himself on his own website (the one where he admits to errors in order to avoid fessing up to them in the Times itself.) The data? In the last two months, Bush's approval rating has declined from 66 - 62 percent (ABC News, margin of error 3.5 percent); from 63 to 57 percent (Zogby, no margin of error cited); from 64 to 60 percent (Gallup); from 60 to 55 percent (Newsweek, margin of error 3 percent) ... well, you get the picture. Some polls show a steeper decline - NBC News' poll shows a slip from 62 to 54. But if you average it all out, the drop is probably around 3 - 4 percent from low 60s to high 50s - still in the region of an electoral landslide, and in line with the months before. The dictionary definition of a "plunge" is "to descend steeply; fall precipitously; to move forward and downward violently; to become suddenly lower; decrease dramatically." The column headline? "Credibility Problems." Yep. He got that right. (With thanks to Don Luskin.)
- 12:31:53 AM
LEFT PERVERSITY I: "Unless Hussein ... suddenly unzips his skin to reveal he is actually Bin Laden, we are likely to march to war with the support of an 'international coalition' that amounts to a fig leaf named Tony Blair and a motley collection of nations one can buy on EBay." - Robert Scheer, the Nation. Italy? Spain? Poland? Ebay? Isn't it amazing how quickly these alleged liberal internationalists turn into ugly and arrogant xenophobes as long as it can be used against Bush?

LEFT PERVERSITY II: "If and when US and British occupation forces march down Baghdad's Rashid Street, we will doubtless be treated to footage of spontaneous celebrations and GIs being embraced as they hand out sweets. There will be no shortage of people keen to collaborate with the new power; relief among many Iraqis, not least because occupation will mean an end to the misery of sanctions; there will be revelations of atrocities and war crimes trials. All this will be used to justify what is about to take place. But a foreign invasion which is endorsed by only a small minority of Iraqis and which seems certain to lead to long-term occupation, loss of independence and effective foreign control of the country's oil can scarcely be regarded as national liberation. It is also difficult to imagine the US accepting anything but the most "managed" democracy, given the kind of government genuine elections might well throw up." - Seumas Milne, the Guardian, yesterday. Well, we'll see, won't we? But it's interesting how some on the left are beginning to worry what the future portends.
- 12:27:46 AM

Thursday, January 30, 2003
THE NEW YORK TIMES ON IRAQ: Rarely have we seen a more pathetic display of incoherence, shifting arguments, issue-avoidance and flim-flam than in the New York Times' editorials on Iraq. I can see only one connective thread: naked partisanship. If everything were the same and this were a Democratic president, the Times would be gung-ho. At least that's the unavoidable conclusion of their previous arguments. Instead, we have a series of editorials placing obstacle afater obstacle in the path of a serious attempt to disarm Saddam. Each time the administration's policy accords with the Times (on the U.N. route, for example), the Times subsequently moves the goal-posts. Here's my fisking of a recent, spectacularly incoherent editorial. I'm not the only one who has seen this. The New Republic's latest editorial contains an icy blast at the shallowness of the Times' reasoning. I've come reluctantly to believe that in the mindset of the Times editorialists, wounding this presidency has become a far greater objective than dealing honestly or consistently with issues of national security. In this, they incarnate the problem at the heart of many (but mercifully not all) of today's Democrats.
- 3:28:43 PM
LETTERS: "Meanwhile,GW was expected to become manager of the local K-Mart. Suddenly GW is not only President, but he really does become a great one, not in his own mind, but in the hearts and minds of a large majority of Americans.This is some sort of horrible alternate universe for the in-crowd. Why, the man is stupid! Too stupid to know how to lie! He's religious! He doesn't even cheat on his wife! How can this be? To the in-crowd, GW is an affront to their view of the world. Only his total failure will vindicate the in-crowd's value system. Meanwhile, GW, the sweet guy who's too decent to hate anyone, ignores the in-crowd and gets on with his job ("I'm a loving man, but I've got a job to do"). The joke is that the more the in-crowd hates him, the more they destroy themselves (they have ignored Dick Nixon's advice). Will the New York Times ever be trusted again? Will Enron Paul be read by anyone? Will any of the current crop of Democrats amount to anything? Not in a lifetime..." Check out more reader response on the Letters Page.
- 1:14:16 PM
IRAQ'S NUKES: Great to see Josh Marshall doing a blog interview. I should do more myself. Even better to see an interview with Kenneth Pollack, the man who's done more work actually persuading people of the Saddamite threat than anyone. To my mind, here's the key part, on whether Saddam has nukes or is moving toward nukes. I've been relieved to see a widespread skepticism about Baghdad's nuclear capacity. But here's Pollack:
But in 1994 we really thought the IAEA had eradicated their nuclear program. And the IAEA really thought that they'd eradicated their nuclear program. And they were telling us they'd eradicated their nuclear program. And Khidhir Hamza comes out and says 'No, the nuclear program in 1994 was bigger than it had ever been before.' In point of fact the Iraqis had found all kinds of ways to hide what they were doing. It introduced inefficiencies in what they were doing. For example, they talk about these short track cascades. Normally the cascade is enormous. The way we do it it's three football fields long. That's the most efficient way to do it. The Iraqis figured out ways to do short cascades, which didn't require as much energy, which weren't as big and therefore were much more easily concealed. They were more inefficient. They didn't produce the enriched uranium nearly as well. But nevertheless they were able to do it.
Telling, no?
- 11:51:04 AM
NEW EUROPE BACKS BUSH: Stunning article in the Times of London today. Eight leaders of European countries call for unity between Europe and America in dealing with Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. They are: José María Aznar, of Spain, José Manuel Durão Barroso, of Portugal, Silvio Berlusconi, of Italy, Britain's Tony Blair, Václav Havel, of the Czech Republic, Peter Medgyessy, of Hungary, Leszek Miller, of Poland, and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, of Denmark. Their average economic growth last year was more than twice that of France and Germany. And they see the real issues involved:
We in Europe have a relationship with the United States which has stood the test of time. Thanks in large part to American bravery, generosity and far-sightedness, Europe was set free from the two forms of tyranny that devastated our continent in the 20th century: Nazism and Communism. Thanks, too, to the continued cooperation between Europe and the United States we have managed to guarantee peace and freedom on our continent. The transatlantic relationship must not become a casualty of the current Iraqi regime’s persistent attempts to threaten world security.
And they are in no illusions about what we have to do now:
The combination of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism is a threat of incalculable consequences. It is one at which all of us should feel concerned. Resolution 1441 is Saddam Hussein’s last chance to disarm using peaceful means. The opportunity to avoid greater confrontation rests with him.
Let's not get too huffy about Europe. Much of it is far closer to the U.S. position than the tired and increasingly narcissistic powers in Berlin and Paris. Schroder, remember, has brought his party to historic lows in the polls. Chirac is president mainly because he was the only alternative to fascism. The center of gravity in Europe is indeed shifting. And Washington's clarity in the war on terror is one reason.

BLAIR'S LATEST: He's usually not that comfortable in the House of Commons, but I loved the following exchange between Blair and a backbench heckler yesterday:
When a Labour MP shouted "Who’s next?" at him, he retorted that after Iraq, "yes, through the UN we have to confront North Korea about its nuclear programme." Another MP barked "Where does it stop?" bringing the response: "We stop when the threat to our country is fully and properly dealt with."
A lion in winter.

REPORTING FROM LA-LA LAND: Each time I hear some reporter telling us what the average Iraqi on the street is thinking, I look for the obligatory context that the interviewee can only say pro-Saddam things or face being murdered. Yet so many times, especially on television, when a host asks a reporter in Baghdad on the "mood" there, we get the pretense that somehow freedom of thought is possible. The Washington Post's latest is another classic:
At the Al-Zahawi teahouse in Baghdad's old quarter, a ramshackle building where men gab over games of backgammon and dominoes, a trio of retired teachers who heard excerpts of Bush's address this morning said they were unconvinced by his arguments. "He claims we have all of these weapons," said Atta Ahmed, 65, a potbellied former math instructor. "Why doesn't he show the evidence?"
C'mon. Let's have some basic honesty here, can we?

THE FRENCH AND EMPIRE: This picture is worth framing.
- 1:27:30 AM

Wednesday, January 29, 2003
TAPPER'S SCOOP: Reading Jake Tapper's breezy and highly skeptical view of last night's SOTU, I stopped in my tracks at the following item:
Bush was only repeating here what the Iraqis themselves have said, according to press reports. According to a Kuwaiti newspaper story from last summer, in a June 2002 meeting among Hussein, his two sons and other members of his inner circle of advisors, Ali Hasan al-Majid, a Saddam cousin who possesses a diabolical expertise in chemical warfare, asked "has the time not come to take the fight to their own homes in America? They wanted this to be a war on all fronts, so let it be a war on all fronts and using all weapons and means." Another referred to Iraqis becoming "human bombs in the thousands, willing to blow up America in particular," and yet another suggested that "If bin Laden truly did carry out the September attacks as they claim, then as Allah is my witness, we will prove to them that what happened in September is a picnic compared to the wrath of Saddam Hussein."
Jeez. Which Kuwaiti Bob Woodward unearthed that anecdote? If true, why isn't it common knowledge?

- 4:40:37 PM
SONTAG AWARD NOMINEE: "Unelected in 2000, the Washington regime of George W Bush is now totalitarian, captured by a clique whose fanaticism and ambitions of "endless war" and "full spectrum dominance" are a matter of record. All the world knows their names: Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Cheney and Perle, and Powell, the false liberal. Bush's State of the Union speech last night was reminiscent of that other great moment in 1938 when Hitler called his generals together and told them: "I must have war." He then had it." - John Pilger, the Daily Mirror.
- 4:28:58 PM

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