Above: post-show goofery with my
friend Beverly Tang (left) of rhizome.org
after SRL's July performance in LA.
Photo courtesy Karen Marcelo of SRL.

January 2003

+ Clash: Sandinista! (1980)

+ Baadaass Cinema: The Sounds of Blaxploitation (2002) download sample here (Gil Scott Heron, WMA).

+ Soulfuric Sessions Mixed by Jazz 'n' Groove (2002)

+ Gilles Peterson: GP03 (2002) play samples (WMA): one, two

+ CJ Mackintosh: CJ01 (2002) play sample (WMA)

+ Dub Syndicate: Murder Tone (2002)

+ J-Live: All of the Above (2002) play sample here (Real)

+ Digital Cutup Lounge: Downtempo Asian-fusion-flava. (2002)

+ d*i*r*t*y mixes by Guillaume Sorge and the www.d-i-r-t-y.com crew straight outta Paris. Vibe: electroclash/post punk/retro-electicism. (2002)

+ kcrw.org (L.A., live n' direct)
+ into somethin' radio show
+ dublab.com (funky downbeat)
+ betalounge.com (eclectic, electric)

2002 projects included the L.A. Investment Capital Conference, as well as internal corporate thinktanks and brainstorming summits for companies including Motorola.

Conferences produced as VP of Conferences for Rising Tide Studios (publisher of Silicon Alley Reporter, now Venture Reporter Magazine) included:

Random friends & noteworthy blogs this month:

+ Miltos Manetas
+ Reverse Cowgirl's Blog *
+ Doug Rushkoff
+ Geisha Asobi
+ John Parres
+ Yoshie Suzuki: nipporn.org
+ Numair Faraz

* warning: site typically contains
some sexually explicit content


Xeni Jardin manages conferences and executive summits exploring technology, media, finance, and culture, and writes for a variety of print and online publications. ( more )
Some recent articles and photos
(Click title to launch in new window)

NOTE: article archive needs update, but more is online at WIRED Magazine, WIRED News, the LA Weekly, Grammy Magazine, and elsewhere.
  • NEW PHOTOS --> WIRED Rave Awards, 01-13-03, SF. See the magazine cover they'll never print. More incriminating evidence here on Karen's site.
  • Bird? Plane? UFO? No, Stratellite: Giant, ball-shaped airships called stratellites may soon glide along in the stratosphere carrying transmitters that beam broadband wireless signals to the earthlings on the ground. Dec. 23, 2002, Wired News

    nov 2002
  • Pssst — Pirate Radio, Pass It On: For a minute there, it looked like Net radio was going offline. This summer, the US Copyright Office decreed that webcasters must pay record labels 70 cents a song per broadcast for every 1,000 listeners. Dozens of Net stations — from SomaFM to Pissmonkey — responded by calling it quits. In their wake, an alternate channel surfaced: peer-to-peer pirate radio. Using Gnutella-like technologies, such as Streamer and PeerCast, anyone with a PC and a 56-Kbps connection can become a radio jock. Wired Magazine
  • Napster Co-Founder's New Venture: Like Napster, Sean Parker's latest endeavor involves sharing. But this time it's personal information, not music, which isn't likely to rile the music industry. Nov. 12, 2002, Wired News
  • Digital Art: It's All About L.A.: An experimental arts festival showcases new media works from around the world. The unifying theme is the City of Angels. Nov. 01, 2002, Wired News

    Shaquille O'Neill of the Lakers schooling me backstage at the Digital Coast 2000 conference, Directors Guild of America, L.A.

    oct 2002
  • Like Water for Bandwidth: Info-fueling, wardriving and ribbons of connectivity: welcome to Los Angeles’ unwired future. LA Weekly "BEST OF L.A." issue, Sep. 27 - Oct. 3, 2002
  • Desktop Godards: The L.A. Freewaves digital art festival LA Weekly "BEST OF L.A." issue, Sep. 27 - Oct. 3, 2002
  • P2P App's Aim: Defend Free Speech: The latest version of peer-to-peer file-sharing application Freenet is easier to use -- all part of its creators' goal to reach more people interested in using P2P to promote free speech. Oct. 29, 2002, Wired News

    sep 2002
  • Digital Art With Je Ne Sais Quoi: Parisian organizers of an international digital art fest want to force French art patrons to sit up and take notice. (And they'd like some cash from the government, too.) Sep. 21, 2002, Wired News

    --> Extreme Urban Farming: Honey Excavation, Hollywood Hills.
    "Bees Gone Wild." The project took two grueling days, involved thousands of live, pissed-off honeybees, >100-degree temps, 50 pounds of honeycombs packed with the most awesome honey you've ever tasted -- and incredibly, not a single sting.

    aug 2002
  • Film Moguls: Let Sex, Gore Stay: The Directors Guild of America says software that strips racy, violent or other potentially offensive material from movies on DVD and video amounts to censorship. It may sue to protect filmmakers' creative integrity. Aug. 28, 2002, Wired News

    --> Photoshop with Real Brushes: Miltos Manetas' Paintings
    --> Flotation Device: Tom Shannon NYC Studio Visit
    --> Shake your GUI: NYC Digital Art Party
    --> NYU Media Research Lab: Visit with Ken Perlin

    jun 2002
  • 2002 Webby Awards Spotlight Online Music's Best: Music nominees range from the political to the virtual. Grammy® Magazine

    may 2002
    --> Sunday Pho
  • Composer Greg Jones Goes Polyhistoric: Like O Brother meets Moby, Jones' music mixes contemporary magic from folk tradition. Grammy® Magazine

    apr 2002
  • CDBaby Crying for Attention: Net retailer – and others like it who sell unsigned performers' CDs – is actually turning the profit they share with artists. One of CDBaby's more popular recent releases is artist Thomas Dolby's self-released live album Forty, the artist's first new album since 1993. Grammy® Magazine

    jan 2002

  • Dispatches from the Digital Frontier: Four celluloid-schooled directors share hard-learned lessons on pros and cons of digital filmmaking. (www.dga.org) Directors Guild of America Magazine

  • Recent Items for DailyCandy.com include:
    --> Voulez Vous?: Audrey & Apple's new thing.
    --> Absolutely Fabul-Adidas: Limited-edition couture collaborations.
    --> Roe Float Your Boat?: Caviaristas, rejoice. Recessionistas, rejoice!
    --> Meltdown: We always knew LA was full of cheese...

  • EDGE.org: World Question Center 2002: Do languages matter?

    dec 2001
  • Full Circle: Ravi Shankar Foundation to archive, educate, host performances
    Construction on the New Delhi site is nearly finished, but the man former Beatle and longtime Shankar student George Harrison called "the Godfather of world music" faces new challenges.
    Grammy® Magazine

    nov 2001
  • Cheb i Sabbah's Aromatic Nights
    Cheb i Sabbah’s trademark infusion of dance floor rhythms with Asian, African, and Arabian aesthetics is more than just sensual.
    Grammy® Magazine

    sep 2001
  • South-of-the-Border Soul
    Chris Blackwell, the New York–based founder of Island Records and “discoverer” of Bob Marley, may have found his Next Big Thing amidst the colorful border culture of Tijuana, Mexico. From syncopated “tech-mex” grooves to cyber-serapes and all-night raves dishing up hot tacos—there’s no place like Nortec. Gotham Magazine

    --> Nortec Collective Maquiladora de Suenos event
    --> Planktonman
    --> Nortec's Pepe Mogt (Fussible) & Raul Cardenas (Torolab)

    jul 2001
  • Tech-Activists Unite to Protest Sklyarov Arrest
    Digital Coast Weekly

    may 2001

  • "Go ahead, touch it!” Wireless Porn Entrepreneur Urges VCs: Evangelizing adult entertainment’s mobile future, Erotigo founder coaxes investors to break longstanding investment taboos. The size of your device isn’t everything -- and Stephanie Schwab believes when it comes to delivery devices for erotica (PC or PDA?), smaller is better. Silicon Alley Reporter Magazine


Contents © 1998-2003, Xeni Jardin unless otherwise noted. You're welcome to
redistribute content posted here for personal, non-commercial use if you include
source URL and credit both author and publisher. Please ask if you're not sure.