David Weinberger / Speaker home page


Author of the international bestseller The Cluetrain Manifesto - #6 on BusinessWeek's bestseller list

His new book, Small Pieces Loosely Joined, is getting tremendous early buzz - "This is a book to savor" - Tom Peters
"In the tradition of Marshall McLuhan...a startlingly fresh look at a new medium" - Daniel Pink


"David Weinberger's articulate passion, intelligence and wit riveted an SRO crowd of about 1,300" - eBusiness

"You ... encouraged our attendees to think, laugh and act ...." - Ernst & Young

"...passionate, engaging, and entertaining..." - Support.com

Published in Harvard Business Review, NY Times, Smithsonian, InfoWeek, Wired...

National Public Radio commentator (All Things Considered)

A "marketing guru" - The Wall Street Journal

Extraordinary Speaker Testimonials

"..a guest speaker dream come true."
"an absolute hit as the keynote speaker"
"...With the crowd in his palm, and hanging on every word..."
"...the attendees were thrilled."
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"Wow - what an extraordinary performance from a shy, retiring, introverted philosopher! ... It was high-energy, thought-provoking and very funny." - IBM WebSphere

Columnist for Darwin, KMWorld, Intranet Design.

Consultant and entrepreneur.

Ph.D. in philosophy - but don't let that scare you :)


"He's smart, funny, witty, very entertaining and also very genuine." - Netpreneurs

"David was the most entertaining speaker I have ever had the pleasure to listen to (and laugh and laugh)..." - Clickthings






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National Public Radio commentaries

New Book: Small Pieces Loosely Joined

Book: Cluetrain Manifesto


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These are some popular presentations. I am happy to work with you to customize a presentation.

What Marketing Can Learn from the Internet
Ending 100 Years of War against Customers

For a hundred years, marketing has been waging war against customers. It’s time for a cease-fire.

The fundamental fact of marketing is that you’re trying to get an unwilling customer to do something they don’t want to do. That’s why customers want to flee when they sense they’re being marketed to. But suppose waging war against our customers – “targeting” them via “strategies” “tactics” -- isn’t such a good idea? And suppose customers simply won’t stand for it any more?

The answer isn’t to personalize and do 1:1 marketing. That’s like switching from aerial bombardment to sending out hit squads. No, we need to change the basic model of marketing that pits companies against their customers.

The problem goes back to the basics. Traditional marketing views itself as a type of broadcast: a single voice gets to send a message to a mass of people. This made sense when the mass media were one-way. Back then, a company could control its market by selectively releasing information about its products. In fact, markets themselves are defined by this broadcast model, for a market these days is a demographic segment that is likely to respond favorably to a particular message lobbed at it.

But this old way of working has serious disadvantages: customers don’t trust messages and generally don’t want to listen to them. Now they don’t have to. A staggering percentage of the US market has another medium open to it: the Internet. Although the Internet connects masses of people – over 500,000,000 worldwide so far – it is profoundly not a mass medium. It is all about groups of people with passions in common talking to one another in their own voice.

That makes the Internet the anti-broadcast medium: it’s not mass, it’s not one-way, and it’s not controlled by companies that can pay to send out a message. The Internet is, in fact, a conversation among your customers who are discovering that they are a far better source of information about products and services than the companies ever could be.

This is the most fundamental shift in marketing since the creation of mass media. And it affects all marketing, on or off the Web.

The audience learns

How the old techniques actually alienate customers who have learned a new set of expectations thanks to their participation in the wired, connected world

The keys to engaging in the new customer conversations the market expects and demands

To anticipate the most important change in customer dynamics and in marketing since the invention of mass media 80 years ago


The Hyperlinked Organization:
Business’s New Drivers

Business has been based on a few fundamentals. For example:

The bigger the project, the more management it needs.

Good decisions come from good information.

A business can’t succeed if it isn’t clear in its purpose and if its people aren’t all on the same page.

Simple. Obvious. Very very wrong.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg.  Getting them wrong breaks a company’s most basic relationship with its employees, partners and customers. And getting them right brings a significant competitive advantage

But how could business have gone so wrong? There are two factors.

First, the world has changed so what used to be right no longer is. While companies used to be able to control their employees and its markets by selectively releasing information, we now live in a connected world. Customers are talking with customers and employees are talking with employees…and sometimes customers are even talking to employees. The company is not longer the best source of information about itself, so it has lost the method of control that it’s taken for granted.

 Second – and harder for companies to hear – much of what business believes about itself results not from clear-headed business sense but from a neurotic need to believe in the magical powers of management.

The world is putting itself together – self-organizing -- in new ways, and the same inevitably is true of business. More and more work is being done by “hyperlinked teams” that pull themselves together across the org chart and then disband when their task is accomplished. The lines between the business, its supply chain and its customers are being erased faster than companies can redraw them.

This is a tremendous opportunity for businesses that embrace it. But most businesses react with fear, uncertainty and denial because the old ways are comforting and familiar. The change that’s happening is not optional. It is already underway. It needs to be understood, not resisted. The hyperlinking of organizations is the new fact.

In this presentation, Dr. Weinberger puts the new fact into perspective, drawing on examples of companies that have embraced and benefited from the hyperlinking of their business.

The audience learns

The new business drivers

What companies are already doing to benefit from the hyperlinking of their organization


Life after the Bubble:
Learning the Right Lessons

The bubble popped, but the Internet continues. If the Net seems less important than it did five years ago that’s only because it’s insinuated itself into our lives as an integral part of our businesses and our social existence. Not only is it essential to learn from the bursting of the bubble, it’s even more important to learn the right lessons.

The bubble inflated because companies thought the Internet was a medium to do what they have always done, only cheaper, faster, and maybe with breezier language. So, company after company built home pages where they could deliver their marketing message. Internally, the Internet was a great research tool and an even greater distraction. Meanwhile, aggressive young dot-coms emerge that got the Internet even wrong-er than did the staid, traditional companies where the average age was actually over 23.

Here are some of the most common errors that we made and what we should learn from them:

·         “The Internet is a mass medium.” No, although there are hundreds of millions of people on the Internet, it’s all about small groups that are joined by shared interests.

·         “The Internet is a cheap way to market.” No, at least not in the traditional sense. It is a great place for real markets to form: customers who tell one another the truth about your company.

·         “Business web sites need to be ‘sticky’.” No, that flies in the face of the nature of the Web which is hyperlinked, not sticky.

·         “It’s all about brands.” No, it’s all about reputation. But even reputation is being transformed by the Web. (As Andy Warhol didn’t say: In the future, everyone will be famous to 15 people on the Web.)

·         “We need to monitor our employees’ use of the Internet.” No, we need to let them be distracted because that’s where the bonds of loyalty will be forged and that’s how innovation  and competitiveness happen.

The Internet is here to stay. It already more important than most people think. It is only going to become more and more important. So, learning the wrong lessons from the popping of the bubble would be more costly than the popping of the bubble itself. Businesses are going to have to learn the right lessons. It might as well be sooner – before your competitors – than later.

The audience learns

How to avoid having your company alienate the customers they are trying to attract

How to use the Internet to engage with the most active, vibrant markets in history

How to unleash the creativity inherent in their workforce, increase the flow of ideas, and get more value from every employee


Also available

The Knowledge Management Oxymoron

Messiness as a Virtue: Information Management in the Age of the Web

Some recent speeches...

IBM Recovery Services
Tony Robbins Forum
Bear Creek
IBM WebSphere
US Bank
Nat'l Breast Cancer
   Awareness Council
Ass'n Revolution
Hospitality Tech.
Art Technology Group
Radisson Global
Procter & Gamble
Internet Content Management
InternetWorld India
Xplor Global
Xplor Leadership
KM Summit
Instinctive Tech
Delphi KM
PC Docs
Seybold Seminars
Open Text

Video Sample

You can watch a RealAudio streaming video of a 15-minute presentation to Netpreneurs in Washington, DC. (To download a free copy of the RealAudio player, which you ought to have anyway, click here.) For a tape or CD, please contact me.


Contact Information

David Weinberger
voice: 617.738.8323
fax: 617.738.7013
cellular: 617.852.6902
mailular: 94 Westbourne Terrace, Brookline, MA 02446 USA