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Below is user information for AmaraFox. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:amarafox (675663) Paid User amarafox
Amara's Journal o' Doom
Location:Somewhere in, Ontario, Canada
Bio:I draw pretty pictures, and I like cheese and the letter Q.
Interests:45: :||, adibe illustrator, adobe illustrator, alfred hitchcock movies, androgyny, anthropomorphics, art, art galleries, asexuality, cartoons, cheese, cheezy fantasy books, computer geekage, dragons, drawing, ewoks, fonts, foxes, freefoodianity, futura, garamond, glb stuff, graphic design, helvetica, illustration, kumquat, kumquats, leather, lots of other stuff, museums, mushes, music, rain on hot concrete, sci-fi, sf, skiing, snails, star wars, the letter q, they might be giants, unsual citrus fruits, vin diesel,, women, yerf
Friends:89: acrimonius, atara, atrocity, badenbaden, beerhorse, bigbluefox, bluedeer, cace_discuss, carlfox, caspy, catnel, corvirax, custer_winston, dingofox, drawfurfood, felinaeus, felis_concolor, ferretface1, film2edit, folsom, frysco, gabfury, genesis_w, gryllus, hourglasdolphin, immortalpain, jen_aside, jenwolf, jonasbagel, kattything, kenket, kestrelshatter, kilorat, kittomer, kobi_lacroix, krag_carbine, lockemaison, lokisfern, loopywolf, lyosha, macbeemer, maggock, majic13, manawolf, maurichan, mecampbellesq, melskunk, mercurypale, mharpold8, mkelley, morgandria, mutleyjames, nalina, neonfawx, nerfcoyote, niall_, orleans, ottfur, paranatural, patkelley, phennphawcks, pholph, plague_dog, pocket_entropy, provos, purplevix, resqdog51, sebkha, shayded_kelly, shockwave77598, skorzy, sozz, spacehyena, spotweld, starfallz, sushimare, synnabar, tkeela, torrent, tuftears, valkyri, whinewhinewhine, winduptoy, wingedsiamese, wolphyn, wonderbinky, yerf, yoru, zrath
Friend of:92: acrimonius, atara, atrocity, badenbaden, bazaarfox, beerhorse, bigbluefox, bluedeer, carlfox, caspy, catnel, chipuni, corvirax, custer_winston, dingofox, doodlesthegreat, felinaeus, felis_concolor, ferretface1, film2edit, folsom, for_fun, frysco, furplay, gabfury, genesis_w, gryllus, hourglasdolphin, immortalpain, jen_aside, jenwolf, jonasbagel, kattything, kestrelshatter, kilorat, kitsune_rei, kittomer, kobi_lacroix, lockemaison, lokisfern, lyosha, macbeemer, maggock, majic13, manawolf, maurichan, mecampbellesq, melskunk, mharpold8, morgandria, mutleyjames, nalina, neonfawx, nerfcoyote, niall_, nuclear_raccoon, oldhans117, orleans, patkelley, phennphawcks, pholph, pocket_entropy, poeticdragon, provos, purplevix, quille, rcoony, resqdog51, rick2tails, schnee, sebkha, shayded_kelly, shockwave77598, skorzy, smileetiger, spacehyena, spengler, spotweld, starfallz, synnabar, tkeela, torrent, tuftears, valkyri, vickimfox, wereguitar, winduptoy, wingedsiamese, wolphyn, wonderbinky, yoru, zrath
Member of:7: art_challenge, asexuality, cace_discuss, drawfurfood, ottfur, paidmembers, yerf
Account type:Paid Account

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