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FCC Updates and Releases

The Commission has developed several methods over the past few years to help the public keep up with the steady flow of information that is added to the FCC web site each day (approximately 50 files added daily). This page provides a collection of links that you can use to make sure you don't miss any new releases and to keep track of the pages that the Commission updates on a regularly scheduled basis.

Daily Digest

The Daily Digest provides a brief synopsis of Commission orders, news releases, speeches, public notices and all other FCC documents that are released each business day. The Daily Digest is released on paper, via email and on the FCC Web Site by about 1:30 p.m and contains hypertext links to the listed documents.

Daily Business

Copies of all Commission documents that are posted on the FCC Web Site each day are arranged in Daily Business directories according to date to give users quick, centralized access to all new items that are posted each day. The Daily Business Files are posted every business day by about 2:00pm. Files in the Daily Business directories are copies of FCC files located elsewhere within the site, and are only maintained for three months.

FCC Headlines

The Headlines section in the center of the main FCC Home Page is the best source for up-to-the-minute status and links to very latest and highest profile items at the Commission, and for other important notices. FCC Headlines have been archived since July of 1996, and serve as a great chronological resource for tracing the history of the Commission's work.

Ex Parte Presentations

An Ex Parte Presentation is any presentation which, if written (including electronic mail), is not served on the parties to the proceeding, or, if oral, is made without advance notice to the parties and without opportunity for them to be present. The Office of the Secretary issues at least two public notices per week that list the presentations that have been received to date. The Commission receives an average of 12,000 ex parte presentations each year. The Ex Parte page provides a calendar of links to all of these Public Notices.These listings also include Post-Reply Comment Period Filings.

FCC Calendar of Events

The Office of Media Relations produces this weekly FCC Calendar of Events that lists the times, dates, and locations of upcomming FCC and FCC-related events such as Commissioners' speeches, Open Commission Meetings, conferences, tutorials, and public forums.

FCC Filings

This weekly FCC Filings News Release lists the documents that companies and individuals send to the FCC. The types of documents typically received are comments, reply comments, petitions, clairifications, motions, proposals, and waiver requests.

FCC Employment Opportunities

This is a list of vacancy announcements for Employment Opportunities within the FCC. Each entry in the list gives a short description of the position, salary details, and a link to the full-text version of the announcement.

Open Commission Meetings

The Commissioners hold a public meeting once a month to consider, discuss, and vote on items that are before the Commission. The agenda is released a few days before each meeting, and the meeting dates are scheduled months in advance. Worldwide access via the Internet to live and pre-recorded audio/video broadcasts of these and other FCC events is provided through the FCC Internet Audio Broadcast Home Page.

Biennial Reviews

The Communications Act requires the Commission to review all of its regulations applicable to providers of telecommunications service in every even-numbered year, beginning in 1998, to determine whether the regulations are still in the public interest. The Commission determined that this first biennial regulatory review presented an excellent opportunity for a serious top-to-bottom examination of all of the Commission's regulations, not just those statutorily required to be reviewed, and has since made significant progress on the 31 proceedings which it proposed that the Commission initiate as part of the review.

Audit Plans & Reports

The Office of Inspector General conducts and supervises audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the FCC. This page provides an Annual Audit Plan that identifies the Commission programs and operations that have been scheduled for audit during the upcoming year, as well as semi-annual progress reports on the audits and special review reports that have been initiated.

FCC Fees

Congress authorizes the FCC to impose and collect application processing fees and directs the Commission to prescribe charges for certain types of application processing or authorization services it provides to communications entities over which it has jurisdiction and to recover the annual costs of its enforcement, policy and rulemaking, user information, and international activities. The Schedule of Fees is revised annually and establishes regulatory fees in the Common Carrier, Commercial Wireless, Mass Media, Cable Television and International services.

En Banc Presentations

En Banc Presentations are Periodic presentations to the five FCC Commissioners on various communications policy issues which are intended to educate and inform the Commissioners, FCC staff, and the public about differing perspectives on current issues in telecommunications policy. Topics include: Spectrum Management, Local Television Ownership Rules ,Telecom Mergers, Affordability of Telecommunications Services, Bandwidth, Universal Service, Local Telephone Competition, and Multichannel Video Industry Competition.

Industry Analysis Reports

The Wireline Competition Bureau's, Industry Analysis & Technology Division periodically prepares and releases Industry Analysis Reports and data. Topics include: Statistical Trends in Telephony, Statistics of Communications Common Carriers, Federal-State Joint Board Monitoring, National Exchange Carrier Association Data, Telecommunications Relay Service Fund, International Traffic Data, Common Carrier Service Quality, Telephone Industry Infrastructure, Telephone Numbering Facts, Competition in the Telecommunications Industry, Long Distance Market Share, and Telephone Subscribership.

last reviewed/updated on 1/2/03 

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