September 27, 2002
Sensenbrenner to the rescue?

From the Associated Press (in the San Jose Mercury News): Sensenbrenner suyggests giving Internet broadcasters an extra six months before new fees.
From the Los Angeles Times: Webcasters May Get Repriee on Roayalties. The lead paragraphs:

Offering a potential lifeline to hundreds of Internet radio stations, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a bill Thursday to give Webcasters a six-month reprieve on the new royalties they must pay to record labels and artists.

Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) plans to try to push the bill through the House next week, using a procedural shortcut typically reserved for noncontroversial proposals, an aide said. Under this approach, the bill must be approved by a two-thirds vote.

Other links, courtesy of Google News:

Watch the Radio And Internet Newsletter (RAIN) for more developments.

Posted by doc at September 27, 2002 02:10 PM

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