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Hello there!

Welcome to yet another edition of CSS Colouring Book. The new edition is containing not only one, two, and three column layouts, but also four column ones. This page is an example of the four column layouts available in this edition.

There are ten lovely new layouts here that you can use on your website and they all validate as HTML 4.01 Transitional and CSS. Yay!

The theme for the layouts this time is 'simplicity', but these layouts are not only simple. They're also fun, as you can see from the colour scheme and the funky boxes.

Simplicity #4, #5, #9, and #10 include a column where you can place thumbnail images of your photographs or graphical links to your favourite websites. Simplicity #9 and #10 consist of four columns but still manage not to look crummy.

The rest of the layouts don't really offer anything new (well, except for the funky boxes) but I'm sure some of you will find them useful.

Finally, if you think I've done a good job with the layouts and would like me to hire me to design a website for you, please contact me and we'll talk. I won't charge much, I promise. If you just want to tip me so I could buy myself a nice lunch, there's always the tip jar :)

Have fun with the layouts!

home • 12345678910contact
Simplicity #1
Simplicity #2
Simplicity #3
Simplicity #4
Simplicity #5
Simplicity #6
Simplicity #7
Simplicity #8
Simplicity #9
Simplicity #10

FAQ (sort of)

Are you a CSS expert?
No, I'm not. I'm just a starving web designer who loves playing with CSS in her spare time. Emphasis on 'starving'. I'm not in the position to give any CSS tutorial. All I can offer is these layouts.

What's the term of use?
It's hugware. If you use any of the layouts available here, go hug someone for me and then tell me all about it. Did he/she flinch? Did he/she hug you back? How good did it feel? I'd like to know every detail. I'm nosey that way. If you don't have anyone to hug, just tip me and I'll consider it a hug ;)

May I alter the layouts?
By all means, please do so! I would hate to see a lot of identical websites. Create your own colour scheme. Add some lovely photos. There are plenty of things you can do with these layouts.

If I use your layout, do I have to link back to you?
No, you don't, but it would be nice if you do. It will help other people find this resource. It will also make me happy, knowing that I've earned a link from your lovely website.

Did anyone ever really asked you these?
No, I just made them up. Why don't you ask me something?